MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 132 Let go of the control and carry the mountain

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  Chapter 132 Let go of the control and walk on the mountain

  I don’t know if the authorities are slowly releasing Zhenwu’s information control. Recently, there are more and more content about cultivation on the Internet, and many topics are even sharp.

   Also this time, Chen Chu and the others were allowed to drive over by themselves, and they were allowed to carry weapons with them.

  Of course, weapons are allowed to belong to weapons, but the rule of not using force against ordinary people still exists.

  In addition to Nantian Wugao, another second-class Wugao in the same city, and five third-class Wugao freshmen also participated in this mission.

  Combined with the students of Wugao schools in other cities, they flocked from all directions to each mission point town, which can be said to be a huge momentum.

  Chen Chu and Luo Fei chose the mission point this time to be the small town of Baishan, which is more than 50 kilometers away from the Wujiang River. Outside the town is the winding Changbai Mountains.

   An hour later, in Baishan Township, the spacious task hall of the Armed Forces Department was full of students with weapons on their backs.

  These students gathered together in twos and threes, and all looked up at the big screen on the wall in front of them, with expressions of tension, excitement, and anticipation on their faces.

  Among these people, there are about twenty figures in dark red armor, almost all of them are elites who have returned from the trials.

   Among them, Nantian Wugao occupies the majority, and the remaining six are from the second-class Wugao in Nanshan next door.

  As for the five third-class military high schools, none of them broke through to the Second Heaven at that time, and the number of people who participated in the cleaning mission this time was also the smallest.

  There are about 200 Nantian Wugao freshmen who chose Baishan Town this time, plus a few Wugao students next door, there are probably more than 300 students.

  Most of these students are in the middle or late stage of the first level, there are nearly a hundred of them in the second level, and eleven of them are in the third level like Chen Chu.

   Among them, Nantian Wugao accounted for nine, and the remaining two were from Nanshan Wugao.

  At present, there are more than 30 first-year students in Nantian Wugao who have broken through to the triple heaven, and some of them are freshmen who have consolidated their breakthrough for a period of time after returning from the trial.

  Among them, An Lingqing, Li Hao, Lin Xue and other 20 people have already applied in advance to go to the Alien Beast Battlefield.

  The rest of the people are similar to Chen Chu, they should be more cautious, and plan to continue to accumulate with the help of this big cleaning, and go when they are stronger.

   "That sawtooth pig has a good mission. It is a first-level mutant beast. Its main attacks are charging and biting. The mountain forest where it is active is only 16 kilometers away from the town."

   "When the time comes, park the car at the foot of the mountain, and just run ten kilometers."

   "Zhang Fei, let's choose the task of the blue-eyed fox. The mutated fox is small in size and low in threat, but it is faster..."

  Compared to geniuses like Chen Chu who have experienced fighting on the battlefield, these freshmen with ordinary strength should be much more cautious.

  Even if they are facing a first-level mutant beast, they are prepared to form a team of three or four people. After all, they have no defensive armor and no combat experience in blood.

  Li Wenwen and Lu Haitao also formed a team, looking at Chen Chu and Chen Chu who were carrying sabers in the middle of the hall, they couldn't help walking over, looking forward to it.

   "Chen Chu, do you want to go together?"


  Chen Chu shook his head slightly: "Concubine Luo and I are targeting the third-level mutant beast deep in the mountains. The mountains are high and the water is deep, so you can't keep up with my speed."

  For the sake of his classmates, Chen Chu refused more tactfully.

  "Third-level mutant beast." Li Wenwen's eyes showed envy, and Lu Haitao's eyes were also a little complicated.

   Only one semester has passed, and the classmate who was evenly matched with him at the beginning has already killed the third heaven, and the monitor said that he even killed the fourth heaven.

   And he has been chasing desperately until now in the middle of the Second Heavenly Layer. Teaming up with Li Wenwen only dared to hunt and kill ordinary second-level mutant beasts. The gap is too big.

  At this time, Luo Fei pointed to the middle of the big screen and said softly: "Chen Chu, the three third-level tasks are not far away, let's take them together."

   On the big screen, a high-definition picture of the hundreds of kilometers of mountains in Baishan Town is displayed. There are light spots flickering on the edge of the mountains, and those are all the detected mutant beasts.

  At the same time, these light spots are divided into three colors, and each color represents a task level, which is easy to distinguish.

  This time, the students who clean up the first and second heavens can only take one task at a time, and the third heavens two.

  This is to prevent someone from maliciously occupying more tasks that are close to each other and slowing down the cleaning process.

  Chen Chu and the two of them are separated, and they can pick up up to four at a time.

   Among the three tasks next to each other, one is two third-level mutant moire tigers, entrenched in a forest on the edge of Changbai Mountain, with a hunting range of tens of kilometers, already close to the outside of the mountain.

  In order to prevent them from threatening the vehicles and pedestrians passing by outside the mountain, it is the priority to kill this time.

  In this era, there is no animal protection law, and everything is dominated by humans. As long as mutant creatures appear beyond the control range, they will be cleaned up.

  Accompanied by the roar of the engine of the modified truck, Chen Chu and Luo Fei quickly drove out of the town, drove along the national highway for more than an hour and arrived at the nearest mountain entry point.

   "Just park the car here." Chen Chu parked the car on the side of the road, and put a special duty sign on it.

   Click click click!

  Luo Fei assembled the two-meter-long crude sniper rifle, and then loaded the armor-piercing bullets, with several clips of explosive bombs stuck in her waist.

   "When I get near the target, I will go ahead. When you find the commanding heights, pay attention to your surroundings."

  The girl nodded confidently: "Don't worry, I'm well prepared this time, look."

   As she spoke, she tapped her left wrist, and four small dots of soybeans flew out from the watch **** it, like flying insects swishing in four directions.

   Immediately after the watch device, blue light shot out, forming a three-dimensional projection, above which was a clear picture within a range of 100 meters around.

   "This miniature monitoring device is not only equipped with a high-definition probe, but also has energy wave sensing and infrared sensing. As long as there are mutated creatures approaching me within 100 meters, an alarm will be issued."

   Obviously, the girl was a little scared by Kaelya's attack last time, and she paid more attention to her surroundings.

  Chen Chu could only glance enviously at this, and then nodded: "Just be prepared, let's go."

  The straight-line distance from here to their goal is more than 40 kilometers, and they have to climb four mountain peaks. This distance is only half an hour away for the two of them.

   Just like hunting the golden-backed violent ape back then, Chen Chu, who was wearing a full body armor in the forest, ignored the thorns and shrubs, and crossed mountains and rivers.

  The girl who followed him did not give up much, and she also maintained a speed of tens of meters per second without falling under the real power.

   While Chen Chu and the others were carrying out their mission, many freshmen also dispersed through the town, and at the same time, unmanned helicopters loaded with weapons took off in the town.

  These helicopters will spread out within a range of 200 kilometers around, and they will rush to support if there is an emergency.

  The officials pay more attention to these freshman trials, and everyone is issued a smart watch with a pop-up map projection function to help them quickly locate the task.

   In addition, students can also make emergency calls in the event of an invincible life threat.

  Compared to them, Chen Chu and others who went to Keluoya back then were born by their stepmothers. They had nothing, and the novice gift pack was still a gun and nine bombs.

  Obviously their group of talents are geniuses, these people are just ordinary cultivation students, but the protective treatment of the trial feels like the opposite.

   Should geniuses go through more trials?

   "It should be around here." On the hillside where the mountain wind was howling, Chen Chu lowered his head slightly, and touched his wrist with his fingers covered by armor.

  Suddenly, blue light shot out, forming a virtual projection of 20 centimeters long and wide on the wrist. The picture was exactly the mountain where Chen Chu was.

  There is a yellow aperture in the projection, which represents the range of activities of the two third-level mutant beasts, and the white light spot represents that Chen Chu is on the right side of the aperture.

   Mutated beasts are not dead objects, they will not stay still, this is also one of the dangers of hunting mutant beasts.

  When you thought you were a hunter, maybe the mutant beast was hiding behind you and giving you a fatal blow, such as...


   There was a deafening roar, and behind Chen Chu there was a strong wind. A giant white tiger with a body length of eight meters, a height of four meters at the shoulder, and a tail over ten meters long roared out.

  The giant tiger's limbs are thicker than the load-bearing pillars, and the claws that pop out from the soles of its feet are tens of centimeters long, full of oppression.

  The moment the giant white tiger jumped out, the soil under Chen Chu's feet exploded, and he disappeared in place instantly, appearing on the head of the giant tiger as if teleported.


  The elephant roared and neighed, the air exploded, and the fist covered with black power and armor crashed down with a circle of white shock waves.


  A circle of black and white shock waves exploded on the giant tiger's head, followed by a scream.

  Under Chen Chu's punch, the giant tiger's fur, which ignored the bullets of ordinary sniper rifles, burst, its skull collapsed, and blood mixed with white liquid gushed out.

  The huge body of the giant tiger hit the ground with a bang, and rolled a few times under the inertia before stopping.

  Chen Chu, who killed a level-three mutant beast with one punch, looked calm without any fluctuations.

  For him now, ordinary third-level mutant beasts don't even need to pull out their knives, and can directly kill them with a single punch with domineering strength.

   Ho Ho!

  Hundreds of meters away, a tiger-shaped mutant beast with a larger size roared mournfully. The tiger's blood-red eyes stared at Chen Chu, full of mad killing intent.

   But just when Chen Chu thought that the mutated white tiger would rush over for revenge, the giant tiger turned around and was about to rush into the depths of the forest.

  Obviously, after witnessing Chen Chu killing its companion with a punch, this mutated beast, which already had a little intelligence, knew that it was no match, so it chose to withdraw.

  But at this moment, the head of the white giant tiger that had just turned around exploded with a bang, and a blood hole the size of a washbasin was directly blasted out.

  The huge body fell to the ground with a bang.

  On the hillside a thousand meters away, Luo Fei, who killed the third-level mutant beast with one shot, stood up, the barrel of the sniper gun in her hand was still emitting faint green smoke.

   Seeing this, Chen Chu smiled and gestured to her that she did a good job.

   Soon Chen Chu dragged the two mutant tiger corpses out of the forest and stacked them together.

  Looking at the girl flying down, Chen Chu pointed in another direction: "You go and deal with that white-feathered golden eagle, and I'll deal with that one-horned lizard."

   Luo Fei, who was carrying a spear, nodded: "No problem, we will meet here then."

   This is the territory of the mutated white tigers. Although they have been killed, the aura they usually emit is still there. No mutated beasts dare to invade in a short time.

  Therefore, Chen and Chu rushed into the forest, one left and one right, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


  Deep into the mountains for more than 60 kilometers, a mutated golden eagle with a wingspan of nine meters hovered in the sky. Every time the huge figure flapped its wings, it would set off a strong wind.

   This is a white-feathered golden eagle that has just broken through the third level. As a bird, it is more dangerous to the outside world.

  After this mutant beast was observed some time ago, it was immediately put on the hunting list. It just so happened that Luo Fei's weapon restrained it somewhat.

   Hoo! Suddenly, the golden eagle's wings retracted, and its huge body swooped down like a fighter jet, the speed was so fast that afterimages appeared terrifyingly.

  Boom! On a tree branch, before a three-meter-tall white ape could react, his head and half of his body were scratched by the golden eagle, and then he flew into the sky with his wings flapping...

  Boom! The blazing fire exploded, and the flesh and blood on the chest of the golden eagle that had just rushed up to a hundred meters exploded. It couldn't help but let out a sharp scream, and its huge body fell with billowing flames and black smoke.

  On the cliff 1,500 meters away, Luo Fei, who was half squatting on the ground, ejected the shell of the incendiary bomb with a click, put away the sniper rifle, and climbed and jumped from the rugged mountain wall.

   Soon she came to the forest below and found the mutated golden eagle with two big holes in its chest and most of its feathers burned.

   It still held the white ape corpse in its claws.

  In order to prevent the golden eagle from dying immediately after being blasted through the chest, and flying too far, this time she chose to shoot two bursts, one armor-piercing and one incendiary.

   Fortunately, birds are relatively light in size. This golden eagle with nine-meter wingspan and four-meter-long body weighs only about one ton. Luo Fei can still drag it and run when her true strength increases.

   An hour and a half later, Luo Fei walked out of the forest out of breath and returned to the place where she left.

  There Chen Chu was sitting on the nine-meter-long corpse of a one-horned monitor lizard that looked like an ancient dinosaur, waiting for her.

  Looking at Concubine Luo who was dragging the corpse of the huge golden eagle, Chen Chu smiled and said, "How about it, did you encounter any accidents on the way?"

   "It's okay, the golden eagle's territory is similar to that of the white tiger, and they killed almost all the mutated creatures around."

   Talking, Luo Fei looked at the three huge mutant beast corpses in front of her, and suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

   It was easy for them to hunt these third-level mutant beasts, but it was a bit troublesome to bring back the valuable mutant beast corpses.

  Especially her, who was so tired dragging the lightest mutant bird for twenty kilometers on a mountain road.

  Knowing what she was thinking, Chen Chu stood up with a smile: "Let's go, just leave these mutant beasts to me. Today's harvest is good, and it's a good start."

   It was so easy to kill four level-3 mutant beasts and gain more than 70 points of contribution, even Chen Chu was a little excited.

  It’s still early, and he’s going to hurry back and pick up another mission in order to earn more money.

   As he spoke, Chen Chu spread out the prepared vines as thick as arms, and then laid two seven-ton tiger carcasses on a flat surface, followed by three-ton one-horned lizards and one-ton golden eagles.

  The corpses of the four mutant beasts were piled up to a height of more than five meters, and they were trapped by Chen Chu wrapping tough vines more than ten times, like a packed cargo.

  Chen Chu took a deep breath, grasping the 'goods' with both arms, and burst out with real strength.


   After Chen Chu drank, the huge cargo weighing about 18 tons was suddenly picked up, carried on his shoulders with a bang, and then he started to run heavily.

  Every step the ground will shake, leaving a deep footprint, the whole person is like a moving hill rumbling towards the outside of the mountain.

   It has been a month since his return. At this time, Chen Chu's strength attribute has exceeded 600. With the increase in the later stage, the basic arm strength has reached about 12 tons.

   With such a terrifying basic power, the power can explode to sixty or seventy tons in an instant under the five-fold increase of the dragon elephant's true power.

  Of course, it is definitely not enough to explode all the time. If the real power is too much consumed, it will not last long, but it is still no problem to control the increase by about twice.

   This is the advantage of basic attribute terror.

  When the basic arm strength of other Triple Heaven students was more than 1,000 to 2,000 kilograms, Chen Chu's normal strength was already more than 10,000 kilograms, which was a terrifying exaggeration.

  At this time, looking down from a high altitude, it seems that there is an ant on the ground carrying food ten times its size. The picture looks a little funny and shocking.

  As for Luo Fei, she was surprised to see that little hill rushing into the forest.

  Although she knew that Chen Chu's basic strength was strong, she didn't expect to be so exaggerated, thinking that after killing these mutant beasts, Chen Chu would drag them out one at a time.

   In this way, he quickly went back and forth three times, and together with her dragging the golden eagle, the two of them took half a day to transport the corpses of these mutant beasts out of the mountain.

  But I didn't expect Chen Chu's basic strength to be so strong. It wasn't the third level at all, no, the limit arm strength of the fourth level was only 4,000 kilograms.

   No wonder the combat power is so exaggerated... Shocked, Luo Fei quickly chased after her.




  (end of this chapter)

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