MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 127 Screening of life, monsters of the deep sea

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  Chapter 127 Life Screening, Deep Sea Monster

  In the yard, Chen Hu, who was arranging the fishhooks, looked up and noticed the smile on Chen Chu's face when he came back. He couldn't help being curious: "Brother, what are you laughing at?"

  Chen Chu said casually: "It's nothing, I just ate something on the way, and I'm in a good mood."

   "By the way, how was your harvest today?" Chen Chu changed the subject.

  Speaking of this, Chen Hu, who has been addicted to fishing recently, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "I caught another big fish today. It is 1.3 meters long and weighs 38 kilograms."

   "So powerful." Chen Chu was a little surprised.

   "How much did you sell for?"

  Chen Hu hehe said: "I didn't sell this one, I'll keep it first, and wait for it to be eaten on your birthday in two days, and then I will have a sumptuous whole fish feast."

   "...Okay, we'll eat in two days." Chen Chu took a small meal.

  Chen Chu said suddenly: "Ahu, do you want to eat mutated animal meat?"

   Although there are some traces of mutation on the fish Chen Hu caught, they are not really mutant beasts, and the meat quality can only be said to be a little better than ordinary fish.


  Chen Hu's eyes lit up immediately, but then he was troubled and said: "But brother, those mutated animal meats are so expensive, and it is said that ordinary people can't eat them randomly."

   "It's okay. After the new year, the school will organize a big sweep to clean up the mutant beasts lurking in the surrounding mountains. When the time comes, I will pick the first mutant beast with mild flesh and blood to bring back."

  With Chen Chu's current combat power, ordinary mutated beasts are almost dead in front of him, and the big sweep after the year is an opportunity for him to harvest contribution points.

  The next two days passed by in a flash, and nothing major happened.

  At the same time, the end of the new year is approaching, and holidays are beginning to start everywhere. The festive atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, and the official TV stations in various places have also begun to broadcast highlights of the evening shows.

  January 13th, Chen Chu's birthday.

   Today Zhang Xiaolan specially asked for a day off. She went to the vegetable market early in the morning to buy a lot of vegetables and came back. In addition to the big fish raised by Chen Hu, the whole family was busy.

  Chen Chu didn't 'lazy' today and helped with the dishes.

  Chen Chu’s family is small, and there is only one cousin in his father’s generation. As for the elders of the previous generation, it is said that they all died in the chaotic era.

   Later, when the federation was established, Chen Chu's father and that cousin were brought up by the only surviving aunt, who also passed away many years ago.

  As for Zhang Xiaolan, the older generation only has an uncle in the countryside, and her parents died of illness several years ago.

   Yes, died of illness.

  Since the beginning of the new era, the incidence of the disease has increased greatly every year in countries around the world. Sometimes just a bad cold will cause the body organs to decay and die soon.

  This is also the reason why the population of the world has not increased significantly in the past fifty years.

   This situation caused great panic in the society for the first two years. Later, after research and verification by scientists from various countries, some patterns were slowly found out.

  This kind of disease usually occurs in people with weak constitutions, and there are usually warning signs before the onset. Once those conditions occur, you should go to the hospital to strengthen immunity for treatment.

  In addition, some people who are already seriously ill also have a certain chance of complications and death.

  The root cause is related to the energy of the heavens and the earth. Although ordinary people cannot cultivate, these energies of the heavens and the earth will be inhaled and discharged by the human body in a small amount just like air.

  Then under certain circumstances, the human body will mutate under the influence of these heaven and earth energies, such as getting better and better, and strengthening the immune system.

   But there are also a few out-of-list reverse lesions, and then death.

  The medical profession has no way to completely solve this situation. It can only detect and prevent it as early as possible, because this is a screening of life.

   Just like those mutant beasts.

  Life that cannot adapt to the new era will eventually be abandoned by evolution.

  However, the number of deaths due to celestial energy disease is low, and it is still within the social tolerance range, which is only one of the factors for the slow population growth.

  The restaurant filled the table with more than a dozen dishes.

  Chen Hu filled a glass of sake for Chen Chu and Zhang Xiaolan excitedly, stood up and said happily: "Brother, I wish you a happy birthday, and become the most powerful martial arts expert as soon as possible."

  Zhang Xiaolan was also holding a glass of wine, her eyes were gentle: "Ah Chu, Mom also wishes you a smoother journey in the future, success in your studies, and peace."

   Facing the blessings from the only two relatives in this life, Chen Chu also stood up, holding a glass of wine and smiling: "Thank you, Ahu, Mom, I am very happy today."

   "Don't worry, I will work hard to study and practice, so that our Chen family will get better and better." As he spoke, Chen Chu drank the sake in his glass in one gulp.

  Originally Chen Hu wanted to buy liquor, but Zhang Xiaolan sternly rejected it on the grounds that minors are not allowed to drink.

   "Okay, let's eat, everyone has been busy this morning."

   "Well, eat."

   "Hey, I'm here for this big fish head, I've been hungry for a few days."

  Although there were only three people, the atmosphere was very lively at noon today. Chen Chu and Chen Hu almost ate up most of the food.

  As his physique strengthened, Chen Chu's digestion ability also became more terrifying, including daily consumption.

  However, the consumption of cultivators can be maintained through cultivation and transformation of energy from heaven and earth, so they can eat more or less, and there will be no reincarnation of starving ghosts.

  As for Chen Hu's big appetite, both Chen Chu and Zhang Xiaolan are used to it.

   After all, at the age of thirteen or fourteen, he was in the development stage and needed more nutrition, but such a large appetite still made Chen Chu wonder if he was about to awaken some talent.

   For example, someone like Li Hao is born with supernatural power.

  After all, this guy is almost 1.8 meters before he turns 14 years old. He is burly and powerful. Wouldn't he be 2 meters in two or three years?

  After lunch, the neighbor next door called Zhang Xiaolan to play mahjong, while Chen Hu excitedly went out with a fishing rod, he was going to catch the 'food' for the evening extra meal.

   As for Chen Chu, he also had something to do, so he came to the wooden corridor in the backyard and sat cross-legged, practicing.

  Although he has attribute points that can save time and break through the exercises, as his cultivation continues to improve, Chen Chu has a deeper understanding of cultivation.

  Cultivation is not only the pursuit of combat power, but also realm and will.

   This is a road that can lead ordinary people to the extraordinary and surpass the gods, so it is destined to be long and difficult, and it cannot be blinded by the smoothness of the early stage.

  The waves on the sea surface were rough, and a huge black-red mutant beast with a body length of nearly 14 meters was floating on the sea surface, lazily basking in the sun.

  Today is 'it' birthday, I'm in a good mood, come up here to get some fresh air.

  It's just that life is unsatisfactory, and nine times out of ten, when Jianjiayan Beast was going to take a vacation today and not kill, a ferocious mutated beast stared at it.

   Under the deep water of more than 200 meters, a mutant beast with a body length of 26 meters and a head like a crocodile covered by a thick outer bone armor was swimming slowly.

  Behind its body are a pair of huge sharp claws, and on the back half of its body are six tentacles covered with suction mouths like an octopus. The figure looks very strange when swimming.

   This is a very ferocious deep-sea monster, and the Sword Armor Flame Beast reacted when it approached the range of 200 meters.


  The waves on the sea surface were tumbling, and the sword-armored beast with the same ferocious figure dived suddenly, and the pale golden vertical pupils looked coldly at the deep-sea monster swimming up from below.

  Looking at the black mutant beast that didn't escape, the ferocious tentacle monster was still slowly approaching. Its huge body exuded an amazing sense of oppression, and a pair of equally cold eyes showed ferocity and greed.

  No way, the Jianjiayan Beast's size is too deceptive.

  In this ocean where strength is generally measured by body size and energy aura, the ones who usually focus on the Sword Armor Flame Beast are larger mutant creatures.

   And they never imagined that this 'food', which is much smaller than them, has a body density dozens of times theirs, and possesses terrifying power far beyond its size.

  In addition, during this period of time, Jianjiayan Beast practiced the Hidden Mystery Technique. Although it has not been completely successful, its breath has also restrained a little, so it is more confusing.

  When this deep-sea monster approached the Sword Armor Flame Beast 100 meters away, the tentacles behind it unfolded like chrysanthemums, and the mouths opened... buzz!

   There was no roaring and roaring, only circles of invisible ultrasonic waves swaying under the sea, and the Sword Armor Flame Beast felt a terrifying low-frequency vibration exploding in its ears.

   Bang bang bang bang!

   Within a range of tens of meters around the Sword Armor Flame Beast, the bodies of sea creatures suddenly exploded.

  Whether it was hard crustaceans or ordinary mutated fish that had undergone slight mutations and grown scales, they all exploded under the terrifying low-frequency oscillation.

  Even when defending against the terrifying Sword Armor Flame Beast, he could feel an invisible shock penetrating through the powerful exoskeleton scales, shaking its flesh and blood.

  However, after these shock waves have been weakened by layers of exoskeleton scales, the power transmitted to the flesh and blood is very small, so it just makes the sword armor flame beast feel a little uncomfortable.

Roar! The Sword Armor Flame Beast let out a tyrannical roar, and all the blood in its body boiled in an instant, a terrifying ferocious aura erupted from its body, and its tail swung abruptly.

  Boom! The sea water exploded.

  The Sword Armor Flame Beast, which was almost twice as small in size, tore through the sea water, piercing down like a black sharp arrow, and came to the deep sea monster in the blink of an eye.

   At this moment, the mouths on those tentacles let out a baby-like cry, ah...

  Boom! The invisible low-frequency vibrations turned into tangible sound waves, and their power soared. The sea water in front of them was instantly shattered and exploded by the power of the vibrating sound waves.

  Under the impact of the strong concussion, the figure of the Sword Armor Flame Beast couldn't help but pause, and then the figure crashed into the sea water with a bang, and shot out to the side.

   And at the moment when the Sword Armored Flame Beast disappeared, two sharp claws swiped past where it was just now.

  It was the claws of that deep-sea monster. Black rays of light flowed on the huge sharp claws. Wherever they passed, the sea water was invisiblely separated, leaving eight dark cracks, which could not heal for a long time.

  A hundred meters away, the eyes of the Jianjiayan Beast watching this scene showed a rare dignified look.

   This deep-sea monster is powerful and strange, and very sinister.

  First use the invisible concussion attack to irritate the Sword Armor Flame Beast to attract it to attack, and when it is close to the moment, it will transform into that kind of condensed shock and concussion, and its power will increase several times.

  In this case, most of the attackers will be seriously injured or even killed by the shock.

   And even if it didn't kill the opponent like this, it still has sharp and weird claws.

  But do you think you are the only one capable?

  The cold pupils of the Sword Armor Flame Beast contracted slightly, and the hot energy in the body circulated, and the muscles of the whole body swelled in an instant, especially the hind legs and tail...

  Boom! The seawater behind the Sword Armor Flame Beast exploded, forming a wave of vacuum air that exploded tens of meters away.

  Under the talent of swiftness, the Sword Armor Flame Beast almost teleported across a distance of 200 meters, turning into a black beam of light and flashing past under the deep sea.

  Under the terrible speed, even the monster who had the upper hand just now showed surprise in his eyes, and his huge claws subconsciously crossed to block his head.

  Behind it, the tentacles that looked like chrysanthemums made even more terrifying screams.

   Boom boom boom! Under the impact of the terrifying sonic shock, the bones and scales of the Sword Armored Flame Beast vibrated, and the surrounding sea water shattered and exploded, making thunderous roars.


   Ignoring the terrifying shock, the Sword Armored Flame Beast, which had already rushed in front of the monster, let out a violent roar, raised its claws high, and the infinite terrifying power gathered in its body.


  Using a hundredfold power with the move of Raging Elephant Stepping on the Sky, the power condenses like a real explosion, and the sea water in front of him disappears instantly, and he is blasted out of a dark vacuum.

  Under such a terrifying force, the claws of the deep-sea monster that blocked the front broke instantly, followed by the body that leaned back to avoid its head.


  The thick scales on the monster's body exploded in large pieces, its chest collapsed, and its huge figure was knocked back tens of meters by one blow.

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  (end of this chapter)