MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 126 Lightning Thunder Eel, World Rift

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  Chapter 126 Lightning Thunder Eel, World Rift

   At four o'clock in the afternoon, in the reading room, Chen Chu was quietly flipping through the fifth volume of the Encyclopedia of Mutant Beasts in his hand.

  Too many mutated creatures have appeared in the world in recent years, with different strengths, and some of them can even be domesticated and reproduced, just like the pigs and sheep in the past.

  And one of the largest breeds of mutated animals at present is the mountain cashmere pig, which is mutated from the previous mountain black pig.

  After the mutation, the size of this creature is several times larger than before, and it can grow up to two tons in basic adulthood.

  Of course, even if a creature of this size is not so bloodthirsty and violent, it will burst out with terrifying power when it gets a little angry, and it is not something ordinary people can keep.

   Therefore, those large breeding groups basically contracted more than a dozen hills, and hired those practitioners with two or three heavenly cultivation levels to manage them.

   This is also one of the places for ordinary cultivators who have no courage to fight, have mediocre cultivation talents, and are only at the second level when they graduated from high school.

  Of course, Chen Chu would definitely not become a breeder.

  He looked at the information of these ordinary mutant beasts, naturally looking for devouring targets for the fourth evolution of the avatar.

  Although the Sword Armor Flame Beast already possessed the talent of 'energy' in advance, its flame ability is not very powerful in the sea, and its explosive damage is not very strong.

  Besides, who would despise being more capable?

  Chen Chu is very cautious about the absorption ability of the clone's fourth evolution, because it is related to the combat power of the Sword Armor Flame Beast among mutant beasts of the same level.

  The mutant beasts that can evolve to level 7 or above are very strong, and possess at least two or more talents.

   While Chen Chu was reading a book quietly, traces of warm currents appeared out of thin air in his body, continuously blending into his body, strengthening his physical body.

  The Sword Armor Flame Beast in front practiced for a long time, and went hunting after gaining a little. At this time, the warm current gushing out of his body is the feedback of the growth of the mutant beast.

  This connection, Chen Chu felt, should be related to his 'it' soul.

  As the 'soul' from the same source, no matter how far apart Chen Chu and the avatar are, their consciousness and perspective are synchronized, and there will be no delay.

   It's like there is a turning point between the two that distorts time and space.

   And the "evolution" energy that appeared in his body out of thin air flowed through the "channel, the turning point" of the soul connection between the two.

   This also explains why Tong can be 'synchronized' strengthened.

  At the same time, it is also the cultivation method of the main body, and the reason why both parties cannot share the talent of the avatar, because that channel can only pass through the evolutionary energy.

  Of course, these are all Chen Chu's own conjectures, and he didn't even have a detailed note on the attribute page for his soul talent.

  Suddenly, Chen Chu's eyes paused, and they landed on the page in his hand.

  【Electric Lightning Thunder Eel, an ordinary first- and second-level mutant beast, currently known to have a maximum body length of seven meters and a thickness of half a meter.

  Currently, it has been found in some mountain streams and rivers of Changbai Mountain. It has the ability to release powerful lightning instantly, and its threat level in water is no less than that of ordinary third-level mutant beasts]

   "Changbai Mountain Range?"

  Chen Chu was thoughtful, and wrote down the place where this mutant beast appeared. He remembered that one of the mopping up mission points after the year was the Changbai Mountain Range.

   Now adding the Lightning Thunder Eel, Chen Chu tentatively identified four targets.

  The other three targets are the third-level mutant double-headed mutant ice python, which has the ability to master ice, and the third-level mutant phantom white fox, which has the ability to blur its tail.

   In addition, there is also a third-level mutant earth black bear, which has the talent of distorting the gravity of several meters around it to form a force field.

   represent ice, blur, lightning, and gravity respectively.

  Of course, these mutant beasts are not very capable because of their level, but this is not important to Chen Chu.

   What he values ​​are these ability characteristics.

  As long as the Sword Armored Flame Beast devours these abilities and transforms them into talents, he can enhance them to a terrifying level later through attribute strengthening.

  The busy time is always very fast. Although the school is already on winter vacation, Chen Chu has a fulfilling life every day.

  Every day is either practicing or checking information, and at the same time distractingly controls the sword armor beast to hunt and kill mutant creatures. Both the strength of the body and the avatar are growing steadily.

   Days in this situation fly by in the blink of an eye.

  At five o'clock in the afternoon, accompanied by the melodious bell, Luo Fei, who was immersed in the artistic conception of the scriptures, raised her head and said with emotion: "Another day has passed."

   "Yes." Chen Chu nodded.

  The girl put a strand of hair behind her ear, and said softly: "After I feel it, my mental thinking has become much more lazy."

   "It's normal. After all, this is not the chaotic Koroya. We don't need to be tense every day."

   As they spoke, the two got up together, put the borrowed books back to their original places, and took the elevator out of the teaching building with a few students who also read books.

  Walking on the campus, Chen Chu found that the tree branches and street lamps on the roadside were covered with red lanterns and colored lights unknowingly, full of festive atmosphere.

  Luo Fei said with some anticipation: "There are still seven days until the Chinese New Year. I heard that this year there will be lantern festivals and exhibitions along the Wujiang River from the 30th to the 15th day of the Lunar New Year."

   "In addition, there was a grand fireworks show on the night of the 28th year of the year. Pyrotechnic manufacturers from many surrounding cities will participate. It is very beautiful."

   After speaking, the girl turned her head to look at Chen Chu, her bright eyes flickering slightly.

  Chen Chu understood what she meant, and couldn't help but chuckled and said, "I don't know if this year's lantern festival will be good, so let's go together then?"

  The girl smiled and nodded lightly: "Okay, let's call the monitor and the others by the way."

  Chen Chu paused slightly: "...well, it's more lively."

   While talking, the two walked out of the campus.

  Walking towards home along the familiar road, Luo Fei waved slightly at the intersection where they parted every day, then turned and walked to another street.

  Standing at the intersection of red street lights, Chen Chu watched the girl's back go away, inexplicably feeling like a youthful, everyday campus style, and any mutant beast clones are illusions.

  Chat with a beautiful female classmate every day, make an appointment to go to the lantern show and fireworks together...Suddenly Chen Chu's eyes froze.

  Under the deep black sea of ​​more than 300 meters, the Sword Armor Flame Beast, who was lying on the bottom of the sea and practicing the hidden mystery method, suddenly raised his head, showing a look of surprise in his cold vertical pupils.

   A hundred meters away in front of it, suddenly endless energy of heaven and earth gushed out, and the surrounding sea water boiled under the gushing pure energy of heaven and earth.

  Under the washing of the rich energy, the surrounding seawater within hundreds of meters became pure and clear, like the sweetest spring water in the world.

  The Sword Armor Flame Beast, which was a hundred meters away, felt full of strength and full of energy when it took a breath.

  At this time, the gap that gushed out the energy of the world continued to expand, and gradually a blue light appeared on the dark seabed, and a crack like a portal slowly opened.

  The crack was more than three meters long and half a meter wide, as if it was connected to another world, but the opposite was not an ocean, but a frozen plain of ice and snow.

  Boom! At this moment, the sea area within a range of ten kilometers violently rioted, and countless fish creatures swarmed towards this side.

  These sea creatures ranged from mutant sharks and sea pythons to palm-sized ordinary fish and shrimps, all of which rushed towards the crack frantically.

   It’s just that not everyone can come down the deep sea of ​​more than 300 meters.

   On the way, countless small fish and shrimps were crushed by the water pressure, and only those mutated creatures with a size of several meters could swim down.

   Among them, the one that rushed to the front was an eight-meter-long bigmouth shark with mutated black scales all over its body, and its tail swam frantically towards the crack.

   Just a few breaths, and it comes crashing down from above, and…

  Boom! The sea water exploded, and the head of the mutated black shark that rushed towards the crack was smashed, and the sword armor beast even heard the sound of bones breaking in the water.

  That layer of crack seems to be on the opposite side, but it seems to be separated from this world by some kind of barrier, and only the invisible energy of heaven and earth can pass through.

  This can be seen from the tumbling around the crack, but not a drop of sea water that can seep through.

  Unfortunately, only the Sword Armor Flame Beast noticed this, those mutated creatures with no intelligence seemed to be crazy, and rushed over madly.

   Bang bang bang bang!

   Immediately, the bottom of the sea was filled with the sound of collisions, and many mutant fish that were fast but not strong enough were even directly hit to death by the shock force.

   And those mutated fish that didn't rush over were unwilling to give up.

  After the stunned ordinary mutant creatures recovered, they crowded wildly, and in the blink of an eye, a fish ball with a diameter of hundreds of meters appeared on the bottom of the sea.

  Under the madness, many weaker mutated fish were directly squeezed to death, their bodies burst, and for a while, thick blood spread, mixed with many corpses and sinking.

   This madness lasted for more than ten minutes, and then the Sword Armor Flame Beast felt that the "quantity" of the world's energy constantly gushing out in front of it was getting weaker and weaker.

   Finally, as if it suddenly appeared, the crack suddenly disappeared.

   This scene made the Sword Armor Flame Beast think deeply, and it probably understood why the deeper the ocean, the stronger the energy of the world.

  Compared to controllable land, the area occupied by the ocean is wider. In this case, there are naturally more cracks in the mythical world.

   Maybe even under the 10,000-meter deep sea there is a stable channel connecting with the mythical world.

  Sword Armor Flame Beast subconsciously thought of the deep-sea restricted area, those monsters that were as big as mountains and whose terrifying power made humans feel helpless.

  With their size and strength, the normal ocean world simply cannot support them, unless...

   At this time, as the cracks in the world disappeared, those crazy mutant fish gradually calmed down.

   Then some ferocious creatures such as mutated sharks and squids standing higher in the food chain, with a body length of eight meters or ten meters, looked at the crowded food around them, and their eyes showed a fierce light.

   It's just that they didn't see it. In the distance, a black-red mutant beast that looked like a deep-sea dragon slowly stood up, and a fierce aura erupted in an instant.

Roar! In the violent roar, the sea water exploded, and in an instant the Sword Armor Flame Beast crashed into the sea water, rushing into the mutated fish like a ray of black light.

   Every time the claws fall, the head of a mutant beast over five meters high will be blasted, and every swing of the dark and slender tail will penetrate a mutant fish.

  In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen huge mutant fish were killed.

  The crack that suddenly appeared was of no use to the Sword Armor Flame Beast, but the mutated fish gathered from the crack were equivalent to the food delivered to its mouth.

  Faced with this gift of nature, it is naturally not polite.

  In just a few minutes, the sea was stained red with scarlet blood, and dozens of mutated fish corpses over five meters were floating on the bottom of the sea.

  Among these mutated fish corpses, the ferocious black-red mutated beast held a mutated fish in both paws, and swallowed it happily.




  (end of this chapter)

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