MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 99

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Chapter 99

To the east of the suburbs, from the city, not to the village, in the vicinity of the village road, there is a yellow clay house. The house is not big, it is old and to be repaired. On the east side of the house, a pile of straw and a piece of felt cloth is used to cover the rain. The decoration inside is simple and shabby.

Su Xiaopei sat in the only one-legged chair in the room, looking at the half-dress that was thrown on the wooden bed. That was the same as the dress that was brought to the reporter’s hand, which means they were not wrong. The place is indeed here.

But there are no clues in this room. There are no signs of struggle and no extra items. There was burnt ash in the small stove outside the house, and it looked like it was cooked in the morning. There are no people around, and there is still a distance from the mountain road. Su Xiaopei sat here and looked at the house over and over again.

The official searched for clues and found no suspicious things outside. He ran a little further, asked the villagers to ask, and finally asked some news.

This house only lives a girl, surnamed Li, the mother died early, the father is an hunter, relying on hunting for a living, the temper is very bad, so there is no money in the village, there is no money, it is on the hillside outside the village. I got a dirt house myself. Half a year ago, the Li Orion was killed by a wild wolf in the mountains, leaving the little girl alone. This girl's personality is awkward with her, not good, and she is not willing to go back to the village. She does not give a good face to the kindness of the villagers. Over time, the big guys don't go forward. Only occasionally there are aunts in the village who will visit the girl and give her some food or old clothes. But it is really only an occasional one. If the girl does not see anyone in ten days and eight days, probably no one will know.

When Ruan Fei arrived, he saw Su Xiaopei standing behind the house and worried about the mountain. There was a bureaucrat who greeted him. Bai Yulang also came over and said things to him: "It’s hard to say that the girl went hunting in the mountains or was really robbed. The aunt who came to see her in the village said that she often I went into the mountains to dig wild vegetables and hunt some small animals. It was common to go for a few days. No one saw her being robbed, there was no trace of struggle in the house, and there were other things such as bows and arrows that she hunted and could not be found in the house. Because she is not close to everyone, whether the truncated dress is her or not."

He was given a point and walked toward Su Xiaopei. Bai Yulang followed behind him and whispered: "Only this matter indicates that it is a little weird for the big sister to come to the trial."

"I know." Yan Feize stopped. "Let me stay alone with her."

Bai Yulang opened his mouth and wanted to say oh, and finally nodded and retired.

Yan Feize walked to Su Xiaopei and accompanied her to see the mountain. He said: "The old six told me, you are not panicked, not necessarily Du Chengming, the girl may not have something, Xu is scary, you have broken in this city. A lot of cases, according to the statement, also established a lot of enemies..."

He did not finish his words, but he saw Su Xiaopei shaking his head.

Yan Fei Ze closed her mouth and waited for her to say. Su Xiaopei turned his gaze from the direction of the mountain to him. The little voice: "The person who came to report the case, surnamed Shi Mingrui, in my hometown, Shi Rui means the third. The first two times, one and two are placed on the corpse. The note, we left Wuzhen, out of his control, he is the most people do not love this feeling. So this third time, he changed the way to make the game more complicated, for him, More exciting and interesting."

"Shi Rui?"

"Someone took a knife and forced it to force him to report to the government. He didn't even know the girl of Li. He didn't know if there was such a house in this place. It was all reported according to the instructions of the man. Just because of him. The name is the third. Only I know that it is the third meaning. The case indicates that I am going to break it. If I can't find someone after five days, I will get the body."

"There is still five days."

"Nothing." Su Xiaopei shook his head: "There will be no five days, the girl is already dead at the moment. On the fifth day, it is just the time for him to play our time."

Zhai Feize was silent for a while, saying: "I said it with Jiang Jiangmen. As long as Du Chengming has a slight flaw, if he finds anything suspicious, he will quietly smash him." Do not say the identity, first use the rules of the rivers and lakes to do him. Quietly squatting, the rest will be re-examined.

"In addition to discovering that he and I are fellow countrymen, what else can we find?" Su Xiaopei is very aware of the difficulties in the head. "We can't even prove that the word paper is written by him." Even if he couldn't help but secretly assassinate him, It may not be able to strike in the middle, leaving behind the trouble, Du Chengming has many accomplices. She and Yu Feize will be the dogs of the funeral after all. She has gone a hundred, but what about Fei Ze? Without killing her life, she and Zhai Feize are not such people, and she does not want to do so. And those rivers and lakes have their own interests, which is very troublesome. If there is no basis, they can't ask the factions to help each other.

"They are also staring at the door and other suspicious characters. If there is a hundred secrets, those people will never be able to reveal any flaws. Be patient, Xiaopei, and be patient."

Su Xiaopei did not speak. In fact, her mood was very bad. She was very violent and sad. Another innocent girl was killed because of her. She really wanted to do something. What should I do?

"Xiao Pei." Yan Fei Ze suddenly called her.

Su Xiaopei turned his head and looked at him. He heard him say: "If you don't have the power of the chicken, you are responsible for your brain. Don't think too much about anything else."

Su Xiaopei frowned, and was lifted by his hand to open his eyebrows. She started at the beginning and he took her shoulder. She opened his hand, but he took it again. She dialed again. He took it again. Then he squeezed her shoulders hard. She was so inhaled. He said, "It hurts, calm down." ""

Su Xiaopei did not move. Yan Fei Ze touched her head: "Is it finished?"

She nodded.

"You wait for me." Yan Feize left her in the same place. She went into the house and took a look. After that, she came out and looked around again. She asked Bai Yulang about the case, and then he led. Su Xiaopei went home and left to explain Bai Yulang: "I will send her back to the house later."

Su Xiaopei did not refuse, he walked with him, she knew that he had something to say to her alone.

Back home, she calmed down. "He gave me five days. He must want to see us looking for the girl's helplessness. The time limit is stress, and the result of a human life is too disgusting."

"Are you sure that the girl must be dead?"

"Yes, Du Chengming will not leave an accident, leaving a living disciple to increase trouble. His personality is not worried, there is no good at all. The instructions he gives must be arranged to kill people, then wait. After five days of chaos, we illuminate the body, erase our face and kill our prestige."

"So the girl's life and death has no suspense for him. What he wants is the process of struggling with pain and waiting for you to make a final blow."


"So, after five days, is he likely to appear?"

"Yes. Even if there is no obvious meeting, I will look at it in secret." Su Xiaopei bite the knuckle joint. "The goal he started is carefully selected. The girl, no relatives, no friends, living in a far distance from everyone, is that kind of Death in the house may also take a few days before someone discovers the type. In this way, there is no clue, no clue."

"There is not another one to report the case, that is called the third."

"Shriver." Su Xiaopei nodded. "He was frightened. He didn't remember anything at all."

"Then let him remember something."

"How do you say this?" Su Xiaopei did not understand.

"Du Chengming wants you to fall into this matter. What he wants is that you lead everyone in the house to struggle in vain, right?"

"Yes. Spiritual torture, he wants this."

"But we quickly solved the case, arrested and lived with murder. In this way, his plan was a failure. The report pointed out to you, looking for the female master of the house, you only came back a few days, work only a few On the day, the outsiders simply don’t know that the female teacher in the house has returned. This is the case with Liu Xiang. In addition, can you remember that Lao Liu said that he saw the letter of Liu Liu burned? Du Chengming gave him instructions. However, Liu Xiangcheng’s day is in the mansion, and this is the first thing to do. It’s not what he did. God’s door has a branch here, and there are other hidden piles. In short, they must do everything. The name Shire is not common. Du Chengming had to worry about every detail in order to make a clever game, so he would let God count the door to find a person with such a name, and then judge whether the person can use it, and the victim girl must be selected. They have to find people, they will not leave a trace of clues, we will look for them from these people. There is no other name called Shi Rui, and no one has asked anyone to find this name recently. Does anyone look for it? The helpless little girl may be good Help in the name of, or other. In short, this thing is not impossible to check. But the easiest, or teach the history of Swiss report stresses his people to remember. "

"Maybe that person will mask, only judge the sound, the odds are too small, not reliable."

"We give him a candidate."


"Luo Ping."

Su Xiaopei suddenly understood. Zhai Feize let the white family always guard Luo Ping, and even quietly took him to Ning'an City to arrange for him to listen to the wall sounds by drinking wine. He argued that who taught him to use fear and lure to control the hostage psychology, but Luo Ping I have heard that the voices of some official differences, including Liu Xiang, have not been confirmed. Su Xiaopei felt that time was too long. Luo Ping was not the one who joined the organization to do big things. He could not remember who it was. But Yu Fei Ze has kept him, he said that it will be useful in the future. Now, is it going to be used?

"Shi Rui's name, you don't say, who knows what it means. Luo Ping was caught by you. He hated you. He liked to start with the little girl, and he wanted to retaliate against you, and the death row was on fire. He was lucky enough to escape from the robbery, and his name went to Ning'an City. He couldn't help but change his habits and tried to commit another crime. He heard that the female teacher in Ning'an City was the enemy who had been sentenced to death for him. I hate it, so I made the case."

Su Xiaopei’s eyes brightened. “Catch|live the murderer, we naturally will not be anxious again, but we will strictly test Luo Ping to let him surrender the hostage. This case is coming to an end. The goal of everyone’s attention has changed, and Du Chengming’s plan is facing failure. Liu Xiang naturally can't afford it. In order for us to continue to trace it, he must prove that the case is not related to Luo Ping, so it is easy to shake the clues."

"If he can't figure out how to prove that Luo Ping is innocent in the case of self-protection, he will only let him go. The kill can't be killed. If Luo Ping is dead, the case will be settled even if the girl's body appears. It will also be said that it is Luo Ping’s behavior, and there is no evidence of death. Du Chengming’s careful planning and defeat will not take a break. Liu Xiang can’t afford it, he will think that Luo Ping will let go, and then lead you to continue to trace Luo Ping’s investigation. Only then can he successfully complete his plan."

"He would like to use this case to kill me and pretend to be an accident?"

"This is the best opportunity before the eye."

Su Xiaopei thought about it, it was. This case is very important to Liu Xiang in any case. One is Du Chengming’s instructions, and the other is his selfishness. "They won't watch me in a hurry, there are still some things." She thought again and nodded hard: "You are right, this should be done."

冉非泽道: "At the moment, you have to deal with it properly. It is Shi Rui who came to report the case. He must identify Luo Ping."

Su Xiaopei nodded: "Give it to me."

Su Xiaopei and Yan Feize rushed back to the mansion, and the crowds who went out to inspect the patrols have already returned, and the masters are keeping a record. The Shi Rui had been audited by the government of Yin Yin, and no results were judged. Because Shi Rui had a nose and a tear, he cried that he was innocent. He didn’t remember anything except the scary knife. It is.

Fu Yin also sent the teahouse that had gone to Shirley to work. Shi Rui was indeed a folk of the tea house. He had been working there for three years. Because he was the eldest son of the family, everyone called him Shi Da. He is not bad for people, that is, some love is small. Cheap, courageous, and people in the teahouse have heard about this. They don’t believe that history can make such things.

When Fu Yin tried a small half-day and didn't ask anything, he let people shut down Shi Da, and then re-examined.

Su Xiaopei carefully inquired about all the circumstances, and asked her to come to the trial, and asked her from the mouth of anyone who could not remember, but her ability. Fu Yin naturally agreed. He then raised Shi Da, locked it in the trial room, and let Su Xiaopei see it.

Su Xiaopei went, not talking, only watching him for a long while. Shi Da was seen by her in her heart and couldn't help but lower her head. At this time, Su Xiaopei suddenly said: "I don't dare to look at me. There are two possibilities. One is fear, the other is guilty. I am a girl's family. I don't want to beat you. I haven't opened it yet. What is terrible, so you must be guilty. We went to the house, and the girl at the head was indeed robbed."

Shi Da was shocked and jerked his head and shook his head. "I don't feel guilty. I didn't do bad things. Why don't I feel guilty. I came to report the case and it was forced. I have never seen any house, nor." I recognized the girl, I have never done anything evil."

"Everyone who has committed a crime will not admit that he has done something evil." Su Xiaopei slowly walked.

"I, I said to the adults, I went to the back alley to pick up the sundries. Someone suddenly appeared behind me. He took a sharp dagger and pointed at my throat. He said that I would like to report the case. The content is According to what he said, if I did not obey, I would kill me. I dare not follow, and I will come immediately. I still think that he is staring at me behind me."

"What is he like?"

"I don't know. I didn't see it."

"What clothes are you wearing?"

"I only pay attention to the dagger, and the coarse cloth skirt, which is half-cut, obviously cut."

"How tall is that person?"

"I do not know."

"How long have you been talking to him?"

"No, it didn't take long. It was he who told me what to do, and then let me repeat it twice. I said the wrong place first. He told me to say it again twice. It was all right, so I let him go quickly. He said he I will always stare at me. If I don’t do well, I will kill me.” Shi Da thought that he was still afraid. “I, I will come quickly.”

Su Xiaopei nodded. "So, the two of you talked before and after. There are no fewer than ten sentences. In the ten sentences, you only know that he is holding a dress with a dagger, but he doesn't know if he is tall or short, fat is thin. I don't know what he looks like, where is the accent?"

"He, he, maybe he covered his body in a cloak, maybe he was covered, I can't figure it out." Shida suddenly thought of it and said quickly.

"Is this going to be covered with a cloak again?" Su Xiaopei sneered. "You tell him that you are staring at you behind you, and you are watching you to report the case. He is wearing a cloak and covering his face. Do people who don’t look at him eccentrically question him?”

Shi Da turned his eyes, it was true, but he did not know the appearance of the man. He held his head and almost cried. "But it is true, I have never lied."

"There is a class of people who have committed crimes and then pretending to be witnesses to report to the case, pretending to be innocent and attempting to escape the crime."

"Not me, not what I did. I was forced by people. I don't know if there is a house there. I don't know if there is a girl."

"Who believes in you? Who will believe that you have talked with people for more than ten sentences, but you don't remember anything." Su Xiaopei faintly said, he collapsed Shi Da. "I really don't do what I do. It's really not me. I should fight for death and don't come, but he will kill me. He will."

"Shi Da, are you called Shi Da?" Su Xiaopei gently tapped the table and attracted his attention back. "I want to tell you a story. There is a group of people who watched a battle very seriously. They watched the movements of the two men fighting and their running. At this time, a very conspicuous huge monkey ran to the middle of the field, but Soon after, everyone asked, about 50% of the people did not see the huge monkey."

Shi Dazhang’s mouth is wide, and he is awkward. Isn’t he saying that he is a suspect in committing a crime? How did he get to the monkey?

"The 50% of the people, the eyes are not broken, the brain is normal, but they did not see the monkey. It is reasonable to think that such a big monkey ran in. How could they not see it? But they did not lie, they did not see it. Shi Da, this way The situation is called unintentional blindness. You must have never heard of this. Few people know that I have the ability to do things like this. This is when people’s attention is focused on a very important thing. At the time, other things that he doesn't seem to be important may be ignored. Although those things are obvious and obvious, he just can't see. You said, is this your situation?"

Shi Da heard it, but it seemed to understand, but there was some wandering, but he instinctively nodded and then nodded very hard. "Yes, yes, I am so. The knife is terrible. I have to look at it. I am afraid that it will be stabbed. That is the case. I have not seen the person's appearance."

Su Xiaopei nodded: "It's just such a thing, only I will believe. I can let others believe. I am here to help you, Shida."

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