MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 98

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Chapter 98

Later, Zhai Fei Ze came to Su Xiaopei to go home to eat. After Su Xiaopei went back, he told her about the dialogue process with Liu Xiang. Hearing the sorrow and sorrow, he frowned: "Do you even guess with a tape?"

"My name is a grounded inference."

"Just with the flowers and graves in the house of Pingzhou City? Just because the flower of the grave is newly planted, it is Liu Xiang who came back to visit Luo Linger on the first day after returning with us? I talked to those in Changfu and looked at the file again. Is this inferred?"

"In addition to the understanding and analysis of Liu Xiang and Du Chengming." Su Xiaopei thinks this is not a big deal. In my hometown, a brilliant colleague can infer what kind of clothes he would wear when he arrested the criminal. When I talked with Liu Xiang, his performance and reaction helped me to refine the whole thing step by step. ”

Yan Fei's brow is still wrinkled.

"He is not a reckless person, he will only want to calmly kill the plan and kill you and me, will not be indiscriminate." Su Xiaopei looked at the non-zeze's brows pointed and itchy, I want to help him sigh, "You don't want This puts a stinky face."

"It’s clear that I’m going to do it step by step. Things, you are going to be anxious about it today. Wan and his line are beyond your expectations. How is it good? The heart is unpredictable, Xiaopei, don’t feel what you are. Can be inferred."

"I didn't." Su Xiaopei snarled and defended himself: "I have not been so conceited. He came to inquire today. It is a good opportunity. I also explored him. I said that Luo Linger killed me. Even if the fellow country needs a case to involve you, this alludes to Du Chengming, and he has not reacted. The death of Luo Linger has a great influence on him. I am thinking, if I confirm these details, It is good for him to analyze him and evolve and understand Du Chengming. The opportunity is rare. He does not necessarily come to test me. If he does not come, then I will have a chance to confirm these... ”

The words have not been finished yet, but they have been sent to the arms of Zelima. Su Xiaopei bowed and knew that he was worried about himself. He reached out and hugged his waist. His head rested on his chest and said: "Confirmed, it is only peace of mind. Besides, there are many people in the house, he dare not." He won't take risks, and the risk of doing it in the mansion is too great, he can't afford it."

Yan Feize thought that he was still a little unhappy, pinching her face and suddenly asked: "You said that Luo Linger was caused by the killing of Du Chengming, so he was led to killing himself?"

"Yes. Du Chengming's desire to control is too strong. He can't accept his people who are disobedient. Once he loses control, he will be destroyed."

"And killing the chicken to the monkey, you can use Luo Linger's things to approach us and get in touch with us." Yan Feize said: "He really is not wasting." He paused and said: "The Liu Xiang If you want to kill you, how can Du Chengming agree? He is not scaring you when you are scared."

"Yes, so Liu Xiang wants to hold everyone, including Du Chengming, and he has to let me die like an accident, not being killed."

Died of an accident? Yan Feizhao blinked.

"The strong man, I am hungry." The words are clear, and I have to fill my stomach and continue to work in the afternoon. Only she went to work, and she was safe and worry-free in the house, and she was able to get out and arrange things.

"I really don't want to give you food."

Said really like, Su Xiaopei gave him a look.

Later, the two were eating, and Bai Yulang ran to report. "Uncle Shu, there is something strange. I stared for a long time. I didn't see someone going to the house to get the letter, but he came back later and burned the letter."


"Yeah." Bai Yulang nodded. "It was burnt. I smelled some smoke in the house, and then I saw paper dust in the garbage basket behind the house. When he left, I went to his house and secretly sneaked. The letter in the dark grid was gone. ""

Yan Feize and Su Xiaopei looked at each other. It seems that it is urgent. Liu Xiang does not intend to report Du Xiaoming’s speculation to Su Xiaopei, so his thoughts and grievances will not be known by Du Chengming. If anything happens, His suspicions can be smaller.

"What changes in his door and window?"

"He put the pen holder on the table in front of the window. There was no previous one." Bai Yulang said: "You are right, uncle, they have a secret sign to indicate whether there is any letter to be sent. I estimate that the pen holder means this. When I look back, the pen holder is gone, I will touch it again~ Touch|his secret." He thought about it and said: "I will also have other doorways in other people's houses. Both are accomplices, the secret numbers should be poor. I am not right. Ah, yes, I saw two small piles of paper dust in the basket behind the house. There was a pile of some scattered, I thought it was burned before."

"The other party has given him a letter. Did he burn it after reading it?"

Bai Yulang nodded hard: "I want to come."

Yan Feize looked at Su Xiaopei: "It seems that Du Chengming has instructions."

"He must still want to continue the case. The case is not broken, the whole city panic, he will be more proud."

"This is for me to do it." Bai Yulang took the initiative to ask for help. "I went to Fu Yin and Qin Daren. When the big sister disappeared, I received the weird letter here, and then the older sister received it in Wuzhen. The letter has also killed two people in succession. Now the big sister has come back and continues to be a master. I am afraid that the murderer will not give up and will still be chased. In order to avoid other people being affected, I will try to catch the murder of the big sister as soon as possible. The adults should give a letter of advice and warn the people of the city to pay attention. If you see any suspicious people, they should report as soon as possible."

"Well, this is reasonable. The old sixth went to the adults to say that it is more appropriate." Yan Feize also has this intention, but he must seriously boast a boast: "The sixth is indeed smart, think of us going ahead."

This praises Bai Yulang is very useful, smile. "Then I have to go back quickly. I have to do something better. Uncle Shu, you can rest assured that I will be fine."

"Don't be busy, have you eaten? Leave a meal and go."

"No, the uncle's meal is not as good as the house. I will go back and eat. They will leave it for me. Uncle Shu, big sister, I will leave." Bai Yulang finished, and ran away.

I didn’t know how to eat it. Is it so bad? It’s not good to eat, and his girl’s meal is still so delicious. It’s not good to eat him. He’s not good at raising his family, he’s not sick and he is physically strong. Hey, it’s not good to eat the rice that he hates in his house.


"The strong man is annoyed." Su Xiaopei seriously comforted, "It is even more unpalatable to take advantage of this meal."


Yan Fei Ze looked unhappy and gave Su Xiaopei a lot of dishes, and the bowls were all sharp.

Su Xiaopei stared at the bowl and touched the stomach. He turned a topic: "Liu Xiang knows that I am suspicious of him and will be wary of the sixth."

"Yeah. The old sixth knows." 冉非泽瞪 that rice bowl, with the chin pointed to the finger, Su Xiaopei sighed, picked up the chopsticks and sipped.

"Liu Xiangzhong has doubts and does not dare to make a second. After all, he is in the Tuen Mun with the sixth, and the sixth is the six sons of Baijiazhuang. If he moves the sixth, he will endless troubles. He will be close to the sixth. He came to inquire about you, his goal is you."

"The strong man is really smart." Su Xiaopei raised his face with a smile.

"I am not the sixth, don't eat this."

Do not eat this set? That's a change.

Su Xiaopei took the bowl and moved him around: "Azer, this meal is too much. If people eat it, they will have a stomachache. Is it good for you?"




Su Xiaopei did not speak. According to this trend, it is estimated that she said that the heroic family or the family or your home or the Aze family would agree with him, but she could not tell.

Yan Fei Ze looked at her and she looked back. They said yes, obviously said good.

Yan Feizhan chopsticks picked up some dishes from her bowl and whispered: "When Du Chengming is solved, if you have not yet gone, we will become friends."

"That, it doesn't take long." If she solved Cheng Jiangyi, how could she still stay here.

"How long will it take?" Yan Feize dialed the dish in the bowl. "I open myself every day, and people are sick and dead."

Su Xiaopei’s heart was sour, and he took it back to himself from the non-Ze bowl. “I will eat more.” She will have a meal if she eats a meal. She wakes up every day and thinks, it’s good, she is still beside the strong man. .

This topic has not continued. Su Xiaopei did not respond well, but he did not refuse. In the afternoon, he sent Su Xiaopei to the government to work, and gave Su Xiaopei to the teachers to look after him, and he went out.

For a few days, it’s like this, and I’m going to do it, and send Su Xiaopei away, and then go to work. He found some friends and implemented the adjustments in the previous arrangements. He noticed that someone followed him. Sometimes he would deliberately let them follow. Some things he hoped they would bring back to report. On the other hand, they had arranged for winter. Well, the thief helped the people to track those people for him. God counts the door, and I know it. Li Lidong knows better. The fortune teller who can smack the hearts of the people, and the thieves who have no traces to go without a trace, have had a contest.

In the past few days, I have been looking for some sorghum to inquire about the spells and items needed to drive the demon. Liu Xiangdang Su Xiaopei is a demon girl, and he has seen Su Xiaopei die and resurrect, so he wants to kill her, will not use ordinary methods. Yan Feize hopes to pre-infer the means he will use in order to prevent it in advance.

That day | He went to the suburbs to visit, happened to pass by a month old temple, he stood outside the temple for a long while, finally did not hold back, went in. The incense in the temple is good, and many girls are worshipping. A tall and strong man like Zhai Feize came in and let many people look at him. Even the temple wished him a few eyes.

They did not care about their gaze, only looked up at the statue of the moon in the temple. He used to never believe in this. He didn't worship the Buddha and didn't read the scriptures. He felt that the things in this world depended on himself. The Buddha and the ghosts were all false words. But he met the girl.

I hope that she can really be his girl.

冉非泽 went up, plopped, and squatted on the futon. The two little girls who are seeking marriage are scared to get up quickly. No, this man is wrong with the gods?

Yan Fei Ze looked up and looked at the old moon image and bowed three respectfully. When the old man is old, you are sending her to me, and she is allowed to stay with me. I will be good to her.

The third head went down and he was still there. The old man didn’t answer, of course he couldn’t return. He’s just like an image. But he’s not sure why he’s sad. He seems to have sensed someone’s return to him. It’s not exactly a reply, just a sigh. He did not move. He took his ear and listened carefully. No one answered, no one sighed, but he was suddenly wrapped up by the powerlessness and depression. Is he not confident? Is he pessimistic about himself? Can't be like this, he is not willing!

"I have only married my mother and master in this life, and now I am married again." He said to the old man in his heart, "If you are really there, you will feel my sincerity. I only ask for one thing, but I am asking for something." "In his mind, Su Xiaopei smiled at him sweetly, and the "strong man" she called him, only asked her to be around. He silently said, this finally looked up.

"Strong man." Someone called him, his voice was soft and sweet, and he was looking forward to it. It was two pretty little girls, standing and watching him. He stood up, a lot higher than them, gave a gift, and was ready to go.

"The strong man." The little girl who called him called again, shy and answered, pointing to the table where the temple wished the head. "The strong man asks for a marriage, can apply some incense money, and seek the red line, which is more effective."

Is that right?冉 泽 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点 点, "To the red line."

The temple was shocked. It turned out that this was really not a mess. Is it really a marriage? "This, do you want to take a sign?"

"No." He was afraid that the signing would be bad, the guitar would be awkward, or he would come home with a red line to tie the girl.

The temple does not dare to be different, and quickly take the red line. The red line was wrapped in red paper and quickly handed over to the face of 冉非泽.冉非泽 received it, and stuffed it into the chest pocket. He wished the temple: "It is best to be effective."

What if you don’t feel good, strong man? The temple wished not to ask. Looking at the smashing of the smuggling, I was relieved.

The two little girls chased the 冉 泽 往 往 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The girl sighed. "Forget it." The girl comforted again. "He has been in this number of years. If there is no marriage, it is definitely poor and sick. How can a man come to the old temple, right?"

Yan Feize also thought on the road, how can a man go to the old temple? He didn’t feel embarrassed when he was in the head, but he thought about how to give the red line to the girl. He couldn’t let her know that he went to the old temple to ask for it. But I want to tie her up.


When Su Fei was troubled by this problem, Su Xiaopei encountered a trouble.

A tea house buddy who claimed to have a history of surnames reported to the front of the house to drum the case and said that he was coerced with a knife and asked him to report the case. A little girl living in the Huangniwu house in the eastern part of the suburb was hijacked. The female teacher in the house was cut off for five days. If the robbers were not caught, the robbers would kill the little girl.

The official asked him who his name was, and when he was robbed, he could see it. If there was any clue, the man said that he didn’t know. He said that he didn’t even know if there was any yellow mud house on the east side of the suburb. He had nothing. do not know. I only know today | He worked in the tea house, when he went to the back lane to move debris, someone took a knife to threaten him, and he threw him a half-cut dress, saying that if he did not come to the government to report the case, he would ask for his life. . He was so scared that he came with the half-dress.

Su Xiaopei listened to the newspaper, and Fu Yin and Qin Dezheng came over. This is really a suspense.

She asked the man who surnamed the history, what kind of person threatened him, he said that he couldn’t remember, because he had just turned his head in the basket, the knife was in front of him, and he did not dare to carry it. Notice the knife.

Asked the other person what he said, the guy shook his head again and said that the rest could not be remembered, but the man told him to tell the details of the case several times. If he was right, let him come, except For those contents, he couldn't remember what the man had said. He couldn't even remember the voice of the man.

Qin De was listening to the fire and slammed it: "Is that man a man or a woman?"

The buddy suddenly stunned, even crying and shouting: "Small, small originally thought to be male, but the adults said so, small, small and not sure. Little did not dare to look up, that At the time, the small thought would be dead, and the soul was gone, and I noticed anything else."

Fu Yin frowned, and Qin Dezheng and Su Xiaopei negotiated, decided to first detain the buddy, and then let the hunters go to the house to see if there was a girl who was robbed. To confirm the case, then review it.

The buddy listened to Fu Yin, saying, crying and shouting, "small sly, small sly, little know nothing, small is indeed being coerced to report the case, why the small person, the villain 冤枉""

Su Xiaopei intends to go to the house with the catchers. It is to specify the surname to let her check. There must be a doorway here. Bai Yulang heard this and rushed over to go with her. Su Xiaopei suddenly waited for the carriage at the door. She ran back into the hustle and stopped the buddy who was being taken away. She asked him: "Your name, is it Shire?"

The guy opened his mouth: "Girl, how does the girl know?"

Su Xiaopei’s heart sank, and it’s so fast.

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