MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 7 repair

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Chapter 7

Su Xiaopei took a look at her eyes, and she was also infected by her.

Some people passed by on the street and looked at Su Xiaopei with amazement.

She had short hair, and her body was covered with a large man's outer skirt. The belt was **** in a mess, and there were no shoes on the feet, and the thick socks were covered with dirty clothes. Yan Feize knows that those who look at her are just like themselves. They can't guess where the strange women look.

Where did she come from? He found that after Tang Lian was guarded around, there was no thief to chase him. He chose the place to have a fire overnight, but suddenly he heard the breath of the tree. He thought that he had come to a master and could approach them silently. But in the past, it was a quirky woman who didn't have the skills. She didn't even wear a dudou. Even if she only had the moonlight, he could see the exquisite body curves under thin clothes.

How did she appear? How to get close to them? How to get on the tree?

Now she is looking at him seriously. It seems that she really wants to count, how long can she live?

Yan Feize wants to laugh and wants to sigh. He looks at the wolf how she can't stand. She knows that she has been working hard to keep up with their footsteps today. I am afraid that the legs will not be lifted tomorrow.

But the temple is afraid that it will have to go for most of the day. He looked at her feet. If she let her go so long, she would not be able to hold it. He thought about her calculating the hoe, and suddenly she was a little soft.

"Five and two silver is nearly five thousand coins." He replied.

5000 copper plates. Su Xiaopei counted the calculations, the **** is not good, and the buns are changed. 5 copper plates 1 bun, 5,000 copper plates are 1000 buns, 5 buns per meal, 15 a day, hey, almost two months.

If you eat gimmicks, plus the cost of clothing and housing, all of them save flowers, 5 two silver can support for two months?

"Girl." Looking at her frowning, he actually thought she was pitiful.

"The strong man, let's catch the thief and change the silver."

"The girl is like this now. It’s fortunate not to be caught as a thief. How to catch a thief?"

Su Xiaopei grinned. She said that "we" is of course a polite word. She will not be martial. When she is alive and kicking, she can't charge her to catch a thief, not to mention the fact that only half of her life is left. She is just a guest, but she is counting on the fact that she has the ability to earn the five or two silver.

Of course, the premise is that he has the ability.

The foot that he took her down the tree was quite neat, and the move that wrapped her in her clothes should not be able to be done by anyone. She has little knowledge of this kind of thing, but she is willing to believe that he has the ability to catch a thief.

"Girl, catching a thief is a small thing, but it is time to find a place to settle down."

"But there are only fifteen copper plates..." She really wanted to encourage him to earn the five silver.

"Does the girl follow me all the way?" Yan Feize has little interest in catching thieves.

Su Xiaopei looked at his expression and sighed: "The fifteen copper plates are better than none."

"The girl said very much."

Fifteen copper plates can lift her head in front of her, she is really miserable.

At the beginning, she was in the normal world. It was also an intellectual, an expert, and she did not dare to say that she had any status. However, there were still many people and things that were seeking her. Everyone was also polite to her. She was The income has also been unsettled.

Now it’s good, fifteen copper plates, only five gimmicks...

Su Xiaopei had no choice but to follow him. When he went to a restaurant in front of a restaurant, he let Su Xiaopei wait. He walked in. After a while, he shook his head: "This house does not accept short-term workers, we look for the next place."

Su Xiaopei nodded and dragged his legs to follow him. Don't talk about finding the next place, that is, she can't object to finding n. After asking three questions, there was no good result. Su Xiaopei’s heart fell to the bottom of the valley. Her legs really broke, and her feet must have rotted. She began to figure out whether she would be a poor man with her graceful men today. Want to sleep on the streets?

After another walk, I couldn’t help it: "The strong man, you said that we went back to Tang’s girl and talked about our difficulties. Her family can take us a section."

Yan Feize shook his head: "I am afraid that it is not good to disturb."

Su Xiaopei sighed and made the worst plan in his heart. At this time, Fei Feize walked into a wine shop. The owner of the wine shop talked with him a few words. He looked at Su Xiaopei in the corner of the door and thought about it for a while. Finally, Nodded.

Su Xiaopei’s spirit was alive, but he did not dare to hold too much hope. She waited for a while, and waited for a while, and then she was finished. He said: “The handyman of this family happened to be injured and could not work. Manpower, but he has no extra house, only a room that used to be a firewood house is empty, can you stay?"

Su Xiaopei quickly nodded: "Where the strong man goes, I will go there."

Yan Fei Ze moved his brows, and he sighed at the woman’s boldness and boldness, and it was so bold and bold that she had never seen it.

In this way, Yan Feize led Su Xiaopei into the backyard wood house.

The firewood room is not big, it can't be said to be clean, there is no firewood inside, and some debris is piled up. This wine shop owner surnamed Song, he Barabala boasted a business of his pub, and said that he was good enough to take them in, saying that he did not ask for a handyman, then said that his house is good, just feel that some firewood Waste, so I built a shed in the yard to pile up firewood, and vacated the house to prepare for the guest room, for those who had no money and silver to live in the store, but not yet done. Now they are looking for a place to stay, only this one. He said that he would send the board to the bed for a while, so that he could take a bed.

When the boss of Song talked, he looked at Su Xiaopei from time to time. Su Xiaopei hid behind the big bag of Zhai Feize, while listening to his side and looking at his expression.

After the Song boss finished, he told him that he had not worked for two days. He had never had a firewood. He let Xiaofeize get rid of it and he worked hard. He waited for firewood.

Yan Feize promised, and Song boss looked at Su Xiaopei and went out.

He was not waiting for him to go, and Su Xiaopei said: "Mo Jiehuai, he sees you just curious, your dress is really weird."

"No, his expression is disdain, contempt, and he feels disgusting."

Yan Feize did not expect Su Xiaopei to say so, and bowed. Su Xiaopei didn't want to say more about this. She has an urgent matter now.

"The strong man, where is the toilet?"

"The toilet?"

"Hey, the latrine? It's called a latrine."

Yan Fei Ze continued to swear, he grew so big, the first time a girl asked him about the latrine. He coughed and went out and circled back: "In the southwest corner."

"Which corner is the southwest corner?" She was really anxious.

冉非泽 pointed to a direction, Su Xiaopei wants to stride out, but his legs almost twisted, it is getting more and more pain, she will not be disabled?

冉非泽实 can't stand it anymore, but she took her elbow to help her away, sent it to the outside of the latrine, and waited for her.

Su Xiaopei has never seen such a dirty toilet. The disgusting heart is broken, but there is no way. The leg can’t go down. She almost fell into the pit, and there is no way to bite the tooth and finish it quickly. Dare to gasp.

Yan Feize looked at her expression very strange, Su Xiaopei can understand, but she can only pretend not to see, through this kind of thing, is simply used to practice the skin.

In the second half of the day, Su Xiaopei did not go anywhere and did nothing.冉非泽 put together the bed board and placed it on the ground. This bed has no legs, it is just a bed board. He also got a chair and let Su Xiaopei sit. Su Xiaopei sat down, and then his legs really hurt to stand up again. She sat like this, watching the work of 冉 泽 泽.

He was very arrogant, and he packed up the wood house and picked up the firewood in the yard. The big axe seemed to have no weight in his hand, and he smashed it in a smashing way, and soon the firewood in the shed was smashed by him.

The middle Song boss came over and wanted to see how the work was done. As a result, he looked at his chopping wood and was stunned for a while. Su Xiaopei thought that he probably didn't expect someone to cut wood to be as good as cutting tofu.

Zhai Feize finished the firewood, wiped the water and scrubbed it in the yard, and then came in and told him to go out with Su Xiaopei.

"Where to go?" Su Xiaopei was a little nervous, and she was left with her predecessor.



"When to say where to go."

"Then where are you going?"

"You are so badly dressed, go find some clothes for you."

"Can fifteen copper plates buy clothes?"


"Can fifteen copper plates buy clothes?"


Su Xiaopei closed his mouth and asked him where to go to get clothes. Isn't it appropriate?

"The girl is relieved, I am not a traitor." It means that he does not steal and rob, and will not let her wear the clothes and walk on the street and be taken as a thief.

"Yeah." Su Xiaopei nodded and took the opportunity to say: "If you can earn the five or two silvers."

She is not a singer.

"Or, the strong man will drop the way to see how the five silvers earned the law."

"It’s too little, it shouldn’t be very interesting.” Yan Feize actually looked disgusted.

Su Xiaopei is speechless, and fifteen copper plates are less than five or two silver. What is this world?

"For the silver appreciation, the five silvers are really few. It’s not a small thief. It’s just a reward for the letter. It’s not very interesting.” He looked at Su Xiaopei, clearly without a poor expression, but he was soft. It is. "Well, I will go and take a trip."

"Okay, okay." Su Xiaopei had no opinion at all. She had no opinion on anything, only one point. "The strong man will not leave me not to come back?" The ugly words must be said first.

Yan Fei Ze did not say anything, only his oversized bag was taken to the chair of Su Xiaopei.

There was a burden of hostages, and Su Xiaopei was a little relieved. "Be careful on the road, you can go back quickly."

Yan Fei Ze saw her serious face, nodded, turned her mouth and turned her mouth, this girl's expression is really interesting. Saving people is sometimes a nuisance, especially for women, but he has been taught. But if she is left behind, it is really uneasy. It turns out that the weak people are pretending to be unreasonable and not afraid.

冉非泽 went out for a circle, first confirmed that the trouble was indeed led, and left the town, and then went to see the reward notice, as he expected, this reward is a report, the case is not traced, so catching people like this There is little chance of getting a silver spoon in a haystack. Yan Feize shook his head and was not very interested in this kind of pure luck. But when he thought that Su Xiaopei was very concerned about this matter, he still received a reward notice with the official.

After that, he went to Tanglian's house again. The Tang family was very careful and guarded against the gaze in the neighbors. Zhai Feize explained the intention and asked for two clothes for Su Xiaopei. According to the reaction of the Tang family, he also confirmed what he thought. The Tang family cares about the reputation. It is indeed impossible to take care of Su Xiaopei who is not known. It seems that sending her to the temple is The only way is.

He was not thinking about how to place Su Xiaopei, but Su Xiaopei was empty and thought nothing. She hurts a little while moving her legs, so she couldn't do anything other than sitting, so she stared at the big bag of 冉非泽, waiting for him to come back.

After waiting for a long time, he finally came back, holding a small bag and carrying a bed and being shackled. Su Xiaopei was a little surprised, he actually found clothes. She added points to him on the ability.

Su Xiaopei was trying to ask how the five silvers were going. As a result, he let go and put out the food. This time he went to take dinner. Song Boss accepted them and let him work as a short-term worker, but he did not give money, just to eat and drink.

Su Xiaopei is very cooperative. If you have rice, you can eat it quickly. No matter how good or bad, you will never picky food. Two people used the meal, she finally found the opportunity to ask: "A strong man heard the news? The thief of five or two silver, how to catch?"

冉非泽笑: "It’s not appropriate for a girl to talk like this, or change it quickly, save others from hearing, and provoke trouble."

"If you change it, you will change it." Su Xiaopei has a headache, and his speech and accent can be changed in a short time. It is a business matter to earn some money first.

Zhai Feize sent a notice to Su Xiaopei: "The thief can't catch it. The government has no clues to its traces, nor does it expect ordinary people to do anything. So it's just a wide spread of nets and rewards."

He noticed that he had handed it in half and stopped. He asked, "Can a girl know the word?"

"Literacy." These two words are squeezed out of the teeth. It’s too insulting to be a doctor, but she’s really not sure.

After receiving the notice, the heart is cold and half.

Classical Chinese!

Fortunately, she is all aware of the words. It should be said that most of them know each other, but the fonts are a bit strange, so some words she dare not confirm, but the biggest problem is that the sentences written in this notice are cut one by one. Gavin added to the text.

Su Xiaopei has read books for nearly 20 years, with excellent grades and high academic qualifications. English and French are very slippery. Although the ancient texts have been studied while studying, the work has never been used, so she returned it to the teacher. Where would I think that one day she still needs to get things in classical Chinese?

She tried hard to figure out that it was said that there was a flower thief who ran a crime around the country and raped several women. Now she is in Stone Town. If an informed person can report his whereabouts and help the official to successfully arrest the criminal, he will get Silver five or two.

The notice wrote the characteristics of the offender and the portrait. Su Xiaopei read hard and simply asked if this notice was written by Fei Ze.

Yan Feize touched his chin: "Although not all, but it is also true. It seems that the girl really knows some words, read the poetry, how can it be such a tone?"

Su Xiaopei licked his mouth and ignored him. He asked: "The time for this person to commit a crime can be regular? What type of victim is it? How is his appearance recorded, witnesses? Every case is Is there an eyewitness? Otherwise, how can I confirm that it is done by the same person? What is his means of committing crimes? What are the special places? The serial murders must have common characteristics, what is it?"

I was surprised that I was a high-browed brow. Where did this woman come from? The normal woman's family saw this kind of thing scared early. She still had a bunch of problems. Her words were still consistently weird, but he almost understood it, and he knew that the questions she asked were not bad. It’s just that there are too many details on the notice. The average person does not seem to need to write. Everyone only needs to know the characteristics and appearance of the criminal. If he sees him, he will only report it. Who would think of this as much as she did.

Su Xiaopei is still pondering here: "This kind of serial criminal is really difficult to catch, only to give a thousand buns, will it be less?"

bun? Yan Fei did not raise his eyebrows, but he couldn’t control his mouth. How could this girl figure out from the murder case to the buns? 2k novel reading network

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