MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 6 repair

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Chapter 6

Yan Fei did not answer.

He picked up his eyebrows and finished reading Su Xiaopei, then went to drink his tea. It didn't seem to take Su Xiaopei's meaning seriously.

Su Xiaopei also lived in anger, did not entangle and did not explain, but also drink tea.

At this time, someone outside the house shouted: "Tang boss is back." Another person shouted: "Wu Jiachang is coming."

It turned out that the group of people who wanted to watch the lively gossip were not exhausted. I was too embarrassed to enter the house and just waited at the door to see the situation. When Fang Lianlian came back, someone had already ran to inform the Tang family and father who had opened the outside.

The door of the room was pushed open, and Su Xiaopei looked up. A 40-year-old man and a teenager in his teens came in, followed by a white-bearded old man.

Tang Lian’s mother, Tang Li’s, heard the movement and hurryed out, and her eyes were red, and she must have cried. When I saw it, the man shouted "the official" and the tears came down again.

Tang Lian’s father called Tang Zhong, and his face was hard to see at this time.

The daughter was robbed by the mountain thief two months ago. At first he was anxious, and the newspaper officer was still looking for someone in the neighbors, but as time passed, the shadow of the daughter did not see, and the wind and the wind were ugly. Gushed out. Tang Zhong is a good face, can not accept this, seeing her daughter has no trace, and after a long time, want to come to the fierce and sorrowful, heart grief, simply let her die.

This time, the gossip was finally reduced. He was a little looser in his heart. He occasionally thought of his daughter’s encounter. Although he was sad, he also hoped that this matter would be passed quickly and no one would mention it. Unexpectedly, after lunch today, I went to the shop with my son for a little while, but there were neighbors who rushed to report that Tang Lian was alive.

Tang Zhong’s heart screamed, and he couldn’t say that he was not happy, but his daughter’s innocence of the Tang family would be pointed out, but it immediately came to my heart. He did not say much, busy closing the shop with his son Tang Song to go home.

Tang Li and Tang Zhong said on the side of their daughter’s return.

When these people entered the door, Yan Feizhe stood up. Su Xiaopei had a kind of learning and quickly followed up. But her legs and feet are really painful. She has been standing still before, but now she sat down and got up again. It was like being smashed by the car. She was so suffocated and almost fell.

She was holding her arm and straightening her.

Tang Zhong heard Tang Li’s case and came over to thank you. First, he shouted and shouted "Spirit", thanked him and introduced his identity. Yan Feize is also a boxing fist. He should have heard the "Tang Boss", and he just said that he has no choice but to thank him.

It was also a dialogue between dry and sloppy, and Su Xiaopei listened to it. He wondered if half of the energy of the people in ancient times was used in these so-called politeness and rituals.

Walking away, Tang Zhong turned to her side, holding a fist and asked: "Is this?"

Su Xiaopei was nervous for a while, and he learned how to take a fist. He said: "Tang Boss." Then a house of people looked at her with a brush, and Fei Fei did not specifically look at her, but she quickly smashed him. At a glance, he saw his corner curled up.

Oops, her number of gifts is definitely wrong. How is it played on TV, is it that two hands are squeezed on the side of the body? Su Xiaopei's brain is a bit empty. Anyway, she is not a slave. She can't scream, and she can't stop it. She doesn't care. It's wrong. On TV, I also say what the rivers and lakes are.

Yan Fei Ze seems to be happy enough to finally help her save the field. "This girl is also a chance encounter in the mountains. I have no problem with me."

Everyone showed their expressions of ignorance, even if there was any dissatisfaction in their hearts, they didn’t perform well. So they had a lot of mutual enthusiasm. Su Xiaopei had learned it a long time. If he didn’t speak, he wouldn’t talk, and if he didn’t move, he wouldn’t move. Be cautious.

Tang Zhongyu's own woman gave the benefactors some food to greet, but she went with her son and the old man. Su Xiaopei glanced at it and guessed that they were going to talk to Tang Lian. Suddenly she was worried that most of the hostages that were taken hostage would have a stress reaction, psychological problems, etc. I don’t know how Tang Lian would be.

She whispered to Yan Fei: "The strong man, just talking to them, can you hear who the old man is?"

Yan Feize looked at her and replied: "It is a long man."

"What is A long?"

"Ten households and one armor, each one has a long armor. Do the girls not remember?"

Ten households, one armor, one long? Su Xiaopei pondered a bit, guessing if this is a bit like a street community director. At this time, I heard Tang Lian crying in the back room: "Hey." Then it was the voice of the vague man who couldn't hear clearly.

Tang Li Shi listened to Tang Zhong’s embarrassment and went to the kitchen to eat 冉非泽苏小培. At this time, he did not accompany Tang Lian’s side. Su Xiaopei was very worried.

After waiting for a while, the crying inside was broken. Tang Li also came out with two bowls of noodles. He was very polite and thanked him. Su Xiaopei also learned how to look at him. Thank you. Tang Li hurriedly took another bowl into the inner house. Tang Lian, like them, did not eat.

Su Xiaopei was starving, and she was erecting her ears to listen to the movements in the inner room.冉非泽吃面 is a courteous look, not anxious, slow, Sven.

His manners are really not matched with his tall figure and oversized baggage. Su Xiaopei thought about eating the noodles quickly, and didn't even leave the soup.

After a while, Tang Li’s came out again, and whispered: “Thank you for your kindness, there is something in the family, it’s inconvenient to stay in the public for a long time, and it’s not good to say hello.”

Su Xiaopei sighed in her heart, but fortunately she had a thick face before opening, otherwise the meal was not settled.

Yan Fei Ze also politely returned the gift, thanked the Tang family for this hospitality, and then left. Su Xiaopei was afraid that he would be left behind, busy with his big bag and screaming with him.

Two people walked to the street, one after the other. Yan Fei Ze did not speak, Su Xiaopei did not speak, her legs and feet could not stand, every step on the ground is the same as the knife, but compared to this pain, she is more afraid of being left behind.

Su Feiji suddenly stopped, Su Xiaopei did not pay attention, almost hit him. He turned around and took out a purse from his arms and shook it. He poured the money in his purse onto his palm and looked at Su Xiaopei.

Ten times a copper plate, Su Xiaopei glanced at it, did not count the specific number.

Yan Fei Ze still does not speak, but his face is like a smile. Su Xiaopei frowned and asked seriously: "Is this the property of the strong man?"

property? Yan Fei Ze moved his brow and replied: "This is indeed all the money in my body." He waited to see, and this strange girl could still say hi.

Su Xiaopei stared at the copper plates and suddenly asked: "How is the money calculated here?"

"Hey?" He really didn't understand this.

"Yeah." How to explain it? Su Xiaopei turned his head and saw that there was a steamed bun on the side. He said: "Is it possible to buy a few steamed buns?"

Yan Feize looked at her with a gaze and smiled: "I have never bought it in this town, but it is also inseparable from other places. Three copper plates are one gimmick, five copper plates are a steamed buns."

Su Xiaopei carefully counted the copper plates of the non-Zhejiang palms. According to the cheap calculation, the three copper plates were replaced by one steamed bun. He had fifteen copper plates, that is, five hoes. She ate less, and one meal was good. He was wronged. One thing, eating two is good, then it is not enough for two.

He is not laughing, he has never seen anyone who counts money like this. She should know now that he can't take care of her.

"Girl." He screamed and planned to tell her that there is a temple in the town of Stone. If she really didn't know where to go, he could send her to the temple. But he hasn't finished talking yet. Su Xiaopei is looking up and asking: "How do the strong men plan to make money?"

It’s awkward. Is she asking him what is his life? How does that mean to live?

This girl, who is not young, has a strange accent in her hair. She said that it is not a memo, but she is not always aware of the common events and accidents. It is obviously the temperament of knowing the book and the words are rude. She intends to let her go, he knows, but she doesn't laugh or be flattering. She is so serious and serious, and he has never seen it.

冉非泽笑笑: "I have strength, but also some craftsmanship. It is not a problem to get a good meal. But it is a girl, what are the plans?"

She must say that she didn't go anywhere, no money, no relatives, because she didn't remember anything, she would ask him to take it, and he would tell her the last time, he couldn't take her, he could only send her to the town. On the temple.

As a result, Su Xiaopei said: "I plan to make some effort. When the strong man goes to make money, I can help the strong man to see the luggage."

冉非泽 is once again dumb. Look at the baggage - does this calculate the point? This face is too thick, and Fei Fei shook his head, "Girl." He decided to make it clear, just got a head, but he saw what he saw behind Su Xiaopei, and suddenly turned his head and left.

Su Xiaopei stunned and looked back. He didn't see anything special, but turned his head again. It was only a moment of work, but he did not see the figure of 冉非泽.

Su Xiaopei’s face fell. No, right? Is she judged wrong, this capable and kind-hearted warrior actually will not leave her lost memory?

It turns out that it is so easy for him to throw her away.

Su Xiaopei stood on the spot, his heart was cold, and disappointment and fear came to his heart. Unfamiliar and quaint streets, strange costumes, people can not fully understand the accent, Su Xiaopei tasted the helpless fear for the first time.

"You, yes, it is you, only when you talked to a strong man? Who is that?"

Su Xiaopei blinked his eyes and turned to see a red dress woman dressed in a strong dress. She had a thin eyebrow and a thin face. She was very serious. She had a sword with a green sheath in her hand. She asked.

Su Xiaopei shook his head. The woman frowned and asked: "Is it a big baggage, looks good and looks good, surname?"

Su Xiaopei continued to shake her head. She didn't know her. She didn't know what relationship she had with the strong man. And she was so fierce and rude. She is now frustrated and unwilling to care for her.

"You are dumb?" The woman continued to ask.

"Thank you for your concern." Su Xiaopei was not happy, could not help but marry her. Her feet hurt, so she moved to the wall and leaned back.

care? Who cares about her? The woman's brow wrinkles tighter, carefully looked at Su Xiaopei, very doubtful that her brain is sick. Look, the voice of the shirt, the tone of the voice, where is like a normal person.

"I asked you, how can I not answer?" She was far from seeing the fuzzy figure, and she was not sure that it was 冉非泽, and the lady who saw her eyes disappeared. Of course she had to ask.

"Does the girl have money silver?" Su Xiaopei's heart is a cross, a little broken cans, she does not know what to do next, she has no money, no place to go, who is going to help anyone.

A girl in red, what is the word? Is it necessary to give money and money to answer?

"If you have money, can you borrow some of my work? Or lend me a dress. Girl, I have never been here, still amnesia, my legs are still very painful, I have no support, no relatives..."

Su Xiaopei’s words were not finished, and the woman had turned away. “It turned out to be a crazy one.”


Su Xiaopei swallowed back the words for help, and watched the woman's figure disappear into the crowd.

Still crazy?

Su Xiaopei licked her mouth. Her legs and feet were too painful. She couldn’t stand it. She thought her face must be twisted. She couldn’t stand it, couldn’t stand it, and just moved to a corner and sat down.

From time to time, some people passed by her from the street, and each of them cast amazing eyes, but no one took care of her, and no one came forward to ask her. Su Xiaopei looked at herself, the unsuitable men's cloth, covered from the head to the feet, covered with dried muddy black cloth socks, although she could not see the head, but she could imagine what it would look like.

I don't know if the law and order here is good, will there be any rogue bullying on the street? Will there be a city management police to see her inconsistency, to check and interrogate people? Or grab her up? Is there a site division? Can the gang help her?

Su Xiaopei was thinking and thinking, and his head was low. What should she do? Otherwise, go back to Tang Lian's home for help? Although the family is not very good at talking, and has no intention to care for outsiders, but she and Tang Lian have a way to the road, but also all women who are in trouble, hard to scalp her home for help, how is it better than sleeping in the street?

Su Xiaopei tried to think back to where the Tang family was, but found that she had just followed the 冉非泽 and did not pay attention to the route, and I still could not find it. She bites her teeth. In any case, I have to try it. She has been sitting here for too long. This is not the way to go. It will be bad if it is late.

Su Xiaopei thought so, and he planned to get up and move, but he found that he could not stand up. She sucked in painfully, slowly propping the ground, moving and twisting, climbing the wall behind her, intending to climb. It’s good to stand up, what position doesn’t matter, and there’s no need to worry about this situation.

In the squatting mouth, a large palm reached over and grabbed her elbow and propped her up. Su Xiaopei saw a pair of dark blue coarse cloth shoes with light gray trousers on the top and a hem of a light blue men's robes. These seem to be a bit familiar. She jerked her head up in front of her face, which was a good and kind face.

He is back, actually came back? !

"The strong man." Su Xiaopei, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, quickly rushed to say: "strong man, I am lost, I do not remember anything, my legs are very painful, I have no money, no relatives, no one knows I have never been here before, there is no place to be accommodated, I am helpless, lonely and lonely..."

When she did not want to open her mouth, she was caught by her long list of words. She even coughed a few times, and some thought that she should laugh too much. But should these poor compassionate words be said in a low-pitched tone? It was a bit funny that she flew out like this on a hard board.

Su Xiaopei’s words were interrupted by his cough. In fact, she could not write more words. It is not her strength to be weak and pitiful. Looking at the expression of Fei Ze, she also knows that she can't go on this route.

She cleared her throat and thought about it again: "If the strong man leaves me alone, I will only have one dead end."

冉非泽正正正脸, nodded: "There is no intention to leave the girl, only to see the trouble, temporarily avoiding a while."

Su Xiaopei nodded and said that he understood, but couldn't help but ask: "Emotional debt?" I have to find out what the situation of this person is to judge whether it can be temporarily relied on.

冉非泽 responded for a while before he guessed the meaning, and he coughed again. Does the girl really know what she is talking about? A solitary woman, to say such things, to be criticized. "Girl." In front of her innocent and clear eyes, I thought about how to tell her the truth for a long time, but I couldn't find the right words. In the end, I said, "The girl will not do this next time."

Su Xiaopei frowned, do not want to do this so - rely on him? Sitting on the street? play self pity? ask questions? What are you doing?

Yan Feize frowned at her serious and serious face. Did she know what he meant?

The two frowned at the brow and were serious about the seriousness.

At this time, there were two people running by, and they groaned in their mouths: "Go and see, grab the thief, and get the silver and five."

Silver reward?

Su Xiaopei’s spirit rose, his eyes went with the two men, and his mind turned quickly. He turned his head and asked Yu Fei: “The strong man, you have no money, you can’t take care of me, right?”

"It is true." So he planned to send her to the temple to resettle, just want to say, but Su Xiaopei took the lead: "With money, you can take care of me for a while, right?"

冉非泽: "..."

If you ask this question, it should not be okay or not. No money really is not a reason to not take care of a woman, she does not understand this? The point is that men and women don’t kiss each other. He and her are so close to each other that they don’t know each other. Is she really afraid of him?

Yan Feize looked at Su Xiaopei’s serious face and nodded.

Su Xiaopei continued to ask seriously: "A strong man, will you take it?"


"Have you caught a thief?"


"What is the price of five or two silver? I mean, can I buy a few gimmicks?"

冉非泽: "..." 2k novel reading network