MTL - I’m Really a Superstar-Chapter 1668 [Zhang Wei eats sharks! 】

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the next day.


Opened the pot online.


"There is still today!"

"After Saturday and Sunday, I will broadcast two episodes!"

"Too much power!"

"I can't wait!"

"Yesterday was too **** good!"

"The first issue is not bad!"

"This program is very difficult to shoot, does Zhang Wei not rest?"

"Get started, die, wait!"

"I am also looking forward to dying, see how you want to wave your face today!"

"Ha ha ha ha, this food is overturned in the morning and evening!"

"Yeah, the crocodile dared to eat, I really served him!"

"Beginning is starting!"

"Wow! This is an island!"

"A beautiful place!"

Global attention.

After the first two periods of great word-of-mouth and hot discussion, "Wild Survival" has further increased in the global audience, more and more people are in front of the TV, opened the CCTV international channel. This program seems to be magical. Just after two broadcasts, it caught the eyes of the global people.


On the TV.

The opening remarks of Zhang Wei's practice.

"I am Zhang Wei. Some people say that I am a moderator, a writer, a film actor, a director, a singer, a mathematician, a hacker. I don't deny this, but I know that I still have one who knows. I am a wilderness survivor. Today, I came to a desert island in the western Pacific. The scenery here is pleasant, but it is also dangerous. I will show you the skills needed to survive here."

"Oh, it's so beautiful."

"Look, the sea, the blue sky, the beach."

"I really want to lie on the beach and enjoy the scenery, but I know that this is not the case. The best time to survive in the wild is not when you are exhausted, but when you are full of energy, so now, I need to take this island. Make the land clear, let's go."

"Nothing at all."

"This island is too small."

“There is no coconut, no fresh water, no food.”

"I am hungry, I have to find some food."

"Look, there is something here."

"Hey, it’s a worm crawling on the tree."

"Well, that's it, I want to add protein."

"Damn, this tastes bad."

"Hey, look, there is an island opposite, the island is separated by the strait, this is a twin island, the other side of the island looks big, the resources should be very rich, the chances of survival there will be higher, decided I have to try to get to the island, now I need to build a simple raft."

"I am out of the sea, wish me luck."

"It's coming, I have seen the other side."

"Oh **** it! It's a shark!"

"He is hitting the raft!"

"The scorpion is going to sink! Damn!"

"I have to swim!"

"Fast! Fast! Fast! Fast!"

"The shark wiped past my feet! He is chasing me!"

"I finally got ashore!"

"I am exhausted, I need food."

"My luck is very bad. There is no food on this island. I can only see a few sharks that are in the shallow sea. They seem to be trapped because of chasing me. I can't go fishing in the sea. There is no food source on the island. The biggest problem I am facing now is hunger."

"How to do?"

"It seems that I have no choice."

"Go, I have to try to get the sharks ashore!"


Peking University.

"It's beautiful."

"I also want to explore."

"Ah! What is Professor Zhang eating?"

"It's a meat bug!"


"I want to vomit!"

"I want to vomit!"



"He eats everything!"

"Is the worm also eating raw?"

"so amazing!"

"I serve!"



"He is going to the other side."

"The raft is very good."

"This Zhangye really has the technology of survival in the wild."

"It's amazing."

"Ah, shark!"

"The shark is here!"


United Kingdom.


"Four sharks!"

"No, it's five!"

"Catch up! The scorpion sinks!"

"Zhang Yu is in danger!"



"Eat him!"

"Bite him!"

"On the shark!"

"Dry him!"

"Catch it! Chasing it!"




"Oh my mom! It's a real shark!"

"Hurry and play!"

"Let you blow it! It’s silly now!"

"Hurry up!"

"Going ashore! Going ashore!"

"Thank God! Scared me!"


United States.

"No food."

"He can't do anything."

"Haha, this period can't be filmed."

"You can only starve to death without food."

"Really, have the ability to eat sharks, haha!"

"and many more!"

"What is he going to do?"

"My grass! He, he really wants to eat sharks!"



"He is back to the beach!"

"What is he doing?"

"My God! He, he wants to catch sharks!"

"This guy is crazy!"



"Oh my God!"

"He is really!"

"He went to sea!"

"Ah! The Chinese are too fierce!"

"That, that's a shark. It's not good to eat it! You want to eat it?"



"Sharks can't catch it!"

"He is too bold!"

"I rely! Look!"

"Catch it! He caught it!"




"Get rid of it, didn't catch it!"

"The shark ran one! He stared at one again!"

"Even the shark saw him running, is this guy still a person?"

"Catch it again!"

"My grass! Going ashore!"



"have eaten!"

"He ate the shark!"

"I am dizzy!"

"What the **** is it!"

"Shark! That is a shark!"

"I thought he didn't dare to eat, I was wrong!"

"Zhang Ye, I am jealous of you!"

"My mother is also awkward!"

"This is a farm animal!"


The third phase of "Wild Survival" was broadcast.

On this day, the world was once again shocked by Zhang Wei!

The world is once again convinced by the spirit of Chinese food!

Never seen such a person!

I have never seen such a daring master!

As in the first period, as in the second period, where Zhang Hao passed, the chicken and the dog did not stay, and the grass was not born. He could eat it, including sharks, and even the meat bugs were not missed! That kind of picture, the kind of atmosphere, the sense of horror, is really shocking. The eyes of countless audiences around the world have changed. The eyes of Zhang Yi’s eyes have changed. They really doubt that the goods are under the human skin. Is an alien creature!

The day.

The global ratings have been released again.

Everyone was once again scared by the ratings of Wilderness Survival!

China's first!

Britain: Second!

France: Second!

United States: Fourth!

Japan: Second!

South Korea: Second!

India: Fifth!

Canada: Third!

"Wildness Survival" has entered the top three for the first time in many countries.