MTL - I’m Really a Superstar-Chapter 1667 [Zhang Wei eats crocodile! 】

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A few days later.

on Saturday.

Many viewers in the world have turned on the TV.

"Get started!"

"The second period is over."

"Yeah, wait a week."

"I don't know if the second period will be as good as the first period."

"I didn't see it last week. I have to look at it this week."

“Is it so beautiful?”

"You will know when you look at it."

"CCTV International Channel?"

"Yes, it is the only international channel in China."

"Okay, it started broadcasting."

"What? Swamp?"

“So dangerous?”

"I know there! There are crocodiles!"

Under the expectation of audiences from all over the world, the second program of "Wild Survival" was officially launched. Many people picked up snacks, picked up cola or beer, and watched TV with their families. Unlike football, it is different from talk shows, and there are also differences between various types of TV series. "Wildness Survival" is a program that is very suitable for an adult, children, men, women and children to watch together.


On the TV.

Zhang Wei’s figure appeared again.

This time he appeared in a horrible swamp.

"I am Zhang Wei. Some people say that I am a moderator, a writer, a film actor, a director, a singer, a mathematician, a hacker. I don't deny this, but I know that I still have one who knows. I am a field survival expert. Today, I came to the Everglades in Florida. This piece of grassland is immersed in water. This wilderness attracts six million tourists every year. Some people are trapped, some are lost, some are dead. I want to land from the most difficult swamp in my life. I only have a knife, a flintstone, and a kettle. This time, I want to get myself into the dilemma of lost tourists and show you how to survive here. ""

"I am coming down."

"Hey, it's all around."

"I don't like it at all. It's hard to tell the direction. I don't even know what's in the water. It feels bad. I have to leave here and find the land."

"Now I need a handy tool, this tree, I have to cut it down. At a critical moment, it may save my life."

"Now I have to find the direction."

"I teach you a way. I know that in Florida, the direction of the swamp is fixed, but the water flow is very slow, so I need to insert the tree in the swamp, then find a rope-like branch, tied My kettle, wait another half an hour, look at the direction of the kettle, I can know where to go - well, I have already determined the direction, let's go."

"Two hours, I have been walking, very tired."

“Going forward in the swamp is very expensive, and I urgently need food to replenish energy.”

"Look, what is this?"

"Take off the wood, there are ants."

"This is a carpenter ant, let me have a taste."

"Well, this taste is definitely not good."

"Hey, look at it, the front is the mud, where the mud will **** people into the ground, the more you struggle, the deeper you get, the more people around the world die every year. This is one of the biggest dangers in the swamp. Usually see this, we I have to avoid or return in the same way, but today I have to jump. I want to teach everyone if they are stuck in the mud, if they can get out of trouble."

"I am down!"

"The sump keeps sucking me down!"

"My waist is completely stuck!"

"Remember the stick that I took down before? It's time for it to save lives. Hold it with both hands and use it to make a larger surface area to withstand your weight, then twist the chest against the stick. As soon as you get on the swamp, you will advance and climb to the hard ground. It is not difficult to see."

"Go ahead."

"Hey, what did I find?"

"It's a little frog."

"Well, I have to eat."

"Damn, it tastes bad."

"I am hungry and cold, I am in a bad state. I need food, I need water, I need to build a camp, otherwise I can't get out of this swamp."

"and many more!"

"There are bubbles in the water!"

"Damn! It's a short-tailed crocodile! He found me!"

"I can't run it in the swamp, it's much faster than me!"

"Damn! There are three!"


Dong Shanshan home.

The old classmates got together.

"I am dizzy!"

"That is an ant!"

"This grandson eats everything!"

"When he was in college, it wasn't like this, the season bird, the nephew, the grasshopper, he ate."

"But this is raw!"

"He also said that it is not good. If you don't eat well, how many more do you still eat?"


United Kingdom.



"There are too many people to hide! How can he not escape and jump in!"


"He is dead himself!"

"Oh, come out!"

“Too amazing!”




"He ate! Really eaten!"

"I'm going to vomit!"

"Me too, vomit!"

"Life frog?"

"People say that we Russians are fighting people! By! This guy is a fighting nation!"




“It’s a short-tailed croco

"There are three! Zhang Hao is finished!"

"Being surrounded!"

"This time I played big!"

"Haha, let him eat all the way, this is dumbfounded!"



"Short-tailed crocodile come on!"

"Bite him!"

"Bite him!"

"On the short-tailed crocodile!"

"Short-tailed crocodile, please attack!"



"Ha ha ha, playing face and playing off!"

"Let him eat!"

"Why don't you eat crocodile!"

"Yeah, then eat, how to run!"

"Laughing, this guy is too much!"

"Wait, I am grass!"

"The face is back!"




"What is he doing back?"

"There are crocodiles there!"

"Ah! There is a crocodile with a single order!"

"Oh my God! Zhang Hao, he came back for revenge!"

"He rushed up!"

"God! He threw himself on the back of the crocodile! Pinch it!"



"I am grass!"

"He killed the crocodile!"

"He, what is he going to do!"

"He is molting."

"My God! He, he, he wants to eat crocodiles!"

"He really ate!"

"This is crazy!"

"Do you want to be so fierce!"


The second program was broadcast.

The audience all over the world is scared!





The second issue of "The Wilderness Survival", Zhang Wei once again swept the no-man's land. Wherever he passed, he was simply not alive, and all he could eat was eaten!

this day.

Countless people scare the urine!

this day.

Countless people are jealous!

The second phase of ratings has risen again!

China's first.

United States: Fifth.

Britain: Third.

South Korea: Third.

India: seventh.

Russia: Fourth.

"Wildness Survival" is almost unstoppable!

Read The Duke's Passion