MTL - I’m Really a Superstar-Chapter 1658 [Wild goods to eat! 】

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In the woods.

One hour.

Two hours.

Zhang Wei has been walking on foot for three hours. The trousers have been scratched by the bushes. The face is dusty, there is no food, no water, his lips have dried up and the body has rapidly declined. This is not a state in which makeup can be drawn, but an absolute real wilderness.

Lens recording.

Zhang Wei said tiredly: "When you are lost in the wild, the first thing to do is to find a river. That means you will have water and even food. I have been away for a few hours. I don't know the water source. How far is it, maybe I have to go one day? Or two days? I don't know, now I am hungry, very hungry, my physical strength is consumed, I can't, I need to find some food to supplement my physical strength, otherwise I may not really be able to get out of this jungle." Speaking, the gasp was a lot thicker.

After a while.

He fell down among the grass.

The crew of the film crew also stopped.

I saw Zhang Huan squatting down from the ground, a plant that no one knows. It looks like a grass. There is nothing special. "It seems that I have no choice. This is a local wild vegetable, although people who eat it Not a lot, but I am sure that this stuff can be eaten."

Sun glared at the big eyes.

Tong Fu has a big mouth.

Everyone looked at him dumbly.

When he got a slap in the air, he threw the "wild vegetable" into his mouth, chewed it, and browed it together. "The taste is not so good, there is a grassy smell."


That **** is grass!

You dare to eat anything!

Sun hurriedly said: "This is not poisonous!"

Zhang Xiao smiled, "Do not worry, no poison."

The crowd continued to move forward.

These two wild vegetables are obviously not filled with a stretched belly. His physical quality is stronger than that of everyone, and his physical strength is good. Because of this, his consumption is often much higher than that of normal people. At this time, Zhang Hao is hungry. I saw everything on the way like eating, and my eyes were green.

Go all the way.

Eat all the way.

Strange wild vegetables.

Strange grass roots.

Even strange bark.

Zhang Hao tried it all.

"this is not bad."

"This smell is very strange."

Everyone was speechless.

Suddenly, Zhang Hao looked up at a tree. "Wait! This is a bird's nest! From this angle, I can't see what birds are. It shouldn't be a raptor. I don't know if there are any eggs in it." He is below. Observed for a long time, "the height is fifteen meters, the trunk is a little thin, this kind of tree is not recommended to climb, because it may be difficult to support my weight, but I am too hungry now, I need to try. ”

Film crew emergency:


"You are careful!"

"Can't you climb up?"

Everyone is suspicious.

As a result, Zhang Huan went straight to the tree in the next moment. He grabbed his hand and hooked his foot. On the other hand, he went to the tree and said on the other side: "The tree with a thin trunk, the most important thing to pay attention to is balance, it must be slow, and the amplitude should be controlled. Ok, hey, a little dangerous, the trunk is shaking, steady, not in a hurry."

Five meters.

Ten meters.

Finally climbed up.

Zhang Hao laughed. "Haha, I am very lucky. I saw two eggs, but they are not big. They are not much bigger than the quail eggs, but they are enough for me to add some protein." Then, reach out and grab the eggs. Gently held in one hand, he was ready to come down. It can be just a few meters down, because of the one-handed operation, the body's center of gravity is also unstable when it falls, and the tree is awkward!

Sun madly scared: "Be careful!"

Tong Fu was shocked and stunned. "It fell!"

Wu Yidao: "I rely!"

Zhang Hao fell directly from the tree, and slammed into the ground. When he fell, his foot first landed, then he took a roll around the ground to ease the weight, but in the end he screamed painfully. Difficultly raised his arms and sat up, spread his hand and looked at it. "It's okay."

Everyone ran up.

"how is it?"

"Is the injury not hurt?"

Zhang Yan smiled and stood up. "It's okay."

The crowds are relieved.

Zhang Wei said to the camera again: "Now I haven't found a source of water. I don't have a chance to cook the egg. Then there is only one way." In the next second, he was shocked by the crew of the film crew. Mouth, look up, one hand crushed a bird egg, swallowed into the mouth, "Hey, a little awkward, but it may be that I am too hungry, I feel the taste is OK, yes, another one." The second egg also Was eaten.

Wu Yidao: "Do you really eat?"

The child is a bit disgusting. "Can this be eaten raw?"

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "Eggs can be eaten raw."

Sun mad, "You bull - forced!"

Zhang Weidao: "Go ahead, look forward."

Going for another hour.

The crew of the film crew have been cumbersome and set up camp in the same place.

Zhang Wei took the sun madness and explored it all around.

Suddenly, Zhang Wei said loudly: "Old Sun! Don't move!"

Sun stunned and blinked. "What happened?"

The people in the film crew heard the news and they were all scared!

Sun Mania also found a snake at his feet, his face was green, "I grass!"

Seeing that he was going to run, Zhang Yan shouted again, "Don't move!"

Sun madly panicked: "What the **** is this snake?"

"Rattlesnake." Zhang Wei said: "There is a poison."


Still a rattlesnake?

Everyone is shocked!

Zhang Wei is very calm and even a little excited. "This is a snake's nest. I have seen three snakes. There should be there in the grass. Old Sun, you don't move, I will solve it." Looking down, it is slow. Slowly squatting down a tree on the ground, and went up, the eye disease quickly inserted the rattlesnake, the front end of the tree scorpion is a Y-shaped, directly put the rattlesnake on the ground.

Sun madly ran away!

Tong Fudao: "Run it!"

Wu Yidao: "Hurry back, Teacher Sun is fine!"

As a result, Zhang Wei did not move at all. Instead, he bowed his head and picked up the tail of the rattlesnake. He smashed, smashed, smashed it and smashed it on the ground. Seeing the direction of the grass next to him, he heard the sound of the cable, and five or six rattlesnakes suddenly Rushed over, Zhang Hao then turned around and ran!




Go back to the camp.

Everyone has sweated down, it’s too dangerous, it’s too hung, and the lives of these people are almost here. Everyone comforted each other and suddenly remembered Zhang Wei, and they looked around, what? What about Zhang? When they saw Zhang Wei, everyone had the urge to vomit blood!

This cargo is fired in the wood!

He actually wants to eat snake meat!

Sun Mad collapsed: "You, you still want to eat?"

Tong Fu called: "That is a poisonous snake!"

Wu Yidao: "I am dizzy!"

This food!

It’s hard to eat!

It took more than half an hour for Zhang Wei to ignite the fire, and then began to deal with the snake, remove the head, smash the internal organs, and put it on the fire. The set of movements is simply flowing. When the snake meat was baked, the scent had already overflowed, and even the crew of the crew had a big forefinger.

Zhang Hao tore off a piece of snake meat, smelled it, and ate it in one bite. "Call, too fragrant, this is really the most delicious thing I have ever eaten today. It is the real food than the drafting of roots and eggs." ""

Sun madly turned his eyes.

Just eat it!

Give you a death in the morning and evening!

Man vs. Wild?

This is clearly a wilderness to eat goods!

At this time, a person in the film crew found a footprint and immediately called everyone in a panic. "Zhang Dao, everyone to see, what is this footprint?"

"So big?"

"What animal?"

"I do not know."

They don't know each other.

When Sun mad saw it, his face changed dramatically.

Zhang Wei also looked at his eyes and looked down. He reached out and touched the footprint. "It’s a bear! This imprint should have been left for less than two hours."

The film crew was scared!


Is there a bear here?

And have you been here?

Sun is nervous and nervous: "You can't stay here!"

Tong Fudao: "Go fast!"

In this mountain range, the bear is almost the top creature in the food chain!

However, Zhang Yan’s next sentence, they are even more scared!

Zhang Wei said to himself: "I heard that the bear's paw is delicious?"

Sun madly grabbed him, "I rely! You still remember the bear's paw?"

"Zhang Gui calm!" Tong Fu called.

Wu Yi also grabbed him. "This can't be eaten!"

Xiao Liu: "What are you doing!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao laughed. "Hah, I am making a joke."

You are eating!

You really want to die! ?

Some people collapsed. On this road, Zhang Wei was almost what his mother saw, what he ate, grass roots, bark, eggs, snake meat, although Zhang said that it was a joke, but no one knows whether this is a good or not. Really joking, this guy’s brain circuit has always been different from normal people. They are afraid that when Zhang Wei arrives, he will remember the bear meat. He will take them to death. This is a wilderness, no man’s land. If they really meet a bear, Zhang can not eat the bear they don't know, but they know that they must be the first to let the bear eat!

Read The Duke's Passion