MTL - I’m Really a Superstar-Chapter 1657 ["Wildness Survival" starts shooting! 】

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A few days later.

Abroad, somewhere.

At a small civilian airport, Zhang Wei is talking to his family. The signal is not very good, and the noise is very big. He can only talk with his voice.

"Mom, I have arrived."

"You are careful."

"Know it, no danger."

"Then you have to pay attention to safety."

"I understand that this should be taken, not much to say."

There are a total of three people on the scene.

One is local.

One is the film crew of Zhang Wei.

The last one is the team sent by CCTV, responsible for communication and ground coordination.

CCTV ran over and said: "Zhang Dao, the plane is ready, ready to take off, your people have already gone a wave in advance, I just contacted, everything went well, the rest of the shooting progress and command is handed over to You, if there are any unexpected situations in the past few days, we must send a signal to us. The locals have repeatedly reminded us that there is danger and it belongs to the no-man's land. You must pay attention to safety."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I know, thank you."

The CCTV man shook hands with him. "I wish you all the best."

Zhang Yidao: "Take your good words."

Over there, the pilots came up and handed them the parachute bag.

This film crew has only two people, Zhang Wei and Sun Mad, who have skydiving missions.

Sun mad took the umbrella bag and left.

However, Zhang Wei did not move, but the umbrella bag was taken apart under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Sun madly said, "What are you doing?"

The pilot also said in English: "WHAT?"

Zhang Wei said: "I stack myself."




A set of actions is flowing.

The pilot looked surprised and smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Sun mad is also a bit strange, "You are really professional!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "I can rest assured."

Sun mad is an insider. Although he is not a professional parachute, he has also met many professionals. He knows that many master parachutes will not pass other people’s hands. For some kind of faith, for safety reasons, they I only believe in myself. Only my own umbrella bag is reassuring. There are not many masters. Sun mad is obviously not such a person. Therefore, he is a bit stunned by Zhang Wei. He did not expect that Zhang Hao actually had two things.

Soon after, the plane took off and went straight to the shooting ground.

In fact, on the plane, shooting has already begun.

Sun madly set up the video equipment.

Zhang Wei also began to record a few lines.

Sun madly looked down from time to time, "too beautiful!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I will follow me for a while, and some will appreciate time."

Sun mad confidently filled: "Do not worry, where are you going, where do I go, to ensure that a shot is not lost."

"Come on, get ready." Zhang Wei brought a portable video device.

Sun Mania said: "I will wear it for you?"

Zhang Hao shook his hand and made it three times and two times.

Sun madly shrugged and dressed himself.

Both of them repeatedly checked their equipment and confirmed it.

The staff on the small plane are also swearing them in English. "The low-altitude skydiving is very dangerous. We will choose to land in an open place. There are crocodiles, beasts, and various dangers. You are really sure to go there. Program? I suggest that you pray to God and hope to see you when you come back." He didn't know what program they were going to shoot. He only knew that the Chinese people might be crazy.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Yes."

The driver loudly said: "Yes!"

Sun madness is also tense.

Zhang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, "Go!"

The cabin door opened and the wind rushed in.

Speaking of it, this is the first time that Zhang Wei has skydiving. Although he has mastered the skills of skydiving, this feeling is still very wonderful. When the two legs leaped down, the adrenaline suddenly soared. People are flying, falling freely down!


Zhang Yan smiled and shouted.

Blue sky!

White clouds!



That doesn't feel like mentioning it!

At this moment, Zhang Yucai really had a state of entering the wilderness. He first opened the parachute in one step, the parachute opened smoothly, and the speed dropped. In his sky, Sun Mania then opened the parachute, controlled the direction, chased after Zhang Hao, and the camera was always aimed at him.

Sun Madness: "Shuang!!"

The following are all open areas and are the best place to land.

Even the temporary camps where the crew members arrived in advance can see it.

On the ground.

Many people waved.

Tong Fu: "Zhang Dao!"

Wu Yi: "Here!"

Zhang Zuo: "Haha, people are coming!"

Sun mad also yelled at them in the sky.

Everyone laughed and the atmosphere was wonderful.

Before the original, everyone was still worried. They knew the danger of this primitive no-man's land. Everyone came to be nervous when they came, but when they got here, they found it too beautiful. They lived in the city all the year round. I have never experienced this feeling. It is a kind of release of the soul, a sublimation of the soul. For a time, everyone even fortunate that Zhang has a brain to come up with such a program. This is not a disguised tour, haha.

But not long after, this idea disappeared completely!

Because at this time, Zhang Hao’s eyes turned and he felt a glimpse of his heart. Suddenly he thought that this was too smooth? Smooth skydiving? Landing safely? There is absolutely no sense of urgency to survive in the wilderness. If people who are forced to parachute in the wild are not able to be as self-sufficient as they are, this is not in line with objective laws. So he looked around in a circle, his body suddenly twisted, and even gave up landing below, directly changed the direction, and sneaked into the direction of a jungle not far away, this scene scared everyone shocked!

Zhang left cried: "Not here!"

Tong Fu is awkward, "My day! Wrong! Going wrong!"

Wu Yi shouted: "What do you want to do with Zhang!"

Sun mad also scatters, "Your sister!"

One of the biggest dangers of low-altitude skydiving is whether the landing site is flat. This is very important. If the ground environment is complex, there is a swamp? Have a sea? There is a forest? This will cause threats to skydivers, injuries, and even death. Their feet were originally open, and even if they jumped down with their eyes closed, there would be no problem in landing. Only one place in the distance had a virgin forest. However, Zhang Hao actually went crazy and drifted there. Now!

Sun mad did not dare to follow, hurriedly prepared to land!

The people in the studio looked at Zhang’s guide to the jungle and panicked!

After the grandchildren fell, the crowd immediately merged and chased the past in the direction of Zhang Wei!

"Zhang Dao!"

"Where are you!"


After half an hour.

They finally found Zhang Wei, I saw that the goods were hanging in the air, the parachute was hung on the tree, and the whole person was placed at a height of more than ten meters!

Tong Fu was scared and shouted, "Save people!"

Zhang Zuo called: "You come down, guide!"

Zhang Wei is very calm, "What's down, hurry to open the camera."

Sun madly opened the camera silently. "You can do it!"

Zhang Wei said to himself, introduced his current situation, and then took the dagger and began to rescue himself. If the place is more than ten meters high, if you really want to fall down, you will have to be disabled if you don't die. So this person is simply shocked.

A few minutes have passed.

Zhang Yan fell from the tree.

Tong Fudao: "You are too dangerous!"

Wu Yidao: "Where is there a pit where you jump? You don't land in the big flat, landing in the woods! I am really serving you!"

Zhang Wei looked at them. "Did you not read the script?"

Sun is crazy, "What script?"

"The purpose of our program is to overcome difficulties." Zhang Wei said.

Sun snarled: "Is there no difficulty?"

Zhang Wei said: "Then create difficulties."

I am dizzy! It’s just that there’s nothing left to do something, isn’t it! ?

Zhang Wei knows that they have not seen similar programs and have not understood the value of this program. They explained to them: "The significance of this program is in the way of survival. I will put all kinds of these days. The way of survival is presented to everyone, and the audience will be told what to do after being in distress in the wild, so we can’t do it all the time. The dangers that other trapped people will encounter, I have to go through it again. The people who are really in danger cannot be like us. If you make a call, someone will come to the rescue. The skydiving wants to jump where to jump. There is a compressed biscuit in the open bag. This is not true. So in the future recording, I don’t need any water source food. I will solve it myself, so from Now, I will enter the real wilderness to survive, and you will treat me as someone who is really trapped in this place, regardless of me."

Sun madly inhale: "You are going to die!"

At this moment, they finally realized how dangerous they were going to shoot!

Regional danger!

Environmental danger!

The beast is dangerous!

The director is more dangerous!

Read The Duke's Passion