MTL - I’m Really a Great Director-Chapter 97 state landslide

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After the new work recommendations were published at the same time as "Spicy Landlord", "Gentle Township" and "I'm a Vegetable", "Lola Run" was also updated to the 20th minute.

In the film, Lola did start to raise 100,000 marks, but it was too late, and her boyfriend, Manny, started robbing the supermarket.

The plot came to a dead end.

There are also many posts in the forum, analyzing the 20 minutes of "Lola Run", focusing on the rhythm of the film.

But Lu Meimei knows that the most powerful thing about this film is the "back in time" plot, which makes Lola start running again and again, triggering various events and producing different results.

Therefore, the truly wonderful place has not yet appeared.

Due to the excellent performance of Li Fanxi's previous works, many audiences have given this "Lola Run" great patience, knowing that the plot will turn to a dead end, so continue to look forward to it.

But there is a strange phenomenon.

Li Fanxi's updates began to become less frequent.

It used to be updated every day for three minutes, but now it is only two minutes, or even one minute.

In any case, this is not always a good sign.

Judging from the current comprehensive ranking of new drama films, "Lola Run" is ranked fourth, and Liao Yu's "Spicy Landlord" is a standout, holding his head high and leading the way.

Of course, the real contest will take three days to find out, so Lu Meimei is not nervous at all.

She has enough confidence in "Lola Run".

The phone vibrated, and the owner of the "Liu Minzhi Fan Group" sent a message to Lu Meimei:

"Mei Mei, will you come to Liu Minzhi's meeting?"

Liu Minzhi is coming to ZH to hold a fan meeting, so the group owner very much hopes that Lu Meimei will come over, increase her popularity, and help organize the venue by the way.

Lu Meimei was a little hesitant, although she also wanted to see Liu Minzhi, but this enthusiasm, for some reason, was no longer as strong as before.

Liu Minzhi in "The Spicy Landlord" made Lu Meimei feel very unfamiliar.

"I'm afraid the time won't even come..." Lu Meimei replied.

"Don't be like this, haven't you met Liu Minzhi all the time? How could you miss such a good opportunity? Come on!" the group leader encouraged.

Although she already felt strange to Liu Minzhi, Lu Meimei had a question in her heart: Has Liu Minzhi read the first draft of "The Spicy Landlord"?

If Liu Minzhi had seen it, what would she think of Lu Meimei's performance in the first draft?

Therefore, if there is a chance to meet Liu Minzhi, Lu Meimei plans to ask in person.

"Oh, when is it? I'll go take a look when I get there." Lu Meimei replied.

The group leader was very happy when Lu Meimei agreed.

""I haven't set the date yet, but it should be these few days, you wait for my notice! "


The news that Liu Minzhi will come to ZH to promote the new film and hold a fan meeting has been announced on her Weibo.

Bai Zifeng saw the news and was secretly happy, knowing that the opportunity to meet Lu Meimei had come again.

"Will you go to Liu Minzhi's meeting?" Bai Zifeng sent a message and asked Lu Meimei.


"It's my turn to invite you to dinner this time!" Bai Zifeng said in his voice, "What do you like to eat? Also, I'm not familiar with ZH's restaurant. Just tell me where you like to eat, and I'll make a reservation in advance."

"No need, there should be something to eat at the scene."

Bai Zifeng said quickly: "Actually, I want to talk to you about something. About the cranial shadow, find a place to eat and talk."


Lu Meimei didn't seem to be interested in this invitation, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so Bai Zifeng used another topic to offset this embarrassment.

"By the way, did you know? Li Fanxi's "The Chainsaw" seems to be flawed."

"Ah?!" Lu Meimei was shocked: "What's wrong?"

Bai Zifeng replied with a bit of schadenfreude: "The fighting scenes in "The Chainsaw" are very poorly designed, and the number of updates has also been greatly reduced, and the comment area is all negative."

Lu Meimei was stunned when she heard this.

Strange, I thought that only "Lola Run" showed signs of slow updates. It turned out that this happened even in "Chainsaw"?

Is Li Fanxi's condition really that bad?

Lu Meimei quickly opened the page of Chainsaw Horror, and sure enough, the number of clicks dropped a lot, and the comment area was almost completely covered by negative comments:

【One minute a day? ! Are you going to be a direct eunuch? 】

【What happened recently? The picture is very weak]

[I advised you a long time ago, if you can't open it, don't open it! Now both ends can't be taken care of, deserve it! 】

[This action scene is too embarrassing, the technology is really rough]


[The technique of coaxing children, this action scene, any skull shadow lover is better than you, wake up.]

【Can't you concentrate on one film? Don't torment yourself! 】

What is the action scene that will arouse the disgust of so many audiences?

Lu Meimei watched the film. It turned out that the plot went on for 90 minutes. There was a scene where the kidnapper and the kidnapped woman fought. There were a lot of physical movements on both sides.

And Li Fanxi's lack of technology caused some distortions in these body It looks very funny and makes people very playful.

Lu Meimei was very confused when she saw this scene.

Li Fanxi's technology has been criticized for a long time. This is not new, but he is smart and calm, and he has always adopted a design plan that promotes strengths and avoids weaknesses. In the past few films, there have been no major flaws.

The strange thing is that now this fighting scene can be solved simply by a gunfight, why does it have to have so many body movements to make people feel like a drama?

The technical mistakes, coupled with the sharp drop in updates, put together these two major shortcomings, making fans who have high hopes on Li Fanxi very unhappy!

So it's reasonable to have so many bad reviews...

When Lu Meimei was in a daze, Bai Zifeng sent another message:

"Mei Mei, have you watched "The Chainsaw"?"

Lu Meimei replied: "Well, there is indeed a little technical error."

"Small mistake? It's actually a big mistake. He cares too much! He knows that his basic skills are limited, and he must try. Isn't this deliberately disgusting the audience? Disgusting audience, will there be a good result?"

Seeing Li Fanxi's state of decline, Bai Zifeng was inexplicably very happy.

Lu Meimei was very silent and did not answer.

Bai Zifeng continued: "Also, now that we have reached such a crucial final part, there is actually a lack of more and more changes. It is really self-willed! Not only is he tough, but also self-willed! With such a personality, there is nothing good to eat."

Lu Meimei looked at Bai Zifeng's words and felt very uncomfortable. She silently put her phone on the sofa, stood up and walked to the balcony.

Lu Meimei looked out the window at the sunset like a waterfall, her heart was full of worry.

Li Fanxi, are you okay? don't scare me...

Read The Duke's Passion