MTL - I’m Really a Great Director-Chapter 96 high imitation

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In the video screen software, various colors condense, and various pictures begin to form gradually.

The beginning of Shao Yao is also a man who was kidnapped, the difference is that he was tied to a store.

The follow-up of the plot is naturally a high-quality imitation according to the rhythm of the mountain demon.

Of course, although it is a high imitation, Shao Yao will also add his own creativity and carry out micro-innovation.

He has made several high-quality imitation films before, and the sales are even higher than the original ones.

Ouyang Xingyu stood quietly, watching Shao Yao rendering the picture with great satisfaction...

It is very obvious that although Shao Yao's will is sinking, his spiritual energy has not been completely lost. Even though he has only about three successes left, he has a very strong sense of the cranial shadow. In 20 minutes, he has completed the first one-minute video. .

"I'm going to take a break!" Shao Yao took off his skull mask.

He can't work continuously for more than 20 minutes, and his brain will hurt.

Of course, Shao Yao would not tell Ouyang Xingyu about this problem.

He always pretended to be tired to hide his headaches.

"Then take a break first!" Ouyang Xingyu said: "By the way, in a few days, I will have a good script and I will give it to you."

Ouyang Xingyu planned to buy Bai Zifeng's script at a low price and let Shao Yao write it.

Together, these two may make a movie that can fire.

Peiran Studio needs such a hot film now to create more profits and continuously increase its fame, so as to attract more shooters.

"Hee hee, how about money?" Shao Yao needs money to buy cigarettes and alcohol, so he needs money.

"When the time comes, it will be rich."

"All right."

"Have you thought about the title of this movie?"

"Let's call it "Gentle Store Store"!" Shao Yao said, "Wait at most three days before it can be published."

This kind of high imitation film, the faster it is published, the more traffic it can often get, so it is very important to paint it as soon as possible in the shortest time.

Ouyang Xingyu nodded, stood up, and turned around to prepare immediately.

"By the way, can you give me some money in advance?" Shao Yao stretched out five fingers: "Five hundred yuan is enough, I almost have no money to eat, and I can't work on an empty stomach."

Ouyang Xingyu thought for a while, took out her mobile phone, and swiped five hundred to Shao Yao.

"Thank you!"

"For the five hundred yuan, buy something nutritious. Remember, don't buy medicine anymore." Ouyang Xingyu urged.

Ouyang Xingyu knew that Shao Yao had occasional headaches, so he often bought painkillers online, and now he was addicted to it.

"Got it!" Shao Yao smiled.

"Also, are you still in touch with that little dark?"

As far as Ouyang Xingyu knows, Xiao An is a cranial shadow author, but at the same time he has been selling all kinds of information and medicines online.

This person's information is unknown and his gender is difficult to distinguish, but he has all kinds of unknown information in his hands, which seems to be a "dark web" in itself.

Shao Yao shook his head: "No, how could a pure person like me join forces with him? Impossible!"

"Isn't there any other studio looking for you recently?"

"They were all rejected by me." Shao Yao smiled and said, "Their prices are far inferior to yours."

Ouyang Xingyu nodded with satisfaction.

A gunman like Shao Yao who just works for money is very easy to control.

Their loyalty was bought by money.

As long as the money is negotiated, he can remain faithful.


After Ouyang Xingyu left, Shao Yao immediately clicked on the friend list on his phone and found Xiao An.

"Are there? Another bottle."

A minute later, Xiao An sent him an OK gesture.

Things are very fast, and after a few hours, there is a "express delivery" to the door.

This is a powerful pain reliever that quickly suppresses headaches and produces a euphoria in the skull.

Shao Yao's headache is getting stronger and stronger now. Without this medicine, he really can't stand it, let alone making cranial shadow works, it's even difficult to sit up.

So he saw that he was very lazy last time, and he stayed in bed as a whole, which was actually caused by a headache.

However, Shao Yao also knew very well in his heart that if Ouyang Xingyu knew that he had this kind of disease, the value of his use would be greatly reduced, and he might be brought up to Peiran Studio immediately.

With Shao Yao's past record and fame, it is not difficult to find a buyout, but it is almost impossible to have such an ideal price.

Without this kind of income, he can't sell painkillers, can't buy painkillers, can't create, and falls into a vicious circle.

Shao Yao must stop this vicious circle from happening.

Opened Shan Yao's work page and found that "Gentle Township" was updated again.

Shao Yao clicked on the video and watched it seriously.

In the first thirteen minutes, it was said that the protagonist Ah Shan was kidnapped into the mountains and **** in the firewood house. At this time, footsteps were heard outside the firewood house.

At that time, Ah Shan felt that he was about to be attacked by an ugly girl, and his heart was extremely sad.

The door opened and a very fat man walked in.

Ah Shan was shocked at the time! This... what's the situation.

There's not even an ugly girl, it's a man! ?

And still fat! ?

After the fat man came in, he kicked Ashan directly, and said in a deep voice, "Since you were sold here, accept your fate! Tonight, the daughter of the Li family is getting married, so don't think about running away, or else Discount your legs!"

Ah Shan nodded like pounding garlic, UU reading all the time, as long as the bride is not you, I will recognize everything.

"Remember, when you get married tonight, when you see the bride, you are not allowed to make any resistance." The fat man threatened: "If you resist, don't blame me for being too ruthless!"

With a snap, the fat man's fist hit Ah Shan's shoulder again.

Ah Shan howled.

At this time, the camera rises, overlooking the whole village.

The sun was setting, and the whole village was shrouded in a layer of mist, and the atmosphere was dead silent.

The movie ends here.

"Like!" Shao Yao snapped his fingers.

In these thirteen minutes, there are slight reversals, suspense, and expectations. The expressions and movements of the characters are extremely accurate, reflecting the potential of a five-star masterpiece.

While guessing the thoughts of the mountain demon, Shao Yao swiped the message area.

Fans have expressed their thoughts on Thirteen Minutes.

[It turns out that Shan Yaoda's drama is also very good! 】

【Is this a drama? Why do I get chills on the back of my spine! ? 】

[I like this rhythm so much, I can't help but guess the plot]

[On the wedding night, Ah Shan was abused, that's right! 】

[Is the daughter of the Li family ugly? Why are you in such a hurry to get married? 】

[The daughter of the Li family will never be an ugly girl, Shan Yaoda has never followed the routine, I guess it will be a beautiful girl! 】

The message is very popular, and the popularity and the number of favorites are growing rapidly...

Shao Yao can already see the scene where "Gentle Township" was recommended, and immediately came out, leading the plot list by himself.

And all kinds of high imitation films will also appear like bamboo shoots after a rain.

But Shao Yao is confident that his "Gentle Store" will become the best one.

Read The Duke's Passion