MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 6 The sixth day of not being a man

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The first reaction of Gu Huai was of course surprising when he saw a higher zerg on an abandoned planet that was originally thought to be only himself and the Tucker.

Although Gu Huai also liked to have a second reaction, the flower was rejuvenated after the flower that was injured in the root of the nearby root was reinvigorated. He himself felt sleepy as quickly as expected.

This kind of mental sleepiness and sleepiness can't resist, and in just a few seconds, Gu Huai fell into a sleep.

The young man leaned to the side, and Yalves was still just watching and not thinking about it. He didn't move at all, but the silver-gray tail behind him seemed to instinctively encircle the other's body.

The zerg above the gamma class retains a certain part of the racial traits when it progresses into the humanoid form in adulthood, depending on which part of the genus remains, and the ethnic feature that Jarvis retains is the tail.

This silver-gray tail is like a fear of accidentally smashing the body of the circled person. It was only a virtual ring at first, but it was not long before it was tried and tightened until the youth was firmly locked. This tail Not moving.

Yalves looked at his tail with a blank expression.

This tail is part of his body and is used as a weapon during combat, which is very convenient to use.

The tail will not violate the owner's will, nor should he make his own claim, but Arvis found that his tail is not willing to let the circled people loose.

He should be unhappy with the fact that the body parts did not obey himself, but he did not feel annoyed at this time.

Through the touch of the tail, Arvis feels the warmth of the person surrounded by him.

Normally, the Zerg's body temperature is low, and the silver-gray tail of Yalves is completely temperature-free.

The cold tail is in contact with a warm body, and the sharp difference in temperature between the two causes Yalves to have the illusion of being burned for a moment.

Warm, soft, and weak.

If he tightens his tail a little bit at this time, the body of the person he is now trapped will be twisted in an instant.

"Snoring..." Because the sleeping position was not comfortable, Gu Huai frowned at this moment and made a very light dream.

Yalves's mullion was slightly reflexively concealed by hearing this sound, and this change was covered by a black eye mask that was blindfolded.

The eye mask blocked the line of sight. In the black world in front of him, Yalves’s tail automatically and consciously moved the circled youth closer to him. He reached out to the darkness and easily touched the person who was sleeping. .

Yalves silently held the other person in his arms.

This posture is finally easy to sleep, and Gu Huai, who is asleep in the arms of the silver worms, gradually stretches his eyebrows and his breathing becomes lighter.

Seeing this process around, the Tuckers who had been wary of Yalves finally stopped staring at each other with scarlet eyes.

Since the young people are protected by the surrounding Tak zerg, the Tak worms must find a place to be a nest. Yalves brought Gu Huai back to the place under the leadership of the Tak zerg, and then he himself The subordinate sent a location signal.

The higher zergs who received the position signal rushed to the cave, and almost at the moment of their arrival, the higher zergs in black uniforms completely stuck their sights on the young black-haired youth held by their leader.


The great joy touched the minds of these higher Zerg, making them stiff and numb, and all thoughts became blank at this moment.

This sudden and intense emotion could not find a proper vent, and ran rampant in the brain, and eventually some Zerg soldiers vented their emotions through their eyes.

The eyes don't know why the liquid is flowing out. This cool liquid will blur the line of sight, causing them to not see the young people who are sleeping quietly. This makes some of the higher zergs that have this abnormal reaction raise their hands at this time with dissatisfaction and doubt. Wipe it off.

For the Zerg who lacks the feelings of nature, they do not understand what tears are.

Because it is very clear that the leader of his own family does not even like someone close to him within two meters, not to mention the physical contact, except when the enemy is puncture in the battle. This group of higher zergs slowly slowed down when they started to shock each other. When I was holding the youth circle in my arms.

However, Gu Huai’s appeal to them is too great. This group of higher Zerg was less than a second, and all their attention was taken away by the young men in the arms of the silver worms.

The black hair looks very soft, the hair tip is a little messy, and it is lightly attached to the white cheeks because of the side position. The youth's eyelids are quietly crouching, and the long eyelashes are still.

Wang and they are not the same.

In the youth, these higher Zerg did not see any remaining racial characteristics.

Their skin color is cold white, the skin has a very high defense, the ordinary beam weapon can only bring them small scratches, and the youth skin is another kind of whiteness different from them, it seems that it is very easy to get hurt. .

The above is a rational judgment, not a rational one. These higher Zerg people agree at the same time -

Wang... It’s so cute...

The soft black hair is very cute, and the look of quiet sleep is also very cute, even the slight eyelids are very cute.

The more you look at it, the more the eyes of the Zerg are brighter, and the brighter it looks like a little sun.

"The leader, do we immediately take the king to leave this ghost place?" A senior Zerg said with excitement.

Not waiting for Yalves to answer, Alje, as an adjutant, said first: "If the king wakes up and finds himself in a strange place, he may be afraid and maybe. I think we will wait for Wang to wake up."

From the cave, only a small part of the eggshell was eaten. Their king was just born in a shell for a few days, or just a cub.

Although the situation is special, the body has been gestated to adulthood when it is in the egg, but it is only a few days after birth.

Cubs are very frightening, even for Zerg's cubs.

Alger said that the Zerg who had just spoken also found that he was not well-considered and agreed with the former.

Yalves looked at each other with no expression, and acquiesced to the advice of the adjutant.

Waiting for Wang to wake up is also a very happy thing for them. These higher Zerg began to watch their kings wake up.

Also watching the young people who were asleep, the Tuckers in this cave instinctively made a low snoring.

Even if there is a lack of wisdom, when seeing so many high-ranking Zerg, these Tucker worms vaguely understand...

The cubs they care for may have to go to other planets.

These more powerful families will take the youth to another planet that is more beautiful than here. On that planet, the youth will get everything they want, and the planet will be protected by many higher zerg. .

In this way, young people do not need them, they do not have the reasons and values ​​to stay with the youth.

With this kind of cognition and understanding, these Tucker worms instinctively made a sound.

Because I am happy that the cub can go to a more beautiful planet.

Because I am happy that the baby can get better care and protection.

Because I don’t give up. 2k novel reading network