MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 5 The fifth day of not being a man

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The voice that is conveyed in consciousness is very gentle, like a nightmare.

This spiritual link is still going on, but the voice master is no longer talking.

The ear still instinctively captures all the sounds in the surrounding environment, but these sounds that often make Yalves feel impatient and irritated seem to suddenly disappear. He can hear only the shallow breathing sound in consciousness. .

This is not the first time that Arvis heard this voice. Like other Zerg, he received the extremely short spiritual link two days ago.

At that time, he was just in the middle of the battle and was caught in a high militancy.

Unlike other Zerg, Arvis does not have any appetite for this spiritual link.

Perhaps because he is a class of Zerg, or perhaps because he was originally a heterogeneity in the Zerg, he was only irritated by this spiritual link.

I don't understand the reason, but this kind of irritability can't even vent the battle, and the sharpness almost pushes him to the point where he wants to simply abandon his reason.

But now that he heard the sound for the second time, he was comforted.

It’s hard to understand what caused these two differences. The sound of the breath that I heard made Yalves unconsciously shake his silver tail, and the gas field that was supposed to be described by the cold and horrible turned into a gas field. Ordinary cold.

This is the meaning of the alarm being lifted.

Alger, who was hiding in the distance of a few hundred meters to watch his own battles, quickly discovered this. He ran away without saying anything.

"Head, where are we going next?" With some kind of shake in the bottom of my heart, Alger looked at the silver worms in front of him.

Yalves’ expression was very indifferent and he did not answer immediately. In his silence, Alger said: “There is something to report to you. Some soldiers in our army left alone, and their subordinates did not stop them. ......"

It was not stopped, not stopped.

In Alger's selfishness, although he himself suppressed the shake and did not leave to look for the king, he hoped that other Zerg could find it.

He hoped that the precious things he could not see could be protected, so Alger did not manage the Zerg who should have been counted as a traitor.

Restraining that shake is already their limit, not just Alger, the other Zerg in the fleet watching his peers are also affected by the same selfishness, so they will pretend to treat this betrayal as invisible.

Even if there is only one person, only one person can find it. Hurry up and protect the king...

"Why don't you and others leave?" Didn't say anything to the traitor, Arvis asked blankly.

"If you want to leave, Euler should also go with you." Yalves's tone is cold, and it is because of this that it is more difficult to distinguish emotions.

Yula refers to the Zerg-specific biological warship.

Like the Tucker, Euler is also one of the Zerg communities, and it is a group that provides assistance to the Zerg in transportation and air combat.

It is obviously different from warships of other races. The Zerg warship is a self-conscious living body. In other ethnic eyes, it is a cosmic monster that can be changed arbitrarily.

"This is not thinking, can't betray you so easily... You didn't give orders, we can't find it." Alger shouted. "However, what I think is, I don't know, the worst result." It was Yula who left us running silently."

This is really possible. If a self-aware warship wants to leave, a move can leave the current planet, and the higher Zerg without the vehicle can't go to the universe.

As for the feeling of Alger, their Yula warship may not be far from the temper.

"Let's go." Arvis no longer looked at him and moved to the battleship.

Where are you going?

Alger did not immediately ask this question. He followed the observation of the indifference of the silver worms in front of him. Somehow he came to a conclusion that surprised him.

"You mean... go to the king?!" It has been very hard to restrain, and Alger still can't hide the joy in his tone.

If Yalves did not deny it, it would be the default meaning, so the higher Zerg who returned to the battleship and got the news collectively entered the state of joy.

The racist nature of the Zerg is a lack of affection, which determines that it is difficult for them to have strong emotions, so the joy from the heart has never been seen for them.

Taking humans as a comparison, humans will smile when they are happy and cry when they are sad, but the two emotions and expressions are too strange for the Zerg.

So the higher Zerg on the battleship is now very happy, but they don't know what kind of expression to use to convey this emotion.

This group of higher zergs are now squinting one by one -

"When I see the king, what gift do I have to give the king?"

"I don't know what kind of gift Wang likes..."

"Wang will you be happy to see us?"

The more discussion, the brighter the eyes of this group of higher Zerg, Alger forcibly resisted the desire to join the discussion, stood next to their leader and said: "The spiritual link that Wang gave us is too short, there is no way to determine the specific location. Which planet do you think we should look for from?"

"He is here." Exhaling the virtual star map, Yalves directly pointed to a very remote star field on the navigation map that recorded countless planets.

Alger’s glance, just because of the short-lived spiritual link, there is no way to determine the location anyway. Their leader can know the location so accurately, that means...

"Wang... Wang called you?" Alger couldn't help but ask.


Arvis quietly listened to the breathing in the consciousness, the sound that made his world quiet, and he couldn’t figure out what attitude he wanted to treat. .

Hearing the response, Alger set his heart.

There is a range that is much better than a range, a star field, and it will not take much time, they will soon be able to turn all the stars in this star field.

But even if the Yula warships had the highest speed and maximum number of jumps in excitement, they still arrived in this overly remote star field three days later.

On the day of the abandoned planet where the higher zergs landed, Gu Huaizheng and the Tucker worms went to the grove that he had not explored before.

In these few days, Gu Huai has used his ability to create a sufficient number of umbrellas and taught these Tak zergs how to fight umbrellas.

"It is necessary to raise it to the top of the head like this, so that you will not get rain." Gu Huai took an umbrella to demonstrate and carefully showed the Tak Zerg to the correct umbrella position.

After completing the demonstration, Gu Huai’s umbrella lifted the hand to the Tak Zerg in front of him and looked up at each other.

The Tak zerg clamped the handle with the extension of the forearm. The scarlet eyes stared at the umbrella for a while, then licked his head and raised the umbrella up to Gu Huai's head.

Gu Huai never imagined that this would be the result. He reluctantly scratched his cheek and looked at the scarlet scorpion of the Tak worm. He patiently said, "I want to raise it to your own head."

The light just said no, Gu Huai pushed the umbrella that was being lifted to his head and pushed it all the way to the Tak Zerg who gave him the umbrella.

Until the umbrella finally went to the correct position, Gu Huai bent down and said, "Well, that's how it is."

Although the Stars have no things for entertainment, this does not prevent Gu Huai from entertaining himself. It is also interesting to explore the new location in Gu Huai’s eyes.

The gray-blue sky was under the drizzle of rain. Gu Huai was sitting on the shoulder of a Tak zerg and was carried to the grove before him. With an umbrella, the Tucker genus around Guhuai was no longer I should use the body to stop him from rain.

With his feet on the ground, Gu Huai walked with an umbrella to the place he had thought of in the past few days.

It was on the edge of a huge stone, and in the gap between the stone and the ground, a pure white flower grew.

At this time, a huge Yula warship had just landed on the planet.

Landing on this abandoned planet, more than a hundred high-ranking Zerg from this Ula warship fell silent because of the ridiculous scenery they saw.

Was Wang Hui born on this planet...

Under the severe pollution, it turned into a gray-blue sky, and the sand and stones flew. In the place covered by the dust and sand, it was faintly able to see some abandoned buildings that were buried after the collapse.

This is a very common look at abandoned planets.

In the interstellar era, because of the many planets that can live and survive, many resource stars are treated as disposable items, and the occupants consume the planet resources without limit, until the net value of the planet is completely drained, the planet becomes Abandon the planet.

The environment of abandoned planets is very harsh, so bad that even people of some races can't set foot without wearing protective clothing, let alone live on such a planet.

According to records, the planet should have been abandoned planets more than a hundred years ago.

What kind of planet was the birth of Wang Hui?

Before coming to this star field, the higher Zerg who came to look for it always spared no effort to carry out a beautiful imagination.

They want the king to be born on a beautiful planet. There will be gentle sunshine and a breeze on the planet. The green is full of vitality.

The sights in front of them made them feel uncomfortable.

"After finding the king, we will occupy a good-looking planet and give it to the king. The planet on the human side is very beautiful." A higher zerg suddenly said.

"How is one enough! Of course, it is all occupied, let the king pick the one he likes."

"Who are you going to look at the stars on the star network, which planet has the highest score, we will go first."

If the planet is thinking, I am afraid that the planet that looks good now should be frightened, because the group of Zerg who are thinking about the logic of the robbers are serious.

Such a discussion can be described as a triumph in the presence of the leader, but at this time, Arvis only issued instructions for his subordinates to distract.

This planet gives Yalves a slight familiarity, but the abandoned planets are all similar, and it is not unusual to have familiarity.

When the person I was looking for woke up, the spiritual link that was conveyed in the consciousness of Arvis was interrupted, and the noisy voice that he thought disappeared reappeared, and the suppressed irritability accumulated again.

The cumulative speed is also inexplicably several times higher than before. After only a few days, he will not want to be patient.

If, in the past, Arvis should have gone to find someone who can be his opponent, to vent this unpleasantness in battle, but he now does not know what he is continuing to endure.

The subordinates have already dispersed to find, and Yalves looked at the direction of the east and chose to go in this direction with no expression.

Even though the eyes were covered with black eye masks and could not be seen, Jarvis could still know that there was a small forest in the east.

Gu Huai, who was staying in this grove, kneels in front of the white flower he found. Gu Huai didn't want to pick this flower. He just wanted to take a look.

The rhizome of this flower is injured and may be difficult to survive.

Gu Huai stared at the position of the injured flower rhizome. He did not have the ability to heal the damage, but he did not know whether his mental strength helped the flower.

If you pass a lot of mental power, he will estimate that he is going to fall asleep again.

Avoid falling asleep when you are hungry. Gu Huai thought about it. He took out an eggshell from his pocket and put it on his mouth. He then finished a finger and touched the flower petals with his fingertips. .

Because he was concentrating on the spiritual power, Gu Huai did not find that the Tucker zerg, who was watching him nearby, was suddenly very vigilant.

"Oh--" Even if they are facing the same family, these Tucker zergs still choose to show their sharp forearms and teeth, and show their vigilance to the silver worm that came to them.

But they are faced with the higher class Zerg of the a class. The absolute level difference makes these Tucker zergs suppressed, and at this time they can only let the other side continue to approach.

Didn't hear any footsteps, Gu Huai couldn't easily convey the mental power to the injured flower in front of him. In his squinting perspective, a pair of black military boots appeared in his vision.

When Gu Huai squatted, he looked up and saw a silver-haired worm with a black eye patch on his eyes.

This silver-haired worm has an unusually beautiful face, and the light-colored thin lips look particularly beautiful. Even with blindfolded eyes, the facial features seem to make people feel impeccable.

The other side is now looking down at him and staring at him with a cold look.

The fine rain fell on the other side, so that the silver hair was slightly wet, but the higher Zerg still did not move.

I can't always watch people rain like this. Before the language communication, Gu Huai first stood up and walked closer to the other side, and the umbrella on the handle was lifted to the head of the silver worm.

Without hearing the sound and seeing the appearance, Yalves was only able to perceive the existence and proximity of Gu Huai at this time. It was just like this. His noisy and noisy world made him unhappy in an instant. It is.

It is difficult for Yalves to understand the reason, but the silver-gray tail that reflects the true feelings of the owner is once again instinctively moved. This tail wants to approach the youth, but eventually stops at the position to be touched.

This is the first time that Arvis has produced such a contradiction.

He wants to see this person, but because he doesn't want to hurt him, he would rather not see each other. 2k novel reading network

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