MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 6 006

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"Brother Lin." Cheng Yang's throat was shaking, and he took a few deep breaths: "Is there a possibility that the black in front of me is not black?"

Lin Yi lowered his head and pondered: "What white are you talking about?"

Cheng Yang: “…”

The people who registered in front of them have all entered their dormitories according to the numbers on the keys. The lighting in the corridor on the third floor is not bright, but the bedroom number of each bedroom can still be seen through the light.

"303, 304..." Cheng Yang counted the dormitory numbers, his face turned gray, "305..."

The bedroom numbers are not out of order, they are distributed on the same side of the corridor on the third floor in an orderly manner. The orderly dormitory number proves that the black sky is the night where NPCs can kill people. However, the game is always dark at the beginning, and they have no clues at all.

Cheng Yang's face was ashen.

Standing outside the bedroom to which they belonged, Lin Yi took the key and opened the door, Cheng Yang was watching him.

Lin Yi felt like he was being targeted by a strong man, the kind of **** and murder that a strong man would take the opportunity to rush in as soon as the door was opened.

Lin Yi didn't turn the key for a long time, he was silent for a while and said, "Brother Cheng Yang, I'm a man."

It took a while for Cheng Yang to understand what Lin Yi meant, and quickly explained: "What if someone opens the door and kills something? I'll watch from behind you, if there is a situation, maybe I can drag you Bundle."

Lin Yi: "Oh..."

He turned the key under Cheng Yang's gaze. The door lock was opened, and the return spring made a 'click'. This sound was especially abrupt in the corridors, and swayed far into the depths.

Lin Yi felt that Cheng Yang's whole body was tense, he pushed open the door and walked in, then stuck his head out.

No door to kill.

Cheng Yang slammed the door.

When Cheng Yang opened the door, Lin Yi took favor and retreated to his room.

The light was not turned on in the room, Lin Yi couldn't see what was going on in the room, but it was quiet. He closed the door, fumbled for the light by the door, and turned it on.

Under the light, Lin Yi found that there were many personal items in Room 304, as if there were people living there.

Because this suspense game started the chapter directly from the dark night, Lin Yi had to look around in the room. He quickly explored the room, checking every corner and finding a full storage tank under the bed, but none of them seemed to be any useful clues.

So Lin Yi looked at the window opposite the door, which was blocked by curtains, covering the whole view of the window.

Lin Yi looked at the curtains, raised his feet to get closer, but stopped just after taking a step.

Everyone here is pulled in here by the 7-7 rule, the windows and so on always make people feel that something is wrong, and rashly approaching may cause problems.

And Qin Zhou also said, be careful of windows.

Lin Yi looked at the curtain, he hesitated for a while, but didn't come forward.

Then looking at the wall, on the other side of the wall is Room 305, he saw Qin Zhou take the key of Room 305.

Lin Yi scratched his forehead, took a deep breath, and leaned against the wall.

Room 305.

Qin Zhou has already turned over the entire room, and found not many, and it seems that there is no value.

There are clothes in the closet, all of which are undersized women's clothing.

There are also many bottles and jars of cosmetics on the table next to the single bed. If this room 305 is inhabited, it is a petite woman.

Compared with other people who entered the world of rules, Qin Zhou calmly seemed to have returned to his own home. After all, half of the rules in the campus rules were perfected by him after entering the world of rules. The new one has not been perfected, also because the new rules have not found him.

He looked at the window opposite the door, which was hung with curtains, so he did not know whether the window behind the curtain was closed or open.

I was staring at the curtains, and a sound as thin as a mosquito's foot seemed to sound from far away and very close.


Qin Zhou: “…”

Lin Yi heard Qin Zhou knocking on the wall twice, and after receiving a response, Lin Yi said, "I have a question for the senior, is it okay?"

Because he came here for the first time, he didn't know much, and he wasn't sure if he could communicate through the wall, so he was now carefully seeking Qin Zhou's approval.

The wall was knocked.

Lin Yi guessed that Qin Zhou agreed, so he said: "Senior has not heard the words of Mensa Club, have you heard this sentence, 'Don't be afraid of enemies like gods, but be afraid of teammates like pigs '?"

Over the wall: "…"

Lin Yi shyly promoted himself: "I iq143, if I guide me, I may become a god-like teammate."

There was no movement on the other side of the wall, and it seemed that Qin Zhou still didn't want to pay attention to him. Lin Yi himself knocked on the wall again, he knocked three times at intervals and then stopped, guessing that Qin Zhou's attention was still on himself, he then said: "I didn't meet the senior on the bus on the 28th by chance. It's the seniors who are trying to prevent the new students from arriving early. There is also the student council patrol list on the 29th, which is empty. The seniors don't actually want to see students pulled into the world of rules, and have been trying to protect the students. The seniors are legendary' Knife-mouthed tofu-hearted'?"

Finally, Qin Zhou's voice came from the wall: "...Are you scared?"

Lin Yi finished flattering, and his ears were already blushing. He quickly sorted out his mood, and then said: "No, I just found that the senior has been silent a lot since he entered the rule world. There must be something strange about the silence of the She Niu."

There was a speechless silence.

"I found that the seniors talk less because they are wary of us, and they are also watching us." Lin Yi said: "But the seniors are the ones who know us best, after all, the seniors are the president of the student union. However, what is the senior guarding against us? If he thinks that we will drag our feet, just kick it away. There is no need to remind us to 'be careful of the window', and there is no need to take the lead in registering. There is no need to observe us, after all, we can give seniors Not much help."

"So..." Qin Zhou: "What are you trying to say?"

"Get the trust of the senior and prove that I am not a monster." Lin Yi said: "Senior, the 7-7 monster is between the eight of us, right?"

It can make a social cow become taciturn, knowing that they are all wronged students of a non-natural engineering university, Qin Zhou's guard can only prove that there is an existence among them that makes the president of the student union fear . In the rule world, the most dangerous are NPCs, and even more dangerous are 7-7 monsters.

They are not NPCs, they can only be 7-7 monsters.

Qin Zhou was silent for a long time this time, obviously he did not expect Lin Yi's thinking to jump so fast. Lin Yi patiently waited for Qin Zhou's answer. After a while, the wall was knocked.

He was right.

Not waiting for Lin Yi to ask the next question, Qin Zhou suppressed his voice and said, "Only a small number of students will know about this."

Let Lin Yi keep it secret.

"Oh good." Lin Yi also saw it, and the others didn't know about it: "If the senior doesn't think I'm annoying, can I ask why?"

Probably ruled out Lin Yi's suspicion, Qin Zhou said: "Monsters make the rules of the game and enjoy the rules, but monsters are monsters, and there is no iq of 143. The conditions it sets for killing, or Said the rules of death will always be seen."

Rules. Once it finds out that we know it exists, will it kill itself?"

"Almost." Qin Zhou said, "The monster itself has a condition for killing."


"Murder at will before resuming."

Lin Yi didn't understand: "Replay?"

"The only way to get out of here is to find it and tell it that you understand all its rules. This is called replay." Qin Zhou said, "I said it was a game, you know If you know how to play it, it will let you go, and it will not choose you to join the game again.”

"Oh yes!" Lin whimpered: "So that cement road is useless for seniors."

"You are a little genius like you, hide your edge." Qin Zhou said, "It loves to kill little geniuses."

Little genius Lin Yi was not frightened at all, but said shyly: "I see. Seniors now think I have the potential to be a **** teammate?"


"Senior, let's cooperate." Lin Yi said, "I'm here to attract the attention of the monster, and the senior finds the conditions for death here and informs me."

"Are you afraid of death or not?" The next door asked after a moment of silence.

"Of course I'm afraid of death." Lin Yi was inexplicable.

"So it's cool to attract the attention of monsters?"

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, and quickly perfunctory: "The division of labor is more efficient, I'm sleepy, I'm going to bed, good night, senior."

In order to convince Qin Zhou that he was really sleepy, he deliberately made a noise when he lay down on the bed.

After the noise disappeared, Lin Yi stared at the ceiling.

Qin Zhou did not tell him the conditions of his death tonight, nor did Lin Yi ask. It's a very simple reason, Qin Zhou didn't realize it either.

Lin Yi pursed her lips: "Mom and Dad, bless me."

In order to prevent his mind from being too active and affecting his sleep, he touched his pocket, wanted to take out the mp4, and fell asleep listening to the white noise.

I touched it, and it was empty.

He understood why Qin Zhou said those knives were useless because they couldn't bring them in here. The mp4, which could never leave him, disappeared like his electronic watch.

Lin Yi: "Hmm..."

Uncomfortable, I have to wait with my eyes open for NPCs to come with their killing conditions.

Knowing that he might not be able to sleep, Lin Yi began to sip the old man, guessing the conditions for killing the old man.

Registration? Register to die?

If yes, don't everyone gg together.

Just as he finished speaking, Lin Yi heard a rustling sound.

He immediately sat up and looked at the curtains.

The sound seemed to come from outside the window, but as soon as Lin Yi sat up, the sound seemed to come from next door, and he even heard a short scream.

However, the scream soon disappeared, as if there was only one syllable, and then it was cut off.

Then a suppressed whimper, more pronounced than a rustling sound. It came from the wall on the other side of Room 304, which was Room 303 where Cheng Yang lived.

Room 303 was just on the other side of the wall against which the single bed was, so Lin Yi heard the whimper very clearly.

"Woohoo, prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony."

"Woohoo, freedom, equality, justice and the rule of law."

"Woooooooo, patriotic, dedicated, honest and friendly."

"Woooooooo, no, I'm still afraid..."

Lin Yi: "…"

It is the whimper of Cheng Yang next door.

Cheng Yang whimpered for at least two hours. After Cheng Yang whimpered, the whole apartment was quiet until dawn, as if the rustling and short screams were auditory hallucinations.

A loudspeaker was placed in the hallway of the dormitory building, and now it rang. It looks like a loudspeaker used by vendors to attract customers, but in fact it is almost the same.

—"Breakfast, breakfast, breakfast to room 103."

There is a sound of the door opening in the corridor, Lin Yi deliberately lingered for a while, and when he came out of room 304, he happened to meet Qin Zhou who came out of room 305.

Qin Zhou glanced at Lin Yi.

It is reasonable for others to be afraid of not being able to sleep, but Qin Zhou was silent for a while when he saw that Lin Yi also had two dark circles under his eyes.

They both deliberately dawdled, in order to take the opportunity to see the scene in the other dormitories. Others obviously don't have the calmness of the two of them, and there is a high probability that they will not remember to close the door in panic.

When there was no one in the corridor, Qin Zhou took Lin Yi to his side, his voice was very low: "Little genius, what did you toss about last night?"

Lin Yi, who didn't have an mp4 by his side, didn't sleep all night, he was feeling uncomfortable everywhere at the moment, being pulled by Qin Zhou like this, his hair stood on end in embarrassment.

Lin Yi jolted and pulled himself away from Qin Zhou, "No, no."

"You didn't sleep last night, the dark circles under your eyes are about to fall on your cheeks." Qin Zhou said, "Don't tell me you're afraid, you have the guts to die, you won't be afraid when you get here. ."

Lin Yi: "I was so excited that I didn't fall asleep."

After Qin Zhou hesitated for a while, Lin Yi rubbed his belly and said 'I'm hungry', then quickly escaped Qin Zhou's claws, and jumped to the stairwell. gone.

Qin Zhou's face darkened: "…"

Oh, I don't see any sincerity in cooperation.

Room 103 on the first floor is a transformed restaurant.

There is a table for eight people, and there are prepared congee and side dishes on the table, but the others did not sit down to eat, they did not know if there was any problem with breakfast.

Waiting for someone to demonstrate, even if they are so hungry that their stomachs keep screaming.

Lin Yi arrived at the restaurant late, and everyone's eyes turned to him.

Cheng Yang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lin Yi, and stared at him in surprise: "Great, Lin Yi, you are still alive."

If Qin Zhou had an accident, let alone them.

The gaze towards Lin Yi became complicated, and Lin Yi hurriedly sat in the room with many gazes.

Use dry rice to relieve the unnaturalness of being watched by multiple eyes.

Seeing that Lin Yi was eating, and there was no problem, the others also sat down. Cheng Yang took the initiative to sit next to Lin Yi, which made Lin Yi very envious of Wang Duo, who was sitting opposite him, because Qin Zhou had not come yet, and Wang Duo was sitting alone.

Because he was envious of Lin Yi, he looked at Wang Duo a few more times, and he realized something was wrong.

Others did not rest well last night, and their eyes were tired and black. But there were a lot of bloodshot eyes in Wang Duo's eyes, and he kept turning back to look behind him, his whole body tense.

While rubbing her face, she bit her nails.

Because he entered the rule world for the second time and Qin Zhou was not here, others could only ask him questions.

But Wang Duo didn't answer anything, Xu Xiazhi pulled Qu Jialiang who kept asking: "Don't ask, Wang Duo said last night, he won't do anything if he lies down Know."

"But it's only him here for the second time!" Qu Jialiang asked Wang Duo again: "Wang Duo, how long are we going to stay here? out, is that so?"

Wang Duo didn't say he didn't know, he still kept looking back at the door.

It was as if he didn't hear Qu Jialiang talking to himself.

His nervousness made everyone else nervous, and finally someone couldn't stand the nervousness, and all three girls cried.

"Eat, eat." Cheng Yang greeted: "Sisters, don't cry, or eat first, and then you will have the strength to find clues when you are full. I have always been lucky, and I will definitely be able to. found a clue."

Qu Jialiang said angrily, "If you are lucky, you won't come here, and you won't be selected by the university!"

Cheng Yang said with an 'eh': "Why are you yelling at me? Then don't eat, go and squat outside, right?"

Lin Yi: "…"

I was most afraid of being cued at this time, so scared that he dropped his chopsticks.

Qu Jialiang was going to quarrel with Cheng Yang again, Xu Xiazhi held Qu Jialiang again: "They said it well, don't put your anger on the junior."

Seeing that Qu Jialiang was finally quiet, Lin Yi bent down to pick up the chopsticks.

His waist just bent down, and his face was wrong.

He saw Wang Duo's belly under the table, it was huge.

Of course, it is not as good as a pregnant woman who is pregnant in ten months, but compared with a pregnant woman who is four or five months old, Wang Duo is more than enough.

August is the season to wear short sleeves, Wang Duo is wearing a T-shirt, so Lin Yi can clearly see his belly bulge.

Before Lin Yi recalled whether Wang Duo had a beer belly last night, the table screamed in surprise.

Lin Yi immediately raised his head, Wang Duo was vomiting, but Wang Duo didn't seem to feel it, and he kept looking out the door while vomiting.

The cockroach stuck on the mouse when it was spit out, and it seemed to be still moving.


"I'm in a trough every day, I'm fucking, ah ah ah ah Nima scared me to death." Cheng Yang jumped back like a monkey, and the accident happened at this time!

Wang Duo noticed the vomit on the table, he was stunned for a while, his body convulsed, his hands bent like chicken feet, his chopsticks fell to the ground, and after a while, others fell to the ground.


Wang Duo moaned/groaned in pain, and bent his hand into a chicken claw to scratch his throat, and there were ten **** scratches on his neck.

I don't know how uncomfortable he is at this time, and the cracks between the nails are full of scratched flesh.

Struggling feet seem to scratch the ground.

However, this process did not last long. Soon, Wang Duo vomited less and less, and his struggling movements became less and less, and then stopped completely, his head was tilted to one side, Breathe out.

"Is he dead?"

"No...don't know..."

"Anyone to see?"

Lin Yi thought for a while, then squatted down and reached out to probe Wang Duo's breath.

Everyone stared at Lin Yi, afraid to come out with one.

"Lin... Lin... is he... is he still alive?" Cheng Yang asked in pain.

Lin Yi shook his head, not breathing.

He focused on Wang Duo's stomach, because of vomiting, although Wang Duo's stomach was not as big as before, it still held up, and he didn't know what else he swallowed.

Lin Yi even saw Wang Duo's belly like a wave, and swelled slightly.

What's in the stomach alive?

Lin Yi lowered his eyes and thought, he was considering whether to press and squeeze this volatile thing out of the stomach of the dead Wang Duo.

Since Wang Duo is dead, he must have met the conditions for NPCs to kill.

So starting from the cause of Wang Duo's death, maybe you can find something. After all, everyone was in their room last night, and no one knew what Wang Duo experienced.

Thinking about this, Lin Yi made a decision. But before squeezing, he planned to inform Wang Duo that the deceased was the greatest, and hoped that Wang Duo would not blame him for disrespecting the corpse.

"Senior Wang Duo, I..." Lin Yi paused when Lin Yi cast his eyes on Wang Duo's face again.

Seeing that Lin Yi was suddenly deadlocked, Cheng Yang asked carefully, "Brother Lin, what's wrong?"

Lin Yi pointed to Wang Duo's face.

Cheng Yang: "His face... What's wrong?"

Lin Yi asked: "Didn't you see it?"

"Look... what did you see?" Cheng Yang shivered: "Brother Lin, don't scare me."

Lin Yi stopped talking.

He looked down at Wang Duo again.

Wang Duo's eyes opened at an unknown time, and the protruding eyes were staring at Lin Yi. Perhaps it was Wang Duo who had been staring at Lin Yi when he looked at his stomach, but the people around didn't seem to notice anything unusual about Wang Duo's body.

No one noticed that the corners of Wang Duo's mouth twitched a little bit.

Tick to a weird arc.

A hideous smile.

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