MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 5 005

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In front of you is a dilapidated apartment building, the surrounding darkness is like a black confined space, only the dim light of the apartment is the only light source.

No need to think about it, Lin Yi raised his foot to the light source, and when he walked to the building, he saw Qin Zhou outside the apartment. Qin Zhou also saw him and immediately frowned.

Lin Yi made a decision for a long time, then walked quickly to Qin Zhou, and said embarrassedly, "Senior, are we caught up in this rule? An open window just appeared."

When Qin Zhou turned his head to look at the window, a strange red light appeared, and the red light surged in an instant, drowning their pupils, and then they arrived here.

Lin whimsical, no wonder so far 7-7 has not been resolved, the speed of cement climbing on him is very slow, giving them enough time to react and save themselves, but as soon as 7-7 appeared, Lin Yi stared at it and was pulled into the world of rules without looking at it for a few seconds.

Qin Zhou looked at him, everyone who entered the world of rules was not in a good mood, but Lin Yi didn't seem to be like that, Lin Yi looked relaxed, the only negative emotion on his face was probably embarrassment Involved that Qin Zhou also followed him into the 7-7 rule world.

"It has nothing to do with you." Qin Zhou said.

He was going to come to the 7-7 rule world, but he has not run into it for so long.

"Oh, okay." Lin Yi responded, then looked around: "Senior, where is the monster?"

Qin Zhou glanced at him, but did not answer his question, but quickly explained to Lin Yi what to do after entering the world of rules.

"You can think of the rule world as a tense and exciting suspense game. The excitement of the game is that NPCs kill people every night. The suspense is that NPCs need certain conditions to kill. If you want to not be killed, you need to Find relevant clues during the day, and use these clues to avoid the fate of being killed."

"Look at the rules world as a tense and exciting suspense game." Lin Yi repeated it, and squeezed his right hand into a fist and punched it on the palm of his left hand. : "So the theme of the game is 'open windows'?"

"You can think so." Qin Zhou said: "But it's better to stay away from the window."

After all, they were all involved in the rule world by the 'open window'.

"But..." Qin Zhou swept Lin Yi up and down: "What's wrong with your mortal love?"

"Senior, I just want to come in here. I'm old, and I don't want to die." Lin Yi explained in a low voice, he heard that Qin Zhou didn't seem to think of him as a brother, and he didn't want to die. Yes, he has not joined the student council yet. But since Qin Zhou said that this is a game, then he is also Qin Zhou's teammate, but Qin Zhou didn't mean to regard him as a teammate.

Although Lin Yi considers himself withdrawn, Qin Zhou's introduction to the world of rules is still too general. What are the murder conditions? Can you fight NPCs? Avoid the murder condition and then what? And the monsters, where are the 7-7 monsters?

Lin Yi needed an old player like Qin Zhou to give him more information. He thought about it and said, "Senior, do you know Mensa Club?"

Mensa is a club that uses IQ as the criterion for membership. Lin Yi euphemistically hinted: "Senior, I am a preparatory member."

Qin Zhou stared at him for a long time with a strange gaze, and without saying a word, turned around and entered the apartment building.

Lin Yi: "…"

This kind of situation where you muster up the courage to sell yourself shamelessly, but no one respects it is a bit bad for the society.

Lin Yi felt that he was disliked, and he wondered if Qin Zhou would feel that he was following him if he also entered the apartment now, it would be too embarrassing.

In order to curb this possibility, Lin Yi decided to go in later.

In five minutes, it's neither too long nor too short.

He raised his hand, ready to check the time, but the watch on his wrist disappeared. Lin Yi waited for five minutes to pass while thinking about when he lost his watch. If there is a working timer at this time, you can see that Lin Yi walked into the apartment building with his feet raised at the moment when the time had just reached five minutes.

Walking into the apartment, Lin Yi found that Qin Zhou was not alone in the lobby on the first floor, there were other people who were drawn into the rule world. The president of the student union is well-known, and almost all the students of the non-natural engineering college know him. At this time, they are constantly casting their gazes at Qin Zhou, but Qin Zhou ignored them and did not respond to their requests for help.

Lin Yi looked at it, Qin Zhou didn't seem to think of others as teammates, he just said 'be careful of the windows' when he was stared at.

'Be careful of the windows' is just like saying nothing, because everyone is rolled by the open windows, and they all know that there is a problem with the windows and they will not come near.

After that, Qin Zhou began to look at the interior of the apartment, and Lin Yi followed.

This apartment is clearly an apartment for adults, with a duty room and laundry room on the ground floor, and even a hairdresser and restaurant. The rooms of these facilities are closed at this time, and there are corresponding signs on the doors.

The ceiling above was poorly waterproofed, with dull moss growing, giving the apartment an indescribable odor.

The only thing new is the iron door of the apartment.

After scanning the apartment in general, Lin Yi turned his attention to the duty room.

The duty room has two glass windows facing the apartment lobby, the windows are closed, because the glass windows are too dirty to see the inside of the duty room.

It was a girl, and when Lin Yi turned to look, another boy spoke: "We are introducing ourselves, let's get to know each other."

Lin Yi: "Yeah! Okay."

In fact, my heart has begun to tremble, and this part of self-introduction may be really unfriendly to society.

The boy started: "My name is Qu Jialiang, a senior. But this is the first time I have met a rule monster..." Qu Jialiang said and couldn't help complaining: "If I I was lazy and didn't study today, if I go to play, maybe I won't... It was originally the weekend." As he spoke, he tugged at his hair.

At this time, another boy patted Qu Jialiang on the shoulder: "Xu Xiazhi, his roommate, I was studying with him before he was involved. It was the first time I was involved. rules the world."

Lin Yi thought while typing out his self-introduction.

Volumes, inner volumes are everywhere.

At this time, there were eight people in the apartment hall, six boys and two girls. The girl who poked Lin Yi's back said, "Zhou Lingling, junior, first time."

The other girl lowered her head and wiped away her tears: " name is Li Ying, sophomore, and I...also the first time."

It was probably Li Ying's emotions that spread to everyone, and Zhou Lingling's eyes became red.

Except Lin Yi and Qin Zhou, the other two boys are named Cheng Yang and Wang Duo. Cheng Yang was a freshman like Lin Yi. Lin Yi recognized that Cheng Yang was a classmate who was locked up with him in the hotel last night, and slept in Lin Yi's lower bunk at that time.

Cheng Yang rubbed his body and seemed to be looking for a cigarette. He had been smoking in the lower bunk last night, one after the other. The next morning, Lin Yi got up and found that the ground was full of cigarette butts.

And because someone died in the hotel room, Cheng Yang, who had no cigarette, picked up the cigarette **** on the ground and continued to smoke.

Lin whimsy, is this how a man reacts to things?

Then looked at Qin Zhou, Qin Zhou also smoked.

Qin Zhou was looking at them. He was very keen. When Lin Yi just set his eyes on him, Qin Zhou looked over.

Lin Yi quickly opened his eyes and shouted in his heart: Didn't he get discovered? Didn't you notice I was peeking?

By the ear, Cheng Yang, who was not smoking, rubbed his face and said: "Cheng Yang, Cheng next to the word He, masculine Yang. Seniors and sisters, I am a freshman here. Yes. My family is rich, and the richest man in Rong Province is my dad. If the senior and senior sister are willing to rescue the younger brother, all the family property will be offered."

Unfortunately, there is no brave man under the heavy gold at this time.

Lin Yi said, "Lin Yi, freshman."

There is nothing else, but these four words are indeed a self-introduction speech that Lin Yi has been typing for a long time.

After self-introduction, Lin Yi Yuguang glanced at Qin Zhou, who was still looking at him, and there was a meaning in his eyes. The remaining Wang Duo said: "Wang Duo, sophomore. But this is my second time entering the world of rules."

These words instantly attracted the attention of most people, Qu Jialiang immediately asked three times: "Have you entered? Which rule is it? Are there really monsters in the rule world?"

Wang Duo glanced at Qin Zhou subconsciously, "It's the 3-7 rule, but I won by lying down, so I don't know much."

His eyes made everyone look at Qin Zhou, and then they understood the meaning of Wang Duo's eyes, and it should be the student council president who led Wang Duo to win.

Fortunate in misfortune, Qin Zhou is also in the 7-7 rule world at this time. As if the backbone had been found, the fears and worries on everyone's face had dissipated a lot.

Cheng Yang didn't know Qin Zhou, but he understood Qin Zhou's weight and said sincerely, "Big brother! Little brother depends on you."

Lin Yi was even more certain that Qin Zhou did not mean to treat others as teammates. And then he started to feel sick all over, **** it, embarrassment again.

Just when the atmosphere was delicate, a series of footsteps sounded from outside the apartment. The footsteps were from far to near, which instantly deteriorated the atmosphere, and uneasiness spread silently. The sound of footsteps tightened her breath.

Here, the npc is here.

In addition to Cheng Yang, everyone else knows that NPC is the executioner of the rule world. Probably because no one else had the time to talk to Cheng Yang, Cheng Yang walked up to Lin Yi, "Brother Lin Yi, do you know what's going on?"

Lin Yi thought that Qin Zhou could tell himself the situation of the rule world, and the rule world was not a secret existence. So he told him what Qin Zhou told himself, and quickly and quietly told Cheng Yang: "You can think of this place as a suspenseful game waiting to be explored. NPCs in the game will kill people."

Cheng Yang froze for a moment.

Although I knew in my heart that this place was absurd, I couldn't help shaking when I heard the incredible introduction.

Lin Yi saw that Cheng Yang was scared, he comforted unskillfully: "But NPCs are limited by the conditions of killing, and they will only kill at night."

Cheng Yang's throat tightened: "Then, then kill ... what are the conditions for killing?"

"I don't know." Lin Yi still whispered: "So look for clues during the day. If you can find clues, you can avoid them at night." He thought about it and made a patch: " This should be."

I don't know if it's because Lin Yi can't comfort people at all, but Cheng Yang's face became even more ugly after hearing his comfort, and his lips moved for a long time before he said: "Mom... ...I am the IQ bronze of the king of martial arts."

Although Cheng Yang is not as tall as Lin Yi, Cheng Yang is much wider than Lin Yi. At a glance, you can tell that he is a player who exercises regularly, which fully confirms the phrase "useless".

Cheng Yang looked outside the apartment: "And...and..."

Before he finished speaking, the sound of footsteps was approaching, and it would soon be close at hand.

There was a sigh of relief on the side of the ear.

"Come... come."

I don't know who said this, but in the sight of everyone, an old man appeared at the door of the apartment.

The face is also full of wrinkles, these skin folds almost cover the eyes of the old man, which causes the old man to look over the line of sight, making people feel like he is being secretly peeped.

The old man glanced at everyone, because there were so many people, the old man's eyes just swept past them, then walked to the door of the duty room, and opened the door of the duty room with a key.

Everyone saw the old man walk in, and then pushed open the glass window from the inside, he made a sound when he pushed the glass window.

Everyone must have ptsd for the window. When the old man opened the window, several people took a step back, and even Qin Zhou frowned.

There are numbers on the keys.

The old man leaned out halfway, holding the registration book in his hand, waving at everyone: "Registration."

The unclear sentence and this uncomfortable old man made the atmosphere instantly stiff.

No one came forward to register and no one knew what was going to happen. Everyone's eyes swept back and forth between Qin Zhou and this old NPC, hoping that Qin Zhou would take the lead.

The old man stared at everyone and immediately turned to look at Qin Zhou alone: ​​"It is a special situation now, and the key will not be given without registration."

"Special situation?" Qin Zhou grabbed the keyword and asked, "What special situation?"

"Don't you know that a lot of people have died?" The old man stared at Qin Zhou and replied, "It's a mess outside, if you don't want to register, I can only kick you out. already."

Qin Zhou asked 'outside' again, but the old man didn't want to say any more, he just gave Qin Zhou a deep look, then returned to the original topic and asked everyone to register.

Everyone was so angry that they dared not speak out. Just as they were at a stalemate, Qin Zhou suddenly stepped forward and took the pen and paper from the old man.

After seeing Qin Zhou's registration, the others hesitantly followed.

"Go back to your own room after registration." The old man said, "Don't wander outside if it's okay."

Lin Yi was the last person to register. When registering, he deliberately threw the register on the ground, and then squatted down to pick it up.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Yi quickly flipped through the registration book.

He noticed that Qin Zhou took a few more glances at the registration book when he registered.

Lin Yi thought that the registration book had some clues, but in the end he was disappointed to find that the registration book was a simple registration form cut into a book, and even the categories that needed to be filled out only had names.

The only strange thing was the rough edges of the registration sheet, like a few pages were torn off.

After picking up the registration book, Lin Yi quickly wrote down his name under the dissatisfied gaze of the old man. After he finished filling it out, he pushed the registration book towards the old man.

The old man glanced at Lin Yi, checked his registration information, and gave him the key with the number '304'.

Only Cheng Yang is waiting for him.

Seeing that Lin Yi's registration was completed, Cheng Yang showed his key number to Lin Yi, he was '303'. If it was normal order, his room would be next to Lin Yi.

The two went to the third floor, Cheng Yang didn't say anything after revealing his key. Going with someone you don't know well, the society may feel embarrassed if the other party talks too much, and if the other party doesn't speak, the society will feel even more embarrassed.

Lin Yi was so embarrassed that he couldn't stand it, and then took the initiative to ask: "You... what did you just want to say?"

Cheng Yang said 'and', but was interrupted by the appearance of the old man.

As soon as Lin Yi asked this to ease the embarrassment, Cheng Yang's face was as pale as a ghost. Lin Yi could even hear Cheng Yang's voice swallowing saliva, and then Cheng Yang said, "Lin... Lin Yi brother, you said you were looking for clues during the day and NPCs killing people at night."

Lin Yi paused, almost as soon as Cheng Yang's voice fell, he understood what Cheng Yang was going to say.

Cheng Yang squeezed the key tightly, and then released it. The key was shaped in his palm, and Cheng Yang almost bit his tongue: "The sky outside is..."


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