MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 135 135

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The heart hit the chest heavily, Lin Yi tried his best to keep his composure.

Cheng Yang is still here, if he is too active, 'it' will come out.

He kept repeating in his mind.

It is daytime, no life threatening, no death.

Lin Yi glanced at the expressionless mailroom aunt, and out of the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of Chen Zixun on the floor of dormitory 303.

It's daytime.


No matter what the death rule is, it won't kill him now, and he has a way to save himself at night.

The heart finally stopped beating wildly. Lin Yi took a breath and stood up and said to the aunt in the mail room, "Auntie, we are climbing the stairs in a competition to see who is the fastest."

After a pause, Lin Yi said, "I won."

The aunt in the mail room didn't speak or move. Her face was still pressed against the window, but her eyes moved up as Lin Yi stood up.


"I know I'm wrong." Lin Yi apologized to the mail room aunt: "I'll go down."

The mail room aunt still didn't speak, her eyes were staring at him.

Lin Yi looked at her, thought about it, and said, "Auntie, I didn't see anything."

Still silent.

Lin Yi pursed his lips, and the heartbeat that had just calmed down began to accelerate again.

What he said was actually testing the mail room aunt to see what the fact that he found Chen Zixun's body meant for the mail room aunt.

If the mailroom aunt looks like she wants to kill him, then there can be another mailroom aunt among the things he wants to avoid tonight.

But now the mailroom aunt doesn't, she just stares at him blankly.

Lin Yi and the mail room aunt looked at each other, then looked down and landed on the inside of the window, the mist sprayed by the mail room aunt's breath.

Lin Yi also kept silent, moved his hand slowly, and finally landed on his left thigh.

That's where the trouser pockets are. Lin Yi felt the outline of the things in the pockets through the fabric of the trousers.

The mail room aunt still did not speak, her face was so expressionless that she seemed to be dead.

Lin Yi looked at the fog slowly climbing up the window glass, he just waited, when the area of ​​fog gradually increased, almost covering half of the aunt's face in the mail room.

He squatted suddenly, jumped down to the second floor with his hands on the windowsill, and shouted at Cheng Yang: "Cheng Yang! Brother Cheng Yang!"

Falling to the second floor, Lin Yi jumped directly to the ground.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, he ran towards the mail room quickly. When passing Cheng Yang, he slapped Cheng Yang on the back so that Cheng Yang could react to keep up with him suddenly Action: "Mailroom, go to mailroom!"

"Oh! Oh come on!"

Cheng Yang reacted, he was about to get up and stop, and there was a Ren Li under him.

"Where is Ren Li!"


The end of the voice becomes ethereal as Lin Yi runs.

Lin Yi took a few steps up the steps of the dormitory door and ran to the door of the mail room. As he expected, the door of the mail room was closed.

He took out the branch that unlocked the classroom door from his pocket and hurriedly stabbed it into the keyhole.

Fortunately, this dormitory building is old, and the lock cylinder is not a high-end lock.

Lin Yi opened the door, he pushed it open, he didn't even have time to see what was in the mail room, he quickly turned to look at the door of the dormitory, Cheng Yang dragged Ren Li over.

"Brother Cheng Yang, hurry up." Lin Yi urged.

The fog on the window glass can effectively block the mail room aunt's sight for very little time. When the mail room aunt sees them jumping into the dormitory building, she will definitely guess that they are going to the mail room.

Sure enough.

dong dong dong!

dong dong dong

The mail room is still some distance away from the corridor, but Lin Yi has already heard the aunt in the mail room stepping on the corridor, hurried and heavy.

Lin Yi urged again: "Quick."

Cheng Yang sweated with anxiety: "Come! Come!"

When Cheng Yang dragged Ren Li to the door of the mailing room, Lin Yi also did his best to push the two of them into the mailing room.

When Cheng Yang and Ren Li went in, he immediately ducked in, took the door in his hand, and closed the door directly.

Then locks.

But Lin Yi did not dare to leave the door. The door of the mail room was already locked, which proved that the aunt of the mail room carried the key with her.

Lin Yi heard the approaching footsteps outside, stretched out his hand to hold them, turned his head to Cheng Yang and said quickly: "Find something to tie Ren Lige, and then come and help me!"

There is something in the mail room that can hold up against the door, but it doesn't work because the door opens to the outside.

The npc in the rule world is a tool for monsters to kill, and the killing tool will not be powerless. Lin Yi thought of the old housekeeper in the 7-7 rule world. An old man can drag an axe to split the door, which shows that the power of NPCs cannot be countered by those involved.

Cheng Yang was so anxious that the flesh on his face was shaking, and he looked up at the mail room.

There is nothing in the mail room that can tie people up, Cheng Yang scolded secretly: "Fuck, my day."

Lin Yi heard the sound in the mail room and looked over, "It's useless to him!"

All the nerve trees of the human brain extend from the back of the neck to all parts of the body. A heavy blow to the back of the neck will produce a strong neural current that impacts the brain, causing people to faint. 1

With Cheng Yang's brute force, he can stun a Ren Li, but now Ren Li is not Ren Li at all, but an 8-4 monster.

How could Cheng Yang stun a monster.

Listening to the approaching footsteps outside the door, Lin Yi also became anxious and pointed to the position in front: "Sheets, Cheng Yang, sheets, tear off the sheets!"

The position of the bed was a few positions away from Cheng Yang. Cheng Yang tried to get up to tear off the sheets, but Ren Li would resist when he moved.

There was no other way, Cheng Yang had to sit back and press on Ren Li again, he held Ren Li with both hands with one hand, and quickly took off his clothes with the other.

After taking off his clothes, Cheng Yang put the corner of the clothes into his mouth with one hand, and twisted the clothes into strips with the other hand, then grabbed Ren Li's hands and tied Ren Li with his clothes.

Then Cheng Yang got up and went to the bedside to pull the sheets off.

Although Cheng Yangneng swore to God that he used the strength of breastfeeding to bind Ren Li, but after all, the prop is just a piece of clothing, and Ren Li is an 8-4 monster, he must still find Something to reinforce.

When Cheng Yang touched the bedside, there was a sound of closing at the door of the mail room.

Like a frightened rabbit, he turned around suddenly and saw the scene in front of him: "Fuck!"

The aunt of the mail room has chased after her and opened the locked door with the key. Now the aunt of the mail room is pulling the door.

Lin Yi's strength is not as strong as that of the mail room aunt, the door was pulled open, but Lin Yi leaned back and used the strength of his body to barely close the door.

The mail room aunt did not give up, she continued to pull the door from the outside.

Lin Yi pulled the door tightly and asked, "Are you ready!"

Cheng Yang woke up like a dream, and quickly stepped over Ren Li on the ground to help pull the door.

With the addition of Cheng Yang, the door finally closed.

Cheng Yang shouted: "Ren Li has to be tied again, brother Lin, you go, I'll come here."

Lin Yi said 'OK', and after Cheng Yang firmly grasped the door, he let go and picked up the sheets on the floor.

The force of tearing a sheet

Lin Yi still has it.

He tore the sheet into several thick strips, then crouched down to tie Ren Li.

Ren Li said, "Have you found me long ago?"

Lin Yi didn't say anything and focused on tying him.

Cheng Yang roared: "nonsense, I..."

"Brother Cheng Yang." Lin Yi said immediately, "Don't get caught."

Cheng Yang: "Oh, good."

Ren Li glanced at Cheng Yang, and then said to Lin Yi, "Since you've already found this place... so are you going to review it?"

Lin Yi didn't say a word, he greeted all the torn cloth strips, not only Ren Li's hands, but also his feet.

Ren Li is obviously trying to induce them to lift the fog. When the involved person mentions that they want to replay, the monster will restore its strength.

The mail room was cramped, and when Ren Li regained his strength, he could kill them both when they opened their mouths to state the main line.

Ren Li was tied up, Lin Yi looked in the mail room.

Then he got up and took the pillow, took out the pillow core and formed a ball, and threw it on the ground in front of Ren Li.

Lin Yi said, "Let's play."

Ren Li: “…”

Lin Yi's idea was very simple, the original body of the 8-4 monster was a cat, so he found something to attract Ren Li's attention.

Ren Li said: "I am not a dog."

Lin Yi: "...Oh, sorry."

Lin Yi asked Cheng Yang, "What do cats like to play with?"

Cheng Yang said: "Get him a cat stick."

It is easy to be a ball, but difficult to be a cat stick.

Lin Yi dismissed this idea, he went to the bed and picked up the quilt and put it over Ren Li, blocking Ren Li's sight.

No matter what Ren Li said, Lin Yi raised his head and asked Cheng Yang, "Can you hold on?"

Cheng Yang gritted his teeth. Compared with Ren Li, the aunt in the mail room was much stronger: "It's okay, I can hold on for a while."

Lin Yi said, "Give me five minutes."

After he finished speaking, he quickly found it in the mail room.

-4 too.

The mail room is not very big, and there is nothing that Lin Yi is looking for on the bright side.

After that, Lin Yi locked his gaze on the wardrobe in the mail room.

He walked over and opened the closet.

The rancid stench.

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.


Several bags of cat food are stored in the closet, and there is a box next to the cat food.

Go and implement the cat after the cat curse.

The cat's eyes are two terrifying holes.

Cheng Yang followed the smell and was almost scared to death by the cat's death.

Hands trembled, the door was opened by the mail room aunt for a moment, and the mail room aunt's angry face appeared behind the crack of the door.

"Ouch, what the hell." Cheng Yang closed his eyes and dared not look again, and closed the door again with more force in his hands.

Lin Yi reached out and touched the cat, his fingertips gently brushed away the blood-coagulated hair, and he saw two slightly sinking bite marks on the back of each cat's neck.

"The black cat appeared in the classroom last night, really looking for the kitten." Lin Yi said, "The kitten's body was brought back by the big cat."

Cheng Yang flashed the scene he just saw in front of his eyes, and thought of the memory of his cat looking for the cat cub, and his nose was sour: "I really dare not think about the mood of the big cat when it sees the cat cub."

Lin Yi reached out and gently rubbed the bite mark, "Yeah."

Cheng Yang said: "The big cat brought the kitten back, the cat should be raised by the aunt."


Yi said: "There are no cat toys in the mail room, only a bag of cat food."

He thought of the hair on the black cat, which is not like taking care of it often, "The cat is a stray cat and was adopted by the aunt."

The meaning of the two is similar, but Lin Yi said it in more detail.

Cheng Yang said: "Sun Jingwen found the kitten in the mail room, in order to retaliate for her classmates to impose a cat curse, she stole the cat, fuck, I know why the curse letter is written 'It's your time to hide'."

"The kitten was stolen by Sun Jingwen, and she lost her life after stealing it. What is this? I got up, but I didn't expect it to be stolen one after another, so the mail room aunt wrote a curse letter 'it's your time to hide' to scare Sun Jingwen."

"The person who put the pigeons is actually the mail room aunt!" Cheng Yang felt that his logic was very self-consistent: "Then, that thing that night was not also the mail room aunt, right?"

Lin Yi said, "It's her."

The cut surface of the corpse is flat, it should be caused by cutting with a sharp tool, and the cat's claw cannot create such a cross-section.

"The main thread has been found." Cheng Yang became excited: "Can it be restored... that one left here?"

Lin Yi tilted his head to look at Ren Li.

The area of ​​the mail room is too small, he still worried that Ren Li would riot when he mentioned the review, and killed him and Cheng Yang before he could speak.

He thought about it.

The conditions for the replay are not good for him and Cheng Yang, and the probability of success is low.

Otherwise, Ren Li would not have taken the initiative to ask them to resume the game just now. The monsters have a natural resistance to the resumption. If I want to come to Ren Li, I also know this very well, and I am very confident that I will recover my strength after contacting the restrictions. able to kill them.

Lin Yi stared at Ren Li, Cheng Yang noticed something from Lin Yi's expression, and said in surprise, "Brother Lin, you won't... won't..."

I want to kill 8-4 monsters.

Cheng Yang: "Yes..."

But according to the current death rules, they can't kill Ren Li at all.

Because Ren Li can refuse the package.

But that was Lin Yi, Cheng Yang tried to ask, "Brother Lin, do you have a solution?"

Lin Yi: "Yes."

Read The Duke's Passion