MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 134 134

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Cheng Yang was horrified when he heard it.

Although Lin Yi's tone was very calm, it sounded very relaxed, as if he really just wanted to take a look.

No, it's not like this, Cheng Yang knew very well that going to the mail room was as dangerous as Lin Yi went out to take risks after being targeted by the cat curse tonight.

After all, in Cheng Yang's view, the mailroom aunt is most likely the first person to write the curse letter.

And Lin Yi was injured, and the injury was serious.

But there is no way, this is the 8-4 rule world, Lin Yi is a member of the patrol team, no one can go unless he is in danger. Besides, who asked him to have such a few grade points, Lin Yi entered the world of the 8-4 rule entirely because he accompanied him.

"I'll be with you." Cheng Yang spoke with difficulty, but fear kept slipping out of his heart, he asked with a trembling voice: "How long... how long will it be, it won't be tonight again? ?"

"Mmmm." Lin Yi did not refuse Cheng Yang's invitation.

Going to the mail room to see the plan he needs Cheng Yang.

In the day when Cheng Yang received the package, they did not go to the teaching building but stayed in the dormitory building. Lin Yi found that the aunt in the mail room was a bit like the old dormitory manager in the 7-7 rule world. Not much to leave the mail room.

Just like in the 7-7 rule world, Qin Zhou lured away the old dormitory manager, and he sneaked into the dormitory room to find clues, now Lin Yi also needs Cheng Yang to lure away the mail room aunt.

"But not now." Lin Yi said: "It's almost dawn, go during the day."

Cheng Yang heard the word 'day', just like hearing the Bodhisattva's manifestation, most of the fear in his heart dissipated: "Okay, go to daytime during the day."

Even if you encounter anything during the day, at least you won't die on the spot.

Cheng Yang thought about it, Lin Yi did not choose to go to the mail room during the day because it was safer during the day than at night, there must be something else hidden.

But what is this hidden secret? Cheng Yang can't figure it out. He knows his IQ and doesn't embarrass himself, so he asks Lin Yi directly: "Why is it during the day?"

Lin Yi patiently explained: "Every time the mailroom aunt sees us, she will let us go to class."

Cheng Yang: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Lin Yi said: "She should be driving us away."

Cheng Yang suddenly realized: "Ouch."

"My mother." Cheng Yang thought for a while, "It's really like this."

Lin Yi said: "What should the mailroom aunt do during the day."

Cheng Yang gave Lin Yi a thumbs up.

Lin Yi said without shock: "Don't be 6."

Then lowered his head, until now he had no time to look at the wound on his hand.

The wound is no longer bleeding, but the blood coagulates on the hand before, which looks very scary with the torn wound.

He tried to move his fingers, and the wound was involved in one touch.

Lin Yi: "Hi-"

Judging from the pain, the wound was indeed deeply bitten by the cat. Before, he thought that the cat attacked because he scared the cat, but now it seems that maybe the cat took him as hurting the cat at that moment. of people.

If you are bitten, you must treat it in time, otherwise it will be easily infected later.

The black cat looks like a stray cat, and the rabies needle must be injected in time.

There is a certain logic in the rule world, just like Xia Hui's body will rot, cold water splashed on the concrete floor will make a 'crack' sound according to the physical reaction, but there is no infirmary here, more Without the rabies shot, if he didn't leave for a while, Lin Yi wasn't sure if he would become the first person to die without breaking the rules of death because of the infection.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes, he thought, it would be nice if Qin Zhou was by his side.

Qin Zhou must know this situation, so he can feel at ease.

Cheng Yang, who was next to him, didn't know his current mental activity, thought that Lin Yi was in pain, and said, "I feel pain when I look at your wound, and the dangerous conditions are still here. It's hard, or I'll blow it for you

Blow? "

He walked towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi quickly took a step back, "I'll do it myself!"

"Brother Lin, are you guarding President Qin like a jade?" Cheng Yang was happy: "Okay, although my brother is straighter than a telephone pole, he is a man after all, so you can blow it yourself."

Lin Yi: "Find a place to rest for a while."

He didn't close his eyes these days, and Cheng Yang didn't rest much. He was used to it. Cheng Yang had normal sleep needs, and his body must have been exhausted by now.

They have to go to the mail room after dawn, so they can't be delayed because of poor rest.

Cheng Yang said: "I slept in the classroom during the day."

Lin Yi said: "It's almost dawn, but it's still a while before the class time. The aunt in the mail room has to get up and let her see us leave for class. You can sleep a little longer and rest well. It's better to work during the day."

"That's fine." Cheng Yang said, "Then I'll try to see if I can fall asleep."

204 The dormitory is rancid and Xia Hui, Cheng Yang really can't guarantee whether he can fall asleep.

He found a place far away from Xia Hui, and did not dare to use the quilt on the bed, so he lay directly on the floor and closed his eyes.

After a while, Cheng Yang snored.

Lin Yi: "…"

Although Cheng Yang slept on the desk during the day, but sleeping on the desk was not a good feeling, it was easy to feel numb in the hands and feet, and I knew that Cheng Yang didn't sleep at all it is good.

Under Xia Hui's vigilant gaze and Cheng Yang's grunt, Lin Yi raised his hand and blew on the wound.

After blowing for a while, Lin Yi was not only tired, but his cheeks were also a little sore.

He thought.

Qin Zhou is here.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Yi put down his sore and painful hand, he raised his eyes and looked at the window.

The window is still pulling the curtains, Lin Yi counts the time, although he can't see the sky outside, but he can be sure that the sky must be bright now.

However, Lin Yi did not wake up Cheng Yang. It was early in the summer, and there were still about two hours before class time.

He continued to lower his head and blow on the wound.

Two hours later, Lin Yi woke Cheng Yang up.

He has heard the sound of doors opening one after another in the dormitory building, including Zeng Nannan's dormitory 205, Zeng Nannan also walked out of the room on his way to the classroom.

The involved are all following the steps, hoping that they can escape the rules of death by following the rules.

"Oh, it's dawn, isn't it?"

Cheng Yang stood up from the floor, yawned and said, "Let's go."

Cheng Yang was obviously not fully awake yet, so Lin Yi didn't rush to open the door.

The two walked out of dormitory 204 and went downstairs to the dormitory hall.

There were not only the two of them walking in the corridor, Lin Yi saw Ren Li walking a little ahead of them.

The corridor was not long, and soon they came to the first floor and walked to the dormitory hall.

Because Chen Zixun received the package yesterday, someone checked in the express cabinet to see if he had received the express. The expressions are also very uniform, they are all nervously opening the express cabinet, and they let out a long sigh of relief when they see that the express cabinet is empty.

Ren Li didn't look at the express cabinet, he left the dormitory first and walked on the road connecting the two buildings.

Lin Yi retracted his gaze and looked towards the mail room.

The mail room aunt is awake, brushing her teeth on the steps of the dormitory door with a cup in hand.

But the door to the mail room was closed.

The strange feeling came immediately.

The door of the dormitory is at most ten steps away from the mail room. According to the normal situation, there is no need to close the door of the mail room at such a close distance. Even if there are any valuables in the mail room, she will In front of them, they were all facing a group of students, who would walk into the mail room and take her things away.

So there must be something in the mailroom.

Lin Yi tilted his head to Cheng Yang and said, "Go.

The two of them are going to show their faces to the mail room aunt, so that the mail room aunt thinks that they have left the dormitory building to go to the teaching building.

When they came to the mailroom aunt, the mailroom aunt happened to finish brushing her teeth.

Lin Yi hid his injured hand behind his back. If the mail room aunt really had something to do with the curse letter, she would definitely be able to see the clue of the wound on his hand.

"Auntie, good morning." Lin Yi said politely.

The mail room aunt was stunned for a while, and then said cheerfully: "Good morning, have you gone to class?"

Lin Yi: "Mmmm."

Lin Yi's facial features are gentle, and it is extremely easy to create the illusion of a good child.

Although he was a good boy.

The mailroom aunt smiled brighter: "Go."

Lin Yi took the yawning Cheng Yang away.

On the way to the teaching building, other involved people looked at them from time to time.

They didn't see Chen Zixun, plus Chen Zixun's scream last night, they guessed something.

When Chen Zixun received the courier last night, he was always sure that Cheng Yang sent it to him.

Lin Yi didn't meet these complicated eyes, but he was a little anxious. If he continued to delay in the 8-4 rule world, maybe other involved people would start targeting them under Ren Li's instigation .

However, Lin Yi couldn't find the time to reason with those involved. All he can do now is to leave the 8-4 rule world quickly.

Thinking this way, Lin Yi tilted his head slightly, and the angle of his tilt allowed him to see the mail room aunt from the corner of his eye.

He went back to the mail room after seeing the mail room aunt washing up.

So Lin Yi didn't plan to go to the teaching building any more, he pulled Cheng Yang and said, "Brother Cheng Yang."

The two of them are going to turn back and see what the mail room aunt is doing during the day and what is in the mail room.

The two went retrograde.

Behind him, Ren Li stopped and looked back at Lin Yi and Cheng Yang.

"Ren Lige... what's wrong?"

Some of those involved discovered Ren Li's actions, and they didn't dare to go to the classroom without Ren Li taking the lead.

"Nothing." Ren Li said.

Here, Lin Yi and Cheng Yang walked to the outside of the dormitory building.

The mailing room is right at the door of the dormitory. It is impossible for them to go directly from the dormitory building to the dormitory. The only place to go back is the window.

Lin Yi originally planned to support the window sill and use his strength to let himself climb up.

Cheng Yang finally noticed Lin Yi's hand injury, "I'll go up first, then pull you."

The wound really hurts, Lin Yi said, "Okay."

Cheng Yang climbed up first, then carefully squatted and reached out to Lin Yi.

Cheng Yang's strength was so strong that Lin Yi was dragged up by Cheng Yang before he could exert himself. Helped out.


The height of the first floor is indeed not high, but if you fall face down, your face will be disfigured.

Cheng Yang patted his chest with lingering fears.

Lin Yi said, "Let's go."

Their location is in the public toilet, and the nearest one that can open the window is Bedroom 204. Lin Yi's plan is to stay in Bedroom 204 first.

Cheng Yang was standing on the windowsill a little bit ahead of Lin Yi, so Lin Yi had to move a little bit before Lin Yi could follow.

Cheng Yang moved to dormitory 204.

Lin Yi followed him.

The two moved to bedroom 204 in small steps, and Cheng Yang was about to reach out and push the window.

Lin Yi quickly grabbed him, Cheng Yang was about to ask what was wrong, and Lin Yi covered his mouth with one hand.

Lin Yi mouthed: "There is movement."

Lin Yi heard it.

Bedroom 204 is not empty, there is Xia Hui. Dan Xia

Hui often curled up in the corner and didn't move, even if he moved, he would jump from one place to another, the movement was sudden, and now the movement that Lin Yi heard was continuous.

Perhaps there was no urgent voice when Lin Yi reminded him, but Cheng Yang was not frightened.

Lin Yi retracted his hand and looked towards bedroom 204.

They didn't think that there would be other movements in dormitory 204, so even if the plan was to go out from the dormitory and turn back from the window, they didn't open the curtains.

The curtain was pressed against the desk in the bedroom by Cheng Yang, and they couldn't see anything at the moment.

But can hear.

I heard the sound of the key opening the door of bedroom 204, and then came the sound of footsteps.

Xia Hui let out a 'meow', which shows that they heard it right, and someone came in in dormitory 204.

Anyone who can have the dormitory key, apart from the original Xia Hui in dormitory 204, should only have a mail room aunt. It couldn't have been another person involved. Lin Yi saw it when he was walking on the road leading to the teaching building. Except for the dead Xia Hui and Chen Zixun, all the other people involved were there.

Cheng Yang also made a mouth shape and said, "Open the window and take a look?"

Lin Yi heard from Cheng Yang's words that Cheng Yang hadn't woken up yet.

He shook his head.

Let's not mention that the curtains are pressed against the table, pushing the window will make a noise, and it will startle the snake.

Then Lin Yi pointed to the room 303 upstairs.

Xia Hui and Chen Zixun both died of the curse letter, the mail room aunt went to dormitory 204, and most likely will also go to dormitory 303, he will go to Chen Zixun's dormitory 303 to wait and see the sending and receiving What the **** did the aunt enter the dormitory?

Cheng Yang was about to continue to turn up when Lin Yi whispered, "Brother Cheng Yang, you are here."

Cheng Yang's figure is still too strong, in the case of someone in dormitory 204, there will inevitably be a noise, only he will go.

After saying this, Lin Yi looked up at the windowsill above his head.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the edge of the windowsill with his palm. He didn't care about the pain of the wound. He propped his toes against the wall, and with his hands, he brought himself to the third floor.

After reaching the third floor, Lin Yi quickly stood up and walked to the 303 bedroom.

Walking to dormitory 303, Lin Yi looked at dormitory 303 without hesitation, knowing that the aunt in the mail room was still in dormitory 204.

Chen Zixun's method of death was the same as Xia Hui's, except that the body was not attached to the window, but firmly attached to the ground.

Lin Yi guessed that Xia Hui should have tried to escape from the window, so the dead body was stuck to the window.

The scene in bedroom 303.

Lin Yi looked at Chen Zixun, and the cut of the corpse was also very smooth.

These clues can be seen from Xia Hui's corpse, so Lin Yi looked away to the bedroom to see if he could find other clues. After all, the first scene after Xia Hui's death, They couldn't get in.

His line of sight was wandering in bedroom 303 a little bit, and he heard Cheng Yang chattering in his ears.

Lin Yi looked down at Cheng Yang outside the window of dormitory 204 and pointed to dormitory 204, Lin Yi understood, the mail room aunt left from dormitory 204, according to his guess, she arrived next Not surprisingly, the location is the 303 bedroom.

Sure enough, after a while, Lin Yi heard the sound of the key being unlocked.

He hurriedly lowered his body, the window was two-way, he could see through the window, and he could see him through the window.


The door is opened.

Footsteps sounded.

Lin Yi carefully raised his body a little, keeping his eyes able to see inside, but not so much that he could see his height at a glance.

It was indeed the mail room aunt who opened the door with the key.

The mail room aunt held a bucket in her hand, Lin Yi saw that the bucket was filled with pinky fingers

The size of a fingernail, it looks like food for cats and dogs.

The aunt in the mail room didn't notice anyone outside the window, she walked in and put the bucket aside, then stared at Chen Zixun's body with a look of hesitation on her face.

Lin Yi saw the expression of the mail room aunt clearly.

Don't think about it, the mail room aunt should come to feed, so Xia Hui's 'meow' is not the kind of threatening and vigilant cry made to him and Cheng Yang, There's a bit of coquettishness in it.

But Chen Zixun in dormitory 303 has not been combined into the shape of a cat, so the aunt in the mail room is in trouble.

One is that cat food will get wet after a long time, and one is probably afraid that someone will find cat food in dormitory 303 later.

In the end, the aunt in the mail room decided to feed it another day. She carried the bucket and turned to open the 303 bedroom, which seemed to be ready to leave.


"Lin Yi!"

It's abrupt and loud.

Lin Yi's heart jumped suddenly, Cheng Yang was so frightened that he blurted out "Fuck".

The two people upstairs and downstairs followed the sound, Ren Li downstairs in the dormitory looked at them with a sneer, then opened his mouth and repeated: "Lin Yi—"

Cheng Yang was so frightened that he drowsily woke up, he threw himself down, and he didn't care that Ren Li was an 8-4 monster, so he hurriedly covered Ren Li's mouth.

Cheng Yang is tall and big, and directly on Ren Li, he even pressed Ren Li to the point of immobility. After suppressing Ren Li, Cheng Yang turned his head and looked at Lin Yi with concern .

In the beginning, Lin Yi was afraid that Ren Li might have any weapon on him. Cheng Yang is now fighting with Ren Li, so he is afraid that Ren Li will stab Cheng Yang to death.

Seeing Ren Li struggling constantly, he was relieved, Ren Li should have no tools to kill, otherwise Cheng Yang was so close to Ren Li, if Ren Li had tools to kill Cheng Yang had already been stabbed to death.

Cheng Yang wouldn't hold Ren Li's mouth with both hands, and Ren Li couldn't even scream.

Qin Zhou said that the strength of the monster possessed by the person involved will increase by two to three times than the strength of the possessor itself.

Lin Yi didn't expect Cheng Yang to be so powerful, and Ren Li didn't look like a vase.

Sometimes it's not a monster who can defeat the elite patrol team, it's probably a reckless man.

After confirming that Cheng Yang would not be in danger, Lin Yicai turned to look at the window.

He wasn't sure if Ren Li's voice was heard by the mail room aunt in dormitory 303. Before Lin Yi threw himself at the window of dormitory 303, he preferred that the mail room aunt did not hear it.

After all, Ren Li was shouting from outside the dormitory, and the window of dormitory 303 was closed, and Lin Yi did not hear footsteps approaching the window in the dormitory.

But this one.

Lin Yi's body froze and his blood froze.

The mailroom aunt had her whole face pressed against the window, her eyes down at him.

The whole face, without a trace of expression.