MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 60 galaxy

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It was not the first time that Yu Xing met Sheng Shuyuan, but it was the most nervous one.

Sheng Shuyuan deliberately hung her in the living room for more than ten minutes before appearing at a slow pace. The calm aura was hard to ignore, Yu Xing sat upright, the tea in front of him did not move, and slowly raised his head to look at him.

Looking at each other for a moment, Yu Xing stood up and nodded as a greeting.

Sheng Shuyuan did not greet her, and went straight to the main seat of the sofa. Yu Xing sat down carelessly, and for more than ten seconds, no one spoke.

The servant retreated, and Sheng Shuyuan finally said: "If you have something to do, tell me."

Yu Xing knew that this face was given to Fu Feichen. If she only looked at her, she might not even be able to get in, so there's not much nonsense at the moment.

"I came to visit you today to talk to you about my relationship with Sheng Yi."

Sheng Shuyuan frowned, "What is there to say about this matter? I think you understand my attitude."

"Of course I understand, and I came to talk to you because I understand."

"You want to convince me? Don't waste your words, I won't agree."

Compared with the last time in the hospital, Yu Xing was much calmer, "Are you serious?"

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Sheng Shuyuan stared at her with deep eyes, "Daughter girl, I saw you today, just to give Fu Feichen a little face. Even if the Fu family supports you , about you and Sheng Yi, I said I disagree, but I don't agree."

As if afraid that his attitude would not be obvious enough, he deliberately used his crutches.

Yu Xing was silent and smiled: "Okay, I guess you will say that. Then I will tell you directly."

Sheng Shuyuan waited with a cold face to see what "tricks" she played.

She said: "If you don't accept me, I can't do anything about it, since that's the case—" She stared and met his scrutinizing gaze, "I had to let Sheng Yi come into our house."

Yu Xing sat upright, raised his chin slightly, and deliberately slowed down his speech, so that he could not hear clearly: "You also said that I have the support of the Fu family. Our Fu family has a great career, and my name is The part of the property I bought is enough for Sheng Yi and I to live a lifetime. Although my uncle doesn't object or approve of it now, if Sheng Yi and I join Fu's house, the situation will be completely different."

"As the saying goes, half a son-in-law, not to mention he enters my door, that is a complete family. Sheng Yi is so outstanding, my uncle will definitely not have any objection. He also mentioned that I should start learning to manage the business earlier, and with Sheng Yi accompany me in the future, the two of us will definitely be able to carry forward the family business that belongs to us, and then..."

"Ridiculous!" Sheng Shuyuan stomped his cane several times in anger, "What nonsense are you talking about here—"

"I'm not talking nonsense." Yu Xing was very calm, "I'm here to talk to you about this. I've thought about it for a long time, anyway, none of us will give in, it's useless to spend. You don't allow me to enter your door, it doesn't matter, then I will bring Sheng Yi into my door."

Sheng Yi angrily rebuked: "You are young, and you speak shamelessly! It is uncertain whether you can last for a long time. I want the descendants of my Sheng family to intervene for you? You are delusional!"

Yu Xing picked up the teacup, lifted the lid and took a sip, and said slowly, "Is it wishful thinking to try it out? Why are you so excited? We won't live in front of your old man in the future... Fu family's The daughter and the half son of the Fu family, listen to me, it's all about the Fu family."

Sheng Shuyuan squeezed the handle of the cane and glared angrily: "You are here to demonstrate with me? I tell you, I don't care about your girl's films, you don't put your nose in the face! These little tricks are useless, You don't want to come in—"

"Don't want to enter your door?" Yu Xing laughed, "If you change it, I will recite it."

Don't talk to him, she stood up indifferently, stood and said: "I have finished what I have to say, so I won't bother you. Don't think I'm joking, I'm seriously considering this matter. Yes, no matter what, I will not be separated from Sheng Yi. If you want to break up us, you will die as soon as possible. No matter what method you use, I will be with Sheng Yi. You forced me."

Absurd! absurd!

Sheng Shuyuan was dizzy with her words.

What did she say? She said she wanted Sheng Yi to go to Fu's house to get in the door! The descendants of the dignified Sheng family, knocked in the door? What a system!

However, Yu Xing's expression clearly came from the heart. She nodded slightly, "Farewell." Yan Bi turned and walked out.

Sheng Shuyuan stood up abruptly: "Don't you think about him? Have you ever thought about Sheng Yi? He gave you a half son of the Fu family, how can you ask him to look up to see him in the future? people!"

Yu Xing, who had walked a few steps, stopped abruptly and turned around neatly: "I didn't think about Sheng Yi?" She took a step forward, frowning, "I want to say this! You ask yourself, do you really care what he thinks? What does he want and like, do you respect his opinion? Yes, you will definitely say that he is naive and immature, so his business is entirely up to you That's fine! But the truth? He's a human being, he'll be happy and sad, he's got his own mind!"

"I just think about him, and I feel sorry for him." She took a deep breath, "You don't need to press me with big truths, it's better to be a half child for the Fu family, or to open the door upside down, Sheng Yi's second half of his life will be worry-free financially and spiritually rich, no matter what, he will never be worse off than he is now!"

Yu Xing dropped the last sentence:

"—You want an excellent heir, and all I want is Sheng Yi."

Without more words, she turned her head, strode towards the door.

The hall of the Sheng family was silent.

The servants waiting outside the hall and down the corridor pretended to be deaf and unable to hear the conversation inside.

Yu Xing walked out with a determined mentality.

In the silence, time seems to have passed for a long time.

Step by step, second by second.

When she was about to reach the door, she finally heard a heavy and helpless voice behind her—

" stop."

Dating near Sheng Yi's school has become a habit. He has a lot of class schedules. Yu Xing accommodates him. He doesn't want him to spend too much time on the road, so he always takes the initiative to find him.

Sit down at the coffee shop, and soon after ordering, the drink will be delivered to the table.

Yu Xing complained to himself: "I've come here so many times, why don't I just become a member."

Sheng Yizheng added two sugar cubes to her cup, she thought it was not enough: "Add more, add more."

"It's so sweet." He frowned and said bitterly, "Can't you remember the last time you got tired of your throat?"

Yu Xing is satisfied.

Sheng Yi stared at her smiling face, but she also lost her temper. She wiped her hands with a tissue, "What's for dinner?"

He had just finished the afternoon class, and Yu Xing came early and spent half an hour in the surrounding bookstores just to wait for him.

The iron spoon stirred the coffee in the cup, Sheng Yi's eyes flickered: "Why don't you go back to my apartment..."

"Bah." Yu Xing whispered at him, "Don't mention your bathtub to me again!"

Another failure, Sheng Yi pouted and decided to make persistent efforts next time. She is very clever, and since she was almost pushed into the bathtub by him last time, she has been extra careful when stepping into his apartment.

"Then what do you want to eat?" he asked. "Walk after dinner? Or I'll revise with you. You're not going to take the exam soon."

Yu Xing didn't choose, he looked up at him for three seconds, the smile on his lips was mysterious and a little embarrassed.

Sheng Yi saw the clue, "Do you have other ideas?"

She pursed her lips and said slowly, "Today, come home for dinner with me."

Sheng Yi was stunned, "Huh?"

"Go to my house." Yu Xing said, "My dad and my uncle and second uncle are here. They said they wanted to chat with you."

"You mean—"

She nodded, "My dad and my uncle and second uncle, they want to see you, let me take you back to dinner."

Sheng Yi was stunned for a rare two seconds, a little understanding why things suddenly changed, and in a good direction.

Fu's family is not against them being together, he knows, but only to the extent of not jumping out and hitting the mandarin ducks. Compared with his grandfather's bad attitude, he didn't give face so much, and the Fu family was also suffocating.

Before he asked, Yu Xing first confessed: "I went to see your grandfather."

Sheng Yi frowned upon hearing this: "You went to see my grandfather?"

Yu Xing briefly said what happened.

Sheng Yi's face was not good, she asked: "Are you angry?"

Of course he was angry, "If you push him into a hurry, what will happen? Don't tell me in advance, in case..."

"No! With my dad here, your grandfather wouldn't have done so much."

Sheng Yi wanted to say that she didn't know Sheng Shuyuan, he was merciless to his family, let alone others?

"Don't do it again next time." He frowned.

Yu Xing raised two fingers: "I promise!"

Sheng Yi looked at her with anger: "Put your jess away."

She smiled and lowered her hand.

Yu Xing asked again: "I told you that you are not angry?"

"What are you angry about?" Sheng Yi raised his eyebrows, "I can't ask if you want to support me."

"So simple? That won't work, I regret it. Your expenses are too high, and I can't afford it."

“Should I eat less?”

She laughed out loud, reluctantly: "Okay, I will try my best to participate in the competition to earn money to support you."

Sheng Yi discussed with her seriously: "The bonus? I don't think it's enough. Forget it, I'll come. I sold the car to support you."

The inexplicable desire for victory and defeat rose, she patted the table: "Then...then I will act like a spoiled child with my dad and ask for money to support you!"

Sheng Yi held back her laughter, squinted her eyes, pinched the flesh on her cheek, "Amazing, my girlfriend has learned to cheat money."

Yu Xing feigned anger and hit his hand.

He remembered making a booing gesture in public, and the two lowered their voices.

After a lot of trouble, Yu Xing got serious and dragged him up: "Let's go, go back to my house for dinner—"

The two walked out.

side by side, holding hands.

The first meeting between Sheng Yi and the Fu family, the atmosphere was tense at first, but it got better as the dinner went on. In the end, it was Fu Feichen who loved Wu and Wu, and took the initiative to help with the call, which relieved a lot of embarrassment for Sheng Yi.

Looking at their younger brother's face, Fu Feilu and Fu Feiyu originally had a straight face, but then gradually softened their expressions.

All in all, it was a fairly pleasant meeting.

Even Fu Xiuyuan deliberately tried to dispose of Sheng Yi and drag him to drink, but he failed to drive. Seeing Yu Xing's pleading face, Fu Xiuyuan's heart softened, and he had to silently swallow the words "there is a driver at home" back into his stomach.

After dinner, Sheng Yi stayed at Fu's house for a while, talking with several elders of Yu Xing. Sheng Shuyuan has been strict with him since he was a child, and he took pains to train him. Although Fu Feilu was nitpicky, he had to admit his excellence.

Knowing that the young couple is going for a ride after dinner, several elders grasped the degree and accepted it as soon as it was good.

While Yu Xing was going upstairs to change clothes, Sheng Yi went to apologize to Fu Feichen: "I was a little rude when I first met. I'm very sorry. Please don't mind uncle."

Fu Feichen said with a smile: "You are good to my daughter, I don't mind anything, if you make her sad, then I will have a good deal with you. Do you understand?"

He looked stern and took out his attitude: "Uncle, don't worry."

Fu Feichen nodded in satisfaction.

While speaking, Yu Xing came downstairs, and Fu Feichen stopped her: "Come here."

Yu Xing and Sheng Yi glanced at each other, the latter understood: "I'll drive first, I'll wait for you outside." After speaking, he went to say goodbye to the other elders of the Fu family.

Fu Feichen called Yu Xing down the corridor, and took out a piece of paper from his pocket, the paper turned yellow, obviously it had been a long time.

"You wrote that?"

Yu Xing frowned and took a look. The few lines of writing on the paper were green, not like adult handwriting, but like the handwriting of a half-aged child.

The above lines read:

"Hate my parents! Hate them! Why give birth to me?

No one likes me at all except my auntie.

I am redundant.


It was too long, and Yu Xing himself was taken aback.

"I found it at the back of that album." Fu Feichen sighed, "You accidentally caught it in it? How old was it then?"

Yu Xingji is not very clear: "I...forgot. It was a long time ago, like when I was in elementary school." She said, "I didn't put it in, it should be my aunt."

She was sensitive at that time, Yu Wanzhen probably turned it over on her desk, secretly put it away, and put it in a drawer. After a long time, it is estimated that I forgot what album I slipped into.

"I'm sorry." Fu Feichen said softly, "It's my fault that you have had such a period of time."


Yu Xing wanted to speak, but was interrupted by him, he beckoned: "You squat down."

She paused and squatted down in front of his wheelchair.

Fu Feichen took out a small square jewelry box from his pocket, opened it, and took out the necklace. The stars at the bottom of the necklace are set with countless diamonds, shining brightly.

He leaned forward a little and put the necklace on Yu Xing's neck.

"This is your coming-of-age gift. Dad's eighteenth birthday present for you, now make up."

Turning back and leaning back, he looked at the star made of diamonds and said: "There was a Leonid meteor shower in Longcheng that year. Just a week after the day I got sick, your mother and I After listening to the preview, I was going to watch it."

Fu Feichen smiled, stopped here and just laughed.

Yu Xing pinched the stars on the necklace and looked at him blankly.

Fu Feichen reached out and stroked her head, "You are not superfluous." He said, "You are never superfluous, you are our baby."

The tip of the nose suddenly became sour.

Yu Xing stared blankly, tears pouring out of his eyes without warning. She quickly lowered her head and wiped away the water.

Fu Feichen said that she is not superfluous.

All these years of resentment, pain, self-loathing, all wrong.

She was not left behind.

She is the crystallization of love, a life that came to the world with love and hope, she is their precious treasure.

It is a unique star that belongs to Fu Feichen and Yu Wanchun forever and ever.

Finding that Yu Xing had cried, Sheng Yi drove slowly and left Fu's house for a few minutes before asking, "What's wrong?"

She sat in the passenger seat and shook her head, "It's okay."

After sniffing, she asked, "Who called just now?"

Seeing that she didn't want to say anything, Sheng also didn't ask, and replied, "My grandfather."

Yu Xing immediately held back her tears, "What did he say?"

"He said—"

"Don't sell it, don't hate it!"

Sheng Yi smiled and imitated her words: "My grandfather said that he wanted to meet my girlfriend and let me take you home for dinner when I have time."

He came to Fu's house, and Yu Xing went to Sheng's house.

After crossing the bright road, in the future, the two of them are upright and bright lovers recognized by each other's families.

Yu Xing was not happy on his face, and deliberately hummed: "He is so fierce, I have to consider whether or not to go."

Sheng Yi stared at her from the corner of his eye: "Consider?"

His eyes became dangerous, Yu Xing's face was sullen, and he couldn't hold on for a few seconds.

"Okay, okay, don't think about it. I really want to go, I can't wait to go to your place for supper now!"

He was amused and couldn't help but curl his lips.

The car drove for a while, and Yu Xing suddenly said, "How long will it take to stop?"

"Just a little longer." Sheng Yi said, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." She lowered her voice, "I just want to hold your hand."

He paused, and happily extended a hand: "Hold."

Yu Xing refused the irregular driving operation and slapped him on the back of his hand, "Drive well."

"The real murderer." He muttered, with a smile on his brows.

The car drove slowly under the bright street lights.

A few minutes, ten minutes, it seems like an instant, and it seems like a long time.

Yu Xing tilted his head and closed his eyes to rest.

Suddenly at the intersection, met a long red light, Sheng Yi stopped the car and waited, quietly stretched out his hand, and held her delicate five fingers.

The eyelids were loose, Yu Xing glanced at him, but did not break free.

Then, she moved her hand, digging her fingers between his.

Pulse, heartbeat, body temperature, meet in the palm of your hand.

Tightly, leaving no gaps.

Perhaps you too have felt that you are redundant.

But no matter how small or ordinary, no one should be a side story after someone else's story ends.

Believe that one day, you will meet such a person.

You will say to him:

Thank you.

Thank you for making me feel so good to be born and alive.

Thanks for meeting me.

Because of you, I have a story of my own.

Read The Duke's Passion