MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 59 I see

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Lintian is enveloped in a lighthearted atmosphere on the last weekday afternoon of every week.

Tong Youjing was excited and came to ask Yu Xing where she was going to eat in the evening.

She didn't raise her head, she quickly answered the exercises with the tip of her pen on the paper, saying, "You go at night, I won't go."

"Ah? You want to accompany Sheng Yi again?"

"No, my aunt is back." Yu Xing said with a sincere smile on his face, "I have to go back and pack some things."

"What to pack?"

"She is married and will move to live with my uncle. The house will be rented out after a while. She asked me to go back and see if I have anything to bring to Fu's house."

Tong Youjing leaned on the edge of her desk and asked, "The house is rented out, so all the others are thrown away?"

"No. My uncle has prepared a warehouse to store things for my aunt. I'm afraid she won't bear it, so I keep it."

"Tsk tsk, your uncle is really caring."

Yu Xing was proud: "Of course." The essence is still happy for Yu Wanzhen.

The dinner appointment could not be made, Tong Youjing tried to make an appointment for the rest day, "Where are you going tomorrow?"

Yu Xing answered without hesitation: "Sheng Yi has a class, I will go to his school to accompany him." Looking up, Tong Youjing's eyes were full of condemnation and contempt, and he laughed, "Why?"

"I don't think you can do it without him for a day. Haven't you been to his school many times?"

"Who said you can't go again after you've been there?" Yu Xing ignored her teasing.

Yu Xing did go to Shengyi School several times, but he always sent him, or made an appointment to meet him earlier. After Sheng Yi moved out to live on his own, he was just going for a walk.

The campus is huge, the environment construction is in place, and the atmosphere is very good.

Sheng Yi, who entered the university, has somewhat restrained his vigor and treated people politely, but everyone who has come into contact with him knows that he is not very easy to get along with, and he has a clear sense of boundaries with others.

Unfortunately, they all died in the first step.

There is no one else in his eyes, only his girlfriend.


After walking around for a long time, all of them stopped thinking overnight.

Anyway, Tong Youjing couldn't understand the love between their lovers for the time being, and was too lazy to understand.

"I'll go to dinner with Shen Shiyu and the others that night. We'll arrange things tomorrow." She got up and went back to the classroom, "I won't bother you anymore."

Yu Xing quickly waved his hand and continued to work hard.

As soon as the afternoon class was over, Shen Shi met the door of Lintian to pick him up.

Tong Youjing got into the car, fastened her seat belt, immediately found a comfortable angle, and leaned back.


"I'm not tired. It's easy to get sleepy in the afternoon." She said, "Where's Jiang Zhiyan?"

Shen Shiyu stepped on the accelerator: "On the road, he drove by himself."

Tong Youjing didn't say anything, and closed his eyes safely. She never had to worry about making restaurant reservations.

The car drove for a while, then stopped.

Tong Youjing closed his eyes and opened his eyes, seeing a red light.

Shen Shiyu glanced in her direction and suddenly said, "Who did you go out with yesterday?"

"Huh?" Tong Youjing turned his head slowly, half a beat.

"I saw your Moments posted a photo."

She remembered, "Oh, I had dinner with a friend who studied design yesterday."

"Friend? Why don't I know each other?"

"We met at the exhibition."

"A college student?"

"Well, we said yesterday that if I go to their school, he will be my senior." She tilted her head, smiled, and said lightly, not caring.

Shen Shiyu was very concerned, he clenched the steering wheel unconsciously, his face darkened.

Tong Youjing's circle of friends began to appear people he didn't know, she stopped telling him everything like before - it's been a long time, after they reconciled, there are more boundaries between each other, but He's still not used to it, and he doesn't want to.

He sometimes thinks that he wished time could jump back to before the conflict occurred. Once again, he will handle it carefully and carefully, so that she will not be hurt in the slightest, so that she will not be chilled, and she will not be disappointed with him.

But the facts cannot be reversed.

Tong Youjing's feelings are withdrawn when they are separated, but he realizes it later, and his boiling mind is getting stronger and stronger every day.

Shen Shiyu turned his face away slightly, he knew that his expression must be a little ugly. It took a long time to suppress that nameless fire.

Tong Youjing rested with his head tilted, how could he not care what he was thinking.

The two did not speak.

Go to the restaurant, introduce the box by the waiter, and sit face to face.

Jiang Zhiyan didn't arrive, so they both drank water and didn't order food yet.

Shen Shiyu endured it for a long time, but still couldn't help: "If you want to know a friend who studies design, I will introduce you. Don't believe those people outside. What's the idea?"

Tong Youjing said no: "Just make friends and get along well. I didn't know him because he studied design."

"What's that for?"

His tone was a little bad, Tong Youjing paused and slowly raised his eyes: "Why, I said it, it fits."

"How long have you known each other before you get along?" Shen Shiyu's face was sullen, "Do you know what kind of person he is? Apart from knowing that he is a college student studying design, his personality, character, life hobby…”

Tong Youjing tapped his fingertips on the table and interrupted: "You should know, who will check the household registration as soon as they come up?"

Shen Shiyu inhaled, "I didn't mean that, I was just worried that you would be deceived. You don't understand the sinister society, in case someone else has a plot and wants to calculate something from you, you... "

"Be careful when you speak." She looked cold, "Shen Shiyu, what's wrong with you today?"

He fell silent.

Tong Youjing rolled his eyes in anger and looked out the window.

"—I don't want you to get too close to him."

For a long time, Shen Shiyu opened his mouth, and before Tong Youjing scolded him, he said, "I'm jealous, I see him next to you and it's annoying."

Tong Youjing was stunned for a moment, then quickly looked away, "Aren't those things about you and me over? We made it very clear before..."

"It's not over." Shen Shiyu simply said, "Do you really think it's over?"

The box was quiet.

Shen Shiyu was about to hold back the flame in his heart, he suddenly grabbed Tong Youjing's hand on the table, "I know I'm wrong, I've been changing it, I hope I can make it up. We have been for so many years. , because once, you won't give me a chance at all?"


He stared at her eyes, wanting to see through, "You really have no feelings for me, have you lost any emotion?"

The pulses of the two people meet in the palm of their hand.

After struggling for a long time, Tong Youjing closed his eyes, opened them again, and looked directly at him: "If it's wrong, we won't be able to see each other again, and we won't be able to get along again, you know?" She slowly and slowly broke his hand, "But friends, you can be a lifetime."

Shen Shiyu was empty.

The flame burning in my heart dimmed until it went out.

Although this "home" does not belong to them in the legal sense, Yu Xing and Yu Wanzhen have many memories here. They first moved to this city to live in a temporary house, and later moved to Live here until now.

Now, both of them have to move out and live their own lives.

Under the sadness, there is a deep sadness.

Zhan Xuming had to work overtime and couldn't get out of the room, so he arranged for workers to help with packing.

Yu Xing picked up some things that he wanted to keep and put them in the box, such as daily necessities, and threw away those that had no commemorative significance. She didn't have much, so she packed up and went to help Yu Wanzhen.

Organize for a long time and get a bunch of photo albums.

I looked through it and found that there was a book full of photos of Yu Wanchun alone.

Yu Xing is holding the photo album with this text: "Auntie, when is this?"

"That's it." Yu Wanzhen glanced at it and said, "It's a photo of your mother before, when you were in college, and some life photos after graduating from college. I made a book alone, and I have been keep it."

"After graduating from university? Was it when you were in Longcheng?"


Yu Xing was not interested in anything about Yu Wanchun before, this album is full of photos she has never seen before.

The people in the photo, even after years, are still so beautiful in the yellowed picture. He smiled brightly and brightly, with a beautiful face, but he had a pair of clear eyes.

Fu Feichen loves this person and her mother.

The fingertips gently rubbed the faces in the photo, Yu Xing asked, "Auntie, can you give me this album?"

"Do you want it? You can." Yu Wanzhen was sorting out other things, looked back and agreed briskly. There are many photos of her and Yu Wanchun, not just this one.

"But you can't just lose it."

Yu Wanzhen knew that she had always had a grudge against her biological mother and was reluctant to mention it. Yu Wanzhen could only solve this kind of thing, but she was afraid that the children would be rebellious when she talked about it, and she would not even listen to it.

Since she returned to Fu's house, she knew something, but her attitude improved.

Yu Wanzhen said, "That's mom."

Closing the album, Yu Xing touched the cover and brushed off the dust that did not exist.

For the first time, she held something related to Yu Wanchun in her arms and softly agreed: "I see, Auntie."

Autumn comes and goes quickly.

Winter is in the blink of an eye.

Everything is fine with Yu Xing, except for the worry—

Sheng Yi.

The relationship between them and Sheng Shuyuan has not improved, and Sheng Yi still lives outside. Sheng Shuyuan didn't look for him, nor did he force him. With a completely free attitude, it seemed that he was going to waste with him, and he was more patient than anyone else.

By the end of the year, if this has been the case, Sheng Yi will spend the Spring Festival alone this year.

Fu Feilu, persuaded by Fu Feichen, no longer opposes Yu Xing and Sheng Yi, but if she takes Sheng Yi back for the New Year, it will definitely not work. Do not intervene, do not intervene, and in the same way, never bow to Sheng Shuyuan, this is Fu Feilu's attitude.

This year, Yu Xing will definitely spend the Spring Festival at Fu's house. She can't accompany Yu Wanzhen, let alone Sheng Yi.

Shen Shiyu and others needless to say, the bigger the family is, the more strict the rules are. No one can get away from this important festival.

At that time, the lights are on and the family is happy. She sits at the Fu family table and eats a hot reunion dinner, while Sheng Yi is alone in the cold apartment, accompanying him There is only the sound of the TV, how uncomfortable is it to think about?

Sheng Lan will be back during the Spring Festival, but this time, Sheng Shuyuan reprimanded her. When Sheng Lan called Sheng Yi a while ago, she was full of helplessness. Even if the Spring Festival is in China, Sheng Shuyuan will not let her come out to see Sheng Yi.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. Yu Xing hated Sheng Shuyuan's stubbornness and confronted him angrily twice in a dream. When people watch.

In the end, with a kick, I woke up from the dream.

Mentioning about the New Year again, Sheng Yi was still the same, comforting her on the other end of the phone: "Didn't you say, on the second day of the new year, come back to the apartment to accompany me after lunch at home, I'll take you back in the evening, how about that? It's not just the 30th and the first day of the new year, there's more time, not less than a day or two."

Yu Xing only cares about one or two days. He doesn't want him to worry, so he can only mumble: "That's fine."

Hang up the phone, looked at the small cakes on the table, and lost her appetite instantly.

Sheng is also at school, so I can't come out today. She went shopping alone and was a little hungry, so she found a dessert shop in the mall for afternoon tea.

She put her phone aside in frustration.

Suddenly outside the glass, a young man and woman were quarreling not far away. Other diners in the store noticed and cast their eyes.

Watching the lively pedestrians come into the store, sit down next to Yu Xing, and sigh while reading the menu.

"Really, I'm so embarrassed to be so noisy in public."

"Hey, that's why, in love, how can one always accommodate the other, two people have to consider each other, don't take care of each other, how will life go..."

Soon to talk about other topics.

The voice fell into my ears and quickly dissipated.

Yu Xing stared at the cups and snacks in front of him and was stunned, his thoughts kept turning and turning.

Suddenly, the weight in her heart fell heavily, she grabbed the phone and stood up resolutely.

Fu Feichen had the habit of taking a nap, Yu Xing hurried back, and waited for someone to come up and spread the word when he woke up.

After the father and daughter had an interview, he had someone do it.

Until the other side replied, seeing that Yu Xing's face brightened a little, Fu Feichen teased: "Is it worth being happy to see such a living King of Hell?"

Sorry, Yu Xing.

After teasing, he asked again: "I really don't need to accompany you?"

"No." Yu Xing said, "I can do it myself."

Fu Feichen was silent, "Okay, I'll have someone to accompany you, if you have anything, please contact me immediately." After a pause, he specially emphasized, "Don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid," she said. Sheng Shuyuan couldn't eat her again.

After a while, when the car was ready, Fu Feichen smiled and said, "Okay, let's go. I'll wait for you at home." The last sentence was to give her a sense of security.

Yu Xing understood what he meant.

He is telling her that no matter where she goes or who she goes to see, even Sheng Shuyuan, don't worry, he is her eternal backing.

Yu Xing got up, just stepped up, suddenly paused, "I'll go up and get something!"

She ran away in a hurry, and two minutes later, trotted down with something in her hand.

Fu Feichen took a look, and Yu Xing handed the album to him.

"For me?"

"...hmm. It's Mom's photo album."

Fu Feichen froze for a moment, and a soft light flashed in his eyes.

He didn't speak and took the album.

Yu Xing's face was a little red, because of the redness, she looked cramped and uncomfortable, but she still said: "I used to blame you, now I can't."

"—Thank you and Mom for bringing me into the world."

She lowered her eyes, pursed her lips, and called him seriously for the first time: "I'm out, Dad!"

The next second, run away and run away quickly.

Fu Feichen only had time to see her back.

For a long time, he shook his head, smiled slowly, opened the photo album and looked at each photo carefully.

Yu Wanchun in the photo stopped at the most beautiful age when they met, but time unknowingly, so many years have passed.

One story ends, another begins.

Their daughter, it is finally time to work hard for her own tomorrow.

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