MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 6 I see

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Breaking into someone else's territory in a hurry, although she doesn't know where it is yet, Yu Xing has realized that what is needed now is to apologize first.

"Sorry, I..."

She tried to stand up, but saw the boy under the corridor suddenly walking towards her, and stopped halfway through.

She couldn't help but move back, her back pressed closer to the wall.

The boy stopped in front of her, tall and thin, looking down at her. Yu Xing was covered by his figure and was a little nervous for a while.


Seeing that he looked at her skirt and raised his eyebrows, Yu Xing was stunned.

Does he know? Could it be that it is also in the sky?

Yu Xing has no impression of this face - there are not many people in Lintian compared to ordinary high schools. In fact, the whole school adds up to a lot of students. Recognize all, not to mention others.

Yu Xing is about to say something to sell alumni love, apologize and ask for mercy, and then find the door to go out. Unexpectedly, he suddenly squatted down and looked at her, his expression unpredictable.

His eyes slowly swept across her face, Yu Xing was squinted by him, and he didn't dare to let out the air.

The tight gaze stopped at the corner of her mouth where she broke, and finally looked into her eyes.

…Kiss, kiss? !

The alarm bell was ringing in his head, Yu Xing leaned against the wall with his back.

This person obviously has such a beautiful face, and the word "Peach Blossom Luck" is almost written on his face. It's not easy to kiss anyone? Why bother!

Yu Xing glanced at him, then moved away in half a second, smiling and perfunctory: "I'm sorry, I have someone I like..."

While talking, the brain is running fast, and there is a flash of light between the lightning and flint—

Since he recognizes Lintian's school uniform skirt, then he is either from Lintian, or he must know something about Lintian!

"Lin and Lintian are the most powerful ones, right?" Yu Xing was anxious, "...our senior Sheng Yi is handsome and temperamental. I have liked him for a long time!"

Yes, just use this living Hades as an excuse! The love letters have been "written" for him, so don't wait any longer!

Yu Xing finds the right direction and pulls the tiger's skin to make a banner, afraid that he will not believe it, so he becomes more and more passionate: "I fell in love with our senior Sheng Yi at first sight, except for him, I don't see anyone else, no matter what he is. Like me or not, I can never kiss another boy! I will live for him, die for him, and go to heaven for him!"

After the "deeply moving" speech, the last word ended, and the reverberation fell to the ground.

The boy did not speak, but narrowed his eyes.

Yu Xing wanted to say a few more words, thanking him for his "kindness", but there's really no need to find a place or something, and then go as fast as you can.

Who knows before she can speak—


The boy suddenly licked his lips and smiled, those peach blossom eyes were extraordinarily seductive: "It's a coincidence, I'm Sheng Yi."



Yu Xing was at a loss for words, staring blankly, dumbfounded on the spot.


What did he say?

Sheng Yi? Sheng Yi? Sheng Yi?

Is he Sheng Yi? !

—He is Sheng Yi! !

Yu Xing was stupid, the tiger skin not only failed to pull up, but also broke a hole on the spot.

She stared blankly at the playful smile on Sheng Yi's handsome face, not knowing how to react.

In the stalemate, a person came out and walked down the corridor: "Ayi?"

The two people under the wall in the courtyard heard the sound, Sheng Yi turned back, and then stood up.

Yu Xing was still sitting on the ground, still in shock, staring at him.

A young man was holding a tea tray with two tea cups and a pot of tea, standing where Sheng Yi had stood before.

"You're there..."

Noticing Yu Xing, he paused for a moment: "...she is?"

Yu Xing stood up immediately, patted the ashes on his hem and skirt, and said, "I'm sorry, sir, I have something to do just now, I came in out of a hurry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! "

She bowed twice and asked, "Where can I go out? Is the door over there?"

Seeing the man free a hand and pointing behind him, Yu Xing thanked him repeatedly, and quickly fled from Sheng Yi. Without looking back, she trotted along the corridor towards the door, and quickly disappeared.

Zhou Hanyuan, who was holding a tea tray under the eaves of the corridor, felt inexplicable, but seeing her running fast, she was too lazy to pursue that much. It's just that the wall of this small yard needs to be repaired again, it's time to increase it.

Looking at Sheng Yi who was still standing in the courtyard, Zhou Hanyuan asked, "What are you talking about with her?"

I saw him talking to the strange girl who came over the wall just now, which is novel, not like his temperament.

Sheng Yi smiled lightly: "Nothing."

As he was about to step up, he caught a glimpse of something reflective on the ground.

He stopped and leaned over to pick it up.

After holding it in his hand and seeing it clearly, Sheng Yi froze.

It is a breastplate, he is familiar with it, the standard is clearly sky-high.

The name on the badge—

Yu Xing.

Lintian full of teachers and students, he couldn't recognize all of them, but it was a coincidence that he really remembered.

In front of the school duty room, she dragged her companion back and glanced at him, leaving a little impression. Later, she wrote a love letter to him and was criticized by the whole school. She also corrected the typo in the love letter outside the teaching department and was arrested by them Got a right.


She also thought that the face just now was very different from the one she saw in Lintian school.

The most presence on the face of "Yu Xing" in my memory is the pair of black-rimmed glasses that are so soiled and slag, the bangs are as thick as iron, and most of the face is completely covered. She is used to bowing her head, with the exception of her mouth, only her chin is unblocked, her nose is pressed by glasses, and her cheeks are covered by hair on both sides.

The way she jumped over the wall neatly, really didn't look like that "Yu Xing" would do.

Seeing Sheng Yi standing still, Zhou Hanyuan reminded aloud: "Ayi? Shen Shiyu and Qin Huai are on their way, they will be there later."

Sheng Yi came back to his senses: "...I see."

Before taking a step, I suddenly remembered something.

Qin Huai?

Only two seconds, the extraordinary memory gives the result.

A slight difference from the image is that she is more beautiful than in the photo, with a vivid face and beautiful facial features that are full of aura, fresh and eye-catching.

The person Qin Huai was looking for was her?

Sheng Yi was originally just because she suddenly climbed over the wall and came in on a whim, especially after she found him under the porch, the overly beautiful face was intertwined with surprise, confusion and panic, watery eyes The frightened look flashed in her, like a beautiful deer who fell into a trap when he saw the hunter, so he teased her a few words when he was idle.

Her reaction made him amused, but he didn't take it too seriously, he just thought she was quite clever, so when she ran away like a rabbit, he didn't stop her much.

It's just to pass the time, it's not necessary.

But now, holding this badge, he suddenly began to feel interesting.

Sheng Yi curled his lips slightly, put the badge in his pocket, and walked to Zhou Hanyuan.

The two walked to the tea room on the other side of the corridor together.

Seeing him in a good mood, Zhou Hanyuan was puzzled: "What are you laughing at?"

Sheng Yi shook his head, curving a pair of peach blossom eyes and said nothing.

Nothing, just found something interesting.

Zhou Hanyuan opened this teahouse entirely out of interest, not earnestly living on it.

After all, what kind of foundation does the Zhou family have? That is a family that can be counted in the Four Nine Cities. Although Zhou Hanyuan is not interested in the family business, he is also a serious son. A little leak in his fingers is enough for those men and women who want to hug his thighs for a lifetime.

I have nothing to do to get a tea house. The location is in a winding alley in the busy city, which is quite a bit "hidden in the city".

Sheng also doesn't like drinking tea, so he came here to change his car. Don't look at his serious study of tea ceremony now. When he was young and frivolous, Zhou Hanyuan was also a strong player on the racing field.

However, Zhou Hanyuan dared to agree to Sheng Yi easily, and he refused to nod when he said it.

First, Sheng Yi's car is already fine, so there's no need to bother. Second, there is no other option in his garage. The one he bought half a year ago was rebuilt by a British professional company and a car manufacturer, and the cost alone is more than seven million.

The third point is the most important. Zhou Hanyuan knows that Mr. Sheng does not like Sheng Yi racing. If something happens to him on the track, no one can afford this responsibility.

After chatting for a long time, she finally held her ground. Zhou Hanyuan begged for mercy: "Just let me go. If I help you, your grandfather has to trouble me."

Sheng Yi's expression was a little worried, but there was no smile on his face.

After a while, footsteps were heard outside.

"They should have arrived." Zhou Hanyuan got up and went out to greet him.

After a while, she led Shen Shiyu, Jiang Zhiyan and Qin Huai in.

Sitting down to greet each other, Zhou Hanyuan poured them a cup of tea each.

Learning that Sheng Yiwei was unhappy about the car, Shen Shiyu and Jiang Zhiyan did not touch him, but Qin Huai was not afraid to provoke him. For a while, I talked about my newly acquired car, and then I said that the newly hired team is very good, and the performance of the modified car is very good...

In fact, unlike Sheng Yi, Qin Huai is not interested in racing cars. Buying racing cars and modifying rally cars is just for fun and rarely goes on the track. Saying this is pure arrogance.

Jiang Zhiyan has always been on the sidelines, Shen Shiyu is happier, he has a good show, and he doesn't have to kill himself, he is happy to watch the fun.

Unexpectedly, Sheng Yi did not respond, and listened to Qin Huai's chatter for a long time, very calm.

Qin Huai said while looking at his expression, seeing him like this, the more he talked, the more boring he became.

When he stopped arrogantly, Sheng Yi slowly started talking about an unrelated topic: "Have you found the girl you were looking for?"

The mention of this Qin Huai made me uncomfortable: "Hey, no." He looked at Shen Shiyu and scolded, "You said, Lintian is so big, after looking for so long, I didn't find my wife, what's the use of brother wanting you?"

"You don't have a lot of **** to blame me for?"

Lintian is just that big, who says it's not?

Sheng Yi originally planned to tell Qin Huai, but Qin Huai was showing him a new car and a refit team just now.

With a light smile on her lips, Sheng Yi leisurely picked up the cup and drank tea.

The author has something to say:Shen Shiyu: Let you sigh, your wife is gone!

Sheng Yi: Pay attention to the wording, that is my wife, and it has nothing to do with him.

Qin Huai: QAQ

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