MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 5 I see

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Although Yu Wanzhen is in her thirties this year, she is naturally beautiful and looks only about thirty, which makes people feel very young. Appearance, temperament, figure, all aspects are excellent, especially the character.

In Yu Xing's heart, there is no better person in the world than her. She doesn't show it on the face, but secretly observes the suitors around her.

It's not that there have been men with good conditions in the past, but after a long time, I always noticed something unsatisfactory.

Yu Xing knows that he is greedy.

I hope that my aunt will not be wronged, and I want my aunt to feel happy from the bottom of my heart. So while I was worried, I didn't want my aunt to really settle on this matter.

Yu Xing has a good impression of Zhan Xuming. He is a few years older than Yu Wanzhen. He is an executive of a certain company. Xu is because of proper maintenance. Unlike forty, he looks only thirty-six or seven. His eyebrows and eyes are probably not much different from when he was young.

Yu Wanzhen met him at a concert. From showing good feelings to earnest pursuit, he persisted for almost three years.

Even if Yu Wanzhen is slow, the relationship between the two has always been tepid, and he has never complained or resentful.

Along the way, Yu Xing and Yu Wanzhen whispered, and secretly made their own calculations in their hearts.

Arriving at the door of the hotel, Zhan Xuming, who arrived early, came down to pick him up. Treating Yu Wanzhen, he has always been proactive and attentive.

Love Wu Jiwu, he looked at Yu Xing with a special kindness.

"Xiaoxing looks taller again."

Yu Xing said hello politely first, holding Yu Wanzhen's arm, very charming as a young daughter: "Uncle Zhan looks very energetic, I just thought it was some handsome guy standing here. !"

Zhan Xuming laughed happily, and when she arrived at Yu Wanzhen, her voice softened a little: "Are you hungry?"

Yu Wanzhen said warmly, "It's okay."

The three went upstairs and entered the box. Zhan Xuming was very concerned about Yu Xing's life in the new school. He asked a few questions during the conversation. As an elder, he gave some advice on study.

Yu Xing pretended to be naive, "concentrated" stuffing something into his mouth, but in fact pricked up his ears to listen to the two of them, without missing a second of content.

My aunt has done enough for her.

Yu Xing lowered his eyelashes, the fruit on the fork may not have reached its best season yet, the sweetness of the rustling has a hint of sourness.

In less than thirty minutes, before the dishes were ready, she had already put down the tableware.

Yu Xing smiled sweetly: "Auntie, Uncle Zhan, I'm full."

"Are you full?"

"Are you full?"

The two adults spoke in unison and looked over together.

"Do you want to order something more? Fruit, or dessert?" Zhan Xuming wanted to call the waiter, but was persuaded by Yu Xing.

Yu Xing emphasized again: "I'm really full." Chong Yu Wanzhen coquettishly, "Auntie, I rarely go home from a rest, and make an appointment with my friends to play in the afternoon, can I... eh?"

Yu Wanzhen couldn't help laughing and laughing.

Yu Xing smiled brightly, looking innocent and harmless: "Auntie—"

Zhan Xuming didn't say anything, just watched them laugh, the atmosphere was so warm that it was like a family.

Yu Wanzhen reluctantly let go: "Go, pay attention to safety and go home early!"

Yu Xing nodded like pecking at rice, repeatedly promised, and did not forget to thank Zhan Xuming: "Thank you Uncle Zhan, the food here is really delicious!"

The two sitting opposite each other smiled without saying a word, and saw Yu Xing hurriedly ran out, and pushed the door again in two seconds.

"Uncle Zhan! I can't accompany my aunt at home today, she is alone in the afternoon, please accompany her for me. Next time I will make a secret poached egg for you to eat!"

Speaking of closing the door again, the sound of footsteps faded away.

Yu Wanzhen sighed: "This child..." She felt that she was too playful.


Two streets away from the hotel, Yu Xing slowed down and sighed in relief.

I was walking so fast after I had a full meal, I was really afraid of stomach pain.

Yu Xing took out his mobile phone and thought about arranging some activities for himself.

Su Qiu went to the cram school, and since she is not here, Yu Xing will not look for her friends. Without the bond of Su Qiu, getting along with other people is somewhat awkward.

I don't have any classmates who have a good relationship with Lintian.

As for the previous school…

Old people, old things, not to mention.

There are only so many people in the contact list, except Su Qiu, there is really no one who can make an appointment.

Yu Xing agreed and decided to go alone. Thinking of a unique bookstore that I always wanted to go to, I used map navigation to determine the location and took a taxi.

The bookstore is located in the downtown area, not far from a business district. The street shops are exquisitely decorated and the business is good.

She stayed until almost four o'clock and returned the temporary reading card.

Then I strolled to the gate of a pink-colored video game city. There were mostly middle school students and college students. At first glance, they were all young people.

Lunch was too fast and digested, Yu Xing went to the snack window next to the store and asked for a bunch of hot dogs, a glass of iced drink, and went in to hang out.

A couple of young couples squeezed in front of the claw machine, and the basketball machine was full. The skillful movements of a group of men and women who were proficient in dancing machines attracted a lot of attention. Racing, shooting, the popular lipstick machine...

It was lively.

She didn't play at all, the string of hot dogs in her hand was too hot, she only ate half of it after turning around.

When he passed the boxing machine, he saw a group of boys around him. Yu Xing walked to the side and avoided it carefully. Unexpectedly, the group of people were so excited that they didn't pay attention to her, and they pushed and shoved each other noisily. One boy gestured and threw his fist, and when he tried hard, his elbow just hit Yu Xing's face.

She opened her mouth to bite the hot dog, but her cheek was hit hard by the elbow, biting the corner of her mouth.

It was so painful that tears came out.

Yu Xing staggered and stood firm.

Pain and joy. Fortunately, it is eaten sideways, and the bamboo stick is not facing you, otherwise...

"Yo, bumped? I'm sorry, beauty!"

As the boys turned their heads, the group of boys looked over.

Yu Xing listened to the airy voice and looked over, there were few serious boys in that group of boys. The one who "caused the accident" even broke the corner of her mouth, and an apology was not like an apology, a hippie smile.

"Are you all right? My mouth is broken, do you need to use it..."

The way a group of people looked at her was very distasteful. Yu Xing was annoyed and didn't want to entangle with this kind of person, so he thought he had suffered a loss, shook his head quickly in a dull voice, and walked away.


"Walk so fast..."

There are still several voices behind him, Yu Xing's pace quickened and kept on.

Leaving the video game city, there are half a cup of drinks and a hot dog left, all of which are thrown into the trash can, Yu Xing is not in the mood to eat any more. There was a little blood on the corner of the mouth, licking it, it hurt, with a fishy sweetness.

Fortunately, it is not a big wound, and it should scab on itself in two days.

Yu Xing went around several nearby stores, and his mood slowly improved. She was not very familiar with this place, and she turned around from street to street, and she didn't know where she was.

It's past five o'clock.

It's not very good to take a taxi here, Yu Xing saw on the map that he could cross the alley to a more lively place on the other side of the street, so it was convenient to wait for the bus, so he wrote down the route and put his mobile phone in his pocket , go down the alley.

Navigation is no problem, and Yu Xing's memory is no problem. After walking around in the alley behind the high-rise store for a few minutes, he saw an exit sign posted on the wall. He was overjoyed and walked towards .

Turn in the direction of the sign—

Yu Xing's heart skipped a beat.

A group of boys gathered at the entrance of the alley, surrounded by a man.

The boys looked at her, not far away, several boys looked at her and whispered. Yu Xing recognized them as the group of people he met in the video game city, and the one whose elbow smashed the corner of her mouth was among them.

It was almost a subconscious decision made by the brain, Yu Xing turned around and walked back.

She didn't want to know what they were doing, who was bullying, or who was blackmailing, she was just instinctively alert to danger.

I just hope that I think too much and my self-consciousness is too heavy.

Yu Xing muttered in his heart as he returned along the road. Unfortunately, a few seconds later, footsteps sounded behind him, and someone obviously followed. She took a deep breath and quickened her pace. Turned a corner, and then hurriedly ran.

Yu Xing hated the airy eyes they gave her when they were in the video game city. In this small alley, she broke them into doing bad things, and they followed...

What do they want? She didn't know, but she knew she should run.

Listening to the voice behind him, Yu Xing hurriedly ran, the more anxious he became, the more mistakes he made. He turned left and right, suddenly unable to find his way out. Anxiously, she ran and found her way. When she passed a courtyard wall, she paused, stopped abruptly, and did not run to the corner.

It only took a second, and the decision was immediately made.

Yu Xing measured the height of the courtyard wall visually, retreated a distance, and after a run-up, "rubbed" against the wall, and swiftly climbed over the wall.

I was a little anxious when I jumped down, the landing was a little unstable, and Yu Xing fell to the ground. She put her hands on the ground and leaned her back against the wall, listening to the sound of footsteps running past the wall, so nervous that she held her breath.

When the voice faded away, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When she relaxed, she realized that her tailbone hurt a little. Before Yu Xing stood up, she suddenly found a person standing under the corridor. She was startled and froze.

This is a courtyard, located in the downtown area, but the decoration style is very charming.

It doesn't look like a tea house, a chess room, or a small yard of someone else's house.

Under the porch, the boy who scared Yu Xing was about the same age as her, wearing casual clothes and standing tall. With his hands in his pockets, he leaned lazily against the wooden post by the wall, his thin lips and the curve of his nose made his handsome face more relaxed and cold.

He was in the corridor with a half-smile, staring at Yu Xing.