MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 97 Fanwai·self struggle (on)

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Before the integration of Bai Yi's soul, Cheng Zhichu also heard many examples of personality, but he never thought that someone could have more than one hundred and eighty personality, and this person is the boyfriend he had just contacted.

These personalities have existed as independent people, but after being merged with Bai Yi's soul, they all exist in Bai Yi's body and have the same appearance as him.

But when Qin Ji exposed his identity, Cheng Zhichu could distinguish the subtle difference between him and Bai Yi. What was revealed on that face was indeed the look of Qin Ji’s speech.

His style of acting is also very good.

"The time left for me is not much. I know that I will kiss you soon."

After that, the man would no longer leave any opportunity for Cheng Zhichu to return, and kissed his lips deeply.


After a few minutes, the man's movements paused, his look changed, and he slowly let go of Cheng Zhichu, stroking his hair and showing a light smile on him.

"You are... Yuan Huai?"

Cheng Zhichu observed it for a few seconds and asked him.

"You can recognize me, I am very happy, Xiaochu."

The man nodded and admits, with a slight sigh in his soft eyes, holding Cheng Zhichu in his arms and kissing his hair.

Cheng Zhichu hesitated, and carefully hugged the man, and after a while Xie Yuanhuai was no longer satisfied with the simple touch, once again kissed Cheng Zhichu's lips.


Bai Xixing went to deal with some things, and hurriedly rushed back to the top of the hotel, wanting to see the situation of Cheng Zhichu and Bai Yi, but accidentally bumped into the scene where the two stood in the corridor and kissed.

After a brief embarrassment, Bai Xixing suddenly realized that Cheng Xuedi had solved the cousin's troubles. He came back from other worlds, and the cousin woke up. He was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

But he knows things very well. Naturally, he will not bother the two people at this time. When he is joking, he will rush to his cousin's character. If he is interrupted when he is close to the schoolmate, he will definitely kill. The one who dared to disturb him.

Then wait, wait until the two of them are finished, and then pretend that they are passing by, and they "accidentally".

There are no one around, and Bai Xixing does not care about his image. He directly squats against the wall and holds his mobile phone to browse the message.

Five minutes should be enough?


After more than half an hour, Bai Xixing, who was numb with his legs, finally limped down and took the elevator downstairs.

By the way, why haven't you finished, is this kissing or eating people?


"No, no, please, don't..."

When Cheng Zhichu noticed that the eighth person came out, he finally couldn't help but push away Bai Yi's chest, panting and screaming, his eyes were filled with tears, flushed, and his attitude was poor.

He really can't bear every personality, and then continue, he really wants to die! !

"...have they kissed you?"

The man's voice was low, and there was a dark light in his shackles. He reached out and stroked the red and swollen lips of Cheng Zhichu.

Cheng Zhichu was shocked and suddenly recognized the current personality: "You are... Bai Yi?"

"it's me."

Bai Yi reached out to the waist of Cheng Zhichu, and the gloomy look eased. He smiled softly and kissed his forehead and said, "Don't worry, I will integrate them as soon as possible and will not let them out again."

Cheng Zhichu nodded and wanted to get rid of Bai Yi’s arms and say a few words to him. Who knows that Bai Yi holds his face and seems to kiss him again.

"Wait for me……"

Cheng Zhichu was a little panicked and couldn't help but want to avoid it. Bai Yi's eyebrows revealed a lost look and whispered.

"Can't I just?"

"How come...not..."

His expression made Cheng Zhichu feel a tight heart, and suddenly felt very embarrassed, Bai Yi is his lover, how can he refuse Bai Yi...

So he picked up his toes and took the initiative to kiss back Bai Yi.


This time his lips really need medicine.


Cheng Zhichu discovered the time rule of personality switching. At the beginning, each personality appeared for five minutes. Later, under the suppression of Bai Yi, it became about half an hour.

Every time the process of switching has become more and more long, although Bai Yi always closes his eyes when switching, the surface is calm and waveless, but Cheng knows that his internal struggles are very intense every time he switches, otherwise how can he use it? So long time.

In this way, some people who know each other are more advantageous. They can join hands to suppress other personalities in the struggle and then appear together.

For example, the personality that appeared together this time is the Gemini Knight. Now Cheng Zhichu knows their names, his brother is called An, and his brother is Kai.

Cheng Zhichu was still very happy to come out of them, because the two brothers were cold, had few speeches, and were very obedient to courtesy. If Cheng Zhichu did not want to, they would never touch him.

Just don't know why they want to come out...

Thinking so, Cheng Zhichu and the Gemini Knight said good night, they have to turn and leave.

Tossing today for a day, he is also very tired, want to go to rest, but he does not want to sleep with Bai Yi at the moment, this is too dangerous, maybe the next time it comes out is a very dangerous personality...

But then his hand was pulled by the man from behind, and he looked back in surprise, looking at the other inexplicably: "What?"


The man licked his lips and spoke. He didn't know which personality he was. He didn't know that the initial guess should be safe. In the exchange, the meeting was more active, and Kay basically did not speak.

"I hope that you can stay." The Cavalier holds Cheng Zhichu's wrist, but it is not too hard, so that he can break away at any time. "This is my request for rudeness. If you don't want to, you can refuse me."

Cheng Zhichu always used to eat soft and hard characters. When he saw that he asked him, he could not refuse it. He sat down and smiled at him: "Of course... what do you want to do?"

The knight looked at him quietly, silently saying nothing, it seemed that just such a gaze would satisfy him.

Cheng Zhichu was looked at his face with his focused eyes, and uncomfortably turned his head to the side, but he was immediately turned back, and his lips were bitten and he blew a little blood.

The man’s face suddenly showed an angry look, pinching his jaw, and asked coldly: “Why are you betraying me, marrying the mermaid, and kissing my knight? Don’t forget, you belong to me. Slave, even if I die, you have to be buried with me!"

"And you..." His voice was full of anger. "An, Kay, do you dare to betray me?!"

It is Cahill!

Cheng Zhichu's face changed and immediately shrank back.


Cahill is going crazy.

He was inexplicably trapped in this body, not only unable to break free, but also suddenly planted a thought, telling him that he is actually a soul fragment of a person, and now he must be integrated with that person, reconstituting the complete soul.

At first the vampire prince did not believe these whims, only thought that he was trapped by some kind of black magic, trying to get rid of this dilemma, but then he suddenly found out that the thought was true.

In the darkness of the darkness, he can feel other soul fluctuations, which are strikingly consistent with him, but reflect the appearance of others - even the two dark knights who serve him, and Crisy. Sri Lanka, they all have the same fluctuations with him.

It took a long time for Cahill to reluctantly accept this reality, but he would never be willing to be one of the pieces. He must control the body and recapture everything that belongs to him.

When the personality switched again, Cahill participated in the competition, and during the competition, through this physical sight, he unexpectedly saw the face of Jingling.

How could he get in touch with the owner of this body?

Cahill stunned, and the idea of ​​vying for the body was even stronger. In the battle, he sensed that the Gemini Knights were also close, and they said to both of them.

"An, Kai, help me, I have to control this body."

However, this time, the two knights did not follow his orders, but pushed him away from the center of the competition.

"Sorry, sir," Kay said. "But my brother wants to control the body and meet the mirror, so I am sorry, we can't help you."

Cahill had been stunned for a while, and it was incredible that he had heard something. He never thought that the loyal knight would defy him one day, and the reason he wanted to go out was also for the mirror!

These two hybrids, beasts, must kill them! !

This is the only thought before Cahill was excluded from the most marginal zone.


For the first time, Cheng Zhichu saw someone able to fight with himself.

It was really playing. After Cahill came out, he jumped like a thunder. When he reached out, he picked up the decorations on the bed and slammed it on his head. He frightened Cheng Zhichu and suddenly plunged into his arms. Stop Cahill from letting him do it.

This kind of behavior can't be described by self-harm. Cahill doesn't want to destroy himself, but other personality... But can this be a way of self-harm? After all, they are all the same person.

After being hugged by Cheng Zhichu, Cahill was a little stiff, calmed down slightly, and slowly embraced Cheng Zhichu. However, there seems to be more than one personality at this time. Perhaps these are the personalities that communicated in the spiritual world. The expression on Cahill's face was unpredictable. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed his neck. He said in a sullen voice: "You shut up!"

He said this sentence, suddenly fell to the bed, quiet as if to sleep.

This is a sign that personality has begun to change again. Cheng Zhichu was watching at the side, until the man on the bed opened his eyes again, he cautiously asked: "You are...?"

" finish our wedding ceremony."

The man directly reached out to unlock his clothes button, and violently pulled Cheng Zhichu's pajamas, and instantly pulled the pajamas button down.

"It is a pity that this body can't make you conceive... It's useless."


Cheng Zhichu’s face was instantly green.

Fucking, he won't let Bai Yi have this kind of use! !


Cheng Zhichu fled the bed and climbed out of the bed, but he was pulled back by the man and even got off his clothes. Fortunately, the personality was switched again at this time, and Bai Yi came back again.

This time I saw that Cheng Zhichu was in the dark. The nakedness shivered, and Bai Yi’s look had become extremely horrible. It seemed to be brewing with violent storms, but it was too late to be thrown into the arms by Cheng Zhichu.

"...I know the beginning?"

After a short hesitation, Bai Yi gently hugged Cheng Zhichu, suppressing the tyranny in his heart, and said as gently as possible: "It's okay... it's me."

Cheng Zhichu was shrunk in Bai Yihuai, and he was really scared by the mermaid. Only when he saw Bai Yi’s personality appeared, he suddenly felt relieved and sought comfort from Bai Yi.


Feeling the warmth of the warmth of the person in his arms, Bai Yi held him without saying a word, and the twilight gradually turned dark.


Cheng Zhichu soon understood that Bai Yi could not be trusted, and he paid a price for it.

And if you don't worry about other personalities that may appear at any time, he will pay more.


Early in the morning, Bai Xixing learned that his cousin had more than one hundred and eighty personalities. For this reason, he expressed deep sympathy to Cheng Zhichu.

"School brother, it’s really hard for you..."

Bai Xixing stood in the distance and said to him with apologetic apologetics. Cheng Zhichu nodded at him and looked at the man sitting next to the newspaper to understand the current affairs - now he is Krissi - and there is no sympathy for it.

Because no matter which personality of Bai Yi, they are very consistently not to see the white cherished line, and even now Bai Xixing is not allowed to be close to them within three meters.


More than one hundred and eighty personality shows amazing picky food.

Even in the cafeteria, the man did not pick anything until he stood in front of the dazzling array of food.

Cahill: "I don't eat vegetables, their color will make me sick."

Qin Ji: "Don't take seafood, I am allergic - soul allergies."

Joshua: "I am not picky about food, because I have never eaten it, but I hope I don't pick sweets. They look too sweet and will affect the taste buds and taste other flavors."

Mermaid teenager: "The animals on the land are low-level and dirty, too much use will pollute our power - so go eat people?"


Bai Yi put his face down on the clip and poured a glass of white water without saying a word.

Affected by them, he feels disgusting now and feels that he can't eat.

Mermaid brother: "Don't drink fresh water, the taste is very strange, add salt and drink salt water."

Other voices immediately questioned: "What conspiracy do you have? Salt hurts evil spirits very much. Do you want to kill us? You can't put salt."

There is another voice that simply says: "Don't drink water."


Bai Yi put the cup on the table heavily.


Finally, Cheng Zhichu solved the dispute.

"Try this, I think it's delicious..."

Cheng Zhichu used a chopstick to hold a piece of fish and handed it to Bai Yi's lips. Bai Yi had a mouthful to eat and ate.

"Is it delicious?" Cheng Zhichu looked at him expectantly.

"Well, it's delicious."

Bai Yi smiled and smiled, and his smile was very pleasing.

Anything that I first fed him at the beginning of the knowledge, no matter what it is delicious.

"That's it." Cheng Zhichu heard a sigh of relief and gave Bai Yi a dish. "You try this again..."


Since Cheng Zhichu began to feed Bai Yi, although more than one hundred and eighty people are not picky eaters, but at every meal, their control over the body is even more fierce.

The author has something to say: Today is a double, this is the second, there is one more in front, big baby don't forget to see =3=Tomorrow has double, the first is around 4pm, the second is still night Around 11 o'clock...!

Also recommend to everyone my good friend's text! They write very superb! =3=

1. "Thousands of thousands of ghosts line up to express me" by A black black

(Unlimited stream is fascinated by Su Shuang’s face)

When I was young, I often got into the infinite world of terror, and the result was -

I treat you as a devil, but you want to hold my thigh?

2. "There is always a winner in life, pleading for me to do cognac [fast wear]" by sugar heart dumplings

(Quickly wear people, it is pre-received, you need to search for the author's name to find)

When crossing the protagonist's most lonely, hold his thigh? Be his younger brother? Send charcoal in the snow, wait for him to make a fortune, and then get the road to fly?

No, pack/raise him, adjust/teach him, control him mentally, do his cognac, let him be your accessory, even if he will one day call the emperor, the soul is also engraved with your mark.

Let him be perfect, open the gap for you alone.

"He stood at the top of the world and looked up for everyone, but I told him to bow."

Thanks to the rocket launcher x2 for drinking water and coffee, and the mines of 崽崽メ and !! =3=2k novel reading network

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