MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 96 Fan Wai·Blood Fairy Tales (End)

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Cheng Zhichu was sent back by the system through space distortion, and his eyes opened with dizziness, and he saw a handsome face in a vague way.

It’s a twin knight...

His brain worked slowly for a few seconds until he saw the black armor on the man, and he reacted to the other person's identity, while seeing another knight standing behind.

His ray of light sweeps into the layout of the room, but he is not familiar with it. It is a strange place.

Although I don't know where I am at the moment, but the Gemini Knight is in front of him, Cheng Zhichu naturally does not want to delay and kiss them. He will endure the feeling of dizziness and reach out to the knight in front of him, but the fingertips just touched. Armor, his hand slammed down, closed his eyes, and stunned again.

The rejuvenation of Jing Ling only lasted for a moment, and he held his hand in Ang, and looked at his face intently, but did not wait until he opened his eyes again.

Kay, who was next to him, frowned slightly and said: "We should report his changes to the Krissis."

"...good." After a moment of silence, Ann nodded.

"I am going to find Mr. Krisis."

Kay’s look is still indifferent, but looking at his brother’s gaze, he has a little more exploration, pause for a few seconds, and asks: “Why are you kissing him?”

He also heard the story of sleeping beauty, but he did not think that it was the role played by Ann's kiss. The reason why Jing Ling was coma was only the weakness caused by the destruction of the mirror. It has nothing to do with the curse, let alone what is not used. The spell that the kiss can be lifted.

Ann silenced and did not answer Kay’s question. Kay’s face had no extra expression. When he saw him, he turned and walked out of the house and reported to Krissis.

In the bedroom, only Ann stood in front of the bed, looking down at the quiet face of the mirror, whispering in a low voice.

"……I do not know."

Even he himself does not understand why he wants to kiss this person.


The magical robes encrusted with stars turned black waves, and Kriss went to the room full of magical arrays, using magic to check the situation of the mirror.

Anhe Kaishou stood by and waited. Suddenly, Kriss put away the magic, and the wand in his hand was gently raised. The ancient star floated in the air, forming a beautiful halo.

He used the divination in the astrological magic, because after the inspection, he faintly noticed that the reason for the stunned coma was not just the destruction of the mirror, but other factors.

Divination soon had a result. In the moment of seeing the picture through the miniature stars, there was a glimpse of the sorrows of Krissis, and the hand holding the wand was tightened.

"...he still has another body."

"It belongs to the human body."

Krissi turned to look at the Gemini knight and slowly spoke.

"It’s just in the depths of the ocean."


Cheng Zhichu did not expect that he would return to the mermaid brother, and when he woke up, he suddenly found that his hands and feet were locked by special magic chains, and the mermaid boy was locked in the cage next to him. .

The cooling time was not over yet, and Cheng Zhichu was unable to carry out the next teleport for the time being, but when he saw the situation of the boy, he suddenly felt a sigh of relief and took a breath.

Underneath the cage, something like a meat grinder is constantly shattering the tentacles of the juvenile. The sharp gears are covered with flesh and blood. The flesh of the tentacles is constantly torn and reorganized, accumulating in the cage. The blood has even flowed outside, exuding a strong **** smell.

The tears of the heartbreaking lungs made the boy cry with tears. Cheng Zhichu couldn’t sit still again, dragging the chain closer to the cage, but the length of the chain fixed on the bed was limited. He could not leave it a few steps away. Not stopping.

"Knowing the beginning... knowing the beginning..." The boy's face and the beautiful blond hair were covered with blood, mixed with tears, and cried, "I am sore..."

"How come you are locked here?!"

Seeing the horror of the boy, Cheng Zhichu couldn't take care of the other. He couldn't reach himself. He quickly called out the bear to turn off the switch that controls the gear.


The gear stopped working, the teenager sighed and sighed, and the tight back suddenly relaxed. The tentacle hurts and reflexively curled up. The broken flesh slowly healed, and the black blood continued to flow down the surface.

"This is my brother's punishment for me, because I touched you, I have an idea that you should not have..."

The boy’s pure eyes were filled with tears, and he looked up at Cheng Zhichu with a sorrowful look: “I’m sorry, I’ve been locked up, but I’m...”

"But you don't regret it, are you?"

Suddenly there was a cold male voice at the door. The teenager and Cheng Zhichu were shocked at the same time. They looked over there, and the silver-haired man walked in with a blank expression. He was indifferent to the scars of the teenager and the blood of the land, and asked indifferently. Road.

"I will ask you again, are you getting it wrong now, are you willing to swear to give up the beginning of your knowledge?"

"Sorry, my brother... but I don't regret it."

The voice of the boy became very hoarse, and the voice was very light, but his tone was very firm.

"Sorry, but I already like to know the beginning... I can't give up."

"Is it?" The man hooked his lips coldly. "Then you will continue to reflect until you swear."

As he said, his gaze fell on the stopped gear, picked up his eyebrows, and looked at Cheng Qingchu, who was pale next to him. He eased his tone and asked softly: "You know, you helped him?"

In the face of Cheng Zhichu, the man was completely another attitude, but his gentleness made Cheng Zhichu even more stunned. He couldn’t help but take a step back and admitted: "...Yes."

His eyes touched the blood on the ground and the broken tentacles, suddenly trembled in his heart, feeling awkward and distressed to the teenager, could not help but raise the volume, said to the man: "You can't do this to him, he is your brother, how are you? Can you torture him like this?"

"Why don't you ask him why he wants to be like that to me?"

The smile on the silver-haired man's face faded a bit, his eyes colded down: "The person who is going to have a wedding with you is me, and he is actually licking his own brother's partner and wants to betray me. Shouldn't I punish him?" ?"

"But you don't need to..."

"He can't die, it just hurts," the man said. "And even if he tortured him, he still doesn't want to give up on you. It's enough to promise me a single sentence."

"I'm very sorry……"

In the face of his brother's gaze, the young man bowed his head, but even if he apologized, he still died of Cheng Zhichu and did not intend to repent.

"Since I know you at the beginning, I will stop the institution."

The handsome man hooked his lips and went to Cheng Zhichu, who was constantly retreating. He grabbed his arm and pressed him to the bed.

He pressed against Cheng Zhichu's body. The silvery eyes were like staring at his favorite prey. He bowed his head and kissed his forehead, whispering in his ear.

"Do you know why I want to keep you in the same place?"

Not waiting for Cheng Zhichu to answer, he added with a smile: "A few days later, here is our wedding room, I will let him see how I possess you, turn you into something that belongs to me, and give birth to me." ......"

Cheng Zhichu was braving all the cold, and he felt stiffly touching the cheeks of his man. When he was about to drop the kiss, the voice of the maid suddenly came from outside the door.

"Adults, the heads of the city and the vampires of the Sleeping City visit, please go out and receive them."

"Okay, I will go."

The man should speak outside the door, and smiled at Cheng Zhichu: "They are all the guests I invited, and will attend our wedding in a few days. I am going to entertain them. I know you at the beginning."

After that, he turned and left the room. Cheng Zhichu was relieved and asked the system immediately: Can you help me unlock this chain?

There is also a mermaid boy who wants to run with him and send him to a safe place, and he must not stay here.

The younger brother is a madman, and he treats his brother so much. In the final analysis, they are the soul projections of Bai Yi. He can't bear to see Bai Yi's projection suffer from such torture.

[No problem, of course, this little thing is hard to beat me. 】

The system responded with confidence. The chain of the legs and the juvenile cages of Cheng Zhichu opened one after another. Under the gaze of the teenager, Cheng Zhichu quickly gave him a bottle of medicine to help him recover the injury, and then follow the instructions of the system. Run away.

Just wait until the teleportation cooldown is over, he will send the mermaid brother to a safe place, and then wait to kiss the Gemini Knight...

Thinking about this, Cheng Zhichu asked the teenager: "Can you get out of the sea for a long time?"

"It's okay, but you must have the help of a potion and turn me into a human being for a while, or my tentacles will kill."

Speaking of this, the teenager's eyes are bright and full of expectation to see Cheng Zhichu: "I can go to the treasure chest to steal the potion... I know, will you be willing to run away with me? I want to go to your country to see. ”

"Well, I will take you there."

Cheng Zhichu is a bit embarrassed, this is not elopement, but he sent the juvenile to leave, but after completing the kiss, these soul projections will be taken away, the copy will collapse, there is no such possibility that he abandoned the juvenile.

However, such a scene seems to have met before... Cheng Zhichu thought for a few seconds, and suddenly the boy was actually more like a mermaid in the "Little Mermaid."

The teenager will drink the potion and turn it into a human being. The organs just cut the flesh and blood of the tentacle. If the potion brings the pain of the knife to the mermaid princess, and he is a prince, he must also be a brother with the boy. Married, and almost let the teenager witness their wedding...

At the moment, Cheng Zhichu’s mind flashed a lot of messy thoughts, but he was not idle at the foot. He took the boy to hide in Tibet. When the teleportation time ended, the system was about to launch a teleport to send them away, but at this time. The bottom of the sea suddenly shook a bit.

"Booming -"

At this moment, the walls of the main hall trembled as if the sea outside was stirred and made a loud noise.

[It is space distortion! 】

The system called, but the transmission has already been triggered, and it is too late to end. After the flashing light, Cheng Zhichu has already taken the boy to another place. This is a magnificent hall, looking around, dotted with corals in the sea and everywhere. Pearl, while sitting at the long table in the middle is...

Cheng Zhichu saw the silver mermaid at first glance. He was shocked first, and then he saw a beautiful vampire boy, but his legs were soft.

What's more, they are more than just them - when the man sitting back to Cheng Zhichu turned around, revealing the handsome pale face and the star robes on his body, Cheng Zhichu recognized his identity at once, clearly is long Queen Kriss...

The Gemini knight stood at the door of the hall, and suddenly someone broke in. They immediately took out the epee and pointed the tip of the sword at Cheng Zhichu, but they acted after seeing his face, but they all wore helmets and covered their own. Faces can't tell the expression of their moment.

How are they all here? !

Pulling the boy's hand, and being watched by everyone's eyes, Cheng Zhichu's face was suddenly white, almost fainted.

"you're awake?"

Cahill stood up violently, and the red color of the sly stunned the color of surprise, but he was pressed down, licked his lips, and asked coldly: "Why are you here?"

The silver mermaid is also watching Cheng Zhichu, evokes the lips, but asks without smile: "Yes, I want to ask, are you coming to me?"

Having said that, he glanced at the people present and said: "Since my partner is here, I will introduce it to you. He is the first prince of the Kingdom of Boer, and will be holding a wedding with me."

"You said that he is a prince, will you still have a wedding with you?"

Cahill groaned and suddenly showed a sneer and said: "It’s ridiculous, he is obviously the mirror of the mirror, and he can never be a partner with you."

Krissi looked at Cheng Zhichu without saying a word. His face still had no expression. The deep eyes were dark and surging. He stood up and walked toward Cheng Zhichu.

This is the human body.

In this millennium, he has used the undead magic to summon the soul of the little magician countless times, but the other side is like the evaporation of the human world, and there is no response to his call.

The soul does not respond, either completely annihilated, or has been reincarnation, and this person... will it be his reincarnation?

Cheng Zhichu was full of cold sweat and just wanted to escape from here, and the system suddenly called out and said.

[What happened, did the two knights have already kissed you? No matter what, now is your good time, you are going to kiss the rest of the one, the one on the right! 】

After Cheng Zhichu heard it, if there were two people left, he really couldn't help it, but there was only one left. He still had a chance. Just use his teleport card to move past.

He didn't hesitate to think of it here. He immediately used the card to move over and picked up the knight's helmet, revealing the handsome face inside and kissing him on his lips.


The hall was so quiet and terrible that everyone’s eyes fell on Cheng Zhichu’s body. Kay, who was kissed by him, touched his lips, and his cold face revealed a few mistakes.

"Know the beginning?"

The silver mermaid blinked and screamed at his name. The boy looked at him incredulously. His eyes were red and he seemed to be afraid that Cheng Zhichu would kiss others.

Cheng Zhichu was sweaty and could not explain his behavior. He avoided other people or dark or angry eyes, only praying for these projections in the heart and quickly being taken away, obviously he has already kissed!

[Okay, they are all purified, this is no problem! 】

At the same time as the system responded to sound, all the projected figures gradually faded, and the hall suddenly became very empty, leaving only Cheng Zhichu himself.


Cheng Zhichu suddenly sighed with relief. He was really scared just now, but fortunately the kiss has been completed, otherwise he really can't imagine what will happen next...

[Next you just need to use the coin to make the copy collapse. 】 The system said, [and then we can go back and see Bai Yi! 】


Cheng Zhichu took out the spirit coin and gently sighed, and his heart was lonely and happy, because he stayed in the copy for too long, and he already missed Bai Yi and his family very much. Although they were all white projections, It feels different in the end...


The **** spirits crossed a beautiful arc in the air, falling in the palm of Cheng Zhichu, showing the devil's side.

This is the first time...

Cheng Zhichu silently counted in his heart, and continued to play the coin twice. The demon in the coin showed his demon face twice according to his wish.


At this time, the seabed suddenly vibrated again and again, and the items in the house fell to the ground in an instant. The sea water outside the window slammed a lot of bubbles, and the sand floated up, making the sea water cloudy and more Surprisingly, the sea of ​​water began to spread a large amount of blood.


Because of the vibration, Cheng Zhichu couldn't hold the coin in his hand, and let the spirits slip off. Fortunately, the demon inside manipulated the coin, and once again turned to the demon face, and automatically completed the throw.

The devil's faint voice rang in his ear: you use me to superimpose bad luck, except that it will cause the copy to collapse, these bad luck will also fall on your head, the more you throw, the worse your luck, but instead Can't realize what you think in your heart. The Doom will make you fall short at the last minute and cannot destroy the copy...

[Well, Mr. Mu found that you are using the spirit coin, he wants to kill you! 】

At the same time as the system screamed, the **** sea water that rushed outside suddenly shattered the glass and poured into the hall over the sky. When Cheng Zhichu had no time to take the medicine, he was suddenly submerged by the sea water, and the mouth, nose and chest were suddenly poured. A lot of sea water.

Cheng Zhichu was soaked in the icy and cold water, his eyes and nose and mouth were sore and painful that he couldn’t breathe. He bought the medicine in a panic, but the bad luck added his medicine to the hand, and he was shocked by the sea. Hand, sliding towards the distance.

[Hey, you have to hold on, you can't die! ! 】

Cheng Zhichu was blown by the currents to the deeper seabed, the system was in a hurry, and the teleportability was still cooling. It could not transfer Chengzhi to a safe place.

There is really no way...

The spirits floating in the sea suddenly emit a ray of light, and the coins gradually disappeared, replaced by a slender figure.

The beautiful big demon unfolds the black giant wing, which is not affected by the sea water. He stretches his hand to understand the beginning of the lower back, **** his wings, and easily passes through the turbulent flow in the sea, taking Cheng Zhichu away from the sea and flying to the air. on.

Since being liberated, Devil Chelman has been slowly recovering his power in the spirit, and until now, he can finally morphize his original form.

But this state will not last long, so before that, he must deal with everything.

Cheerman looked up at the night sky, the golden erects reflected the horrible scene in the sky, the lips were slowly upturned, and Cheng Zhichu was in one hand, waving in the air with one hand and smiling joyfully.

"It’s been a long time no see."

There was a thunderous horror in midair, and it seemed that the indescribable monster was responding to him, but it didn’t seem to be, but it didn’t matter to Cherman. He didn’t care about Mr. Mu, who had become a monster. what.

His fingers flipped gently, and there was a **** coin in his fingers.

The demon threw it up and landed in the palm of his hand, showing the devil's side.

"I have never used this coin myself." He shrugged and threw the coin high. "But it's quite interesting."

As the number of superpositions of the demon surface increased, the surrounding area began to shake and spread a horrible black crack. The whole space began to collapse. The huge eyeballs in the sky also shattered in one place, and the hairs were echoing everywhere. The roar.

"You used to be my master, and you have me remembered my ‘sentiment’.”

Cheerman showed a casual smile and said.

"The reason why my strength will be sealed is to give thanks to you, then today, I will give it back to you..."

"And my current owner wants to kill you, so I am sorry, I have to satisfy his wish."

He said, he kissed the coin gently, and threw it up for the last time, exposing a cold and indifferent smile to the night sky.

"So goodbye, Mr. Mu."

"Booming -"



Cheng Zhichu suddenly woke up from a coma, and his memory remained at the moment when he was submerged by the sea. This made him feel scared and thought he was dead, but when he looked around in a panic, he found this. The bedroom is very familiar, and it is clearly the villa bedroom of the white house. When he entered the copy, he borrowed it.

How, what happened...?

[You were saved by Cherman, he helped you complete the throwing of the coin and destroyed the copy. 】

The sound of the system reveals the joy of the whole, very happy and Cheng Zhichu said: [Mr. Mu has been dead, and Bai Yi’s soul projection has been purified. Now he should be almost awake, you can go and see He is. 】

Really? !

Cheng Zhichu’s heart was happy, and immediately opened the quilt and ran out of the bedroom. As soon as he opened the door, he ran into a person and was dragged into his arms.

"Know the beginning?"

The familiar gentle voice rang at the top of his head, which made Cheng Zhichu very excited. When he looked up, he saw Bai Yi’s face. When he could speak in the future, he was deeply kissed by the other side.

Cheng Zhichu felt a little shy, but more is sweet, so he hooked Bai Yi's neck and actively responded to his kiss.

The two men hugged and kissed for a long time, Cheng Zhichu was gently released by Bai Yi, and his face was flushed.

Bai Yi gently stroked his hair, and Cheng Zhichu was full of joy and shyly looked up at him, but suddenly stunned.

The handsome eyebrows are still familiar to him, but I don’t know why, but it seems that there is something different. He can’t say it, but he feels that there is something different...

"I didn't expect that I could have the chance to come out and control this body."

In the next second, "Bai Yi" said that Cheng Zhichu felt creepy and his face suddenly became pale.

"You don't have to be afraid, he won't have anything. After all, he is the 'master'."

The man saw him look scared, smiled lightly, stroked his cheek, and appeased him: "You can continue to call me with my original name... I am Qin Ji."

"I know that I am very happy to meet you again."


When Cheng Zhichu lived, the system laughed unnaturally and said dryly.

[This is a natural phenomenon... In the early days of soul integration, it is certain that different personalities will often emerge, and it will be fine after White easily adapts...]

[Although his personality is a little more, there are more than one hundred and eighty...]

[You have to be mentally prepared, they may all want to see you...]

The author has something to say: Sorry, one hour and a half later than the good time, qaq night has one more...! (may also be later

Thanks to the shower of Li Xiaomi's mine x2, as well as the tears of the rest of the life, the beginning of the day, the star zero, 1279 is already a waste, 崽崽メ, Lucy Hartfilia and Luo Yi's mine! =3=2k novel reading network

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