MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 23 Abandoned hospital (seven)

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Everything happened between the moments, until the tall, headless body fell to the side of the squatting pool, the blood was smashed to the ground, and even to their feet, Cheng Zhichu’s talents came back to face, and this was a nightmare. The terrible sight, the sisters of Mengke screamed and screamed, and they shook like a sieve, and they couldn’t move.


Ji Yunxiao was pale, his eyes were red, and he almost rushed to the subconscious. Cheng Zhichu reacted and hurriedly pulled him: "Don't go!"


The hand that protruded from the black hole was stained with blushing blood, and the palm of the hand pressed against the floor tile, leaving a **** palm print.

Then there is a long, thin and dry black hand sticking out from the hole. The arm is just half a meter long, but only **** thick, the skin is black as scorched, exudes a stench, and the answer is ticking. The ground fell down with blood contaminated with blood.


There was a snoring gasping in the hole. Two long hands were smashing the floor tiles. It seems that something is being squeezed out of the small hole. At the same time, there is a sound of metal and hard objects colliding, faint, almost people Can't tell.

"Hey! Hey!"

Meng Xin smashed his guns and smashed out the firearms. He even fired several shots at the black hand. The action of the thing stopped for a few seconds, and the screaming screaming was actually angered by her, becoming more violent and speeding up the hole. The speed of crawling out.


After a sound like the squeezing of the mud, the thing stretched out more hands and feet and finally climbed out.

It is dark and has ten hands and feet. The body is like a long and thin spider. It has a neck and a head, but it is covered with thick hair. It can only be seen with a mouth full of fangs. Drop blood.

It stepped on the corpse that fell to the ground, and the sharp limbs instantly puncture the bleeding of the body's abdomen. It snorted, pressed down the body and accumulated power, and then rushed to the past with Cheng Zhichu and others!

At this moment, Meng Xin opened the protective cover card, and a transparent cover with a light blue fluorescent color enveloped everyone.


The monster slammed like a bullet, and it crashed into the protective cover, making a loud noise, and the cover shook, and the light on it immediately dimmed a little, and the fresh blood slid onto it.

It didn't strike, and it screamed and crouched on the ground, and the body pressed down again.

Although he couldn't see his eyes, Cheng Zhichu could still feel that bloodthirsty eyes fell on them, so that he couldn't help but stunned and feared to take a small step back.

This is the ogre... It is the ogre that the nurses once said!

Cheng Zhichu realized that the ghost story circulating in the hospital turned into reality at this moment, his face changed, and he began to desperately recall whether there was any way to deal with the ogre in the story.

However, the system does not give any memory fragments or prompts. In addition to knowing the name of the ogre, there is only one blank left in his brain.

What makes Cheng Zhichu feel scared is that Da Gao’s departure from them to the ogre is very strange. It seems that he saw something that does not exist. The ogre is likely to create an illusion. He and Meng Ke saw it before. The scene is also made by it.

If the ogre can cause hallucinations, it can be several times more difficult to deal with it...

"You see the hand of it..."

Meng Ke flashed a flashlight and pointed at one of its feet. A silvery reflection was looming under the dark hair, giving a metallic sound, and the key they were looking for hung on its feet.

Cheng Zhichu’s face has become paler, which means that to get the key, they can’t escape. They must kill the ogre directly!

"Hey - hey!"

The ogres once again hit the hood, this time it hit more sturdy, biting the shield with fierce teeth.

The blue light flashed over and produced a current. It screamed painfully, and then retreated back to the ground. At this time, the protective cover had already produced a slight crack. It seems that it can only support two at most. Times.

Meng Xin pinched the card, full of cold sweat, did not dare to act rashly.

She just fired a few shots at the ogre, but the ogre's outer shell seemed to be very hard. The shot didn't work at all. She worried that if she had an ineffective attack, it would irritate it and the shield would be worse. fast.

How to kill it...

Cheng Zhichu holds the emerald necklace hanging on the neck. This necklace can command the ghost to do one thing, but the premise is that the power of the ghost cannot be far stronger than the user.

The ogre seems to be much better than him, and the necklace doesn't necessarily work... but he still has to give it a try!

Cheng Zhichu took a cold sweat. In order to increase the chance of success, he first drank the lucky potion bought in advance, then lifted the necklace and pointed it in the direction of the ogre, taking a deep breath and saying.

"Before we go out from the hospital, you are not allowed to hurt us in any way."

At the moment when his voice fell, the jewel on the necklace gave off a glimmer of green light. At the same time, there was a painful groan in the ogre's throat. However, after struggling for a few seconds, it suddenly appeared like never before. The fierce state, once again slammed into the protective cover.


[Invalid operation. 】

Rely on, it really doesn't work! !

Although it was already expected, when I saw the result, Cheng Zhichu was almost mad with a spurt of blood. This moment I forgot to be afraid, because he felt that he was humiliated by the necklace.

With the third impact of the ogre, the protective cover has been crumbling, full of cracks, as long as there is external force, it will be completely broken immediately.

After the collision, the ogre is obviously not so good, and the consumption of the protective cover is not low. It snorted and gasped. The eyes hidden behind the hair stared at them fiercely for a few seconds. Suddenly they turned their heads and began to feed on the tall body. It seemed to be rejuvenating.

This scene fell on the eyes of Ji Yunxiao, let him wake up from the sluggishness, trembled fiercely, his eyes were red, his eyes were fierce, and he violently set up a cross as a weapon. Hey, toward the cannibal The devil's head shot an arrow.

弩. The head of the ogre in the middle of the arrow, but the two sisters have not yet been happy, but the arrow has fallen down, and there is no piercing, just leaving a small piece of white marks.


The ogre screamed at them, and buryed his head to continue to eat the body, broke the abdomen, and stirred the internal organs to get everywhere.

"What is its weakness?"

Meng Ke was scared and shivered and stuttered: "It’s not even its weakness. How to kill it?!"

"...maybe you can use poison."

Bai Yi’s tone was very calm, even indifferent. He took a bottle from the backpack and handed it to Ji Yunxiao.

"It's a living thing. Just put the poison. On the arrow, shoot it into the body, let the toxins immerse inside, let it eat the body, you can poison it."

When he heard him say this, Cheng Zhichu was shocked and looked up, but he was immediately attracted by the transparent plastic bottle in Bai Yi’s hand.

How is it a mineral water bottle, Bai Yi likes to use mineral water bottles to pack things? How did he tell if the bottle was filled with holy water or poison?


Ji Yunxiao holds the cross. His hand suddenly tightens, the beautiful face is bloodless, the voice choked and shivered, and it was broken: "I..."

"This is too cruel, how can I..."

The two sisters saw the painful expression of Ji Yunxiao, and his heart was very uncomfortable.

Although reason tells them that this is correct, but they like Ji Yunxiao, they also know that Da Gao is nominally a bodyguard of Ji Yunxiao, but at the same time they are also very good friends, now let him use the body of a friend to go Be a bait, this is really...

They couldn't bear to glance at the tall and incomplete corpse, bite their teeth, and they were about to open the matter to themselves. But who knows that Bai Yi immediately turned around and did not give them a chance: "I also I feel so cruel."

He was dark and dark, and his lips were slightly undetectable and hesitated.

"In this case, we need one of us to be a bait. Others will contain the monster. He will look for opportunities to pour poison into the body of the monster. We..."

"Let me go."

Ji Yunxiao's face was firm and he licked his lips and said without hesitation: "Let me make bait."

"No, Xiao Xiao, how can you do the bait!"

The two sisters were shocked and quickly stopped the season Yunxiao: "No, you can't go, let us-"

"Thank you, but the safer method is that I veto it, so it must be me."

Ji Yunxiao gently shook his head, his eyes were red, still sad, but he showed a faint smile: "And I also don't want to see you take risks for me."

The two sisters trembled with faint tears in their eyes. Cheng Zhichu looked in his eyes and started a fierce struggle inside. Although he was very scared, he just drank the lucky potion, even if he used the curse, he failed. It should also be more likely than others to succeed.

He was about to talk to Bai Yi, but suddenly heard a strange movement, and immediately raised his head.

The ogre who was eating the corpse also heard the sound, and the action suddenly changed. After a while, he suddenly screamed in horror and quickly dropped the limb in his hand.

It didn't even look at Cheng Zhichu and others, waving a few legs, desperately rushing back to the side of the squat pool and drilling his head into it.

But because of the corpse, its abdomen became bulging, and it was stuck in the hole. Even if it was hard, it could not be squeezed in. It was like a poor worm, and the lower body was exposed outside the squatting pool. The bitter kick is struggling.

Cheng Zhichu was stunned by this sudden change, and looked at the direction of the noise.

"Hey, hey..."

The sound of metal scratching on the ground sounded from the darkness, and it looked very harsh. After a while, a large hacksaw appeared in the range of the light, and the sharp silver sawtooth shimmered and was dragged forward. .


The ogre, who was half-body plunged into the hole, made a scream of sorrow, as if he was already afraid of the extreme.

Cheng Zhichu stared at the towed hacksaw. At first he thought that the hacksaw was moving, but he saw a few more eyes. He suddenly found out that there was something dragging the hacksaw.


The little shadow stopped, and a pair of black, slick eyes suddenly looked at them.

- This is a toy bear.

It is only the size of a palm, it is brown with fluff, its limbs are round, and there is a small bow on the neck. It looks cute and harmless, but its arrival makes the ogre so vocal. It is obviously afraid that it is afraid of the bones. .

This little bear let Cheng Zhichu think of the three teddy bears he saw before, especially the third one, almost exactly the same as this little bear. It is clear that there is a connection.

Maybe it has been following them all the time...

Cheng Zhichu's face turned white, and he suddenly realized that the ring on his hand had subsided the temperature after the ogre appeared for a minute, and the bear appeared, but did not heat again.

- This is not the ring is broken, but because this little bear is likely to be a ... a living curse.

The little bear licked his head, his eyes swept from their bodies. When he touched Bai Yi, who smiled at it, his soft body suddenly stiffened. He immediately turned his small head back, no longer looked at them, and continued to drag. The hacksaw sprinted over the ogre.


The trapped ogre screamed in horror and fear, but he couldn’t move forward. He couldn’t escape. He couldn’t see the bear, but he could hear the dragged hacksaw coming behind him.

The bear raised a hacksaw several times larger than its body. The cold cold light reflected its black round eyes, which was very strange. Then it fell from the knife and the blade slammed into the ogre's ass.

"Hey - hey!"

The sound of broken flesh and blood was clearly audible in the bathroom. Cheng Zhichu gradually widened his eyes and looked at the hacksaw to easily cut off the ogre's buttocks, and then thought of the hard skin that they could not wear with a gun before. A sudden burst of words blurted out - who can think of the weakness of this thing turned out to be its ass? !

The ogre screamed frantically, and the black blood and feces sprang from the fracture. The bear stepped back a few steps, spit out a small tongue and made a suspicious expression.

After a while, the ogre stopped struggling and stopped screaming, almost no movement. The bear picked up the hacksaw and skillfully cut his **** down and threw it aside. Then he smashed it up and tore open the shell of the ogre, revealing a row of sensuous white teeth and biting it. Go up and tear off a whole piece of meat.

It, it is actually eating the ogre...

Cheng Zhichu was stunned, not just him, Meng Ke and others were also sluggish. It is hard to believe that the ogre was easily solved by such a petite teddy bear, and it was still in this way.


At this point, the protective cover passed the effective time, and when it flashed slightly, it disappeared completely, and the blue light disappeared.

"Let's go!"

Meng Xin glanced at the bear and looked back. He said in a panic: "Hey, it’s not before we stare at us... hurry up and leave here!"

"But that key..."

Meng looked at the keys hanging on his feet. They originally came here to get the keys. Now they are sacrificed. Do they have to walk away like this, so how can they complete the later copy? ?

"Get rid of it first, wait for it to go, let's come again." Meng Xin whispered, "Can we still conflict with it?"

Meng Ke nodded his lips and the two sisters whispered to the other three people and looked at Ji Yunxiao with fear, fearing that he would not leave.

Ji Yunxiao silently glanced at the tall and incomplete corpse, his shoulders were trembling gently, but he saw that the bear was not interested in the body. He clenched his lips and resolutely turned his head to the bathroom. Go outside.

What the two sisters were most worried about was that he refused to leave. At this time, when he saw that he was willing to leave, he was relieved and quickly followed him.

Cheng Zhichu had a glimpse of the bear, and he was about to leave, but he saw that Bai Yi was watching the bear and couldn’t move. He quickly licked his clothes and lowered his voice: "Go away."

"……it is good."

Bai Yi held down Cheng Zhichu’s hand. In addition to the angle that Cheng Zhichu could not detect, he raised his lips and smiled at the bear.

His smile seemed to be very soft, but the action of the bears eating flesh and blood suddenly froze, shaking and shaking, and the tip of the tail stood twitching, and the fluff on the top exploded.

Kill another man.

He made a mouthful of silence.

The bear stayed for a few seconds, and his eyes consciously slammed into Cheng Zhichu, but when he saw Bai Yi’s gaze suddenly, he immediately understood that he was not referring to this person, but the one who was walking at the door, so he left it busy. The meat in his hand stood up and squatted and ran to Ji Yunxiao.

"It's coming!"

Cheng Zhichu screamed, Ji Yunxiao and the two sisters returned to their heads and found that the bear opened his mouth full of fangs and went straight to Ji Yunxiao.

The two sisters were eclipsed, and Meng Xin directed the bear to shoot again, but the bear was very fast, his body was small and his movements were flexible, he couldn’t hit it at all, and he watched it getting closer and closer to them.

Cheng Zhichu was also anxious, holding Joshua's necklace again, intending to try to control the bear, and at this time, he heard the system sound.

[The behavior is out of control. 】

Cheng Zhichu: "??!!" Why is this time? ? ?

He looked at the bear closer and closer to Ji Yunxiao, and couldn’t completely control his body. He rushed forward and clung to Ji Yunxiao’s waist, putting his face on his shoulder, and instantly burst into tears. With a decisive expression, I turned to look at the bear, and my heart was heartbreaking.

"Don't move my husband, kill me if you kill!"

- I am damn... What is my mouth saying?

Cheng Zhichu was about to collapse, but what made him even more collapsed was that it was not finished. He turned his head again and reached out and touched the face of Ji Yun Xiao Junmei with tears, as if looking at his beloved lover, full of Reluctantly and sadly, he whimpered and said.

"Dear, I have to take a step first. Please take care of our children in the future..."


Seeing that Cheng Zhichu stopped in front of Ji Yunxiao, the bear stayed for a while, did not know what to do, and quietly glanced at Bai Yi, but he was scared by his dark and cold breath and sat on the ground. It shivered.


The fragments of the flashlight fell from the gap between Bai Yi's fingers and fell to the ground.

This white light flashlight was finally completely crushed by him.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 23

The monster in the bathroom is almost irrational, leaving only the instinct to swallow, so under my deliberate convergence, it failed to sense the breath of me, attacking us violently.

This is very good, I will try to use it to kill Ji Yunxiao, he can not live.


This time, Yun Yunxiao did not die. The mascot-shaped curse once again appeared, which disrupted my plan.

It is especially sensitive to my breath and I am very afraid of me. It seems that it is quite afraid of another "I".

However, although it interferes with me, I am not allowed to allow it to redeem sin and kill Ji Yunxiao.



I am an out-and-out idiot.

Why didn't I order a curse to attack me? So the person who is now known to call "husband" at the beginning is me, not -

(The pen has also been pinched off)

The author has something to say: Cheng Zhichu: What is my mouth doing? !

Bear: What should I do?

Bai Yi: What have I done...

Tomorrow (Thursday) will be later, probably around 11pm Update = 3=

Thanks to the oil-scented pumpkin, not black and white and you are really stupid white sweet mine x2, and 1279 has been a waste landline and ice-lighting mountain mines! =3=舔 Leopard! 2k novel reading network

Read The Duke's Passion