MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 22 Abandoned hospital (6)

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"What's wrong, what's written inside, why don't you talk?"

Meng Ke blinked and asked some questions about the current situation and whispered.

She couldn't understand the doctor's handwriting. I didn't know what was written in it. Ji Yunxiao, who was able to interpret the document, fell into silence after watching it. Looking at Cheng Zhichu, she was a little blushing.

... Xiao Xiao's blush is so cute, she wants to take pictures, but there is no cell phone... Oh, no, now is not the time to think about it, she must hold back.

Another point is very strange. Cheng Zhichu seems to be able to read the document as well. However, after reading it, he showed a very sluggish expression. It seems to have been hit hard and is also silent. What did he say in the end... ?

"Ah... Is this your medical record?"

I think that Da Gao mentioned that this may be a medical record. Meng Keling took the opportunity to ask Cheng Zhichu curiously. The result was that Cheng Zhichu’s body suddenly became stiff, and the cute face was followed by red, and it looked a little pitiful.

Hey, he is quite cute... Meng Ke’s heart was poked a little.


Cheng Zhichu squatted for a while, nodded hard and scalp, explaining: "It is indeed my medical record. The time should be six years ago. I was admitted to the hospital one year before the hospital was closed. The cause is... moderate paranoia. Sometimes I will fantasize about something that doesn't exist."

Speaking of this, he looked to Ji Yunxiao, with a little praying in his eyes, hoping that Ji Yunxiao would not disclose more content for the time being.

At present, it seems that what kind of flower disease and skin hunger has not been said to be necessary. As for what is "contradictory with the family because of the problem of sexual orientation", it is purely filthy. He has a clear relationship with his family. Very good, sexual orientation is also very normal.

In contact with his pitiful eyes like a puppy, Ji Yunxiao shook his eyes a little shyly, raised his hand to cover his red cheeks, quietly, and said nothing.


Seeing that he didn't make a sound, Cheng Zhichu quietly let out a sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing in his heart, and was very grateful to Ji Yunxiao's thoughtful silence.

As for Ji Yunxiao's personal feelings about this medical record, he can't manage it. Anyway, he and Ji Yunxiao should not have an intersection in the future. As long as they don't say anything here, Bai Yi will misunderstand.

Da Gao saw the reaction of the two people in his eyes. He was very familiar with Ji Yunxiao. He felt that the boss’s reaction was not quite right. He looked at Cheng Zhichu with a rather suspicious look. He was about to say something but was suddenly shocked. Interrupted the idea.


Next to the cabinet where the documents were stored, the other door suddenly opened a gap.

It is clear that there is no external force, but it is automatically open to the outside, the sound of the metal is dry and cold, and it is particularly awkward in the dead conference room.

The high-altitude police stepped back a few steps, with the hand. The gun was aimed at the door. Cheng Zhichu also cautiously stared at the cabinet. When the door was completely open, the hidden black shadow was revealed, and it was a fluff. Toy bear cub.

Compared with the previous two teddy bears, this little bear is smaller, only the size of the palm, the soft fluff is not stained, the cotton-filled limbs are round, the dark round eyes are watching the front, and everyone looks clear. Reflected in its eyes.

Cheng Zhichu looked at the little bear and couldn’t help but feel creepy because it was too new, as if it had just been bought and put in here.

And the eyes of the bears are very strange to him. They seem to have focal lengths and are staring at them. It seems that in the next second, it will blink and suddenly live...


Suddenly there was a slight fluffing sound in the cabinet. The little bear suddenly slammed his head, and the black glass beads turned his eyes a few times. The faint eyes fell on Cheng Zhichu's body.

! !

Cheng Zhichu was shocked, and his back suddenly slammed a cold air and exclaimed: "Bear! This bear is alive, it moves!"


Both Ji Yunxiao and the two sisters showed confusion. Meng Ke shook his head and said: "But... it didn't move, we didn't see it moving."

The high-high guards leaned on the past, gently licking the bear with a gun, and confirmed it. The condensate said: "This is an ordinary teddy bear."

He thought about it and added: "But every time a teddy bear appears, there will be an illusion. This should be confirmed. You should have an illusion and see the teddy bear moving."

"is it……?"

Cheng Zhichu had a sigh of relief to the teddy bear. He watched Da Gao take the teddy bear out of the plaid and put it into the backpack. There was indeed no abnormality, which made him reluctantly suppress the uneasiness in his heart.

"Go to the key now."

Da Gao said so, several people nodded and left the meeting room.

Bai Yi walked at the end of the pedestrian. At the moment he stepped out of the conference room door, he suddenly turned his head thoughtfully and glanced at the password cabinet.

In the empty door of the cabinet, the little bear still sat quietly in the cupboard, the black eyes glowed a little, and the small figure loomed in the darkness.


Bai Yi smiled lightly.


"Hey, hey..."

Hearing the sound of the water coming from the corridor, Meng Kemei's face became a little pale.

In the previous illusion, she just saw the roof of the first floor oozing a lot of water from above, her sister became a monster, and now there is a sound of water again, which can not help her think of what happened just now, my heart The child got up.

But fortunately this time, it wasn't only that she heard the sound of dripping water, and other people also heard it, looking subconsciously to the front, that is, the position of the sound of water.

There was a faint smell in the air, like the smell of the toilet, but it seemed to be mixed with other smells.

The location they want to check is the men's toilet, but this taste makes them alert. After all, it has been stopped for a few years, no one is active, and now how can this taste come out.

"Look, you..."

Meng Xin’s gaze slammed into the ground and suddenly stagnate for a moment, pointing to a dark trace: “It seems like... blood.”

Cheng Zhichu also saw this trace. He lit the flashlight to different places and found the same impression on the wall. He was carefully identified in the vicinity, and the color was very deep brownish red. It was indeed the blood spots left after blood coagulation.

"Why would you leave such a trace..."

Meng Ke murmured: "Is there a fight in the past? Is the angry family beat the doctors and nurses? Or..." She became uneasy. "Is this not human?"

Cheng Zhichu's scalp is numb, and the blood splashes here are everywhere. Even if it is an injury accident, it must be a bad event with a murderous weapon. Moreover, in such a place, the possibility of the latter will be even greater.

He was a little panicked and looked at Bai Yi subconsciously. Because Bai Yi was around him, he would be more at ease. As a result, he found that Bai Yi was looking up at something.

What is Bai Yi looking at...

He looked at the ceiling along Bai Yi's gaze, and suddenly the hand holding the flashlight shook abruptly.

In the dim light, a long trace of blood appeared on the ceiling, and there were traces of human fingerprints and palms next to the blood, as if a living person had been dragged on the ceiling by something.

The twisted blood marks extend in the dark, and one end is not in the direction of the smell.

Cheng Zhichu's face was white, and the light from the flashlight was beaten. He saw the blood squashed and hanged from the ceiling and entered a door.

In the upper right corner of the door is a sign with the words "men's bathroom".

Fuck, what the **** is it, is it still in the toilet...

Cheng Zhichu was cold and sweaty, his legs were trembled, and several people noticed the **** drag on the ceiling, and they also changed their faces.

"You also saw it. It is very likely that you will be in danger after you enter. Everyone should always pay attention and never let go."

Da Gao will be full of bullets and guns. The look is extremely dignified: "Take your weapons."

Meng Xin hesitated, suddenly pulled out a card and said: "This card can open the protective cover to avoid deadly attacks, the effect lasts five minutes, the diameter is three meters, can accommodate us all."

This kind of protective card has always been very rare, even if it is a more advanced copy will be very useful, but Meng Xin is willing to come out and share it with everyone now, everyone is moving a bit.

Cheng Zhichu thought about it and raised the ring on his hand to give everyone a look and said.

"My ring has the effect of reminding ghosts to appear. The range is five meters. As long as everyone is close enough, you can wait until the ring is hot and then open the card, so you can avoid the card being wasted."

At the same time, he took out Joshua's necklace and put it on his neck. He has no weapons, the only means of protection is the curse, and the conditions of the necklace are still many, but it is better than nothing.

Ji Yunxiao and Meng Ke also took out their own weapons. Only Bai Yi did nothing and stood there empty-handed. Da Gao glanced at him and saw that his expression was calm and indifferent. He did not say anything. He just told him to be careful and walked into the bathroom with vigilance.

The inside of the bathroom is not too big, there is a smell and **** smell, old blood stains are splattered on the wall and the ground, the mirror is covered with spider web cracks, the sink and urinal are shattered, and Yellow-brown stains, the door panels of the compartments were also violently dismantled, smashed and thrown on the ground, revealing a squat pool.

These traces are disgusting and horrible. Cheng Zhichu had a nausea and a little vomiting. Plus, the feeling here is very bad. He just wants to leave soon.

So Cheng Zhichu immediately launched the skills of clue prompts without hesitation, hoping to leave the place after finding the key in the first time.

However, after the skills were turned on, Cheng Zhichu suddenly opened his eyes and his heart jerked. Not only him, but Meng Xin also showed a surprised expression, and looked at Cheng Zhichu subconsciously.

"I... I didn't see any flash..." Meng Xin said nervously, "What about you?"

"I don't have it either." Cheng Zhichu's face changed slightly. "Did we come to the wrong place?"

"But the note is written here, how can it be wrong?"

Meng Xin bites his lower lip: "Isn't the key can't be found by skill, must we personally search?"

Cheng Zhichu's scalp is a numb, this is the situation he is most unwilling to encounter, but fortunately, the bathroom is not big. If you look together, you will find it soon, just...

His gaze involuntarily fell into the black lacquered hole in the squatting pool.

If the key fell into it, how should they find it?

"I have to consider another situation."

Bai Yi indulged for a moment and suddenly said: "Even after searching, you may still not find the key, because it may have been taken away."

His eyes passed over the blood of the ceiling, and his voice became more and more low.

"Who is being, or what is being."

After listening to his words, Cheng Zhichu's cold hair was upright, and the heart leaped wildly. At this moment, he suddenly felt the burning feeling of his fingers, and it became hotter and even began to sting.


"Oh... giggling..."

The creepy weird sound came from all directions, and even without the beginning of the process, everyone could immediately understand that something terrible was approaching them quickly.

“Get together, Meng Xin is ready to open the card!”

The sorghum whispered a few shots in the direction of the sound, but it seems that there is no influence on the thing, and they are still approaching them.

Everyone is quickly close together, Meng Xin's palms are full of sweat, holding the cards tightly, because the cards are used for a short time, so they must wait until the most critical moments to open.

She looked at the big high, because the height of their group should be the most experienced, but at the moment of looking up, she found that the expression of Gao Gao was very wrong. He stared at a corner and revealed incredible. look.


Da Gao seemed to see something terrible. He suddenly rushed out. His actions were too sudden. Cheng Zhichu and others still had a reaction in the future. He watched him run to the squatting pool and set his own. The hand stretched out.


In the dark pipe of the squatting pool, a black hand suddenly came out and held the high hand tightly.

Then the dry hand slammed the force and threw the high squat on the ground. His head slammed into the hard ground and instantly spewed out a large amount of blood.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The hand stretched longer and longer, like knocking an egg, slamming on the ground with a big head, smashing blood, brains leaking out, then dragging his sloppy head and pressing it. In the pool.


A stinky water rushed out of the black hole, as if it was flushing the toilet, rushing down the flesh and bones of the high smashing, and there was a sound of "咕噜咕噜" swallowing.


The nurses will talk about a lot of interesting things, but occasionally mention some ghost stories circulating in hospitals...

Such as the red corpse in the morgue, the invisible ninth floor of the inpatient department, and...

The ogre of the sewer.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 22

(Continued from the nineteenth part)

I watched Zhichu being taken away by his parents. He was sleepy and hungry. He was still frightened. He was held in his arms by his father. The little body curled up and fell asleep quickly.

But even in the arms of his closest relatives, he slept very unsteadily, clutching his father's clothes, talking about some fearful dreams, and even shed tears.

He cried again.


At that time, I only had the only thought left -

I must kill the man who brought the first time here, let him die in affliction, and return the pain and despair that he had suffered at the beginning to him thousands of times.

Maybe at that moment, I have become abnormal.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Ahei's grenade, even the black and white mines x2, and quetiapine, analysis and analysis, star zero tears, wind oil, pumpkin, 1279 has been a waste of lao, Archie, 玖I want to sleep, the ice lights are red, and the twilight is gorgeous and supreme! Crazy kiss you! =3=2k novel reading network

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