MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 409 Population statistics

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After all, if the bandits are too strong, they may not accept such seemingly small tasks, and if they are too weak, they may not be able to complete them.

If someone in the gang happened to know Gongqi's family and tipped off the news, there would be no chance at all, and it would be a problem.

At the same time, the collection of information about Prison Qi's family is also proceeding simultaneously, and this step is going smoothly. There are a lot of past chat records and personal information about him and his family on Prison Qi's Tianxun.

The galaxy Phobos where it is located, the planet Aduan, a three-point first-level civilization, the country Balkri, and a family of four.

His wife is about forty years old, ten years younger than Yuanqi.

There are three children, the eldest daughter is in her early twenties and studies at the Balkley Art Institute.

The second daughter is fifteen years old, and the youngest son is indeed five years old.

Since Edith only wants to control the family members of the prisoner, there are not many restrictions in the Phobos Department.

In addition to some protection, the living conditions provided are quite good.

Looking at the vivid photos on the screen, Mu Qianye did not soften his heart, let alone change his mind.

Although it is said that Prison Qi's family members are somewhat innocent, but they are not dead, and more innocent people will die in the Tianhe system in the future.

Someone has to pay for the evil that Gongqi has done all these years.

And if the news of the planetary fortress being captured spreads, even if these people don't die in Edith's hands, their lives will not be easy in the future.

In this case, then use your life to make some contribution to the future of the Milky Way.

On the eighth day of the three-star moon, in addition to Mu Qianye fully figuring out the target information, the gangsters of the Phobos department also got in touch.

Code-named Nightingale, D-class, with more than one hundred members, the leader is a woman who is less than thirty years old.

Since the fleet is not strong and there is no backstage, this group of people has done very poorly in the third-level civilization star system, and can only accept some small tasks, and they have been unable to make ends meet for a while.

In addition, the main activity area of ​​this group is not near the Adu'an star, and there is a high probability that they will not know the family members of Gongqi, which is completely in line with Mu Qianye's psychological expectations.

Due to the particularity of the task, Mu Qianye did not release the relevant task through the backstage of the Star Bandit Alliance, but contacted the leader of Nightingale first.

Because if it is released directly, most gangsters over there can see it, and it is not necessarily Nightingale who picks it up.

And this task has a lot of details that need to be discussed.

Under normal circumstances, it would be troublesome to find a group of gangsters across a galaxy, and it would take a lot of time.

But Beiliang is also a gangster, and they can see simple information about other gangsters in the background.

In addition, in order to get more missions, Nightingale's contact information is posted on the gangster's homepage...

Being found suddenly, the female leader of Nightingale was quite surprised, and asked a lot about her identity and purpose.

Fortunately, Mu Qianye had thought of everything in advance, and the answers were fluent.

And she deliberately used the virtual AI technology to replace it with an artificial human face without revealing it.

The general content of the conversation was that Mu Qianye asked the female leader of Nightingale to help kill a few ordinary people in the name of his enemies.

He also explained that the identity and specific location of the target would be provided, and that Nightingale only needed to do it.

He also said that he was introduced by someone else, and felt that Nightingale's mission was completed fairly well.

At first, the female leader of Nightingale was a little skeptical, with a cold expression on her face.

But when he heard that there was a task or an introduction from an old customer, he immediately changed his expression.

Because they do do a lot of ground missions, such as killing people and getting goods, it is not surprising that some people recommend them.

Mu Qianye also didn't have any ink marks, and directly sent the information of the prisoner's family.

Seeing that they were all women and children, Nightingale's female leader remained expressionless and didn't even ask why.

Since they are in this business, there is no such thing as soft-heartedness, let alone the right to choose mission targets.

You don't need to know the initial reason and process, because that doesn't make any sense, you just need to kill people, take money, and leave.

Even if they kill good people, old and young, women and children, that has nothing to do with them, as long as the money for the task is enough to buy their conscience.

Of course, the leader of Nightingale asked about the identities and status of the people killed, which related to the difficulty of the task and how much money should be charged.

In case of killing someone who shouldn't be killed, it will also pose a threat to his gang.

Fortunately, these Mu Qianye had thought about it in advance, and said that these were ordinary people with a little money in their families, and they had no special status.

The female leader asked her subordinates to check it suspiciously, and found that it was indeed the case. There was no record in the Skynet information, and neither did Adu'an Star.

After all, Prison Qi's family also wanted to conceal their identities, except for a small number of people, they didn't know anything else.

However, deceit is deceit, Mu Qianye did not hide the fact that the prisoner's family was secretly protected, and said a little bit.

She had to let Nightingale's people know, otherwise she would not be able to carry out the task with a relaxed mind.

Leader Nightingale didn't find it difficult to deal with this, but heaved a sigh of relief, and the doubts in his heart became less and less.

A bit of difficulty is normal. If the customer keeps emphasizing that it is very simple, then she will feel that there is a problem.

Next came the details and price negotiation. Mu Qianye had two main requirements. The four targets must be dealt with in one go, and one or two of them could not be killed.

Because her purpose of doing this is to cut off the hope of Yuan Qi, even if there is only one left, Yuan Qi will still have hope when the time comes.

And after the killing, she has to upload relevant pictures and videos to prove that she has other uses.

In terms of price, she gave 8 million per person for a ten-day period, plus various subsidies, a total of 35 million.

This price is placed in the D-level missions that D-level gangsters often accept, which is slightly higher than the level.

But if you calculate the things involved behind it, there are more than a few billion.

It's just that Mu Qianye couldn't take the initiative to quote such a high price, it would easily arouse suspicion, and it would have the opposite effect.

She just wanted Nightingale's people to treat this as a normal, yet slightly difficult task.

The leader of Nightingale didn't think too much about it. He entered a planet and killed a few protected people. They had done this more than once, and it was indeed a routine procedure.

However, she did not agree with the price, but directly raised it to 10 million to kill a person, and the time limit was 15 days.

The task can't be done verbally, but in the form of a gangster mission. They only need one gangster mission to reach C level, and they need to use this to raise the gangster's level.

In addition, there will be 10 million gang members and equipment subsidies, a total of 50 million.

Although this price is already very good, from her point of view, the more money the better.

Especially in the case of the recent business downturn, of course you have to make a good fortune if you have a task.

Fortunately, all of this was within Mu Qianye's expectations, and Beiliang also came from the stage of Nightingale, and she was very clear about what the little gangsters were thinking.

Of course, money is not a problem. For Beiliang at this time, 30 to 50 million is no longer a problem.

If it wasn't for some things that had to be concealed, she would have given three to five hundred million.

Time is not an issue, ten days is indeed a bit rushed, fifteen days is about the same, it will not delay Beiliang's plan.

After all, this is a gang of small bandits. They have to go to Adu Anxing first, find a way to enter safely, investigate the situation, and take action. It will take time.

The task format doesn't matter even more, and they liked it when they took some tasks before.

This is actually more secure for Beiliang, because if it involves gang missions, Nightingale's people will not dare to mess around, and if they fail to complete it, they may lose their rank.

After pretending to hesitate for a while, she agreed with some embarrassment, and first transferred 10 million to the leader of Nightingale, and the rest of the balance will be paid after all the tasks are completed.

Seeing that Mu Qianye was so forthright and meticulous in his work, the leader of Nightingale smiled and gradually became enthusiastic, and then chatted with Mu Qianye a lot about details.

When the communication is over, it also means that the prelude to the plan has been deployed, and the rest of the implementation is beyond Mu Qianye's control...

During this period of time, Chen Han has not been idle here, and has been tinkering with the affairs in the planetary fortress, which are roughly divided into population statistics and material inventory.

Originally, he wanted to do it with A Ao and others. After all, the planetary fortress is so big that he can't even take care of commanding it alone.

But Ao and others have gone out, leaving him alone.

Fortunately, with Piao Huo and the Eleven gang, as well as the assistance of a large number of robots, and the nearly 200,000 mechas left over from the Foreign Legion and Rangers to maintain order, everything is still in order.

According to the final statistics, the resident population in the planetary fortress is more than 348 million people, consisting of active law enforcement officers, retired law enforcement officers, family members of active law enforcement officers, and family members of past law enforcement officers.

Among them, there are more than 20 million active law enforcement officers, with various occupations, and they are still at the top level.

These do not include those who went to the gray hole system to join the war and those who died in the previous battle, otherwise the number would be more.

Anyway, taking the Tianhe system as an example, it is normal for the number of law enforcement officers to remain at 40 million, and there are a large number of retirees and foreign recruits every year.

If it is other galaxies, then this number will be 100 to 200 million, otherwise it will not be taken care of at all.

The number of retired law enforcers is more than 10 million, and they are all after the age of fifty.

Because law enforcers can retire at the age of fifty-four without injury.

The body functions of normal people at this age will begin to degenerate, especially pilots, whose reactions will not be so sharp.

However, if the civil service of the pilot is removed, the age can be extended to sixty.

If there is a certain position within the law enforcement officer, such as a commander, then this period will be even longer.

Like other galaxies, it is said that there are even law enforcement officers in their nineties.

The number of family members of active law enforcement officers is about 200 million, including old and young, women and children, and the number is the largest.

This relative refers to the immediate family, such as parents, wives and children.

Only when there are no immediate relatives can one apply for the right of residence of collateral relatives.

And this direct line can only be within two generations, that is, to the grandchildren, and there is no authority after that, and there are very strict regulations as a whole.

In addition to the retired ones, the family members of law enforcement officers in the past dynasties also include law enforcement officers who died normally and abnormally, about 100 million.

It means that the enforcer is dead and only his family members are left behind.

That's the best thing about being a law enforcement officer. Even if you retire or even die, your family members are still guaranteed.

This group of people is more complicated. They have very few bonds with the Law Enforcer Federation, and they can only die in the planetary fortress.

And some of them still have a little hatred for Beiliang, because the only law enforcement officer in their family died at the hands of Beiliang in the previous battle.

It's just that as non-combatants, they can only bear and have no choice.

Even the incumbent law enforcement officers have surrendered, so what can the family members of the law enforcement officers of past generations do?

Even if you try your best to resist, it's just losing your life, and it doesn't make any sense.

After understanding the composition of everyone in the planetary fortress, Chen Han probably knew it well, and implemented many measures in a short period of time.

First of all, law enforcement officers in service will all join the Foreign Legion after going through a series of reviews and registering their occupational information.

Then serve Beiliang in the Foreign Legion for a period of time, and those who are qualified will be further incorporated into the Rangers.

If the performance is particularly good, there may be a chance to re-enter Beiliang.

Although these used to be enemies, I somewhat looked down on the gangsters in my heart.

But they are the elite of the Milky Way system. Chen Han needs these people, and Beiliang also needs these people.

After a long period of assimilation, one day, I believe they will become the backbone of the Gaia Empire.

Of course some law enforcement officers are unwilling to join Beiliang. They just wanted to surrender before, and had no intention of surrendering to the enemy.

This is not in line with what they have been learning, and the values ​​​​are not right.

Chen Han didn't force too much on this. If you don't join, you'll retire. It's not bad for these few. If someone with two hearts joins the team, it will be counterproductive.

As for the remaining retired law enforcement officers and their families, Chen Han did not make any embarrassments, and let them continue to stay in the planetary fortress.

Although he doesn't know these people at all and doesn't have any feelings.

Coupled with raising hundreds of millions of people in vain, the follow-up pressure on Beiliang is also very high.

But after he broke into the planetary fortress, he promised that as long as the law enforcers surrendered, the safety of their families would not be threatened. Now he must keep his word, otherwise the good situation that had just formed would be ruined directly.

Moreover, keeping these people is not entirely a bad thing, it is equivalent to an additional means of controlling the law enforcement officers in service.

As long as the family is in the planetary fortress, the law enforcement officers under Beiliang will have to work hard, and over time, these people will naturally be unable to leave.

Like the resentment that may have existed in the hearts of the family members of law enforcement officers in the past, Chen Han also knew that he should drive these people away.

But now he can't use means to do anything, otherwise the entire planetary fortress will be panicked.

If they knew that their family members would be in danger if they died, which law enforcement officer would dare to work for Beiliang?

So now we can only wait for these people to make mistakes, and then Chen Han will have a reason to clear the field.

If these people abide by the rules, forget it, time will eventually smooth everything...

(end of this chapter)

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