MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 408 preparations

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"If it doesn't work, let their family and friends put some pressure on them. Even if they refuse to come back, the battleship has to come back to me..." Chen Han didn't describe too much, but the meaning was obvious.

In fact, he would not use such despicable means to treat ordinary people, but if the target belongs to the traitor of the Tianhe system, then there is no need to think too much about it.

Everyone didn't raise their own doubts about this, Chen Han obviously considered everything properly.

"Also, the route for the fleet to retreat must be chosen in advance."

"When we recall it, there is a high probability that Edith will know about it, and we must intercept it."

"Because with her personality, she would rather destroy things than look into our hands."

"If we are really intercepted by her, we probably won't get anything." Mu Qianye thought of another point, and hurriedly reminded.

"About this, I will discuss this with the Gray Cave System at that time, and ask them to protect the remaining fleet of the Tianhe System and use the stargate from the Tianhe System to the Gray Cave System to return." Chen Han nodded, This is indeed a point worth considering, but not difficult to resolve.

He didn't believe that in the territory of the gray hole system, the Phobos system as an invader could still reach the sky.

"Then there's no problem, it just coincides with our planned timeline." Mu Qianye adjusted his monocle, and didn't repeat it too much.

"Then let's do this first. The eldest sister is responsible for contacting the gang and designing relevant details."

"Eleven led the geek team to open all the closed stargates in the Milky Way."

"Piaohuo is ready to contact the Ash Cave Department and wait for our order."

"The rest of the people and I count the population and supplies of the planetary fortress. We need to restore the order of the planetary fortress before the start of the follow-up plan." Chen Han quickly issued relevant orders.

Their plans are intertwined and must be done step by step.




"Where are Uncle Hei and Uncle Lei? Why didn't you come over?" Chen Han looked around, only to realize that those Gaia seniors were not there.

It is understandable that Baisha is not here. He is probably busy with Qianling Heavy Industry and a series of business matters, so he is far away from the planetary fortress.

But Black Hand, Detonator, and Gao Lei are all in the planetary fortress.

Although this team meeting was temporary and there was no prior notice, Black Hand and the others should have come to the command room.

"I let the people who took over the Law Enforcement Federation and surrendered." Mu Qianye in front of the tactical platform hurried back.

There are quite a few law enforcement officers who surrendered this time, and it is a big project to take over.

"Let me do these things. Let me know. They have other missions. After the star gate is restored, they will take the foreign legion and rangers out." Chen Han and Mu Qianye looked at each other.

"Clean up those planets and forces that are still unwilling to join the United Front?" Mu Qianye understood Chen Han's meaning and asked tentatively.

"Yes, kill all the cubs who are still stubborn. This trip can use any means, including battleship strikes. I just want results."

"Within half a month, I want all the planets, forces, and organizations in the entire Milky Way system to belong to the United Front, and there will be no voice of resistance." Chen Han nodded viciously.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

It's not been a day or two since he endured these planets and forces that are still opposing him, and he has been refusing to submit to them all the time.

If it weren't for the star gate being closed in front, it would take a lot of time to attack.

They are too busy dealing with Phobos reinforcements and occupying planetary fortresses. They really don't have time, and they won't endure until today.

Now that the planetary fortress has been pacified, it is time for those people to die.

"We can do it for you, boss." Ao said suddenly.

The eyes of Miaoying and Dashan also shone slightly.

Rather than staying in the planetary fortress and doing some tedious things, it is more interesting to attack the enemy.

"Your troops are not strong enough, and you may not be able to command the Rangers and the Foreign Legion. Let them go." Chen Han shook his head.

He didn't think that A Ao and others' command ability was weak, but that they lacked experience in dealing with extraordinarily large scenes, and unnecessary casualties might occur.

In addition, the Rangers and the Foreign Legion are now managed by Black Hand, Detonator and others, which makes it easier to dispatch.

Before A Ao and the others could speak, he thought of something again and waved his hand: "Forget it, you all follow along, but they are the main conductors."

Just now he considered that it was Ao and others who were lacking, so he should take this opportunity to learn more.

It will definitely come in handy when I personally command in the future.

This made the eyes of A Ao and the others who were a little bit lost instantly brighten up, and they nodded wildly.

"We're going too, Chen Han." Ning Bai led Xiao Qing to stand up, and moved closer to Chen Han.

"Go, go, let's all go." Chen Han nodded impatiently on the surface, but secretly happy in his heart.

He wished that Ningbai and Xiaoqing, the two annoying ghosts, would also pass by, so that no one would bother him these days.

"Do I want to do some reports on the planetary fortress or the Milky Way?" Su Wen raised her hand for the first time at the meeting.

After entering the planetary fortress this time, he has not been idle, he has shot a lot of material, and he can publish a report at any time.

At that time, the entire Tianhe system will know that Beiliang has occupied the planetary fortress, and the united front will become more united.

"You can draft a draft, but it cannot be published for the time being. We will keep our occupation of the planetary fortress a secret for a short time." Chen Han shook his head.

It's not that he has forgotten Su Wen, but that he doesn't need it for the time being.

First of all, now is not the time to take the initiative to announce. Otherwise, when the Tianhe system knows, the outside world will also know, which greatly reduces their preparation time.

Secondly, to announce it, it is not enough to rely solely on the strength of a report, he has to personally say it at the press conference facing the Tianhe system.

In this case, it must be arranged after Zhuang Qi is willing to cooperate, so that the plan can be connected.

"Understood, I'll be ready." Su Wen nodded heavily, and quickly put her hands down.

"Well, let's do our own work. Keep the matter of the planetary fortress secret, and tell the people below." Chen Han warned again and waved his hand.

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison, made a hand gesture that gangsters usually used, and quickly dispersed.

Soon the main members on the field were only Chen Han and Mu Qianye, and Eleven and Piaohuo who were busy in front of the podium.

At this time, Mu Qianye was finally able to light a menthol cigarette, took a deep breath, and exhaled lightly, the surrounding white smoke filled immediately.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"Do you have any plans for Star Stamley?" Chen Han walked over, took the mint cigarette from Mu Qianye's fingertips, and took a sip, feeling the coolness.

"I have no idea." Mu Qianye shook his head, leaning lightly on the tactical table.

Now the answer has been obtained, but she has not thought of the solution for the time being.

"Can you check the specific situation of that planet in the Batan system? For example, whether there was a large-scale dispatch of troops a while ago." Chen Han took another puff of the menthol cigarette.

If it can be confirmed that Stamley star has sent a large number of troops, there is a high probability that it is coming to Beiliang, and they can take precautions in advance.

"No, the distance is too far, and the level of civilization in that galaxy is too high, it's not our turn to get information." Mu Qianye shook his head, slightly distressed.

If you want to know the situation of one of the planets in the fifth-level civilized star system from the first-level civilized star system, Skynet alone is not enough.

It is even more impossible to go directly, the distance between the two sides is too far, close to 90,000 light years.

This is still 90,000 in diameter. Thinking about it in the past, after twists and turns, hundreds of thousands are still small.

Even with the fastest Exile, plus a large number of stargates on the way, the time is calculated in years.

Chen Han nodded, didn't speak, just passed the cigarette back to Mu Qianye.

An enemy who only knows but can't see, really has no good way.

Mu Qianye took the cigarette, but did not speak.

"Based on this, you should be from the Batan family." Chen Han suddenly thought of this.

Parents come from a fifth-level civilized star system, with strong genes, no wonder they are so good at such a young age.

"Maybe they just went to Batan from other places." Mu Qianye shook his head again.

While solving some answers, it also brings new questions.

For example, her parents' relationship with Batan, Star Stamley, why she participated in solving the Rubik's Cube, and why she risked her life to take away the Rubik's Cube are all questions.

It's just these things that Cun Qi can't answer, and no one knows about the Milky Way or even the surrounding galaxies.

It is estimated that only the high-level executives of Star Stamley have the answer.

Just separated by nearly 100,000 light-years, is there still a chance to find out the answer? She didn't know, and was also confused.

Chen Han could sense the change in Mu Qianye's expression and tone, put his right hand on Mu Qianye's head, and rubbed it: "As long as you are alive, there is always a way and opportunity. At least this time, you can help them get revenge first."

"En." Mu Qianye nodded. His face wasn't so sad either.

Yes, the knot in my heart for the past two years has been somewhat untied.

Life is full of regrets...

In this way, in the next period of time, Beiliang's troops were divided into multiple groups, and they got busy according to the big plan.

First of all, on the side of Eleven, with the help of Zero and a group of geeks, it took more than a day to fully understand the program logic of Stargate.

In the Kus calendar, the seventy-second era, 7129 star year, three-star month, and three-star day, the inner star gate of the Milky Way system was closed for a month by the prisoner Qi, and finally it was unsealed.

The most happy about this are the various planets and caravans.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

Now they want to sail to a certain place, they don't need to use expensive transition crystals, and they don't need to rely only on pseudo-light speed, but can pass through cheap and convenient star gates.

Before, I had to worry that there might be bandits and predators hiding on the opposite side of some star gates, but now I don’t have such considerations.

Because the entire Tianhe system is under the rule of Beiliang or the United Front, there has been no war in space for a long time, and it is very safe.

This also means that Beiliang has truly controlled the lifeline of the Milky Way system. Now it can not only open and close the internal star gates, but also close the external star gates.

However, Chen Han has not issued this order yet.

As soon as the outer star gate is closed, other galaxies may immediately guess that there is a problem with the planetary fortress of the Milky Way system.

Many things have not been prepared yet, so we have to wait.

The most important thing is that the goods promised by the Mark Group are on the way, and it is estimated that they will arrive soon.

If the star gate is closed now, there will be big troubles.

Anyway, even if the fleets of other galaxies are coming, they won't be able to arrive in a short time, and it doesn't matter if they delay for a few days.

Secondly, also on Samsung Day, the Beiliang Foreign Legion, Rangers, and the Allied Forces of the United Front who had just captured the planetary fortress, with a total of 800,000 mechas in total, left in all directions on battleships.

Leading the army are three Gaia veterans, Black Hand, Detonator, and Gao Lei, and A Ao and others lead the three major mech legions of Beiliang to fight.

They have to let more than a dozen planets and dozens of forces join the United Fortress within fifteen days, and time is tight.

It was not enough at first, how to hit more than ten planets in ten days? One a day is simply a fantasy.

But in the case of the reopening of the star gate, there is no need to waste too much time on the way.

In addition, Chen Han said that he can use weapons of various specifications, at any cost, and even use warships when necessary, then everything is relatively simple.

The big deal is to use a warship to strike a round long-rangely to clear all the defense points of the relevant planets, including mechs and fighter planes.

After these planets lose their resistance, send the Mecha Legion down to carry out internal control.

Although they divided their troops, the number of mechas attacking each planet was only about 100,000.

But these troops do not need to be scattered throughout the planet, as long as they conquer and occupy the country with the loudest resistance or capture the secretary-general or person in charge who took the lead in opposition, the war will almost be over.

Then block the news, control public opinion, and prevent the outside world from knowing that they used warships or weapons beyond the specifications.

Anyway, the starports of these planets are in their hands. As long as they want to, any news in the planets cannot be spread.

In other words, the Tianhe system is in the hands of Beiliang at this time, and anyone who dares to post negative news must think carefully about where they can escape.

Although this kind of absolutely violent means will definitely cause dissatisfaction among many people and accumulate resentment in their hearts.

But Beiliang had already talked about it in good spirits before, and it was these planets that were incompatible with the forces, and insisted on resisting to the end.

When the reason doesn't make sense, then only violence remains.

Blood and fire may not be able to solve the problem, but it can solve the problematic people...

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

Then there is Mu Qianye, she doesn't need to take care of the internal affairs of the Tianhe system, nor does she need to deal with the planetary fortress, she can devote herself to how to find a gang from the Phobos system that is suitable for killing the prisoner Qi family.

Since this matter is related to the follow-up development of the plan, there must be no mistakes. For this reason, she thought for a long time and straightened out every detail.

For example, the level, characteristics, personnel composition, experience of the relevant gangs, what forces they have cooperated with, and which planet they belong to, etc., are all points that need to be carefully considered.

(end of this chapter)

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