MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 201 I want her to be the protagonist of the game

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  Chapter 201 I want her to be the protagonist of the game

   Penn City, around 2:40 p.m.

  At this time, in Jiyou's science and technology park, a new game conference is being held for the game industry media.

  The theme is naturally the introduction of "Bloody Scientist".

  Although the game has already promoted its booth at E3, Jiyou did not spend money to rent the E3 venue to hold a press conference.

   Instead, after E3 is over, it will be held in its own science and technology park in China.

  At the same time, because the invitations are all industry media and partners. Therefore, the press conference of "Blood Scientist" did not allow players and fans to participate, not even a live broadcast.

   It seems that there is a high probability that it will be ready for people to watch in the form of video after the press conference is over.

   Soon, in the lobby of the press conference, the invited people began to sit in their seats.

  However, due to the limited seats, most of the media reporters just stood on both sides of the aisle, preparing photographic equipment.

   Time passed by every minute and every second, and the continuous stream of people slowly stopped increasing.

  The press conference hadn't started yet, but the people present chatted with each other first.

  In the corner, a middle-aged man in a suit suddenly raised his eyebrows, smiled and greeted another person who was playing with his mobile phone in the seat.

   "Director Jin? Hey, it's just a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet here."

  Hearing this greeting, Director Jin raised his head from the phone to follow the prestige.

   When he saw someone, he also smiled.

   "Mr. Liu? Nice to meet you. Isn't this the press conference of the game? Why are you unlimited online entertainment here too?"

  The man named Mr. Liu nodded with a smile, habitually took out the cigarette case and took out one and handed it over.

   "Come on, of course. Although it is rumored that our infinite online entertainment and technical games are competitors, in fact, we have always maintained a strategic cooperation."

   Director Jin suddenly showed a dazed look.

   That’s right. It’s not surprising that the two top Internet companies in China are competing with each other and cooperating with each other in order to prevent one from dominating.

  Mr. Liu still uses the term strategic cooperation, which means that the two parties are still win-win in terms of business exchanges.

   Director Jin looked at Mr. Liu, patted the seat beside him, and motioned him to sit down.

  The latter was not polite, sat down directly, and straightened his suit.

   "It's rare for Mr. Liu to come here in person. I thought that game conferences are usually attended by relevant people in charge. I didn't expect to see a lot today."

  Mr. Liu waved his hand with a smile, took out the lighter and lit a cigarette for Director Jin.

   "As an operation officer, how can I not come here? It is my duty to reach more cooperation with other companies."

   Jin Dao took a deep puff on the cigarette and exhaled the smoke ring.

   "Mr. Liu is humble, the chief operating officer (COO) of Unlimited Online Entertainment, no matter how you say it, is unattainable."

   At this time, the time came to 3 pm.

  In the scene, on the stage of the exhibition, a young man slowly walked up.

  He first bowed to everyone and then spoke.

   "Leaders, journalists and friends, good afternoon!"

   As soon as the voice fell, there was thunderous applause.

  The young man on the stage smiled, nodded, and continued talking.

   "Thank you for coming to the latest game conference of our Jiyou Network. My name is Yang, and I am the person in charge of Jump Studio."

   "This time, I will introduce to you a horror game created by our company—"Blood Scientist"!"

   With a bang, the game's LOGO appeared on the multimedia projection screen.

   And the audience applauded again.

  Operator Liu finished applauding, and instead of listening to the content on the stage, he chatted with Director Jin.

   "Director Jin, I don't usually see you coming to this kind of occasion. Why are you in the entertainment industry coming to this game conference?"

   After listening, Director Jin took a puff of cigarette and smiled.

"It's not something to keep secret. I'm going to make a movie to promote a newcomer. The most popular thing nowadays is the game adaptation movie, especially in foreign countries. Several movies have been successful. I wonder if it's also Should do it."

   "But I don't know anything about games. It just so happened that they held this game conference, so I came to see it."

   "However, game adaptations to movies definitely require film and television adaptation rights. I have a little friendship with Mr. An from Jigao, and I plan to see which of their games is more popular."

   "When the movie comes out, it should be the first work of our rookie debut."

   Operation Officer Liu's eyes lit up when he heard it.

  The middle-aged man in front of him has quite a background.

  He is a veteran director in the entertainment industry, surnamed Jin.

   Famous for having shot several classic film and television works, he can be regarded as a powerful faction!

   But now, he has retreated behind the scenes and has become a mentor who cultivates idols.

  At the same time, he is also a producer and investor.

  Although he no longer personally directs filming, he is still active in the entertainment industry and his reputation has not diminished.

  Now, in order to make a newcomer popular, such a veteran director is going to make a movie to pave the way for him?

  This is terrible.

   After all, according to the standard of the entertainment industry in the past, they only started filming and accepting endorsements after they became popular.

  And now, actually want to spend money to buy the copyright of the game to make a movie?

   There is such a good thing! ?

  Operation Officer Liu couldn't help but think of the large number of game IPs in the company that have not yet exerted their residual value, and he couldn't help feeling regretful.

  In his opinion, instead of hiding it, it is better to make use of the residual heat and adapt it into a film or something else?

   "Director Jin, we've known each other for so many years, if you don't want to tell me anything, you don't like our infinite online entertainment games, do you?"

  Although Operation Officer Liu laughed verbally, the meaning was clearly expressed.

  Our infinite online entertainment games are no worse than those of!

  Although you have friendship with Mr. An from Jiyou, we have known each other for several years!

   Now that you are planning to buy the film and television adaptation rights of the game in order to attract newcomers, why don't you find Unlimited Online Entertainment?

   No matter how I say it, he is also a COO!

   And our company’s reputation is better than that of Jiyou!

   After hearing what Operation Officer Liu said, Director Jin also understood what he meant.

  Smile now, and politely answer.

"Mr. Liu, you are making things difficult for me. You Unlimited Online Entertainment and Jiyou Network are well-known names on the technological Internet. How could I not like it? I don't understand it myself. "

"But it's a good thing you're here, so you can talk to me about copyright issues in detail. And what about you guys recently. Let me think about it later. Oh. That game called Dead Time is quite popular. This should be your company's Is it under the flag?"

  Death time?

  Operation Officer Liu frowned, his face showing doubts.

  To be honest, although he is the COO under the CEO of the company, he is mainly responsible for the company's business operations.

  Because Unlimited Online Entertainment is an Internet technology company developing in multiple fields, not just a game company.

  So game-related businesses only account for a part of it.

   Once the business increases, he will only look at the results of most things and control the direction, and will not participate in the project.

   This is what supervisors and managers do.

  So Operation Officer Liu only knows that his company has many game IPs, but he doesn't know the specific game name.

  Of course, except for the explosive models.

  In addition, he doesn't play games himself, so he only knows a few of the company's many businesses that can make a lot of money.

  The rest only know one result, not the process.

  Because of this, when Director Jin mentioned the title of the game Death Time, he looked puzzled.

  Does the company have this project?

  Why don't you have any impression?

   It seems that you haven't even seen the report?

"I'm sorry, Director Jin, you also know that we have a lot of unlimited online entertainment business. In terms of games, not only the games we develop ourselves, but also the agency and distribution of some other companies' IP. So what kind of death time are you talking about? , I really have no impression."


  Operator Liu's words surprised Director Jin.

   Now this game is very popular on the Internet, why don't you, the leader, know about it?

   "Isn't that unique game the studio you acquired? I see that the topic of this game is quite hot online, and I thought it was created by your promotion."

  Hearing this, Operation Officer Liu suddenly realized.

   After working for a long time, it turned out to be the only game.

  He knows this company. Last year, Infinity Online Entertainment spent a huge amount of money to promote a VR horror game called "Blackjack".

   At first, as the COO, he almost stared out his eyes when he got the business report.

  Because it says that the company will transfer a small portion of funds from other projects to focus on the announcement of this game so that it can be popularized.

   More importantly, this "Blackjack" is a free download game!

   It has no profit revenue at all!

  That is to say, the company spends a lot of money to promote an unprofitable game.

   Isn't this a joke?

   Leaving aside the fact that the game is free, the budget for other projects is too outrageous.

  Who would put all their eggs in one basket and give them away?

  Who bears the risk?

  Eggs blown by the wind?

   What's more, it's still a VR game with unknown prospects!

   What a mess!

  So after reading the report, Operations Officer Liu immediately rejected the implementation of the project.

   But what he didn't expect was that after he refused, the promotion was still carried out.

   This made him furious, and he went directly to Xingshi, the director of operation and promotion, to question him.

   Then I learned that this project was personally approved by the chairman of the company Mr. Liang

  Ah this...

  At that time, Operations Officer Liu suddenly lost his mind, and felt that this wave of operations was a fantasy.

  How could Chairman Liang do such an outrageous thing?

   But there is no way, since the decision has been made by the superiors, we can only watch the company implement it.

  Just when he still thought the company made a mistake, he never expected that the VR game called "Blackjack" would be a success!

  Although there is no revenue, the traffic of its own IGame platform has skyrocketed.

   Advertising profits explode!

   It even boosted the sales of other games, and directly doubled the promotion budget invested, which surprised Operation Officer Liu!

  This is indirect profit!

   For this reason, Operation Officer Liu searched for the only game company, only to find out...

  Why are there only 4 people?

  The previous work is "Dark Forest"?

   Isn’t this game the promotion project that the company was also responsible for before “Blackjack”?

   Seeing this, Operation Officer Liu suddenly realized.

  Combined with the only game's pitifully small number of participants and the popular game, he mistakenly thought it was a subsidiary of Infinity Online Entertainment.

   It seems that it should be newly established.

   Otherwise, it would not explain why Liang would always value it so much.

   You must know that there are many leading companies like Unlimited Online Entertainment, which have acquired or wholly-owned small companies, almost in all walks of life, but none of them are as caring as Unique Games.

  So it can only be established by oneself, not outsiders.

   With this thought in mind, he didn’t remember what kind of Sky game was developed after the only game, but according to the report results, it made a profit again...

   Okay, anyway, for him, this is another very popular tool that can bring many benefits to the head office.

   Name or something, just remember the people below.

  His COO only looks at the results.

   "You made a mistake with Director Jin. The only game is not the studio we acquired, but a new game company we established."

   "You know, products like games are usually handled by professionals. Sometimes for the convenience of development, we will set up companies in other parts of the country for the convenience of personnel management."

"I'm not a game maker. I'm just a person who maintains the company's operations and expands the business. Not to mention these small companies, I don't even remember all the products in our head office. So in terms of games Well, I can only be counted as one who signed and approved."

   "The death time you just mentioned should really exist, but I haven't seen it yet."

   Director Jin nodded to show his understanding.

  For people like them, leaders in non-technical positions are generally responsible for operations and personnel management in the company, rather than participating in projects.

  So in many cases, the leaders of game companies do not necessarily understand games, and the leaders of music companies do not necessarily understand music. In the same way, the leaders of the film company do not necessarily understand movies, and the leaders of the two-dimensional company do not have two-dimensional.

  Then what do these leaders know? And why sit in this position?

  It is very simple, it can make the company profitable and make the company make money. After a long time, the seat will naturally be his turn to sit.

   Director Jin extinguished the cigarette in his hand, glanced at the supporters of Yang who were chattering at the booth, and then turned his head to continue the conversation.

   "Mr. Liu, it's like this. We want a game that hasn't been released yet but is already popular to make a movie."

   "That's one of the reasons why I came to this press conference, I want to see how this... "Blood Scientist" is."

   "In addition, when our movie is finished, we can also hope to launch it together with the game and promote each other."

   "I believe that with the reputation of our Tiancheng Films and your reputation of Infinity Online Entertainment, we will definitely achieve good results."

  Operator Liu frowned, and nodded inwardly.

   "Director Jin, if the right to adapt the film and television of the time of death is really given to you, how much are you going to pay?"

   Director Jin looked around, without saying a word, stretched out 2 fingers of his left hand.

  Operator Liu could tell what the price was at a glance. After all, he had known Director Jin for so many years, so he naturally understood what he wanted to express.

   Twenty million!

"Director Jin has always had a good vision, and he has high expectations for a game that is still under development. Then I have to thank you, Director Jin, for being able to think highly of the quality of our Infinity Online Entertainment products. "

  Operation Officer Liu grinned, very happy in his heart.

  He has long wanted to exploit the remaining value of those IPs in the company, but he has never had the opportunity to visit them.

   Now that I finally have it, how can I let it go?

  The director in front of me wants the film and television adaptation rights of the game, and the price is 20 million, so why not do it?

   "Then Director Jin, are you going to learn more about the game "Time to Die" now, or do you want to know some important points about the game copyright?"

   Director Jin waved his hand, the expression on his face seemed to tell Operations Officer Liu that the matter was not urgent.

"Mr. Liu, I do have this intention on my side. But I still want to wait for your side to confirm it before sitting down and talking. Otherwise, if you agree, I have to worry that it will not be implemented for various reasons. .”

   Operation Officer Liu smiled.

   Director Jin's meaning is actually very obvious.

  The implication is that:

  You, as an executive, don’t even know what’s going on in your own game. If I, an outsider, want it, I'm afraid I have to worry about whether it will arrive.

   "You're right Director Jin, the environment here is not good either, it's not a good place to talk about business if it's noisy."

   "Well, I'll stay in Bincheng for a few days anyway, how about calling you after I've confirmed it? Let's find a place to have a good chat then."

   After hearing this, Director Jin smiled and nodded.

   But he hesitated suddenly, and made another request.

   "Mr. Liu, it's like what I just said. The main reason I make game movies is to praise my company's new idols."

"However, I don't think it's enough for a movie to make a debut. You also know that the current entertainment industry is very competitive, and many popular idols make their appearances in multiple ways to attract attention, and then they develop. "

   "If you haven't finished the game of the time of death, I wonder if we can also include the image of our newcomers?"

   Operation Officer Liu was taken aback immediately, and replied uncertainly.

   "Director Jin, what do you mean... make your newcomer a game character?"

   Director Jin immediately nodded in agreement.

   "Yes, yes, yes, think about it. Since it is a game-adapted movie, it must first attract people who play games. These people are equivalent to the first batch of fans of our company's new idol."

"And since I'm a fan, I think it would be better to have more contact. Of course, it's not contact in reality, but contact in the game. So, I want to bring people into the game, preferably important characters. Etc. Only when we officially debut can we impress this group of game fans.”

"If you think about it, an important character in the game that resonates with people suddenly appears in reality. Is this a happy thing for game fans? It is also a good thing for us. It's a win-win situation."

"With this group of gamers as the fan base, newcomers will have a traffic base. Then it will be logical to participate in variety shows, singing and filming. At that time, the main goal is to gain audience fans, and this part of the game players will be Stepping stone."

   "What do you think, Mr. Liu?"

   After hearing this, Operation Officer Liu frowned and remained silent for a long time.

  He didn't think anything wrong with what Director Jin said.

   On the contrary, this is the thinking that an entrepreneur should have.

  Commodities are commodities, whether it is a game or an idol. Those that can make money and make money are commodities.

   This thing does not distinguish between people and things.

   But what he hesitated in his heart was weighing the pros and cons.

  Operation Officer Liu glanced at Director Jin and smiled.

   Sure enough, it's not that simple.

  20 million, if it is to sell a game copyright, it is actually a matter worth agreeing to.

  As for putting someone into the game, it's just a matter of one sentence, and the project development team will obediently do so.

   But the question is, is it worth it?

  After all, if it is really like what Director Jin said, based on the people who play the game, the popularity of new idols will be smooth.

  Although Hot Infinity Online Entertainment will not lose anything, but watching others make a lot of money with their own things will always feel worse than losing money.


   "Director Jin, there is no problem with this matter. It must not be easy for you to train newcomers like this? Male or female?"

   Director Jin smiled.

   "It's a girl who just graduated."

  Operation Officer Liu nodded, feeling faintly the traces of corruption that belonged to the entertainment circle in his heart.

   "Director Jin, your request is not a big problem. But."

   Operation Officer Liu paused, changed the topic, and continued.

   “Might have to sit down and talk.”

  Hearing this, Director Jin was stunned.

  He narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Mr. Liu's calm face, trying to see something from it.

   But unfortunately, he didn't see anything.

   I couldn't help laughing in my heart.

  Hehe, as expected, he is a person of Unlimited Online Entertainment, and he is quite good at finding opportunities for raising prices on the ground.

  What to say 'maybe have to sit down and have a good chat. '

  Actually, to put it bluntly, there are only three words: 'We need to pay more. '

   For a while, Director Jin didn't reply right away.

   Instead, he took out a cigarette case from his arms, took out one from it, lit it, and exhaled smoke rings.

   Then gave Mr. Liu one, but it was not lit.

   After a while, Director Jin spoke slowly.

   "Since it is not difficult to add someone in, it is not a big problem for us to sit down and talk."

   "You can pick a time, but now that we have sat down and chatted. Then I want to expand this influence."

   Expand a little?

   Operation Officer Liu frowned in confusion.

   But he didn't interrupt, waiting for an explanation.

   Sure enough, Director Jin exhaled smoke rings again, looked at Operation Officer Liu, and spoke slowly.

  “What we pay attention to in making movies is to design a protagonist that can impress the audience.”

   "In the same way, for those who play games, it must be the protagonist who impresses them in the game."

   "In order to expand this influence, and also to give the newcomers in my company a good start."

   "I think, let her play the leading role in "Time to Die"."

  (end of this chapter)

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