MTL - I Heard That I Am a Scumbag, God of War Alpha-Chapter 42 serious

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Chen E did not exaggerate. His life is not too long, but he moved to and from three places.

From the Pojiang star field, to the central star, and then to the border. From the perspective of the length of stay, the border can almost be regarded as one-third of his hometown.

After so many years, he was as familiar with that wild and barren territory as he was familiar with his own body.

Zhuang Yan covered his waist with a quilt, and nodded obediently.

So Chen E stopped talking, pulled a paper towel, and helped Zhuang Yan wipe off the milk stains left on his lips.

This is just like treating a child, Zhuang Yan's ears are burning, and he wants to do it by himself, but Alpha firmly refuses to let him.

After wiping it bluntly and clumsily, Chen E picked up the cup and was about to go downstairs.

But before getting up, Zhuang Yan pinched his fingertips again.

Chen E looked down at Zhuang Yan, Omega said: "Then you have a good rest tonight."


"Good night."

Chen E also set off very early the next day.

It is summer recently, and the sky is dimly lit at half past four.

Zhuang Yan was awakened by 408, got up from the bed in a daze, and went downstairs with slippers on.

Chen E stood by the entrance, ready to go out. Seeing Zhuang Yan, he paused for a moment, his brows relaxed slightly.

Because it was early morning, Zhuang Yan was not fully awake yet. Her soft black hair was messy and she had a sleepy expression on her face.

Chen E lowered his head and hugged him, saving some strength. Not too tight, let go in three seconds.

He said: "I'm leaving, you go back to sleep."

Zhuang Yan responded with a nasal voice.

The beautiful boy with sleepy eyes said again in a muffled voice, "I'll wait for you to come back."

The expression on Chen E's face was very gentle.


After sending the person away, Zhuang Yan no longer felt sleepy.

With a marked Alpha breath, he lay on the soft bed with his eyes open for a while, and finally decided to get up.

The major general's house was empty, and it was obviously not very popular at ordinary times, but today it seemed particularly deserted.

Zhuang Yan prepared breakfast for himself, and casually chatted with 408 about good morning and the weather.

408 said: "Xiao Yan, you look very depressed."

Zhuang Yan didn't say a word.

"Otherwise, as long as I let you know what happens at the border every day, I will take the initiative to send it to you."

Zhuang Yan said: "Okay, thank you."

He thought about it, and then said apologetically, "I'm going back to school for a while."

408: "No problem, let's communicate with the optical brain."

"Then you stay at home alone."

"Don't worry, I will charge it on time and keep the house clean."

Zhuang Yan was silent for a while, trying to refute that he didn't mean that.

408 said again: "Xiaoyan, look at the light brain."

He turned on the optical computer screen, and in the chat dialog box, 408 sent a cat and cat emoticon.

"Come on for the race." 408 said.

The picture is quite cute, Zhuang Yan suppressed his depressed mood, and smiled at 408 with his eyes bent.

"Well, I will definitely work hard."

Back at school, Qin and Yu are great friends after all, and expressed their sincere welcome and understanding to Zhuang Yan's return.

Student Xiao Qin was just a little curious.

"Where's Chen E?"

Didn't he still take Xiao Yan so seriously before, why is he willing to let him go now.

Zhuang Yan said: "There is something on the border."

"There is something else."

"And it seems a bit serious," he cheered up, "let's not talk about this, how is your competition doing?"

Qin Heyu: "..."

No, not so much.

Xiao Qin's progress was a bit slower than Zhuang Yan's, and he was still hesitant about the placement of the speed change field.

Thinking of calculating the expected flow of people and goods, and arranging the number of entry and exit ports, he felt that one head and two were bigger, and the whole person would collapse.

"What about you?" Xiao Qin asked with squinting eyes.

Zhuang Yan said: "I'm thinking about the design of the entry and exit ports."

Qin Heyu:?

"...Have all the previous calculations been completed?"

"It was done last night."

Qin Heyu was filled with grief and anger: "Okay, Zhuang Yan, I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to catch up with the schedule, right now."


Even so, after repeated interruptions from 408 and Qin Heyu, Zhuang Yan finally recovered a lot from Chen E's low mood.

After returning to the room, I also saw the news of my brother.

Zhuang Jin took a picture of the hibiscus in the Zhuang family's courtyard. Under the shattered sunlight, there are light green flower buds hidden on the branches of the shrubs.

"After a while, the hibiscus will bloom."

Zhuang Yan cut out, borrowed 408's Maomao Bixin emoji package, and forwarded it to Zhuang Jin.

After a while, my brother sent another message: "The house is almost cleaned up, come back home on the weekend?"

Zhuang Yan: "Okay."

The days of the central star are peaceful and peaceful.

Before the weekend comes, Zhuang Yan can receive 408 messages every day—

"Xiao Yan, Major General had a good day on Tuesday."

"Wednesday is also okay. I confronted the enemy head-on. Our side won a small victory, and the major general was not injured."

"Thursday, the Major General was a bit busy, but he was fine."

Zhuang Yan couldn't help but confirm: "Really, he won't let you hide it on purpose, right?"

408: "If I lie to you, I'm a puppy."

Followed by a cat with aggrieved face.

Zhuang Yan: ""

I can only believe in 408.

But the design of the competition project was not affected by the mood.

Perhaps in the midst of anxiety and uneasiness, inspiration emerges faster.

Zhuang Yan used simple lines to outline the prototype on paper.

The port of entry and exit is painted as a pair of curved olive branches, which is a symbol of peace and victory. He hoped that his Alpha could come back safe and healthy, and not fall like a meteor in the war like his father.

The connecting point connected with the starship is the leaf on the olive branch. The approximately diamond-shaped design is arranged according to a rigorously calculated distance, which provides sufficient contact area for passengers to board the ship while ensuring safety.

The commercial districts are scattered among several large districts.

The hotel is arranged a little further away, in the opposite direction of the speed change field, in the southeast corner, like two or three scattered leaves.

Because the airport occupies a large area, Zhuang Yan used four or five sheets of paper to draw the draft, and revised it while drawing.

In the end, every picture looks beautiful and full of design sense.

But that's just the beginning.

Next, the modeling must be completed in the optical brain.

A week passed like this.

Over the weekend, 408 said: "Recently the situation is a bit stalemate, but Xiao Yan, don't worry, the general is very powerful, no one can hurt him."

Zhuang Yan: "Yes."

Chen E didn't want to worry himself, and he might not have the opportunity to see the optical brain with the Internet.

So Zhuang Yan was very obedient, not sending any worried messages, only sharing the happy side of life.

For example, in order to welcome his younger brother back home, Zhuang Jin cooked and roasted meat himself, but the whole room smelled of burnt meat.

Then, afraid of being disgusted by Zhuang Yan, he secretly threw away the meat, ordered a takeaway quickly, and pretended that the previous incident never happened.

When Zhuang Yan opened the door, the smell of burnt protein was still there, and seafood with full color and fragrance was placed upside down on the table.

He was silent for half a second, opened the oven door and took a look.

My brother didn't even have time to clean up the black and unknown objects stuck on the oven!

Zhuang Jin has a thick skin: "Whatever you look at, I just missed a little bit."

Zhuang Yan couldn't help retorting: "Forget it, you have been like this since you were a child."


"Brother, you may not be suitable to be near the kitchen."

Finally, Zhuang Yan was in charge of opening the windows for ventilation, and Zhuang Jin worked tirelessly to clean the oven. After wiping it clean, wash your hands again, and go to the table to peel the seafood shells for your brother and yourself.

Ning Huabi was disconnected from the Internet again, Zhuang Jin took a photo and sent it to his mother.

As the situation escalated, she and the entire team were tightly guarded, limiting any contact with the outside world.

"After all, I have the planning drawings and materials of an entire region," Zhuang Jin said. "If they are revealed or stolen, the development trajectory and policies of the federation will be affected for at least ten years in the future."

Zhuang Yan asked sadly, "Is mother safe now?"

"That's extremely safe. The Central Army has specially arranged three teams to guard it."

Zhuang Jin paused, and added maliciously: "It's at least 800 times safer than Chen E on the front line."


Zhuang Yan glared at him unhappily. Zhuang Jin stretched out his arms lazily, and put the peeled crab legs into his brother's bowl.

"I haven't asked you yet, why do you have a plaster on the back of your neck, and you still smell of Alpha pheromone. Is it a temporary mark?"

Zhuang Yan reluctantly said, "Well, a temporary mark."

Zhuang Jin's expression turned pale.

He assumed the attitude of a big brother, and instilled false principles in life to Zhuang Yan:

"Xiao Yan, you are still young, and love is not like this. You can't be led away by Alpha, you know? You have to hide a little bit, hang him like fishing, don't be so stubborn. That way, it will be easy to get out in the future, and you can Get together and get away."

"So each of your relationships can't last three months."

Zhuang Jin clicked his tongue: "But I don't care."

"When I was young, there were seniors who called home and cried and told you that you were playing with your feelings."


Zhuang Yan added meekly: "At that time, my mother beat you so angry, I still remember it, have you forgotten all about it?"

If it wasn't for his dirty hands, Zhuang Jin would poke his brother's forehead right now.

Is this a chat, or is it annoyance?

But Zhuang Yan's eyes and expression were very serious, he said: "Forget it, brother, I don't want to get away. I don't plan to be like you. We will get together in three months."

The wind blows in, and the white gauze curtain is lifted, revealing the crooked moon outside the window.

Zhuang Yan said: "Since I like Chen E, I can't treat him like that."

Moreover, Chen E was a very lonely person, his mother died early, and his father was a stranger.

He has no reservations about the banquet, like a vicious and suspicious wild animal, no matter what he hunts, he will clumsily dedicate it to his only companion.

—If you let yourself down.

Will Chen E feel sad, or hate him?

Zhuang Yan didn't want to think in that direction at all. His gentle brows and eyes were full of stubbornness, making it clear that he didn't intend to continue talking about this topic with his brother.

Zhuang Jin glanced at his younger brother, and reluctantly said: "All right, let's not talk about this, let's eat."

Stay overnight at home tonight.

Zhuang Yan took a shower, put on his old pajamas, turned on his optical brain, and repeatedly modified and adjusted the modeling of the airport in front of the desk he used when he was a teenager.

It was approaching twelve o'clock, and Zhuang Jin was busy with his work, so he sent a message in the next room: "By the way, Xiaoyan, don't tell anyone about the fact that you were parasitized once. The military department got a few people from the rebel army. Victims do secret experiments, the methods are quite inhumane, you can't be involved in it."

Zhuang Yan replied obediently: "Okay, I know."

Chen E also explained similar things, Zhuang Yan was not too worried, and continued to do what he was doing.

He didn't turn off the lights and go to sleep until he smoothed out the model as a whole.

Before going to bed, I glanced at the news, and the conflict on the border finally appeared in the report. On the space base and the protective satellite, flames ignited soaring into the sky.

[Major General Chen E has rushed to the front line. 】

In all the videos, this sentence is scrolling.

But this is actually very far away for ordinary Star University students.

After all, it was the turmoil and war 200,000 light-years away, and the heat caused on the forum was not even comparable to the meteorite rain last month.

Only Zhuang Yan suffered from insomnia for a while. He leaned on the soft pillow and looked at the ceiling.

I didn't know what time it was before I fell asleep, but even in my dreamland, there were earth-shattering explosions. There is also the back of Alpha that shuttles through the sea of ​​fire like a swan, with half of its wings glowing with metallic luster.

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