MTL - I Heard That I Am a Scumbag, God of War Alpha-Chapter 41 Temporary mark

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Zhuang Yan also remained silent for a while in embarrassment.

He felt that the atmosphere of mutual apology was a little heavy.

But Zhuang Jin urged: "Speak up, little feast."


So Zhuang Jin was finally satisfied, hummed, and reached out to rub his brother's soft black hair.

"I'll go first." He said, "You study hard by yourself, don't spend too much time on dating, just deal with it."

Zhuang Yan ignored the second half of the sentence and said obediently: "Bye, brother."

Zhuang Jin drove back, Zhuang Yan spoke to 408, then turned around and continued walking towards the Major General's house.

This section of the road is very quiet, with the faint chirping of birds hidden in the branches beside the road.

408 said: "Major General will be back later today, Xiao Yan, do you want to eat first after you get home?"

"I'll wait for him."

After returning home, something happened. Qin Heyu sent a message and complained desperately, saying that he was as busy as a dog and forgot the big homework of the structure class.

"It's due tomorrow! Ah, I can't tell you anymore, I'm going to catch up now, and I have to get out all night."

Zhuang Yan: "Exactly, I only made half of it."

Qin Heyu: "What is just right? Are you mocking me!"

Zhuang Yan laughed, and sent a screenshot of the structure teacher's email to Xiao Qin, who was anxious.

The email reads—

[Considering that some students are short of time because they participated in the competition. They are specially approved to work together to complete the homework through group cooperation. 】

Qin Heyu: "!!"

Qin Heyu: "Hurry up, Xiaoyan, send me half of your homework. Happy cooperation!"

Zhuang Yan sorted out the information, packed it and sent it to Qin Heyu. In fact, he was a little humble. The completion of this homework was far more than half, rounding it up, it could even be almost 80%.

If Qin Heyu takes over, not only does he not need to stay up late. If the calculation goes smoothly and there are no mistakes, maybe it can be completed within three hours.

Classmate Xiao Qin was overjoyed: "Xiaoyan! I'm rushing, and I'll give you a full score tomorrow."

Followed by a cat moved to tears emoticon package.

Zhuang Yan laughed.

It may be because I talked with my brother about it, and then I did the design of the competition, which also went much smoother.

He solved the problem of the speed change field, and he almost knew the take-off and landing points.

Next comes the port of entry—

Zhuang Yan's pen tip lightly poked the paper, thinking that he should think of a good-looking and symbolic theme. Let the port, commercial area and the vast take-off and landing point form a design echo.

There were two or three drafts before, but Zhuang Yan was not very satisfied.

But there is no rush.

He had to revise over and over again, thinking slowly.

Just then he heard Chen E's voice coming back, so Zhuang Yan put down his pen and went downstairs to meet him.

The temperature in Zhongxingxing has been warming up recently, and Zhuang Yan has also changed into light spring clothes.

But Chen E's attire was still the same, with dark military boots, a shirt tucked into his trousers, and a belt around his waist.

Sometimes Zhuang Yan doubts whether he only needs to prepare a few sets of clothes and wear them in rotation throughout the year.

Alpha glances at him.

"Small banquet."

Before Zhuang Yan could speak, Chen E asked again: "Did you see Zhuang Jin?"

Zhuang Yan nodded.

"come over."

Zhuang Yan walked over and was caught. Chen E pulled him into his arms.

Zhuang Yan said consciously: "Brother, tell me to go home a few more times when I have time."

Chen E's eyes drooped, and he looked unhappy, and pressed the back of Omega's neck with his rough palm.

That piece of skin was too sensitive, Zhuang Yan couldn't stand such a touch, and blushed and trembled.

He raised his head and asked, "If you have time then, would you like to accompany me?"

Chen E's eyebrows relaxed slightly, and he hummed.

When he returned to the military headquarters, he occasionally met Zhuang Jin who was visiting in the corridor.

Zhuang Jin had always had a carefree demeanor, but when he saw his younger brother's Alpha, his expression also became very stiff.

There are only a few big characters written on the face-please keep a distance from my children.

Chen E lived a lonely and surly life for most of his life, and he didn't bother to talk to Zhuang Jin at all.

But Xiaoyan was different. Chen E knew how much he valued family affection, and he eagerly sent any funny things to his brother.

You can't lock Zhuang Yan in a cage. Such a beautiful and fragile Omega will wither if it doesn't see the sun.

And Chen E likes to see him smiling gently at him.

It's just that I always feel that if Zhuang Yan gets closer to others, he should stay away from himself.

Chen E went into the kitchen to wash his hands, and then prepared a nutritious meal for the two of them.

Zhuang Yan was obediently by his side like a little tail. He put the lunch box in the stove to heat up, and waited with suppressed anxiety.

"How's the preparation for the competition?"

"It went well." Zhuang Yan said.

In two sentences, the nutritious meal will be ready. Chen E brought it to the table and asked Zhuang Yan to sit opposite him.

He silently took a few mouthfuls of rice and finished it in a hurry. At this time, the Zhuang banquet was still very slow, and there was still more than half of the food in the lunch box.

Chen E squeezed the optical brain, glanced at the screen, and turned it off again.

When Zhuang Yan was almost finished, he said, "Xiao Yan, I'm going back to the border. This time I'll have to stay for at least a few weeks."

Zhuang Yan pinched the chopsticks and paused slightly with her fingertips.

"There are still some local conflicts over there, and we need to fight." He heard Chen E continue to say, "I can't look at you during this time, you should let your classmates and Zhuang Jin accompany you."

Zhuang Yan looked down at the things in his lunch box: "Yes."

He couldn't eat anymore, so he just stood up and cleared the table.

There isn't much to do, and the Alpha has nothing to help.

After Zhuang Yan was done, he washed his hands and returned to Chen E's side.

Omega's skin is very clear and white, and he can almost see the delicate temperature and blood color underneath.

It is always necessary to prepare a suicide note before going out, but Chen E would never tell Zhuang Yan,

He would just say: "You are fine, wait for me to come back."

Don't go home with Zhuang Jin a few times and forget about yourself.

Zhuang Yan looked down at Chen E.

The boy's facial features are exquisite and beautiful, but his eyes at this moment are extremely soft, like an ignorant and harmless deer.

"When to set off?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Chen E." Zhuang Yan said.

Alpha's Adam's apple moved slightly.

Zhuang Yan said seriously: "Don't get hurt, I will worry."

This feeling is very strange, Chen E frowned, unable to say a word for a long time.

There was a slight stabbing pain in my heart, which was not uncomfortable, but I couldn't find a way to relieve it.

He followed Zhuang Yan to the study. Zhuang Yan was going to continue to polish the design, but he couldn't pick up the pen, and he didn't even have the energy to read it.

Chen E put all the drafts aside, simply held Zhuang Yan's waist, picked up Omega and put it on the table.

Zhuang Yan was taken aback and opened his eyes wide.

Chen E kissed his clear eyes like a deer, and kissed the mole on his earlobe.

After two sticky kisses like this, Zhuang Yan obediently became obedient, and put his arm around Alpha's shoulders to be bullied casually.

But no amount of bullying felt enough, it was like a ball of soft cotton was stuffed in his chest.

Chen E's voice was jerky: "Xiao Yan, let me take a bite."

The pretty boy raised his eyelashes tremblingly, and lowered his eyes again. He got down from the table, turned around, and was hugged by Chen E again.

Chen E's heartbeat was fast and anxious, as if it was out of control.

Zhuang Yan flinched, feeling the soft heat on the back of her neck.

He shuddered and closed his eyes.

It was obviously a strong contact, but Chen E's fingers on his waist were very hard, but he kissed the gland very gently.

As if being suspended in mid-air, before the marking started, Zhuang Yan even started to get nervous unconsciously.

His hand was held by Chen E.

The body was also pressed, and the cold wall was pressed against the side of his face.

The moment the gland was bitten, it really hurt, Zhuang Yan suppressed the humming, tears almost overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

Maybe Chen E's high body temperature does have a calming effect. Zhuang Yan's thin and thin back trembled, and was comforted again, and slowly relaxed.

Even if it is not the susceptible period, Alpha's pheromone is still very strong.

Chen E slowly let go of Zhuang Yan, frowned and helped him gently press the marks on the back of his neck.

After the temporary marking is completed, Zhuang Yan has a strong smell of wine and a little sweetness of osmanthus.

He turned around unnaturally, glanced at Chen E, and the corners of his cheeks and eyes were suddenly stained with more delicate blood.

Under the soft warm light, there is a bulge in the center of Alpha trousers.

Chen E's jaw line was tense, and he said fiercely clumsily: "What are you looking at?"

Zhuang Yan hurriedly lowered his head.

But even so, I can see it from the corner of my eye. The young man with no experience in this area was extremely ashamed, so he could only stare at the carpet under his feet, not sure if he should take the initiative to help Chen E solve it.

Chen E's Adam's apple rolled down, and he said, "I'll go wash it first."

Zhuang Yan hummed.

Before going to the bathroom, Chen E depressedly called him again: "Xiao Yan, you can move back to the dormitory after I leave tomorrow morning."

Zhuang Yan's face was still hot.

"it is good."

"I won't move you tonight, don't be afraid."


Zhuang Yan didn't relax his shoulders until Alpha went out the door.

A shallow indentation was left on the glands at the back of the neck, and the skin was soft and thin to the touch.

Zhuang Yan's fingertips were also hot, and he touched it lightly.

He thought, if Chen E just wanted it.

It seems that it is actually...not impossible.

The bathroom is on the third floor. Close the door to isolate the sound from inside and outside.

Chen E turned on the shower head, adjusted the water temperature to the coldest level, and poured water on his body.

His always sharp eyes were closed, his back was straight, and the mottled and hideous scars spread from the shoulders and neck all the way down to the tailbone.

After flushing with cold water for more than ten minutes, the heat still couldn't subside.

Chen E let out a breath slowly.

He was always silent and forbearing at times like this, frowning quietly. It's just that the forearm muscles are tense, and the chest rises and falls a little faster than usual.

A long time passed.

After washing, I put on clean pajamas.

Chen E walked down and saw that the lights in the study had been turned off. 408 is charging in the corridor, and when it sees its owner, its electronic eyes flash once as a greeting.

"What about the small banquet?" Chen E asked.

408 said: "Xiao Yan also went back to her room to take a shower."

Chen E went to the kitchen on the first floor, opened the refrigerator, and poured a glass of milk.

It took some time to warm the milk, and he waited patiently for a while.

When the milk was ready, Alpha took the glass and went upstairs again. The banquet room is now lit, and the door is ajar.

He tapped twice.

A boy's voice came from inside: "Chen E? Come in."

Chen E pushed the door open and walked in.

There was only a small lamp beside the bed, and Zhuang Yan huddled under the quilt. The side face was pressed against the pillow, looking soft and easy to bully.

Chen E bent down and put the glass on the side of the bed. Omega, with messy hair, sat up on the bed.

"Give it to me?" Zhuang Yan asked.

After asking, I felt a little silly. After all, Chen E was allergic to milk and couldn't touch it at all.

"For you." Chen E said.

Zhuang Yan held the cup in his hand and drank slowly in small sips.

Chen E stood with his back against the wall, looking at him gently and without thorns. After the banquet was finished, he took the empty glass.

"Don't worry about me, Xiao Yan."

Alpha was a little uncomfortable, but tried his best to make Zhuang Yan feel at ease. He lowered his eyes and said, "In a place like the border, I'm sure no matter what the price is."

Read The Duke's Passion