MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 465 There is a definite number in the dark...

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Latest website: With Zi Linying's narration, everyone's understanding of this secret realm gradually improved.

First of all, under normal circumstances, Yunlutian is indeed the place where birds, wing, wind, air, etc. monster races ascend.

Not to mention those monster races that originally lived in Yunlutian, most of the poultry monster races will be forcibly summoned to Yunlutian after reaching five stars.

Of course, this Yunlutian is very suitable for the lives of most poultry monster races, whether it is its own rules or the environment.

"Hey~ (Foreign ascendants will be given an airspace, become lords, and enjoy all resources within the airspace... and those bird monsters who were originally born in Yunlutian can reach five-star After that, choose to challenge a certain lord, once the challenge is successful, you can replace the other party, become the new lord, and have the right to dominate the previous lord.)”

Ji Ruo translated Zi Linying's words to everyone.


Emily was a little confused: "Then why don't you just give those native bird monsters an airspace?"

Zi Linying said: "Hey~(The world outside Yunlutian is vast and endless, even if the five-star giant monster can be called one in a billion, there are quite a few who have ascended to Yunlutian. The resource-rich airspace has long been ruled After the division is clean, those who are not rich in resources and the wind in the region is extremely strong, almost no big monster will choose.

It is also because of this that those big monsters from outside often go to war. )”

"So that's how it is..." After listening to Ji Ruo's translation, Gu Xingzhou was thoughtful, but then he became more confused: "If this is the case, why do we need to divide the airspace for those foreign five-stars? , You said that the ascension of this secret realm is mandatory, is it because of the rules of the secret realm itself, or because of some other reason?"

Zi Linying shook his head slightly: "Hey~ (I don't know about this, there is no record of this in my blood inheritance memory.

Ji Ruo thought for a while: "There is another question. Under normal circumstances, does Ascension directly ascend to a specific place in Yunlutian, or does it descend randomly?"

Zi Linying said honestly: "Hey~ (The ascended ones will appear uniformly in the Heavenly King Hall in the Nine Heavens, and His Majesty the Heavenly King will confer on them and give them the airspace.

The white cat suddenly had a flash of inspiration and asked: "Then if there are creatures that are not native to Yunlutian, nor are they ascended, but come here through other means, will there be any impact?"

Zi Linying thought for a while, then shook his head slightly: "Hey~(I don't know, I'm just a four-star eagle demon, and my knowledge is limited... But, if it wasn't for Ascension, I shouldn't have appeared in the Palace of Heavenly Kings, right? As for the should not be, because no matter which airspace the outsider appears in, they will be regarded as the private property of the airspace lord by default. What will happen depends on the luck of the stowaway, or the airspace lord temper preferences...)”

As he spoke, Zi Linying's body trembled slightly.

Because it has now signed a contract with Ji Ruo, recognizing Ji Ruo as the master, and is now serving as everyone's mount.

Previously, with the blessing of the [Camouflage] effect, it thought that Ji Ruo and the others were strange-looking birds, but has never seen a human being!

Its new owner is a stowaway!

Thinking about it, Zi Linying hurriedly said: "Hey~ (but masters, don't worry, this is the lowest level of the Nine Heavens, except for some barren empty islands, there are endless sky and strong winds, there are no lords here , so don't worry...)”

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Those who sneaked in like them obviously did not ascend normally, and the landing point naturally came randomly.

Knowing all this, Ji Ruo frowned, worried about the safety of Liang Shixian and others, and also worried about Jing Lan's current situation - after all, the reason why they came to Yunlutian was because Jing Lan used some means to be in the Before he died, he asked Dabao and Erbao for help through the connection between bloodlines...

Combined with Zi Linying's description, Jing Lan's situation is probably not optimistic.

As for Tongtian Jianmu and Xuntian Island Whale...Although there may be dangers, Xuntian Island Whale has a strong bloodline and is almost a five-star adult, with a bright future.

Tongtian Jianmu has already cleared the way forward, and he also carries two secret realms on his body. Even if he encounters danger, these two should be able to persist for a while, so don't worry about it for the time being.

The top priority is to find Liang Shixian and Sheila first. In addition, there is that "His Majesty the Heavenly King", I am afraid it is worth noting...

Being able to confer five stars as a lord can also be recognized by the lords... a conservative estimate is also the peak of five stars, or even six stars!

Even Ji Ruo and Gu Xingzhou didn't know how powerful the six-star monster clan was.

Regarding the six stars, about the realm above the Heavenly Human Realm of Martial Dao, there is no specific record even in Great Xia.

That kind of state, probably among the warriors guarding the starry sky in the Great Xia, and probably among the Nine Sects of the hidden world, but there is no information or even a few words of written descriptions handed down.

It was as if there was some kind of taboo in that realm.

The old Ji in the future may know, and according to the words of the future Lao Liang, the old Ji may have already surpassed that level, otherwise it would be impossible to bring harmony to all races by himself... But Ji Ruo He won't ask, he has to find it by himself.

Thinking about it, Ji Ruo threw away his shoes, planning to look for Liang Shixian first.

Sheila is the goddess of death, so it's not that easy to get into trouble. On the contrary, Liang Shixian has just entered the golden body state. Although his background is not weak, he is still worse than other people in the team.

"But speaking of it, the situation this time is not much different from that of the martial arts exam back then. The squad leader should be able to last us to find him, right?"

Ji Ruo muttered to himself, commanding Zi Lin Ying to fly towards the tip of the shoe.


Theoretically, Yunlutian has no real existence on the ground, and itself is an unimaginably huge "sky" world.

The blue sky and white clouds inside are not static.

Not only Gangfeng, but also various astronomical changes.

The so-called His Royal Highness the Heavenly King is the ruler of Yunlutian. He has absolute control over Yunlutian. Through the supreme power, he divides the entire Yunlutian into nine heavens, and each sky is divided into a large number of airspaces. , but even so, these airspaces are still divided up, so that the native creatures of the Yunlu group have no place to be canonized after being promoted to five stars...

Therefore... the number of five-star monsters in Yunlutian is too large to imagine.

Liang Shixian was very unlucky.

The place where he fell was in the Seventh Heaven, and as soon as he came, he encountered a land grab.

If it wasn't for the fact that his own hard work has already been superb, and he has even cultivated martial arts supernatural powers, the first time he opened the golden body and the Fudo King body, plus the continuous recovery magic that Emily blessed him with, he might have died .

Just because the two sides vying for territory at this moment—

Liang Shixian raised his eyes.

The golden sun exploded across the sky, bursting into flames and frantic.

The two sides in the battle are two five-star bird monsters with fire attributes!

"Three-legged Golden Crow...God Flame Sparrow..."

Liang Shixian's heart gradually sank.

At this moment, he was under the place where the two great monsters were fighting, and under his feet was a piece of ground-like, half-solid cloud.

The two fire attribute five-star monsters fought, the sky fire permeated, exploded, sputtered and fell continuously.

Liang Shixian was too close and the temperature was too high, even if he hadn't really touched it, it made him complain endlessly.

The air in his mouth was as hot as magma... No, it was even hotter, Liang Shixian's internal organs were as hot as if they were about to be roasted.

Liang Shixian tried his best to urge the body of Fudoming King, the original black and golden body of Fudoming King has been burnt red, scorching high temperature... If Liang Shixian hadn't been accustomed to the 'Bajitian', he had the ability to deal with all kinds of extreme environments With extremely strong resistance, and if he can continue to adapt and improve, he may not be able to support it long ago.

Even so, he persisted very reluctantly.

"This luck is too bad... Yunlutian is too unfriendly. Although watching the battle of the five-star monster up close is not small, it is too tortured... I feel like I can't last anymore I don’t know how Ji Ruo and the others are doing now, alas..."

Liang Shixian struggled to support, his thoughts were confused.

It's not that he didn't think about running, but the five-star war, the monster aura is so strong, it's unimaginable.

Coupled with the real five-star coercion, Liang Shixian was already very reluctant to use his martial arts supernatural powers to support him. His body seemed to be crushed by several mountains, and it was difficult to move his legs.

"I can't help it, I'm not sanctified, I'm afraid it won't last long..."

Liang Shixian felt that a large amount of water in his body was evaporating under the high temperature, and his consciousness gradually began to blur, and he sighed in his heart.

"I hope my previous assumptions are correct..."

He wasn't sure either, but the current situation couldn't help him to think too much.

Liang Shixian tried his best, gritted his teeth and sat cross-legged, the real energy in his body circulated to the extreme, seemingly slow but actually fast, and began to exercise according to a special law.

This is the method of martial arts sanctification, and it is a secret method that every warrior who has been to the border must learn.

Although Liang Shixian didn't go through the normal way at the beginning, he also quietly learned this secret method-the secret method of martial arts sanctification is not difficult.

Even when he was in the Earth Mother Continent, Liang Shixian almost sanctified, but he failed.

The secret method was running, and Liang Shixian felt that the Qi veins and Xingxuan in his body were being scraped by steel knives, causing intense pain.

But he didn't change his face, and continued to operate the secret method.

Visible to the naked eye, his martial arts golden body, his martial arts supernatural powers, began to solidify.

The martial arts will that had already degenerated into a golden body of martial arts began to sublimate to the utmost, turning the emptiness into reality.

Dazzling golden light bloomed from his body, but compared with the two big monsters in the sky, it was like the light of rice grains.

"Don't die, it's a bit aggrieved to die in a place like this..."

Liang Shixian prayed in his heart.

The secret method in operation suddenly changed.

Bajitian·The method of breathing circulates quietly, turning into internal breath, and the whole person turns into a golden statue, with a calm expression, but not angry and majestic.

The eight arms of King Fudo Ming's body solidified behind him, and each of them pinched the seal formula, and they were frozen here!

He did not completely sanctify, but based on his previous experience of almost sanctifying, coupled with the experience and gains in the secret realm of the Martial Arts Association, he made some changes to the sanctification secret method.

"Fortunately, it worked."

Today's him can be called semi-holy, the kind that can be awakened, but the time should not be too long, or whether he can wake up when the time comes is another matter.

"I hope that Ji Ruo can find me quickly, otherwise I will really die... But should I leave a suicide note or something? If I really die, although I feel aggrieved, I still have an explanation ..."

Liang Shixian's thoughts gradually fell into silence. Facing the five-star war, he used a semi-sacred method to feign death to resist.

The battle between the two five-star giant monsters can be said to be devastating, and this is the result of their deliberate holding back.

After all, their main purpose is to fight for territory. If they really want to smash the empty island, what is the use of grabbing the territory?

The Divine Flame Sparrow was chirping, and the three-legged Golden Crow was rattling continuously.

This battle has been going on for a long time before Liang Shixian's arrival. Although it seems that the three-legged Golden Crow is stronger, the fire resistance of the Divine Flame Sparrow itself should not be underestimated. They are both five-star fire birds. Can't do anything about it.

After a long time, the two sides ceased fighting.

Shen Yanque scolded the three-legged Golden Crow for being an old bastard, and the three-legged Golden Crow attacked Shen Yanque's body and height, but no one got any benefit.

The two sides scolded fiercely, but they couldn't continue the fight.

Finally, God Flame Sparrow let go of his harsh words: "Chirp! (Old miscellaneous hair! You are considered to be very good today, wait until I convince that Fengshen Falcon to take advantage of the wind and kill you! This airspace, I'm going to fix it!

The three-legged Jinwu smiled contemptuously: "Quack~(Can that Fengshen Falcon have a crush on you? Don't be ridiculous, who doesn't know that Fengshen Falcon is lazy? If you can convince her, how about I send you off in this airspace !)”

"Chirp! (Let's see!

Shen Yanque gave the three-legged Jinwu a hard look, and then planned to leave.

Before leaving, he caught a glimpse of a golden glow and took it with him without thinking too much about it.

You can't come empty-handed when you come to ask for help, right? Although I don't know what it is, but it's shiny, and it's very suitable for gift giving.

The three-legged Jinwu didn't know what the Divine Flame Sparrow had taken away, but he didn't intend to care.

There is nothing precious in this airspace, he won't fight the God Flame Sparrow again because of such a trivial matter - he is also a little tired after a multi-day battle.

However, he will not be stingy with verbal ridicule.


At the same time, Jiuchongtian, somewhere in the Palace of Heavenly Kings.

"Say! What kind of martial arts are you guys!"

Ji Xiaoxiao pinched the collar of the female martial artist, and asked viciously.

The 'little brothers' were all drained, and it was difficult to recover in a short period of time. It was too stingy.

He originally planned to kill this guy, but he felt that this guy seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

This guy is a brand-new martial art that was born through the combination of countless times of martial arts villains. In theory, he should not know this guy, but the problem is that he seems to know him, but he can't remember...

The martial arts and Taoism in his body can't be said to be weird, it can only be said to be quite weird, and it can even be called evil skills, and in terms of quality, it can almost be compared with fantasy martial arts such as Bajitian!

This is the real martial art that learns from others' strengths!

The female Wu Xue looked very pitiful: "Little brother, I..."

'Snapped! '

Ji Xiaoxiao was merciless, he raised his hand and slapped his face: "You are so human, or I will let you sink into a nightmare forever!"

"Hey..." The female Wu Xue who was slapped was about to continue to seduce her, but seeing Ji Xiaoxiao's hand was filled with black air, UU Reading turned into a hideous chainsaw in an instant, and hurriedly changed her words: "My name is "Yin-Yang Hehuan Code"! Don't kill me, my lord!"


Ji Xiaoxiao was stunned: "What did you say your name was?!"

Female martial arts repeat.

Yin-Yang Acacia Ceremony? !


This shit!

Twenty years later, Hehuan taught the township skills? ! What the **** did you create it? !

No... I just let them dream, and I didn't do anything excessive...

Ji Xiaoxiao suddenly felt guilty and coughed dryly: "It seems that there is a definite number in the dark..."


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