MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 464 sky chase

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Considering the situation of the red-tailed kite and Rosie, Ji Ruo and Gu Xingzhou looked at each other and blurted out almost simultaneously:

"There should be wings to fly here!"

Ji Ruoben is a person with a clear mind, and Gu Xingzhou has been the director of the Education Department for many years, and even participated in the exploration and development of some secret realms, so he naturally saw the key to the problem.

Gu Xingzhou frowned: "It's a bit troublesome for those who have wings to fly..."

The structure of the human body is different from that of birds. Even if they really have wings, they cannot fly by flapping around.

He thought carefully, and said: "I do know that there are some martial arts that can be temporarily transformed into monsters after they have reached a great level of practice. It's just that during the cultivation process, a large amount of demon blood needs to be brewed in a medicinal bath, and even swallowed... However, the process of cultivation In the process, one's own blood will be polluted, the demon power will be mixed with true essence, and it will be extremely messy, and the fierceness of the demon will rush against the spirit orifices, and it will be easy to go crazy... and we don't have time to practice now..."

After pondering for a moment, Gu Xingzhou opened his arms, and with the method of shape and meaning, his true essence stretched and turned into wings.

The wings of true essence wrap the arms, the feathers are distinct, and the texture is extremely clear, shining brightly in the sun.

However, it still didn't work.

If you can't fly, you can't fly.

Then Gu Xingzhou began to try other methods. Although all of them failed without exception, as the former director of the Education Department, he was well-informed and had a lot of solutions.

He keeps trying.

Ji Ruo glanced at him, leaned over to Rosie's ear and said something.

Then Rosie nodded, and flew behind Ji Ruo, laying on Ji Ruo's back, her pair of black wings became bigger again, at first glance, it looked like Ji Ruo's own wings.

Gu Xingzhou tried for a long time, but couldn't fly into the sky, his brows were tightly frowned, and he was about to say something when he saw Ji Ruo sitting cross-legged in the air, with black wings flapping behind him, looking at him with relish.

Gu Xingzhou: "?"

"Ji Ruo, where did you get the wings!"


Rosie poked her head out from Ji Ruo's shoulder, wondering, "Master, why do you have wings?"

Gu Xingzhou: "..."

Ji Ruo laughed, stretched out his hand towards Gu Xingzhou, and said, "Come on, Uncle Gu, I'll take you flying!"

Rosie pouted: "Obviously I brought it, and I grew these wings!"

"Okay, okay, you brought it, hahaha."

They finally took off, followed the guidance of the sneakers, and flew obliquely towards the sky.

"It's not good for us to just fly up like this?" Gu Xingzhou was pulled by Ji Ruo, his body's true energy circulated, and he tried various light skills one after another, but he couldn't overcome the strong sense of weightlessness.

As they lifted off, the island they were on just now became smaller and smaller, surrounded by blue sky and white clouds, without any support, and further down, there was the same blue sky and white clouds. But he couldn't see the ground, and the sky seemed endless.

"In case it is exposed and besieged by something..."

Gu Xingzhou swallowed.

It's been a long time, and he feels like he's a little afraid of heights... If something happens to this, and he falls, he may not be able to reach the bottom in a day of free fall, right?

If you are less courageous, you will be scared to death in mid-air... People are dead, and the body is still falling...

Many bad thoughts could not be restrained in Gu Xingzhou's mind.

I can't go back to the empty island just now, they flew obliquely...

When Ji Ruo heard this, he nodded slightly: "Uncle Gu, you are right, it is indeed not very good."

As he said that, he conveniently brushed a [Camouflage] for everyone.

"Okay, now you don't have to worry about being exposed."


Gu Xingzhou looked confused: "Did you do something just now?"

Ji Ruo said casually, "I'm mentally prepared."


You have to be mentally prepared for a fart!

The white cat also lost its ability to fly, lying on Ji Ruo's back as well, and also became afraid of heights.

In this seemingly bottomless secret realm of the sky, even a four-star monster can't help being afraid if he loses the ability to fly.

And as the altitude climbed, a strong wind began to appear, like a steel knife scraping a bone.

The higher you go, the more powerful the wind will be.

"This secret realm is not a good place either." Ji Ruo sighed, but he didn't care about this level of gale, his Vajra Immortality Magical Skill could resist it easily.

Although Gu Xingzhou doesn't know the invincibility of King Kong, he also has hard skills, but he can't compare with Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian.

At the moment, I am gritting my teeth and insisting.

"This gang wind seems to have the effect of refining the body."

"Then blow more."

The black wings fluttered, and the group flew higher and higher.




! "

A piercing scream fell from the sky, Ji Ruo raised his head in surprise as he heard it familiar.

But I saw a black spot falling rapidly, and when I got closer, I saw the beautiful golden hair shining, dancing with the strong wind.

The originally beautiful and delicate face was blown into a good look by the strong wind, and some crystals floated from his face, and he was left behind by him, and he didn't know whether it was saliva or tears.

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"Ahhhhhhhh? If you are here, what a coincidence, you guys are going-ahhhh, save me quickly!


While the figure was falling, seeing Ji Ruo, he greeted Ji Ruo happily, and then realized what was going on with him, and continued to fall screaming.

Ji Ruo: "..."

Gu Xingzhou: "..."

Sister Rosie: "..."

Needless to say, besides Emily, who else could be so nervous?

Ji Ruo hurriedly told Rosie to change direction, swooped down, and managed to catch up with Emily.

"Woooooo, Ji Ruo, this place is too scary!"

After being rescued, Emily hugged Ji Ruo tightly like an octopus, crying: "I don't know why I can't fly... half an hour! I have been in free fall for half a day hours!

The wind here is so strong that it almost killed me... woo woo woo..."

Everyone: "..."

This guy is also very unlucky. He probably has been in free fall since he came in.

Ji Ruo was about to say a few words of comfort when suddenly—

"Hey! (Where did you come from, the little demon, you still haven't let go of my food!

A gigantic purple lin eagle let out an angry cry, with a mighty demonic aura, overwhelming all directions, and the purple lightning thunder swam around the whole body, with its wings closed, it rushed towards everyone like a flying shuttle.

Gu Xingzhou exclaimed: "The four-star peak Zilin Eagle?! If you run quickly, this is their home field. The situation is not good for us, so we can't fight it here!"

Of course Ji Ruo knew this truth, and told Rosie to turn around and hurry up.

Naturally, Rosie was also afraid, so she turned around directly without giving any orders.

"Hey! (Okay, still dare to run? You are so ugly, I will eat you together!

Under the effect of [Camouflage], Ji Ruo, Luo Xi, Bai Mao, and Gu Xingzhou seemed to be one in the eyes of the purple hawk.

However, although Rosie is already a four-star peak monster, she is still in a normal form at this moment, and the power she can use is limited.

In addition, the situation was urgent, and Ji Ruo told her to run quickly, so that Rosy was so upset that she suddenly forgot that she would transform—she was still a bit timid, and she used to be backed up by Ji Ruo. But now that Ji Ruo told her to run away, how dare she stop?

As the two sides chased and fled, the Zilin Eagle kept screaming angrily, and bursts of purple thunder pierced through the void, shooting towards Ji Ruo and the others.

Emily yelled, "Rosie, hurry up, hurry up! I'm going to be caught up!"

Although the Zilin Eagle's bloodline is not as powerful as the Fengshen Falcon, it can be regarded as one of the darlings of the sky, especially its bloodline has the attribute of thunder, and when flying, the distance between the two sides is constantly shortening.

"It's already flying with all its strength!

"Rosie flapped her wings frantically and flew at full speed, feeling as if her shoulder blades were not her own.

Gu Xingzhou glanced back, his eyes flickered, and he gritted his teeth suddenly: "Ji Ruo, you throw me over!"


"I'll stop it, you run first... Don't worry, I'm not going back to die, if I'm lucky, I can catch a mount!"

"Mount? Makes sense, but Uncle Gu, it's not time to go all out yet." Ji Ruo said, with a flick of his wrist, silver light flowed, Wanhua's arsenal turned into a pistol according to his mind, Ji Ruo didn't turn his head, Pull the trigger backhand.

Sword qi shot out one after another, unparalleled in sharpness, and when it hit the purple lin eagle, its skin was torn apart and its blood splashed.

A large number of damaged purple scales fell off, and under the pain, the Zilin Eagle became furious and even more ferocious.

Everything is a Sword Pistol Sword Jue has limited power, but it is already the strongest attack that Ji Ruo can unleash in haste.

He needs to hold Gu Xingzhou with his other hand. The latter is being pulled and dangled in the air, unable to see what is sprayed from the muzzle of the gun. Emily hugs Ji Ruo's thigh, bluffing I'm still afraid, and I don't see clearly.

It was the Zilin Eagle who was beaten and began to curse - it had never seen a pistol, and it didn't know what sword energy was.

After all, the way of swordsmanship was created by the human race, and it is the acquired way, so it is normal for it not to know it.

With the talent of 'Crisis Premonition', Rosie presciently avoided all the purple thunders released by the Zilin Eagle. The hair on her body was affected by the electric ions in the air, as if it was fried.

Although it was dangerous, no one was injured.

On the contrary, Zi Linying, one or two 'pistol sword qi' may hurt very lightly, but when added together, the damage is also very considerable.

In addition, the Zilin Eagle was still flying rapidly. After being cut by the sword energy, the sword intent either remained in the wound, or penetrated into the body along the wound and continued to destroy it.

It didn't take long before it couldn't hold on anymore.

"Zi! (Damn! Damn! Zi Linying yelled again and again: "Zi! (I'll let you go for now, **** ugly bird, when I recover from my injuries, go to Qiongbi and fall to hell, I will kill you too! you!

The Zilin Eagle slowed down its flying speed bitterly. The attack from that strange weapon was really too weird. The more it endured, the more uncomfortable it became. It lost a lot of demon blood, and it became a little weak.

"Want to run? Do I agree?"

Ji Ruo snorted coldly, and said to Rosie: "Rosie, go back and chase it!"


Rosie trusted Ji Ruo unconditionally, although she was still a little scared, she still turned her head resolutely.

Zi Linying froze for a moment, then stopped retreating, and smiled bloodthirstyly: "Hey! (He is not small, he dares to seek death!

The bloodline spell was cast, and the Zilin Eagle turned into a purple lightning thunder, faster than before!

"It's not sure who wants to die!" Ji Ruo shook his wrist again, and the pistol turned into a hand cannon at will, aiming at Zi Linying.

The two sides hedged and approached rapidly.

Gu Xingzhou took a deep breath, circulated his true energy, turned his hands into golden color, and slapped hard!

"Sky Monument Palm!


Two huge golden palm prints of the Tianbei condensed from the void, and slammed into the purple eagle in the center, but before the two palm prints met, they seemed to have lost their power, and they passed a not-so-elegant path. Parabola, falling down.


Seeing this, Gu Xingzhou couldn't help but swear.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't have wings and is forbidden to fly, why can't it even fly with martial arts palm prints!

What the hell, the palm prints are all condensed!

It fell down like two ordinary golden bricks... Gu Xingzhou was a little suspicious of life.

Why can Ji Ruo's 'bullet' fly?

Zi Linying was getting closer and closer, but Gu Xingzhou couldn't help looking up at Ji Ruo.

But Ji Ruo was holding a hand cannon, his white hair was fluttering in the wind, and his expression was calm.

There was an astonishing sword intent condensed on the hand cannon, and the muzzle was glowing with bright sword light, ready to go.


Ji Ruo waved the hand cannon fiercely from bottom to top, and an extremely condensed broad sword aura spewed out from the muzzle of the hand cannon.

The white clouds in the sky were split into two, the cannon seemed to cut off the sky, and even the wind seemed to stop for a moment.



The Zilin Eagle let out a scream, its sharp and strong beak collided with the sword energy, metal and iron screamed, it was cut off directly, and fell down.

And the two also collided at this moment.

Rosie showed off her skills and was promoted at a critical moment.

The Zilin Eagle's beak was chopped off, and it was so painful that he couldn't breathe. Subconsciously, he covered his face with his wings, his expression distorted in pain, and fell down.

Seeing this, Ji Ruo didn't hesitate, took out his divine light stick, swung Gu Xingzhou to hug his other leg, and shouted: "Transform!"

A dazzling divine light flashed, and the three merged into one.

Ji Ruo's astral world bloomed, filling the giant of light, Rosie also merged with Ji Ruo at this moment, and the black wings became the wings of the giant of light.

The Giant of Light, which is hundreds of meters high, with a pair of 'pocket' black wings on its back, barely stays in mid-air, and the wings are fluttering, but it is also slowly descending - it can't be taken away.

But it doesn't matter, Ji Ruo didn't intend to fly in this form.

He manipulated the giant of light, reached out and grabbed it, and immediately grabbed the Zilin Eagle by the throat, like holding a chicken.

"What did you just say? Are we ugly?"

"Hey~(I, ahem, king, I'm just joking...hiss!

While speaking, he pulled the wound, and gasped again.

Ji Ruo shook Zilinying in his hand, causing Zilinying to cry out in pain again, and beat him violently in the air, which made the other party "willingly" sign a contract with him.

"Hey, hey~ (Master, I was wrong, I was really wrong, can you let me go first, my mouth hurts...

Ji Ruo let go of it, and by the way, untransformed, UU Read Book let everyone sit on its back to dissipate the sword intent in its body, and asked Emily to perform healing magic to heal its injuries.

Feeling that the pain subsided, the wound was cold, itchy and crispy, and it was recovering constantly, Zi Linying's eyes were full of surprise: "Oh~ (this food is good...


"Hey! (cough cough, I mean this king is so powerful!

The situation turned around so quickly that Gu Xingzhou was still a little unable to react.

However, Ji Ruo has already started asking Zi Linying for some news about Yunlutian.

"Tell us about the situation of this secret realm."

"嘤~(Good master. While waiting for the recovery from the injury, Zi Linying said honestly: "嘻~(This is Yunlutian, which is all birds, feathers, air and wind in the world. ...the place where the monster race ascends...


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