MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 276

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Although the Marvel Cinematic Universe has not yet begun, it is better to say that it is now in the stage of restarting.

But there is absolutely no need for Lu Yuan to be arrested here with Tony and locked up. Why does he have to be arrested?

"I said, you arrested the wrong person," Lu Yuan thought of this, and immediately rushed to the iron gate, shouting.

He's going out to open a bar, and he's going to open a story bar in the Marvel Universe.

Speaking of which, the agents who were in DC before were miserable by him.

Lu Yuan didn't know what would happen to those people in the store when he ran.

I hope I (the author) will not forget them when I return to DC in the future, otherwise it will be too pitiful.

back to the front.

Ethan was taken aback and stopped quickly: "What are you doing? Lu, you will annoy them and you will die."

Lu Yuan didn't care, if he wanted to, he would just blow up the place.

What's more, the iron gate in front of him couldn't stop him.

Lu Yuan just didn't want to do that, so it seemed that he was just incompetent and furious, shouting outside the iron gate: "Hurry up and open the door for Lao Tzu and let Lao Tzu out, or I will kill you."

He was too arrogant, and soon there was a sound of footsteps outside, and there was a chatter, not knowing which language.

But Lu Yuan quickly understood that they were saying that Lu Yuan was too arrogant and wanted to teach him a lesson.


The iron door was opened, and several big men with guns rushed in, roaring, pointing their guns at Lu Yuan and asking him to follow him out.

Ethan explained quickly.

However, Lu Yuan said unconcernedly: "Ethan, don't worry, I'll come when I go."

Are you planning to go out yet? Why are you still going? Shouldn't you still come back here?

Lu Yuan probably didn't notice the loophole in his words, and followed the Ten Rings Gang to the outside.

When I came outside, it was actually a simple headquarters in the cave.

A big man at the head picked up the **** of his gun and went to smash Lu Yuan.


Lu Yuan grabbed the **** of the gun, and the expression on his face suddenly became cold.

Lu Yuan's attitude changed suddenly, he glanced coldly at the people around him, and snorted coldly, "Courtesy of death?"

Everyone was stunned, they had never seen such an arrogant hostage.

The big man was even more angry and took out a pistol in his other hand, about to attack Lu Yuan.

As a result, Lu Yuan raised his hand to grab the man's hand and squeezed it violently.


I don't know if it was the sound of broken bones or the sound of the gun being crushed.

In short, in Lu Yuan's hands, the man's gun and hand were severely deformed.

"Ah," the man immediately screamed, his head was covered in cold sweat, and he knelt down as soon as his knees softened.

The others were startled and quickly pointed their guns at Lu Yuan, and someone had already shot.

The room was suddenly filled with continuous gunshots.

But looking at Lu Yuan again, all the bullets stopped in front of him, mind power.

This move by Lu Yuan immediately terrified everyone.

At least in the Marvel Cinematic Universe right now, there haven't been so many amazing things or superhumans, it's abrupt.

More suddenly, Lu Yuan didn't kill these people, although he could do that at any time, killing them with these bullets with his mind power.

But Lu Yuan finally chose to let these bullets pass through them.

"I could kill you all, but I didn't do that," Lu Yuan folded his arms, pulled a chair with his mind and sat down.

Everyone in the Ten Rings Gang was dumbfounded and looked at Lu Yuan at a loss.

One thing they still knew was that Lu Yuan could indeed kill them if he wanted to.

But he didn't.

"What's your purpose?" someone asked, and it seemed they weren't stupid either.

Lu Yuan smiled and said, "I'm going to live here for a while, but I don't know how your food is. So, at least prepare me three dishes and one soup every day, as well as beer and drinks, I want iced ones. ."

After listening to the Ten Rings Gang's people, the whole person is not well. Did they get an uncle to come back?

At this moment, another group of people came in from outside, led by a bald boy.

I don't know why, does the villain have to be bald? It's very stressful, okay?

"You seem to have a lot of demands?" The bald man looked at Lu Yuan with peculiar eyes, as if guessing his identity, and even threatened: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Lu Yuan smiled: "No one can kill me, at least you can't. I won't talk nonsense with you. If I can't do what I want, I will kill you tomorrow."

Lu Yuan said, stood up and left, and took the initiative to go back to the previous room.

The rest of the people looked at the bald man, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Is he sent by that person?" The bald man asked suddenly without a word.

Only his subordinates understood, and one person said, "It shouldn't be, or Obadiah should greet you, right?"

Obadiah, that is the second largest shareholder of the Stark Group, one of the founders of the Stark Group, and a friend of Tony's father Howard Stark.

However, what Tony didn't expect was that there was Obadiah in this incident, and even Obadiah betrayed him.

The reason why the people of the Ten Rings Gang were able to ambush so smoothly and successfully capture Tony was that Obadiah leaked the secret.

"I see," the bald man nodded to show that he understood. Facing the answers his subordinates were waiting for, he said, "try to meet his requirements, and then try to win over. Does it even have superpowers? Interesting and interesting."


"But boss, what if you can't win over?" Someone asked a silly question.

The bald man said angrily: "You still use me to teach you? Of course it is to kill. People who are useless to our Ten Commandments Gang should die."

"But he can block bullets," someone couldn't help but be startled when they thought of what they had just seen.

The bald man felt helpless for their stupidity, so he had to teach them: "You can use poison or bombs. Can he defend against bullets and bombs?"

What a bunch of stupid idiots.

The subordinates showed expressions of admiration one after another, and the boss really deserved to be the boss.

Next is waiting to be arranged.

Looking at Lu Yuan on the other side, it's not that he doesn't know what happened after he left, but it doesn't matter.

Lu Yuan came back on his own initiative, which surprised Ethan. He came back intact after making a fuss?

There was even the Ten Rings Gang directly carrying a case of wine and placing it in the house.

Ethan was amazed, how did this happen?

Lu Yuan also invited Ethan to drink a bottle.

The environment here is indeed very difficult, and eating and drinking can only be handled casually, so Ethan is welcome.

Especially that night, it was rare to see meat. Ethan was very happy. Could it be Chinese New Year?

Lu Yuan, on the other hand, felt sigh and hardship, and almost rushed out without excitement to destroy the Ten Rings Gang.

How could the Ten Rings Gang think that they met Lu Yuan's request, but were almost wiped out.

502、Tony Stark woke up

It wasn't until the next day that Tony woke up.

Then he was stunned by his own experience.

Because he now has some tubes inserted in his body, and even his chest has traces of surgery, especially where he was injured before, there was a burst of pain.

Tony also saw that there were two people around a table not far away. There were some peanuts and other things on the table. The two of them had already drunk, and there were many wine bottles around.

This is obviously drinking too much.

How is this going? Where are you?

Tony couldn't remember what happened, but there was a panic in his heart, which made him pull off the tubes with trembling hands and struggled to get up.

"Where is this place? Hey," Tony asked.

Lu Yuan smashed peanuts, turned his head to look at Tony, and spread his hands: "Ask me, "Seven Zero Three"? I don't know, I was caught with you, and I was implicated by you. The person who answered you is now also drunk by me and laid down."

As soon as Lu Yuan finished speaking, Ethan, who didn't know how much he drank, fell to the ground with a 'pop' and fell asleep directly.

Ethan was originally a very restrained person, but he couldn't stand Lu Yuan's persuasion.

And maybe it's a sad memory.

Ethan originally lived in a nearby village, with a wife and daughter, a not very wealthy, but absolutely happy family.

However, since the arrival of the Ten Rings Gang, everything has changed. His wife and daughter have died, and he himself was caught here, and he has to serve the Ten Rings Gang.

Because Ethan is also a doctor, at least he knows some medical knowledge, and he is considered a talent, and he is still one of the few who can understand English.

That's why he was left behind, otherwise his life would have been in crisis.

But how could Ethan forget his family.

He just doesn't have enough strength to resist and take revenge.

Lu Yuan looked at the fallen Ethan, shook his head, and sighed: "Tony, Tony, although you didn't kill people with weapons, do you know how many people you killed with your weapons?"

Tony scoffed at this.

Now he has not become a superhero, let alone such a high consciousness.

Now he is still just a playboy. If you tell him that romance may be able to take care of you, say something else? He has countless excuses to refute you.

After all, Tony is a top student from MIT and has several degrees.

"What happened to me? What happened to you? What did you do? What did you do to me?" Tony only cares about his physical condition now.

And he doesn't know Lu Yuan anymore, the universe has been restarted.

Lu Yuan didn't feel sad either. Facing Tony's accusation, he just repeated what Ethan had done to him before: "You, you were bombed by your own bomb."

Lu Yuan didn't exaggerate, but he deliberately described it as very interesting. In a humorous tone, he described that Tony was indeed full of shrapnel at that time.

"In order to save your life, he completed a near-perfect operation in such an environment, and then you have to thank others," Lu Yuan pointed to Ethan and let Tony know who saved him.

However, Lu Yuan is not an exaggeration. In such an environment, Tony can still survive. To be honest, it is a miracle.

This is really all Ethan's credit.

Even Ethan knew Tony, and almost all of Ethan's family were killed by Tony's weapons.

As long as Ethan takes his anger at Tony, he can silently let Iron Man die.

But Ethan didn't, he saved Tony.

When Lu Yuan and Ethan were drinking and chatting last night, Ethan also said what he said in his heart. He had hoped that Tony would die during the operation, but he would never kill Tony himself, instead he would wholeheartedly save Tony.

Tony then covered his forehead, sat beside the bed and fell into deep thought, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

Maybe he will find out in conscience too?


"Who are you?" Tony began to ask Lu Yuan's identity.

Lu Yuan asked back, "What do you think?"

"You are not from the military, and you are not from them. Who are you? I remembered that you suddenly appeared when you were suddenly attacked, but you were sitting on the battlefield without being hurt. , who are you? Why are you there?" Tony didn't lose his memory, he just wasn't ready for emergencies.

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