MTL - I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years-Chapter 275

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OAA is unimaginable, no one can imagine the existence of OAA, and he can only know his existence when he sees it in person.

Even OAA can be in any form. In the eyes of ordinary people, maybe he is just an ordinary person, in the eyes of the universe gods, he is a god, and in the eyes of animals, he is some kind of animal.

In Lu Yuan's eyes, she was an extremely beautiful beauty.

OAA didn't mind either, she was born from her heart, but Lu Yuan looked enchanting and beautiful, but it wouldn't affect him.

"You have helped me, and I will help you too. But it's not easy for you to be detached for your wives," OAA said straight to the point: "Even if I claim to be the master of Marvel's omnipotent universe, you should also know that, Your wives play a vital role in the Marvel Universe."

Ancient One, Natasha, Ganata, and Wanda.

Of course, they are all vital, even Ganata, as a multiverse-level entity, is also indispensable.

"And they also have the power of many single universes in the Marvel universe," OAA mentioned, Lu Yuan once obtained the nightmare dimension for Gu Yi, Natasha holds two Infinity Stones, and Wanda also has the Crimson Universe.

These are all closely related to Marvel.

"What if I return them all?" Lu Yuan asked.

In the past, they still needed those powers, but now they have become the goddess of creation along with the women participating in the construction of an almighty universe.

What's more, the child has already been born, and there is no need to rely on the infinite gems and the single universe to provide nutrition.

OAA shook its head: "That's meaningless ¨'."

Lu Yuan frowned impatiently and questioned, "Are you sure you really want to help me?"

"Of course," OAA looked at Lu Yuan's eyes frankly, without perfunctory eyes, and explained: "What you have to do now is actually very simple, not as difficult as you think. To put it bluntly, you have to go through a test, and there are trade-offs and substitutions.”

"What do you mean?" Lu Yuan was puzzled and didn't understand what OAA meant.

OAA had to further explain: "You have to be detached for them, but they play an important role in this universe. To put it bluntly, it is easy to make them detached, just find a replacement."


"That's right, I'll rebuild the movie universe you wrecked and make everything start again. But this time, although you can participate, you must never have anything to do with them again."

Is that what is meant by so-called substitutes?

Regenerate the cinematic universe and make it all over again.

At that time, Gu Yi and the others will appear again, and this time Lu Yuan will no longer have anything to do with them, and let them become their own substitutes who have become Lu Yuan's wives.

In this way, it means that they have not left in the Marvel universe, and those who leave can be detached.

So that's why it's a substitute.

"This is also your test. You can continue to participate and even change the plot, but the only thing you can't have feelings for them anymore, otherwise you will have to detach yourself again for them. Even your wives will become doppelgangers. ," the OAA warned.

That is to say, Lu Yuan must also participate, and he must also participate in and complete this test himself.

Lu Yuan took a deep breath.

That is to say, even if his wives fall in love with others, he can't care? Still have to watch?


Even if Lu Yuan is more enlightened, he believes that although the Marvel Universe is also an infinite multiverse, there are different versions of Natasha and others in other worlds.

But he didn't feel like he had to collect Natasha, Wanda, and Goo of all the worlds, they weren't collectibles.

Besides, the Supreme Masters in other worlds are all Yao, a bald old monk. Are you kidding me?

But only in the restarted movie universe, the wives here are Lu Yuan's wives.

Even if it is a substitute, it is also that they have replaced their important responsibilities in Marvel, which is equivalent to letting them replace themselves.

That's kind of uncomfortable.

Lu Yuan was silent because of this.

OAA just stood by and didn't rush. He also knew that this would be a test for Lu Yuan.

This has nothing to do with strength, has nothing to do with strength, but whether Lu Yuan can really make up his mind.

Since Lu Yuan wants to be detached and even lead his wife and children to live a free life, in his universe, he is the master of everything, and of course Lu Yuan can also protect the safety of his wife and children.

But this comes at a price.

He took away the four people in the Marvel Universe, so now he has to personally return the four people, he can no longer have anything to do with them, this is a test for him.

Maybe some people think it's nothing at all.

Is that really the case?

Lu Yuan knew that Natasha and Banner in the movie were flirting with each other, and Wanda even formed a CP with Vision, but Ganata didn't have to worry, this foodie only cares about what to eat.

Even the ancient one will die.

Do you really want him to turn a blind eye to all this? It's too difficult.

"'Make a choice, you know how to choose, you have to take this test, don't you. Unless you don't want to give them freedom, then I'm going to take them back, and they should return," OAA began to exert pressure .

Lu Yuan fiercely stared at OAA with his eyes burning with anger, and even (Zhao's good) really burst into flames.

"I should have let you out in the first place. Or, do you really think I can't help you? Don't forget OAA, OBA's omnipotent universe-level **** domain is still in my hands," Lu Yuan reminded and threatened OAA, although OBA Dead, but Lu Yuan No. 2 inherited the **** dimension of OBA, and later merged with Lu Yuan.

Now it means that Lu Yuan can turn into the opposite of OAA at any time, even replace OAA, or even swallow OAA.

OAA spreads its hands: "That's why I said I want to help you. As long as your family is detached, I will be safer."

Well, he was honest.

Lu Yuan was so angry that there was nothing he could do about him. In fact, he knew in his heart that he might have to do it.

"I know, I will finish this test, after all my wives are them (referring to the ancient one of the almighty universe), I will keep that in mind. Probably.".

500. Entering the rebooted movie universe

In a certain area, there are desert Gobi everywhere, which looks extremely desolate.

But there are also humans living here, and I have to say that humans are also a very powerful being.

Especially in a certain area in the desert, an organization called the Ten Rings Gang used a cave as a stronghold, where many powerful weapons were placed.

On this day, they went out to carry out an attack and brought back two people.

"Wait a minute, why are there two people? Our target should only be Tony Stark, who is this person?"

When the outgoing vehicle returned, it was stopped.

Because in addition to their original target, Tony Stark, there was another man in the car wearing a white suit, his whole body was spotless, young and handsome, but a man with an oriental face.

Lu Yuan.

That's right, it was Lu Yuan.

In the end, he still made a choice, to complete this test, and then to detach for the whole family in one fell swoop.

As a result, he had to enter the Marvel Cinematic Universe again, and it was the cinematic universe that OAA specially rebooted for him.

This universe has been restarted, and no one knows that even if Tony wakes up now, he will forget his friendship and friendship with Lu Yuan. 703 They are equivalent to meeting for the first time.

Only Lu Yuan remembers what happened, and only he knows that this universe has developed to the timeline of Avengers 3 and even Avengers 4.

But the universe has restarted to the very beginning.

Iron Man One, also the 2008 timeline.

At this point, Tony isn't Iron Man yet, because he's going through his origin story.

Tony came here on a private jet not long ago, in order to sell a batch of newly developed weapons.

Don't forget that Tony is a weapons businessman. His Stark Group is the number one arms dealer in a certain country and the only partner currently designated by the military.

But Tony never expected that he was attacked on the way back.

Not only did the convoy escorting him destroy the entire army, but he himself was seriously injured and was hit by a bomb in his home at close range.

That's not to mention, the debris from the explosion hit his body and blood, and he was dying.

It was these Ten Rings Gang who attacked Tony. They had a source of information and made an ambush and preparations in advance, and this was a success in one fell swoop.

"It doesn't matter who he (Lu Yuan) is, the target (Tony) is dying, hurry up and call Ethan," someone shouted, because Tony's life was threatened and he had to be treated as soon as possible.

In fact, if Lu Yuan wants to, he can easily treat Tony at any time and let him recover.

It's just that Lu Yuan is also in a state of depression now.

The first time he returned to this rebooted movie universe, Lu Yuan had already sensed the existence of his wives.

It's not the Gu Yi and the others who are still busy creating the world in the Almighty Universe, but the Gu Yi, Natasha, Ganata and Wanda of this world and this universe.

Wanda is still a little girl of twelve or thirteen years old, very cute.

Natasha is now an agent, just like the TV series of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., busy with things all day long.

The most pitiful of them all is Ganata, the snacker who is wandering the universe because of hunger and has been abandoned by her father, the Devourer of Planets.

The main reason is that the father and daughter eat too much. Originally, Uncle Tun himself was in a state of hunger all the year round. How could he still support a daughter.

It's so sad.

Only Gu Yi's life was the most bland. Anyway, she was like an old monk (an old nun?), besides drinking tea and reading books all day, she just woke up in the morning to train those disciples and grandchildren.

Without Lu Yuan, as long as Dormammu doesn't threaten the earth, let alone how pure she is.

Even the current Gu Yi, Lu Yuan's wife, misses the past life immensely.

Creating the universe is still an almighty universe, and it is very troublesome and hard work.

Not to mention taking care of her daughter.

Think about how cool and indifferent it used to be.

Now Lu Yuan can only quietly observe the wives of this universe, but he can't approach them. Even if they meet in the future, he must pretend not to know each other, and he must prevent further emotional entanglements.

They will replace themselves and continue to fulfill their obligations in this world, so that the ancient one and the others can detach themselves.

Lu Yuan let out a long sigh because of this.

"It's really annoying," Lu Yuan muttered, raised his head and looked around, only then did he notice the situation around him.

I don't know when, he has been locked in a dark cave, and is also blocked by a thick iron gate.

"What's the situation?" Lu Yuan stood up and walked towards the other two people in the cave.

Also when Lu Yuan was distracted by his troubles, Tony, who had been operated on at some point, was lying on a simple bed.

Because the environment did not allow him, after the operation, let alone disinfection and sterilization, the whole person was very tragic.

To be honest, it's a miracle that Tony survived. Not to mention that he had completed the operation in such an environment, and he was not infected at all. No one would believe him if he said it.

In addition to this, there is a third person here, a middle-aged man in a suit who is still trying his best to keep clean even though he has been detained here for an unknown time.

"Hello, my name is Ethan," the other party first introduced himself.

Lu Yuan shook hands with him and introduced himself: "You can call me Lu Yuan, or Lu."

This time, Lu Yuan didn't mention his alien identity and Kryptonian name, but used the orthodox oriental habit to say his own name.

Ethan nodded, and the two knew each other.

"You were with Mr. Tony Stark? Why were you attacked?" Ethan continued to ask.

Anyway, I have nothing to do, and I feel sorry for each other, and there is nothing to talk about.

As a result, Lu Yuan said inexplicably: "Me and Tony? We don't know each other. Why did the person who attacked Tony arrested me?"

He was telling the truth, after the reboot, Tony and he didn't know each other.

It's just that Lu Yuan is still used to calling him Tony directly.

As for why he appeared here, it was actually because when Lu Yuan was involved in the plot of the Marvel Universe, when he first came to Earth, didn't he happen to encounter the incident of Tony being attacked.

It's just that Lu Yuan just woke up at that time, and he didn't have time to master the power of being a fifth-dimensional person at that time, so he came to Earth with the face of Doomsday.

It's different now. Now he came to earth with a human face, and because he was in a state of depression at the time, he didn't do anything. Instead of saving Tony in advance, he was caught together with him.

It wasn't until then that Lu Yuan suddenly woke up: "Why do I have to be kidnapped with Tony? Can't I open a bar?".

501 , Talking to the Ten Commandments

Read The Duke's Passion