MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 141 city

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The Great Moon Palace is brightly lit, and Wang Deshi looks out from time to time, and there is a lot of sweat on his forehead.

Why haven’t the Queen’s Empress yet returned?

He was in a hurry, heard the rushing footsteps outside, and turned around and greeted him.

“Wang De,” Ban said, striding into the hall. “How is your majesty?”

Because she was too eager, her hair was a little messy, and she still took a breath when she spoke. Wang Deyi trotting behind her, "The royal doctor is still treating the sire in the temple. The two places where the assassin is injured are not fatal, so there is no danger to life."

Through the outer hall, Ban Yi saw the squatting on the bed in the inner hall. He was anxious in his heart. He picked up the skirt and ran to the edge of the bed. He reached out and touched the cheeks of his hand to make sure his breathing was smooth and the temperature was normal. Just looking at the doctor with a sullen face, "Was the wound can be a big problem?"

"Please rest assured that the assassin's ice blade is not sterilized, so after waking up, just take care of it." The doctors honestly replied, not dare to hide.

"Wang De, you told me to go through the matter." Ban Yi looked at Rong Han's pale face, and his face became more and more ugly. "The assassin caught it."

"The goddess, the assassin has committed suicide, is the palace lady around you, the name calls Yuzhu."

"Yuzhu..." The voice of Ban Yu took a bit of hoarseness. "Continue."

Wang De said carefully after careful care, Ban Yi taunted and said: "She said that I am the mastermind?"

The inner temple is still.


"Your Majesty is alive, I am the Queen, my Majesty is gone, what is this palace?" Banyan smiles colder, "What do I kill?"

With her way of getting along with Rong Rong, if she wants to kill her, she has more opportunities. How can she let a palace girl do it, even on the murder weapon? Although she does not like to use her brain, it does not mean that she is stupid.

"Anniling," Du Jiu hurriedly walked in, and looked very dignified. "More than 20 ministers outside the palace shouted, saying that the maidens had assassinated and held the harem, and wanted to marry the chickens!" Things were not in the past half of the time, all parties They are all being held in the palace. How did the news pass?

"What are the more than 20 courtiers, it is better to invite the civil and military officials," Ban said sneer. "If you want to be busy, you will have a good time."

"Anniling!" Du Jiu did not dare to look at the class, what is she doing?

"This palace looks at these men before, and there are endless ways of conspiracy," Ban said in his words. "Since they said that I am holding the harem, then I have to let them see, what is the control of the harem."

"One A!"


"Through the order of the palace, the Cavalry Division, the Infantry Division, and the God Arrow Camp are waiting outside the palace," Ban said, looking back at the man lying on the bed. "Since his majesty did not clean up those disobedient courtiers, then It’s up to me.”

"Mother, can't!" Du Jiu saw the appearance of the class, stopped her, "If you really did, how should the world say you?"

"How do they say it doesn't matter, as long as your family doesn't really think that I will be good at the morning," Ban said, sinking his face. "If you want, dress up and dress the palace."

The imperial doctor next to him was shaking, and the empress could even order all the troops in the capital. It is no wonder that the ministers in the court would be jealous of the Queen.

At the diligent hall, more than 20 courtiers stood together, and their looks were serious and angry. They came to the forefront, and the straight spine preached their justice and pains.

"For the sake of the people of the world, the old minister will die without blasphemy.

"The demon is ambitious, sending people to assassinate him, holding the harem, how do I wait now?" A young official who seems to be only twenty years old stood up and said, "Don't you let the demon slay the country?"

"What happened to the adults?" An adult wearing a purple robe walked in. His eyes swept over the seemingly indignant courtiers. "The night is deep. What do you adults do to this diligent hall?"

"Liu Banshan!" Young officials pointed at him. "When you are with the demon, you will count on your knees, and your face will come here?"

"This official's loyalty to His Majesty, the heavens can be learned, the adults are arbitrarily deducting the hat, but they can't stand it under it." Liu Banshan sneered, these people, do not know how many idiots are shaken by the real behind-the-scenes people? Self-righteousness is actually just that some people want to reach into the harem, and they can’t see the empress.

But if the queen is a slightly ordinary woman, or if she has a little suspicion about the queen, they will be effective.

So these people still know the heart of the emperor.

It is a pity that after the class is not an ordinary woman, the trust of the family after the class is also unimaginable. When the class was only a township, I dared to be a whip in the street. Now she is a queen. Isn’t she still afraid to move these impure courtiers?

These idiots, after the class, were only safe and stable in the harem for less than a year, they forgot the temper after the class, really looking for death.

Liu Banshan was too lazy to talk to them, but he said: "There is a life under the arm, and the former dynasty is dominated by the queen. If the adults are going to make trouble again, the officer can only dispose of you with the crime of rebellion."

"Liu Daren has a good mouth, and now the demon is holding the harem, and the embarrassing order is just a mouthful for you," an adult said with a sneer. "Unless I see my Majesty’s order, I will never compromise. ""

Liu Banshan sneered and walked to the side: "With you."

The impassioned courtiers were not expected to see Liu Banshan as this reaction. What does it mean to stand here?

After a while, many officials came to the Qinzheng Hall. There were civil servants and military officers. The officials who wanted to attack the demon were happy and saw the conspiracy after the class, but they said that many people were moved.

Just more weird it is that people do not move is said to have accompanied flaw tolerance conquer the world, together with officials trying to conquer the flaw tolerance, not even one person say anything, there are a few grumpy military attache, pinching fist even want to beat those A post-devil official.

Fortunately, I was stopped by the eyes of the people around me, otherwise the temple would definitely be more lively.

"Queen Empress is driving!"

"The demon even dared to show up," an official looked angrily at the door of the temple. "After the demon, he still did not surrender quickly."

The ministers looked back and saw the empress wearing a robes and wearing a nine-phoenix crown. What is even more frightening is that she is followed by dense soldiers who have kept the Qinzheng Temple in a tight air, even if a cat or dog does not want to run out.

"Your Majesty is recovering from injuries, which anti-committees are making trouble here?" Banyan stepped on the jade steps and stood by the dragon chair. She looked down at the people standing under her feet. "There was less than half an hour after the encounter." There are people who are guilty of speculation and arguing that this is the murder of the palace. It seems that the adults are very familiar with the harem. It is better to ask these adults who are flustered to stand up and give this palace a look, so that the palace can also see and see. The true face of your detectives."

The temple was silent, and no one dared to speak.

"Why, this time is not going to be troubled?" Ban said sneer, pointing to one of the adults. "You, this palace remembers that you are an official of Yushitai, right?"

This imperial history sees the class, pointing at himself, and his heart is horizontal, standing out: "The lower official is the official of Yushitai, the Queen's empress has any advice, and the lower official leads."

"What are you, also with the palace," Ban said sneer, turned to another official, "You, Zongzhengjiqing, Rong's far-reaching, but the face of his knees, only got a decent scenery. The position, this time with other people jumping up and down here, his heart is awkward."

"Queen!" Zongzheng Temple was old and was the family of Rongjia. He arched the hand. "The queen does not have to be so angry and angry. The minister is only worried about his majesty, but he can't enter the palace. He has to make this decision. The queen did not make a move. The reverse is not so angry, as long as you stay in the harem, and when you wake up, the truth is natural."

"Far fare!" Ban Huai rushed out of the team and punched it down according to Zongzheng Temple. "You are a far-flung old man, and you really want to be a relative of the emperor, actually pointing at the empress."

The words on the mouth of Zongzheng Temple were not good, but they did not dare to do it, or he did not expect someone to do it to him. He is an elderly person, and his generation is still the uncle of Rong Rong. Who dares to disrespect him?

However, everything has an accident, he encountered a mixed class Huaihuai.

When Ban Huai heard these people after a demon, he couldn’t help it. Now the old man is in front of his niece and dares to put on the spectrum of the royal family. Where can he endure?

I am too old to sell old? !

The emperor was injured and could not preside over the political affairs. The empress was still detained in the harem on the charge of murdering the emperor. These people think so beautifully, don't let him know what they are thinking.

"Jingtinggong, what do you want to do, I am the elder of my majesty."

"I still squat down my father-in-law!" Ban Huai sneered, throwing this screaming old guy aside, pointing at the few officials who sweared that his daughter was a demon. "You have just been assassinated, you want to force my daughter to die." I see the real behind-the-scenes murderer is you!"

"Father!" The son of Zongzheng Siqing was crying and making trouble. "Your Majesty, let's take a look, the queen will kill us."

Banyan looked at his singer's appearance, and walked down the jade steps. According to this crying man's face, he smashed the past. Banyu is a person who has been on the battlefield. His legs are not small. When he blinks, this man rolls out like a gourd.

The Wenchens are dumbfounded, the Queen Empress is this...

"The ugly man, crying, the palace is disgusting," Ban Yi’s expression was completely cold. "Come, bring all these officials to the prison, and wake up and ask again." ”

Banyan suspects that these officials are not so innocent.

"Your Majesty, you open your eyes and look at it, the demon is so savage, you can't die!" An elderly official suddenly stood up and slammed into the dragon pillar.


Suddenly the blood was splashing, and the officer who hit the dragon column shook and fell down.

A soldier came forward and explored his breath: "The goddess, still alive."

"Tow it down, let the doctor give it to you." Ban Yu sneered, this is not a written book, and he slammed into the pillar and died.

"Who else wants to hit," Ban said sneer. "The palace doesn't stop, you can hit it at will." If these people are not the ancestors of the shackles, they will have to sneak out dozens of boards with the temper of the class. .

"Crash, crash," a sergeant Hou Yi squatted and sat down on the ground. "No collision is not a loyal minister, we are still squatting."

"The right pair, the more you hit, the more you can show your anger," a certain military commander followed. "Reassured, so many people are screaming, and when you are dead, we will tell you how faithful you are."

Being so stunned, the courtier who had been so troubled, did not know what to do?

curse? Be beaten.

Hit the pillar? People say that you are hitting casually, but there are so many officials in the temple that most of them are busy, no one is blocking, and the demon has actually confused so many people?

"Hey, why don't you jump?" The Hou Hou, who sat on the ground with his legs crossed, was dissatisfied. "I don't think you are a loyal minister at all. It is clear that you want to kneel down and hurt, deliberately bullying a weak woman."

"You are also a man?"

Is there a weak woman in the world who flies out?

In the face of arrogance and unreasonable embarrassment, the courtiers who made troubles were very talented and met with the frustration of the soldiers. In desperation, they could only shout the name of Rong Rong, and each sentence was screaming for himself.

"Have your car!"

This sentence is like a curse, pressing all the noises in the hall, and even sitting on the ground watching the lively, they all climbed up from the ground.

The class looked at the temple differently. Rong Rong suffered two injuries. When she came out, he was still in a coma. How could he come over? She did not consciously walked a few steps outside, and she saw her sitting on the steps, pale and like paper, and even her lips were pink and white.

She walked to Rong Rong in two steps and made two steps. She said with a deep face: "You don't want to die, you have been so hurt, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm fine." Rong Rong let the **** put down the steps, and he gently held the hand of the class, "Let you be wronged."

"There are a few idiots that can make me wrong," Ban said very close to him, so he could smell the **** smell on him. It stands to reason that the wound is treated, it is not smelly, but Rong Rong from the Great Moon Palace will certainly involve the wound and let the blood seep out.

When I think of this, Ban Yi sinks his face. Doesn't he even think that she will take this opportunity to win the power in the palace, so she will rush over when she is seriously injured?

Rong Rong held the hand of the class and did not loosen it, but he sat, the class stood, and he did not see the face of the class.

"Du Jiu," Rong Rong's voice was a little weak. He just woke up and heard that there was a minister who made trouble, and he was arrogant. He worried that he would suffer in the hands of these old foxes and he rushed over.

"Wei Chen is here." Du Jiu sympathetically looked at the officials who made trouble. Among these people, there are several people who are far away from the family. Originally, they gave them some spare time. It was for the sake of the lord. Now they are squatting up and squatting, and even cursing her, she can’t die, how can she still bear them?

"Put these people who are disrespectful to the Queen into the prison," Rong Rong's voice is even smaller. He squeezed the hand of the class and barely made his mind clear. "The person who cursed the queen is regarded as disrespectful to the royal family. First, the stick is fifty, and then hit the prison."

Fifty, but what is life?

The hearts of the ministers were shocked. When they saw him, they all understood that these people were eating bears and leopards, and they would take advantage of the opportunity to smash the queen’s reputation.

How can a defiled queen be treated with a heart? At that time, some ambitious officials had reasons to ask the next sergeant to bring the dynasty and the harem together.

The clever courtier wanted to understand this and sucked a chill in his heart. I was afraid that the assassination would involve a lot of people.

"The injury is not a big problem, but it also needs to be recuperated for a few days. If the adults in the middle of the event cannot be the master, you can ask the queen." Rong Rong looked at Zhou Bing'an and others. "The life of the queen is equivalent to the embarrassment. ”

"Chen and so on."

“Hey,” Rong Rong hooked the fingers of the class, “to accompany the palace back.”

The class returned to hold the hand of Rong Rong, and did not return to the door until the door of the Qinzheng Hall.

He was seriously injured and rushed over, just to support her?

He knows that she is not good at dealing with the distant family of the Genji family, so she will speak for herself. From today, there are people who doubt his feelings about her, and even because of today, she will have a say in the face.

Rong Rong, you are deliberately winning this world, why is it so unprotected against her?

Strongly supported the Da Yue Gong boundary, Rong Rong palely smiled at the class and said: "Hey, I am a little sleepy, I want to sleep for a while."

“Rong 瑕?!”

Banyan looked at Rong Rong and slowly closed his eyes. Suddenly remembered that the day when her grandmother passed away, she also smiled and talked to her, but the closed eyes never opened.

“Rong 瑕?!” She looked pale and gasped with her chest. “Taiwan, Taiji, fast doctor!”

Rong Rong was carried to the dragon bed. The royal doctors said that he had no worries about life. He just moved the wound and cracked it, and made a lot of blood.

Banyan bent over and picked up the robe on the ground. The tentacles were all cold blood. She looked at the man who had passed out on the bed, and suddenly there was a pain in her chest.

"Anniling..." Du Jiu turned back to see the appearance of the Banyan, and he said, "You will not be seriously harassed. Please take care of the Phoenix."

"I know," Banyan lowered his eyes. "This palace is very good."

She didn't know, at this time her face was full of tears, her face was white, how could it be okay.

Du Jiu did not dare to persuade him again. He was afraid that he would persuade himself again, and the Queen Mother would cry out. As a close-up waiter, he rarely saw the Queen's maiden crying, and he never saw the Queen Empress.

He didn't know what words to use to describe the appearance of the class, but he could feel that the Queen's affection would not be shallow.

"Which people have come over with Yuzhu, have you found out?" Banyan walked down to the edge of the bed and gently held the hand of Rong.

Seeing Du Jiu did not speak, she turned to look at him: "Why, what can't I talk about?"

"The maiden, is... Princess Anle," Du Jiudao, "The face of the Yuzhu girl and the Princess of Anle has an affair. Under the conjecture, Princess Anle is threatening her with this face. She is here. Come down."

"An easy-going princess, how can the news be passed to the palace?" The class voice calmed down and made Du Jiu accident. "Is it an official of the family? They can't understand the queen who loves me alone, and they chose to be happy." Cooperation. It’s just that Anle wants to let the life go, and they want to put the name of the assassination on my head, so the news that Anle passed to Yuzhu was changed.”

"For example... let the armor be injured, but not fatal, and then put the crime of assassination on my head." Ban Yi sneered, "It's a good show."

"The niece, everything is just speculation, maybe..." Du Jiu said nothing, "Maybe the truth is not the case."

"I was tired of him." Ban Yi gently touched the pale lips. If she touched him so much, he had already taken the opportunity to hold her to discuss the benefits. Today he can only lie here, not moving.

"Mother, what does this have to do with you?" Du Jiu knees down on his knees. "This has nothing to do with you."

"If you want a sage, you only need to leave the life of the prince and the former Queen Mother, give them a name, and then ban them." Ban Yi smiled, "As for the lives of those princesses, If you don't because of me, why should you be so kind to the Jiang family?"

"Mother, this does not blame you, His Majesty is also because the former Queen Mother of the Queen takes care of his sentiments, will be lenient to the children of the former Queen Mother," Du Jiu said is also true, Princess Anle and Fuping Futai can be different The palace lived well, instead of being sent to the Taoist temple, there was a feeling of taking care of His Majesty in the past.

"No matter what kind of friendship you have with them, let me do this wicked today," Ban said, touching his cheeks, only to find that it was all cold tears. "Send Fuping Futai to the Prince and let her Together with the prince, he is the guardian of the emperor."

"That... Princess Anle?"

"Because it colluded with the harem, murder was the emperor, but in the love of the prince, to avoid her death, only to remove the princess title, sent to the ascetic view for the Nepalese, if there is no order of the palace, it can not be seen. "The class is very cold," "Now let people go to the end, no delay."

"Yes." Du Jiu took the lead to retreat.

After Du Jiu’s departure, Banyu turned to look at Rong Rong on the bed. After a long, long time, she sighed: “Who are more stupid between us?”

The man on the bed did not respond. The only one who answered her was his ups and downs.

"Anniling," Wang De came in with a tray. "The medicine is fried."

When Ban Yi Duan took the medicine bowl and wanted to feed Rong Rong, she suddenly remembered that as long as she used the medicine, Rong Rong would taste it, and then she would not bite her bite. After she drank it, she took a small mouth and licked her. As if she is a child.

She bowed her head and took a pill, bitter, awkward, more difficult than the medicine she had at the time.

Putting the pillow up, Banyan took a pill into his mouth and then passed into the mouth of Rong Rong. After a bowl of medicine was fed, Ban’s tongue was bitterly lost. She took the tea and sipped her mouth and wiped her mouth. “Wang De, cleaned up the people in the harem again, including the people around the palace.”

Wang De whispered: "Yes."


When Wang Deyi retired and retreated to the door of the temple, he accidentally looked up and saw only the Queen's maiden gently squatting under the quilt.

He walked out of the hall and looked at the crescent moon in the sky. It might be a sunny day tomorrow.

Read The Duke's Passion