MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 140 City (already replaced)

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"Every time in the imperial examination, the people of this tea house will be the most flattering business. Whatever gossip has, it is most suitable for the bustle." Ban Yi’s humanity in the carriage, "In the past, as long as there was a civil service, I loved to come here with Hengdi. ""

Rong Rong walked out of the carriage and looked at the tea house. It was not particularly high-end, but it was very lively.

"Come," Banyan took his hand and walked into the door. "Here you can hear what you can't hear in the court."

Into the tea house, Rong Rong found that there are many people who are dressed as scholars. Many people's accents are not like the locals in Beijing. They are together in threes and threes, talking about the local customs, or listening to local people saying something interesting about the capital.

When Tang Hao saw the class, he smiled and greeted him: "You can finally come to Miss Yin, you let the small seat for you in the morning, the small touch did not touch people, please sit down."

“Well done well.” Banyan threw a silver peanut into the hall, and he smiled and opened them to the two empty tables.

"Is it still the old rules?" The church won the reward, and the look of the class was like a mobile purse.

Ban Yidao said: "I am still old, the son of the tea comes with it, and several other guards are also the rules of the past."

"Small understand," Tang said that the handsome son around the class, really sincerely said, "This son is good, and the yin son said that you have become a pro, is it the Lang Jun?"

"It is him." Ban Yi smiled.

"Miss and the Lang Jun are really very good, the small will not say beautiful words, I think the two stand together, look good, but the rest of the world can not match," Tang's mouth is very sweet, good words With no money, open your mouth.

"This is a good saying," Rong Rong's lips twitched slightly, indicating Du Jiu's reward.

Don’t think that he had said a few good words, he got two golden beans. After he was thankful, he went to prepare tea and fruit.

When Rong Rong and Ban Yi came out this time, although they intentionally wore ordinary ones, they were noticed by some people as soon as they entered the door because they were outstanding. Now, seeing the two people casually take the gold and silver rewards to the church, they know that these two people will be born rich and rich, and coming here is just to join in the fun.

Most people don't dare to cause trouble, but they also see that the couple are familiar with each other. They dare not look at it again. They are afraid of causing the other party to be unhappy.

The readers are together, and the more they discuss it is the poetry. If the classmates don’t understand these things, they will whisper in the ear: "Can there be a good masterpiece?"

Rong Rong smiled and shook his head gently. He said to the class, "I prefer to listen to the haunted story at the table next to it."

"But people are pretending to be ghosts," Ban said in his ear. "In this folklore, the monster must be beautiful, the scholar must be kind, the ghost is half good and half bad, nothing new."

"It seems that I have heard a lot." Rong took a sip of tea but didn't want to drink a second. Tea and tea sets are self-contained, but the water is prepared in the teahouse. This water is an ordinary well water, and the tea that is brewed is a little bit different.

"To say that we know the state of Western Zhouzhou is also an amazing figure. Although there are diseases in the eyes, the management of Xizhou is well organized. When we arrived at us for a few days, we won the support of many people." The student's language of the shirt is grateful. "We have two sons in Xizhou who are poor in family. We know that the two are filial and very talented. They sent them to Beijing to pay for the exam at their own expense. We can have such a parent, we are west. The people of the state are lucky."

Xizhou is a famous place of bitter cold. There are not many examples to come to the exam. Now, there are candidates who come from Xizhou. Everyone is curious.

"If you have an eye disease, you can still be an official in the DPRK. You must pay attention to his talents. He has this special case," asked a local candidate in Beijing. "Who is the unknown state?"

"It’s also a coincidence. We know that the state is also a person from the capital. The name is Xie, the name is coming, and the word is coming."

When the tea house was quiet, the Western candidate looked at the people inexplicably: "I don't know if there is anything wrong with Xiaosheng?"

"No, nothing," Jingcheng candidates laughed, but did not dare to ask.

The people in Beijing did not know the grievances of Xie Qilin and the empress of the DPRK. They did not expect that their majesty was so generous and they were willing to let Xie Qi’s entry into the DPRK as an official. This kind of temperament is not his majesty.

There are a lot of literati who admire Rong Rong. When they blew their sorrows on weekdays, they have always been able to blow how good they are. Now that Xie Qilin has done this, he can let them tout it.

Baan rubbed his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed it: "Do you really let Xie Qilin go to Xizhou to take office?"

Rong Rong turned his eyes to work: "What's wrong?"

"Where do you know what you are doing," Ban said, blowing a tea foam and taking a sip of tea. "I am taking you out to make you feel relaxed, but it is not to let you think about another in your head." the man."

Tolerance and laughter, he thought of another man in his mind?

What is the reason for this?

The two sat in the tea house for half an hour, and the class watched the sky. "There is a champion building next to it. The literati students love to connect in the poem. Are you interested in seeing it?"

Rong Rong shook his head: "Well, it is better to accompany you to the father-in-law's house."

"That's fine," Ban said, and promised to go down, "Go."

Jingting Gongfu, Ban Huai and Ban Heng looked at a full basket of poems and calligraphy, and did not know what these candidates thought. They only knew that their family was famous, but they did not know that their homes were not able to communicate with the ink. They don't see any good things in their home.

"These students are not stupid. They sent them over. I didn't show them to you." Yin's hand opened a letter with a word in it, the words were flashy, and the whole article was touting. They are looking forward to seeing their works in the event of a trip to our home."

"Your Majesty..." Ban Hengdao, "Even if you kneel down to our house, you don't have time to look at these things."

He recruited a small sister and asked them to carry these things down.

"Master, ma'am, miss and my grandfather." The housekeeper had an unspeakable excitement, and his lips were still shaking when he spoke. "You are ready, they have entered the second door."

“Hey, are you coming back?” Ban Huai slammed his hand. “Get ready for lunch.”

After seeing the class members, Rong Rong and Ban Yi received warm reception from the class. After the lunch, Ban Huai mentioned the students to send poetry.

"You don't have to care about this," Rong said. "I used to be influenced by poetry and calligraphy in the past, but there are not many talents. If someone else sends them in the future, the father-in-law just refuses."

"Well," Ban Huai promised. "I am the most impatient to see these things."

“In the past, I didn’t see the candidates sending poetry to our house,” Ban said. “I don’t think they thought I would marry a talented emperor. Can our class become poetry?”

Rong Yan heard the words and laughed, and reached out and tapped her eyebrows: "You, you."

"Master, madam, someone in West Zhou sent something over and said that it was the original owner." The housekeeper came in with a box. After he took care of Rong Rong and Ban Yi, he put the box on his hands. "Please ask the master to look at it." ""

“Xizhou?” Ban Huai frowned and turned to look at Yin’s. “Madam, do we have familiar people in Xizhou?”

Yin’s indulge in a long time and slowly shook his head: “Not at all.”

Ban Heng took the wooden box and uncovered the lid. There was nothing but a collection of poetry that was somewhat yellow.

“What is this thing?” Ban Hengyi had a headache when he saw the poetry. “Do these people have an appointment today?”

"What's in the box," Yin said, his son's expression was painful, and asked with a smile, "Let you show such expression?"

"A collection of poems," Ban Heng took the poems out of the box and handed them to the front of the Yin. "Mother asked me."

After receiving two sets of poems, Yin’s eyebrows were lightly picked: “This collection of poems is indeed something of our family. But I have disappeared in the past few years. I thought that your two brothers and sisters were damaged, and there has been no Q, was it actually borrowed?"

Sitting next to Rong Rong suddenly said: "My mother, I wonder if I can give me a look?"

Yin’s slight glimpse, handed the collection of poems to Rong Rong: “Your Majesty, please feel free.”

Rong Rong opened the poetry collection. This poem is also annotated. From the point of view of writing, it should be the words left in recent years. When he put the poems up, he dropped a question mark inside.

He stooped to pick up the question mark that fell on the ground, and only wrote a few words that the world had long used.

Since I am looking for a spring to go to school, I don’t have to complain. The gust of wind fell dark red, and the green leaves became full of branches.

"What is written on it?" Ban Yu put his head on his chest. "Green leaves... full of yin, what is special about this poem?"

Rong Rong looked down at her own woman. Her eyes were ignorant and clear, and she did not understand the meaning of this poem.

"Nothing, probably the person who read the poem thinks that this poem is good, then it has been copied." Rong Rong put the question in the poems and put it on the table. "Oh, it is not early, we should go back."

"Okay." Banyu nodded and got up to say goodbye to her family. When she went out, she didn't look at the poems on the table. She was obviously not interested in the stuff of this kind.

The three family members sent the husband and wife to the outside of the class door. After the two left, they returned to the inner court.

Yin took up the set of poems that were forgotten on the table, took out the inscription on the book, and placed it on the lantern to ignite.

"Mother?" Ban Heng looked at Yin's incomprehensible. "What do you burn it?"

"What's boring, what to do?" Yin's release of his hand, letting the burning question sign on the ground, she stroked the hair on the side, handed him the poetry collection, "put it back to the library."

"Yes." Ban Heng took the book into the library and found an open space in the corner and stuffed it in.

The night is quiet.

"Hey." Rong Yu took the class and gently stroked her soft and smooth back. "You were the little girl who was screaming at me that year?"

"Well?" Sleeping stunnedly, the class arched his arch in his arms and said, "I don't remember."

Rong Xiao smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "It doesn't matter, I remember it."

The original vague memory was clear again on the day he took him to the ice. The little girl with her eyes, her eyes wide, her eyebrows bent, and she looked like a sly.

Looking back now, can you be in the palace, like a little girl of similar age, who else besides you?

It’s a pity that if he noticed it early, how good would it be?

The people in their arms have fallen asleep, but they have no sleep. He wants to ask, oh, the poems that have been returned to Zhao from Xizhou, is it the one that was given to Xie Qilin. However, he could not ask, this little daughter-like mind, he did not want to let him know.

He wants to think that he is omnipotent, powerful, and can accommodate his gentle man, not for a small matter, he will care about it, a meager little man.

"Hey, do you love me?" he whispered in her ear.

However, the sleeping person cannot answer him.

"You don't talk, I will be your default."

The people who embraced the arms in their arms, fell asleep.

In March, Fang Fei did it, and in April, she ushered in the spring glory that the entire Sui Dynasty literati expected.

After the Spring Festival, it is the temple test. On the day of the palace test, Rong Rong got up early. This was his first imperial examination after he was enthroned. When the candidate answered the question, he must have been present.

Ban Yu worried that he was bored alone in the temple, and let the palace man prepare a refreshing purse for him to wear.

When the sun rises, the Banyan, who is still in the harem, hears the bell ringing. This is the sound of the opening of the imperial examination. She sat on the bed and looked at the sunlight coming in from the window, and suddenly said, "Come, wait for the dress to dress."

At the moment of the moment, Feng driving out from Zhuquemen, went straight out of the palace, and came to the other palace in the western suburbs of Beijing.

The name of the palace is Jinxue Palace, which is said to have been built by an emperor of the Jiang family during his mother's life. Now Fuping Fuping lives with Princess Anle.

The Queen Mother Fuping heard the next man say that the emperor was later, very unexpected. "How come she will come?"

"The Queen Mother, the slaves don't know," the palace lady shook her head. "The Queen Mother said that she didn't mean to bother you, just wanted to talk to her Royal Highness."

The Empress Dowager heard this and did not feel at ease, but was even more uneasy. Although I often send people to send things, I have never personally come. Now she suddenly came and saw only one person, how can she be assured?

"I know." Since she didn't want to see her, she just said that she didn't know about it.

Nowadays, people who are interested in it always want to please.

At the main hall of the Golden Snow Palace, Anle stepped into the gate and bowed to the class at the top.

Banyan looked at her quietly and did not exempt her. Anle looked up and looked at the class with some surprises, and had a pair of black and white eyes on the shift. Somehow, she inexplicably felt a little guilty, turning her head away from the eyes of Banyan.

"Sister got up," Ban Yi sighed, and after he got up, he lowered his eyes and said, "Sister can have something to say to me?"

Silence for a moment: "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Banyan stood up. "I helped to win the Jiang family. You hate me. I don't blame you."

Anle looked at the movement, she turned to look at the vase in the corner. "I don't understand what you mean."

"I don't understand, I don't understand." Ban Yi stood up. "Since my sister has nothing to say, I will not come to harass again in the future. Please rest assured that as long as I am in the day, no one will be embarrassing you." ”

The look of Anle is even more ugly. She saw the Banyan walking outside the door and couldn’t help but scream at the class: "Hey!"

Banyan looked back at her, and she opened her mouth but couldn't speak.

"My sister probably doesn't know. Although I have a two-year marriage contract with Xie Qilin, I only sent him a poem, and the poetry collection was not in his hands at all." Ban Yi smiled and his tone was a little cold. "He I admire Shi Feixian, so I gave her a collection of poems."

How can a collection of poems that have already been sent out sent back from a remote place like Xizhou? Regardless of the entanglement between Xie Qilin and her past, how can there be more and more exchanges nowadays, unless Xie Qilin does not want the life of a family member and is crazy.

Anle’s eyes trembled, she didn’t start: “What do you tell me?”

"His Royal Highness is when I am idle and panic, telling you a few gossips," Ban said with a chuckle, and laughter with mockery. "I just said this, you just listen to it. Anyway, I passed. Today, I will never come over to disturb my Highness."

Princess Anle has a white face, and there are faint tears in his eyes, but he has to endure it.

Banyan turned and walked. When she reached the door, she did not say back: "On that day, when you said something to Rong Rong, I was behind the screen."

Anle jerked back and looked at the banter who had already stepped out of the door and chased the door and cried: "Hey!"

Banyan stayed in the footsteps and did not look back.

"I, I am not trying to harm you, I just want to let Rong Rong not be happy, only..."

"You just think that I will forgive you, so there is no trajectory," Ban Yi looked up and looked at the sky. The sun stabbed her eyes with a burst of pain. "Our friendship for more than ten years, love with sisters, today Going to this point, you can’t blame you."

Anle heard this, his face showed a bit of joy, "Hey, don't you blame me?"

Banyan slowly shook his head and turned to look at the happiness. "His Highness, I can't help it. When you make people send poetry today, our friendship will stop here."

The joy on the face of Anle suddenly disappeared. She looked at the class with a sly look. He said: "For a man, are you going to make this step with me? What good things do men have in the world, it is worth your heart and soul, even We don’t care about our friendship?"

"His Highness, the reason why I helped Rong Rong rebel is not for him, but for myself." Ban Yi’s expression was indifferent. "I know that you don’t believe in feelings, and you despise the true heart of men. But there are so many men in the world. Is it true? Is everyone a negative person?"

Happy and wide-eyed, she couldn't believe that Banyan would actually talk to her like this.

"I understand my heart, but the heart is long, how can I give a man who is wholeheartedly good for me, sad and sad."

"So you come today, just want me not to count on it?" Anle wiped his tears and mocked him. "Do you think that Rong Rong is really affectionate to you? Have you ever thought about it, he may be for your hands?" The three military tigers, have you ever thought about winning the support in the military?"

Princess Anle suffered a love injury and never believed in all the men in the world. Even if she had a bunch of beautiful face, she just wanted to play with them.

Ban Hao calmly shook his head and looked at the princess's eyes with some pity: "The Three Army Tigers have never been in my hands."

"What are you talking about?" Princess Anle turned pale. "This is impossible!"

If the three military tigers are not in the hands of the class, from the beginning to the end, then where is the Rongfu from? There are no three military tigers, how can Rong Rong let the class with so many soldiers, and even bring the guard into the palace?

This, this is impossible!

"If you don't find a reason, maybe he is so good to me, not because of the three military, but because of my beauty," Ban Yi touched his cheek. "When I am old, he will treat me cold." Some may not be."

Princess Anle shook her head and then cried and laughed. It was a sign of stimuli.

"His Royal Highness," the smile on the face of Banyan disappeared. "This is the last time I warned you, don't count my man. I don't have a good temper, and I don't care for it. What are the consequences? Your Highness, you understand, right?"

Princess Anle did not speak.

Ban Yi helped the wishful hand and turned and left.

"The girl is driving back to the palace."

Anle looked at the phoenix driving away, shook his body and sat on the ground.

This sisterhood was eventually ruined by her.

But hey, since you said that Rong Rong is deeply in love with you, is that true for him?

After the end of the temple test, Rong Rong returned to the apse and found that the class was not there. "What about the girl?"

"Back, my goddess is out of the palace," one of the palace ladies replied. "The girl said, please take your dinner first, and she will come back later."

Rong Rong looked at this palace girl, "Is it?"

"Nature," the palace lady stood up. "But, you can't wait for the maiden."

Her silver flashed in her hand, and she actually hid a dagger in her sleeve. Her movements were extremely fast, and the recent Wang De was not even reacted.

Rong Rong shunned and escaped. The palace girl’s dagger only hurt his arm and saw that he couldn’t hit it. The palace girl had another neat backhand and took it with his throat. However, Wang De, who was reacted, ran into it. Follow the shoulders of Rong Rong.

Two hits, the palace girl never had a chance to start, because Miwei arrived, and she took her to the corner.

"Quickly pass the doctor!" Seeing the blood flowing from Rong Rong, Wang De's face was scared. He used a clean handkerchief to hold the wound of Rong Rong. "Your Majesty, are you okay?"

"What is panic," Rong Rong said, and looked at the palace lady lying on the floor with a blank expression. "Take her up and find out who sent it."

"The slave is the female official next to the Queen's maiden, and it is naturally sent by the Queen Empress," said the palace lady. "What is the use of the throne? Even the woman on your pillow can't wait for you to die."

After saying this, the female officer suddenly spurted a blood, and her face fell softly on the floor.

The guards standing in the temple heard this, each one was pale and like a paper, and the queen wanted to assassinate him? The secrets in this palace were heard by them, and they are afraid that there will be only one death today.

Rong Rong was too dizzy at this time, and he was dizzy. He looked at the guards standing in the temple and insisted on calmly saying: "Du Jiu, take care of these people. If you look at this palace, you can't pass a word. ""

"Yes." Du Jiu made a gesture, and soon someone came up to put these guards down.

"Before you woke up, the former dynasty palaces listened to the Queen's life," Rong Rong eyes swept over the crowd indifferently. "If someone disrespects the Queen, Du Jiu, you cut his head."

"Yes." Du Jiu-Jun lived in a few large holes on his body. "Your Majesty, you can rest assured, there are ministers waiting, no one can move the Queen."

Rong Rong whispered: "You do things, rest assured."

Then, the darkness surrounded him.

"Du Daren, what can I do?" Wang De looked at his body full of blood, and his mind was in a mess.

"There is a life under your arm, and the former dynasty is dominated by the Queen's Empress. Now it is natural to ask the Queen's Empress to come back." Du Jiu Shen calmed his face. "Come, come to the Queen to return to the palace."

In the phoenix driving, Banyan drank the tea that she wished to give her, and suddenly her heart was inexplicably cool, and she sat straight.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?" asked with concern.


"The Niangniang! The assassination of the Majesty, Du Daren, please come back to the palace quickly!"


The teacup in the hands of Banyan fell silently. She held the wall of the car and couldn’t breathe a sigh of relief for a long time.

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