MTL - I Am Louis XIV-Chapter 589 Side Story III - The grand occasion of the Sun King's 80th birthday

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  Chapter 589 Fanwai III - The Grand Celebration of the Sun King's 80th Birthday (Part 2)

It stands to reason that Baptiste, Duke of Harlepur should have returned to his suite earlier to rest, but the werewolf blood in his body always haunts the night when the moon rises. After strolling in the empty hall and room for a while, I went to the Apollo Golden Pavilion on the top floor.

Everyone knows that Louis XIV's personal coat of arms is the sun with the face of the human face, and people also call him the Sun King. When the Apollo Golden Pavilion was completed at the Palace of Versailles, it was an astonishing masterpiece. Later, craftsmen and artists used it to repair it. opportunity to make it perfect again and again.

Said to be a pavilion, it is more like a small chapel with floor-to-ceiling windows all around. It’s just that people worship here instead of God. The four walls are splendid frescoes made of gold leaf, and the top is backed by ebony and blue velvet, depicting golden lilies. A crystal lamp hangs, and the candles on it are changed every few hours and never go out. When the people walk on the road, if they see a star that does not move, they will know that it is the sun of Versailles. give them brilliance.

   "Why are you here?" Baptiste asked, it turned out that a person was already sitting in the golden pavilion.

   "Too much sleep during the day," said Auguste, Duke of Montreal. Baptiste walked up to him and sat down next to him, so close that August could feel the heat surging through him: "If only my body was as healthy as yours. All right." He heard that Baptiste arrived at Versailles several days later than him to chase a whale, but he dared not - when Madame Montespan was crying and fussing, it was because Montreal was not only remote and barren (at that time also No minerals have been explored), it is still a place with a polarized climate. The spring is short, the summer is hot and thunderstorms, and the autumn is cool and pleasant. of March.

August's physique... I don't know if it's because of his mother, or because of other reasons, it's not as good as the children before Louis, because of what Mrs. Montespan did, he insisted on taking office early, instead of the same As Louis said, he spent a few months or even a few years in a warmer place such as New Amsterdam. After he arrived in Montreal, he was very uncomfortable and would get sick in winter for several consecutive years.

"I saw your two little calves, they're very strong," Baptiste said, and then he heard August cough twice, and he went over to open the corner cabinet and pulled out a cashmere sheet from it. A blanket covers him.

"Maybe it's because of their mother." August's son wasn't that strong either, but he married the daughter of the Marquis de Lafayette, that is, the two children were a quarter Indian People, their names are still from their great-grandfathers. This marriage has caused a big explosion in public opinion. Before the Marquis de Lafayette insisted on marrying an Indian woman, many people found it difficult to accept, even if the Sun King would treat the same power as a French aristocrat. The chiefs who had given their status and status to the Indians, this turmoil can only be said to be reluctantly subsided.

   There are still people who accuse the Marquis of Lafayette of being too frivolous and greedy.

But what is the identity of the Duke of Montreal, the Duke of Upper America, Auguste, he is a Bourbon in law, and in terms of blood, the French have already regarded him as a Bourbon in America. If his son has one in the future Child, this boy is about to inherit the throne! For a time, letters of protest and persuasion were sent to Paris and Versailles like snowflakes, and some people went to the king in person to persuade them.

Of course the will of the king will not be shaken by such nonsense, and among the populace, they obviously prefer nobles such as the Duke of Montreal who are willing to be close to them - the Sun King's authority has never faded, but "a worthy monarch should be Respect, if he is incompetent, he should be dismissed or restrained.” The idea has gradually become popular among ordinary people. As long as there is reason and evidence, and they have never used despicable words to slander the royal family and the king, there are very few orators today. Thrown out of the cafe by angry people.

   "Will Crazy Horse become the Grand Duke of Upper America?"

"I don't know," said August, "but my son should be." His son is mild-mannered, cautious and humble, and has become in-laws with the largest Indian tribe, and his future rule will not encounter much trouble. "As long as he can maintain the French immigrants, the Native Americans, and immigrants from Ireland, England and Scotland."

   "It's the English who are the most troublesome, right," Baptiste said. Even though the immigrants from England were as poor as other immigrants and came to the New World with empty hands, those Puritans still held a kind of "I believe in God, I am a Puritan, and I am supreme", and they were the closest to the Indians. There were frequent conflicts, even with the Irish, and French immigrants.

Whether Augustus or Baptiste, they implemented the same religious policy in America as Louis, or even more, that is to say, they were wary of religious power and were ready to suppress it at any time , regardless of religion.

In their territory, in the law, you can believe in any **** - Fei Tian Noodles, or not, no one will interfere with you, asking you to believe, or convert, or through religion to make money or commit crimes. The Indians, the Irish and the French all carried out these points very well, but the Puritans from England did not. Perhaps it was Cromwell's persecution and killing of the Catholics that gave them a wrong impression. America is not shy about turning the gun on her neighbors.

"I'm thinking about revising the immigration laws in Upper America." Auguste said: "The original ones were too loose. My father allowed me to refer to the French immigration laws and ask for help from legal professionals. The Duke of Burgundy recommended it to me. A man who was unfortunately stabbed by a disgraceful thug."

   "Oh, you mean Baron Montesquieu." Baptiste said, "I know him."

"But that's all right, said the Marquis de Lafayette, a young man whom his mother's distant relatives asked him to take care of was just right for me, who is said to be very talented, healthy and quick-witted, the only downside is that he may be in the bus now. A guest at the bottom."

   "Wait, a criminal?"

   "A whimsical and absurd man." Auguste said: "When we get to Paris, I will go and see if he is really capable."

   "If there is," said Baptiste, "let me copy it."

   August glared at him: "Lower America doesn't seem to have such troubles."

   "Not before, but now," said Baptiste, "do you know that Africa may be in chaos soon?"


  The conversation between the two brothers is unknown, and they also put their heavy hearts aside. Tomorrow they will start from Versailles Palace, march all the way to Paris, and then return to Versailles from Paris for three weeks.

  When the king led the royal family to a mass in the chapel, the police in Versailles and Paris, as well as the king's guards, had been busy for half the night.

   "How many people are there?" a policeman couldn't help asking.

"Maybe half of the French people are here." The guards beside him said that, unlike the police, they rode horses with shoulder height almost equal to the height of ordinary people, and of course they were farther than the average person, even so , he still can't see the end - it has been widening in the past few years, enough to make the four carriages run side by side on the Victory Avenue is full of people, the police are busy pulling up the rope, and then hang the French flag and the king on the rope. The flag, so as to make the people dare not continue to push forward.

The Guards rode their horses forward, slowly passing through the crowd, and together with his colleagues to disperse the crowd that was too dense. Anyone who has been on the battlefield knows that the stampede that sometimes occurs in a dense crowd can cause damage. No less than muskets and artillery, they don't want to add an ominous blood to this important day.

Fortunately, the French are now accustomed to accepting the arrangements of the police and the military. Although there are complaints and pushes, the black color that makes everyone palpitate and tremble finally dissipates. Pedestrians, riders to riders, were ordered to retreat to their own yellow lines.

Those who have the advantage in these queues are undoubtedly those who have lived or borrowed here. Not only do they not have to suffer all night, but they can also take out fresh bread, fruit and sweet water to feast on, but those who come from thousands of miles away There is no need to worry about the need to travel long distances hungry. Some hawkers have come out to sell food and water, and some people have proposed "mobile toilet buckets" that have been eliminated for more than ten years. The business is actually booming.

The Guards walked slowly past them, and his mount took an apple from a hawker's basket with its head outstretched. The hawker noticed it, but he just glanced and turned his head— Unlike people who did this kind of petty business fifty years ago, he should be a resident of the villages and towns near Versailles. This basket of apples is not his livelihood, but extra money.

  The owner of the horse didn't mean to take advantage of it. With a flick of his finger, a small egg flew out and landed in the apple basket.

   "Thank you!" the hawker shouted, and continued on his way.

The guards went all the way to a place where there were only a few carriages before turning. Looking at the surrounding scenery, they were almost approaching Evry. Evry was half a mile from Versailles, and one farri was about 10,000 taels. Thousands of feet, that is to say, this team actually has a length of nearly six thousand feet.

In fact, these are not all. Louis XIV has long considered the pressure of the surging crowd on roads and cities. Early in the morning, he ordered local officials and priests not to issue passes and certification letters at will - but he gave some places as appropriate. As for those who came from People from various countries, if there is no credible person on the king's list to issue a permit, they will be unable to move an inch, and they have to go home angrily.

  In this case, he was good at mathematics, and he could roughly calculate that there were about 100,000 people crowded on the Avenue de la Victory from Versailles to Avry, and they were going to Paris with the king.

  As the first light of dawn fell on the Golden Pavilion of Apollo at the Palace of Versailles, people finally heard the long trumpet sound, and they excitedly rested happily, the king is coming!

The Palace of Versailles is high on the top of a mountain created by human beings. The place where the steps start is a huge square. The square was originally just a few hotels for low-level officials and noble servants to live in. Later, it gradually evolved into a village, which is the famous Versailles Town. There is something quite special about the town, a central road almost as wide as the square—today it has been cleaned up and sprinkled with perfume and flower petals.

The first thing that appeared in people's field of vision was the portraits of saints and crosses. According to tradition, they always walked at the front of the line. The priests followed behind with incense burners. The three cardinals were dressed as symbols of life and health. The green sacrificial clothes walked in the middle of the procession in a sedan chair, constantly making blessing gestures to the people.

   "This is our cardinal!" said the French proudly.

Since the Avignon incident, which made the Church of Rome humiliating, the cardinals of Rome are dominated by Italians, while the French cardinals have always been the least and most excluded, but this situation was in Louis. Fourteen's illegitimate son, Luciano, changed after he became the king of Italy. In order to ensure the independence and autonomy of the Vatican, the Roman Church had to agree to many harsh conditions. Among them, Elarius, who was supported by Louis XIV, was the pope. this one.

Elatrix was Italian and was a judge of the Inquisition before. It stands to reason that these bishops should not be so embarrassed. They even regressed and said that they could let a Frenchman be the pope, but they were not willing to let Elario wear the triple crown. . Of course, this was rejected by Luciano without hesitation, and Elari I later jokingly said in correspondence with Louis that this was because they really didn't want to make the original "tool like a horse, a knife, etc." "Ascend to the supreme position.

No matter what the bishops of Rome think, Elarius became Pope twenty years ago, and as a "young man" (compared to those who were aging), he continued his rule for a full thirteen years In these thirteen years, he reformed the church, purged the Inquisition, purged all opposition, and promoted a group of young, talented, vigorous and not-so-dirty priests to the upper echelons of the church. The unreachable place—the inner world—has also received the Pope’s sincerity. Elari I affirmed that as long as the wizards were willing to obey the laws of mortals, they would not be hunted down by the church. The secret is kept properly, even if you are willing to go out of the world and live with mortals.

  How in the world We all know that if possible, who would want to live in a small island or a hidden territory? And your own children?

   Sunflowers are not the only ones who want to follow the sun.

It is a pity that not all kings have the courage and courage of Louis XIV. The first to be released are the wizards of Italy and France, and then Sweden, Prussia, Spain and Portugal, which are closely related to France, such as Britain and France. In places like the Holy Roman Empire, it may take a while.

But it is not difficult for Elarius I to make France occupy a sufficient position in the Cardinal Conference. Now in addition to these three French cardinals, there are also Portuguese and Spanish bishops who have put on red. The former one, There are also three of the latter. In 1586, Sisdu V determined that the number of cardinals could only be fixed at seventy. This number should not be underestimated.

The cardinal turned a corner at the call of the clergy, and turned from the Rue de Versailles to the Avenue de la Victory, who were then only wearing gilt-silver breastplates, sapphire blue sleeveless cloaks, and holding flags The cavalry guards with spears, followed by the musketeers, constantly took off their hats to greet the cheering crowd, and then came a group of neatly paced infantry, who held their bayonets against their shoulders, singing "" God bless the Sun King!" (composed by Luli, lyric by Molière), and walked past people with his chest out.

   Then two trumpeters came out on horseback, raised their trombone, and blew several times.

Now even the paralyzed man was about to straighten up from the crowd, and they first saw the four white horses, pompous, with feathered crowns, swaying rhythmically with the sound of da da da's footsteps, and Four companions, all dressed in the same way, with gold and silver reins held loosely in the hands of the coachman, and a purely decorative whip—these horses don't need whipping to be obedient.

The king was sitting in the carriage, he was the only one, and even the queen could not sit with him at this time. He opened the window and opened the screen so that the people on both sides of the road could see him without hindrance. , as soon as they saw him, they screamed madly, danced, shouted, waved hats and arms, followed the carriage - and were stopped by the police and the Guard. This practice is dangerous when there are large numbers of people.

Then came the carriage of Queen Teresa, the carriages of the kings and grand dukes, the kings of Poland, the kings of Spain, the kings of Italy, the kings of Portugal, the kings of Prussia...the rulers of America up and down, then the princes or the ambassadors of the dukes—and then Down below are not eligible to join this procession. Following them are the Crusader knights wearing red crosses on a white background. As victors and defenders of God, they have this right. After the crusader knights is Poland. The famous winged cavalry, their flamboyant attire was a sharp contrast to the Crusader knights.

After them are the convoys of nobles and officials, and their relatives. They cannot appear at this time. No matter how much they boast that they are favored by the king, no one will believe them. Soldiers with shining collars and epaulets are riding horses. Alongside the carriage, occasionally joking with a certain lady in the carriage.

   When the line finally ended, the shadows of the people had shrunk to their feet, the police began to retract their ropes, the people were commotion, and the guards were running back and forth in the gaps in the line, constantly using their scabbards to maintain order.

Merchants or wealthy provincials ride horse-drawn carriages, and steam locomotives, but some are for the honor of marching with the king, or cannot support the expense of a carriage (the carriage needs to be purchased, equipped, and maintained). A lot of money), or people who couldn't rent a carriage and didn't trust the steam locomotive, they could only follow along. Fortunately, the Marquis de Senere, who was in charge of this matter, thought about it early in the morning. Haystacks are placed to feed the horses and rest. There is drinking water and free bread. Today's Victory Avenue has long been illuminated by gas lamps.

Although the eight leagues were long, the road was smooth. There were companions, the police and the king's guards. People didn't feel tired and went forward desperately. When the night fell, the last person also Came to the Puerta del Sol in Paris.

As early as when Louis XIV rectified Paris, the old and dilapidated city walls of Paris were demolished. Louis' designers built a boulevard around the city at the original location of the city wall, but some people say that there is no city gate in the city and the countryside. There is no gap. Taking this into account, the designer added four Arc de Triomphe-style gates, of which the Sun Gate stands on Victory Avenue.

The marble gate is even higher than the original city wall. It is built with Clara white marble. The four important wars in Louis XIV's life are represented by reliefs - the Flemish War, the Dutch War, and the General Assembly. War and the War of Spanish Succession, and some small pictures around it to show other victories related to the king.

Before and after the city gate, and even above, there are lights illuminated. The golden light renders the white marble the texture of ivory. The lifelike portraits are more like life. In this era when the most advanced lamps are still limited to gas lamps, this kind of The view is truly unforgettable.

   "Oops, everyone, look to the left!" someone suddenly shouted.

   Everyone who heard it looked to the left subconsciously, and above the orange lights and white stones, a gorgeous flower suddenly burst into the dark sky!

   "It's fireworks! It's fireworks!" They suddenly forgot their exhaustion and shouted excitedly.


   "This is dedicated to you by the people of Paris, Your Majesty."

  The mayor of Paris said respectfully.

Huge fireworks burst in the night sky, like blooming flowers, and like the rays of the sun, everyone who saw it couldn't help but exclaim in admiration, but this was not the end, but the beginning, and more fireworks rose after that. The sky, showing different shapes and colors! More people shouted, and it was the first time any colored fireworks other than orange-red had appeared.

   Vermilion, emerald green, bright yellow…

  Incomparably bright and bright blue.

"I named this blue Mancini blue." At some point, Luciano I walked up to Louis: "Fireworks are a gift from the people of Paris to you, but this blue is from me. Gift."

   There might be a chapter or two of the celebration, and then there's a side story with Hyundai and the Duke of Orleans.

   Next Monday, the "Saint" episode will be updated, and I have also revised the previously blocked chapters. If there is any, please remind me in the book review area, and I will change it again.



   (end of this chapter)

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