MTL - I Am Louis XIV-Chapter 588 Extra II - Grand Celebration of the Sun King's 80th Birthday

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  Chapter 588 Fanwai II - The Grand Celebration of the Sun King's 80th Birthday (Part 2)

At this time, the queen also came in. Queen Teresa was the same age as Louis. She looked older and weaker than Louis, but she was still very happy when she saw Henrik IV, "Look at you," She said casually: "How can you bring Henry directly here to talk? Isn't the most important thing now to give him a good rest?"

Henrik IV held the cane, stubbornly refused the support of the attendant, and went up to kiss her hand: "Long time no see, ma'am. But don't blame uncle, I know that at this age, we Most of all, you can do whatever you want, do whatever you want, and say whatever you want.”

   "Then I now need you to go back to your own room, take a bath, drink some wine, take a nap, and have a welcome banquet in the evening," Queen Teresa said.

Henrik IV glanced at the Queen in surprise, because in his memory, Queen Teresa was a taciturn person, who was always polite even with Louis, but he laughed quickly, why Find out what? Hasn't he changed? "You are right," he said, "I will now bid farewell to Your Majesty."

   "I'll go with you." Louis said, "Your room is still in the same place."

"Hey, that's good." Henrik IV answered loudly, he took two steps forward, took Louis XIV's arm, and stood shoulder to shoulder with him, and then the squire took them to the place where Henrik IV had been killed before. Henrik IV complained about the lifting equipment rejected by the world. Fortunately, this lifting equipment is equipped with a hollow brass folding door and a seat is placed inside, which does not look like that kind of taboo. thing.

   "Actually I don't really like this either," Louie said in a low creak, "but the doctors are telling us to walk less."

"Damn knees, **** hip bones, right." Henrik IV said, when they arrived, the attendant outside opened the door, "There's nothing changed here." Henrik IV said with emotion, Since Grand Condé went to Poland, he has only returned to Paris once, that is, for the Crusades. He accompanied him and shared a suite with his father - Grand Condé was Louis XIV's cousin, Still the first blood prince, and later the king of Poland, his room didn't have to think much to know that he was very close to the king, maybe only two or three suites away. Henrik IV controlled himself not to look at the suite closest to the king—everyone knew that the king's left suite belonged to the queen, and the right suite belonged to the Duke of Orleans—that was the room they were going to pass through, and the door to this room was closed. There are still attendants in front of the door, and on the side facing the door hangs a portrait of the Duke of Orleans in a silver flower coat. The yellow lion, under the portrait is a semi-circular side table. The vermilion flat vase on the side table holds a snow-white rose with many branches. Each flower is only the size of a man's thumb, but it is fragrant.

   The personal coat of arms that the Duke of Orleans chose for himself was the lion. At that time, Henry lamented that he was too bold. Wouldn’t this arouse the fear of the king?

Not only him, but everyone who passed by the corridor tried not to look sideways. If Louis XIV was grief-stricken by the sudden death of the Duke of Orleans, no one would have accepted it, but at that time the king was only stranded at the Château de Boileau for about three hours. A little over a week later, he returned to Paris, and made it clear that he did not want to hear anything related to the death of the Duke of Orleans, and that the bishop was not even allowed to hold Penitent Masses and Requiem Masses for him. It was to make it impossible to know whether he hated the duke or loved the duke.

   is love, so it is unwilling to accept the fact, people are still trembling to this day, because this behavior has been continued by the king until now.

   "It's here," Louis paused and said, just as Henrik IV was thinking about it, "I've expanded this suite a little."

Henrik IV had seen it, and on the broad lintel hung the Polish-Bourbon coat of arms, that is, the golden lily on a blue background, with red diagonal stripes, a crown and a lion with an open mouth - their battle cry was "Beast Mouth" ".

   "Next to me," he thought for a while: "It's Mrs. Montespan."

   "Well, she's dead." Louie said lightly: "I gave August her suite, but August prefers a room closer to the end because... uh..."

"Children," said Henrik IV. The Bourbon family was not very prosperous before Louis XIV. Louis XIII had two sons, and so did Louis XIV. Both the Duke of Orleans and Henrik IV had only one son. An heir, fortunately their sons and wives have several children, Henrik IV knows how deadly children can be when they are noisy.

   "The Duke of Upper America... Forget it, let's call it August," Henrik IV said. "How many children did he bring this time?"

"There are only two, but I think those two must be leading an invisible army." As Louis was talking, he saw the door a little farther open suddenly, and two little heads stuck out, "Come here. ," cried Louis, "children." Then he said to Henrique IV: "Let's go first."

In Versailles, especially in private occasions, Louis XIV has always been extremely approachable and attached great importance to family affection. Henrik IV nodded and went straight into the suite with him. Next to the suite was the living room. Henrik IV simply took off his heavy fur cloak and large coat under the service of his attendants, leaving only a tight coat embroidered with gold and silver birds and beasts.

   "This coat weighs forty or fifty pounds," said Louie.

"Thirty pounds," said Henrik IV, sitting down comfortably in the chair. The two children had been brought in by the squires, and as soon as they came in, they saluted the two kings properly, but There was nothing to hide the wildness of the children, so different from the children Henrik IV had seen at court. "My great-grandsons," said Louis, "they had two Indian names, Sitting Bull, And Crazy Horse."

  Henrik IV laughed: "Oh, I remember that the name of the Indians is closely related to personal temperament and experience. I know what you just said."

He reached out and pulled out a short-handled musket, and then a dagger. Needless to say, all of them were jewels, but since he could be brought by a military king like Henrik IV, he was destined to not be anything other than gold and jade. .

The two children happily accepted the gift and bowed to Henrik IV, "We will go to the Grand Canal for a boat ride in the afternoon." The child named Crazy Horse said, which led to another big battle with Henrik IV. Laughing, obviously, they heard the king's complaint against them just now, and Louis must be very fond of them, so they dared not to take Louis' intimate reproach in their hearts.

   "Looks like I can get a good night's sleep later," said Henrik IV.

   "Then don't drink tea," said Louis. After he shared a glass of milk with Henrik IV, he got up to say goodbye, and he was going back to his suite.

While walking through the promenade, the king inadvertently glanced out. Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull had already run to the square as they had promised. They were bouncing energetically, reminiscent of bouncing on a glass plate. The two small rubber **** moved, "I think girls are more cute now." Louis sighed.

   "Baptiste will come with a little girl." The queen said, and she didn't know when she started calling the two dukes by their names.

   "I don't know," Louis said. "He said in the letter that his little girl found the blue whale."

   "He said he was going to hunt it."

   "Impossible, not even if he was on the best steamship in America, my maester said that the whale was at least a hundred feet long." Louis said without hesitation.

  The queen was stuck for a while, and she looked at the long corridor subconsciously. If the king's words were true, then the whale would run through several rooms.


Louis' conjecture was still quite correct. Baptiste, Duke of Hallebur, of course, the supreme leader of the Commonwealth of Lower America, when he arrived with his youngest granddaughter, only offered a large piece of it. A waxy block that smelled of sea water and an oddly sweet scent, it required him to touch it with both hands, and it was a considerable weight and size.

   "It's ambergris," said Baptiste, "Father, I couldn't catch the blue whale, but while I was chasing it, I stumbled across this on a desert island."

   "This is very good," Louis said solemnly: "Why don't you think about a hundred-foot-long whale, when will I go to eat it?"

   The little girl beside Baptiste giggled.

   "This is Jasmine," said Baptiste.

   "Welcome, Jasmine." Louis said gently.

Baptiste arrived on the evening of September 3. He was fortunate that his mother, Madame Lavalier, unfortunately passed away in September last year. When she left, she regretted that she could not celebrate Louis 8 On his tenth birthday, if she had known, she would have slapped him on the head viciously—but who made that blue whale so close to them that its breath could hit Baptiste in the face, And in his life, the only animal he could not hunt might be the whale.

Louis really can't think of any way to punish him, God is pitiful, this guy is also full of children and grandchildren, "We will get up at four o'clock tomorrow morning for mass." He said, as expected, he saw Baptiste revealing A distressed look.

   "I can give her an exception for little Jasmine," Louis said ruthlessly, "don't even think about it."

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion