MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 406 Make an example of others

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"However, the queen's chances of winning are not high..."

Zhou Yi guessed that His Majesty would use himself as a knife, and his psychology would naturally be biased towards the Queen, but he would not really resent or rebel.

People in this world who want to be swordsmen for His Majesty can circle the capital ten times in a row. In the eyes of ordinary people, the emperor is a **** who rules over millions of living beings.

The gods need you to die, that's a gift!

"Since the establishment of the imperial court, there have been many empresses and empress dowagers who have attempted to take power and regent, but none of them have really succeeded!"

Zhou Yi thought so far, and planned to make a knife with His Majesty for the time being.

Continue to kill, ransack the house!

This is the fastest way to gain power, and there is no other way.

All the powers of the servants come from His Majesty, if you gain trust today, you can supervise the third supervisor, but if you lose the Holy Scroll tomorrow, you will be demoted to Yexiang.

At the same time, in private contact with Prince Zhao Yu.

"Instead of supporting the queen's regent, why not push the prince to the throne in accordance with the rules of the country?"

Before the crown prince Zhao Yu was enthroned, he might have had the same heart with the empress, but after enthroning and proclaiming himself emperor, how could he still recognize his own mother!

Zhou Yi stood at the door of the guard on duty, looking at the endless palace.

In the imperial palace since the establishment of the previous dynasty, there have been so many masters, all of them have disappeared, only the blue bricks and green tiles remain the same.

"Your Majesty, our knife can do more than hurt people!"

Orthodox two years.


10 million taels of silver were allocated from the internal funds, and 200,000 elite soldiers from the Northern Army were transferred to the Western Army.

The orthodox Dili rejected all opinions and pardoned Feng Wei as the Grand Marshal of Zhengxi.

Orthodox three years.


The Western Expeditionary Army set out from the Tajing Mountain Pass and swept across the Dayue Kingdom, winning consecutive battles and expanding the territory for thousands of miles.


The Great Moon Kingdom was destroyed, and the imperial court established three additional government offices in its land, and set up the post of governor to manage military affairs.


After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the second king with a different surname, Pingxi Wang Feng Wei returned to the dynasty.

The orthodox emperor offered captives and offered sacrifices to heaven in the Taimiao, and his prestige was as high as the sun, even surpassing the former emperor!

Imperial prison.

Zhou Yi sat on the grand master's chair, slowly tasting the imperial tea.

Xiaoquzi held the account book and said, "Godfather, the Wu family in Jiangning has dyed a new style of cloth, following Cui Shangshu's path, and wants to win this year's imperial cloth."

Zhou Yi frowned: "No more?"


Xiaoquzi understood what godfather meant, and said in a low voice: "A few days ago, Imperial Physician Liu went to Yichun Palace, and that nobleman Cui was pregnant with a dragon seed. According to his pulse, he is probably a prince!"

"Jie jie jie!"

Zhou Yi laughed strangely: "Master Cui has such a heavy backer, so he looks down on our family. The business of the imperial cloth will be handed over to Jiangning Wu's family, and the purchase price will increase by 30%."

Xiaoquzi said unwillingly: "Godfather, if you lower your head like this, it might cause you to be careful if you spread the word to other families!"

"That's right, after raising them for a year, it's time to raid the house!"

After Zhou Yi took charge of the imperial prison, he was responsible for coordinating the purchase of tributes in the palace. It can be said that it was the most lucrative job among the twelve prisons, and countless merchants rushed to send money.

The word "imperial use" can not only earn money from the court, but also greatly enhance the reputation of commodities and companies.

For example, once the new cloth of the Wu family in Jiangning enters the ranks of the royal cloth, it will be popular all over the country in a short time, at least earning hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

"Godfather is right, a group of lowly merchants should be killed when they become fat!"

Violence and greed flashed in Xiaoquzi's eyes, ransacking the house could make a lot of money!

Continue to report to other tribute merchants. Most of them are willing to abide by the rules and take 30% of the profits back to the imperial prison. A few rely on their deep backgrounds and only give 10% or even no profit.

"Godfather, this year's account has been allocated more than 277,000 taels..."

"Not bad."

Zhou Yi flipped through the account books and drew a circle on one of the merchants.

"Our family doesn't like the surnamed Cui, so go check this house, get someone to copy it, and make an account of 200,000 taels of stolen silver, and our family will send it to His Majesty!"

Xiaoquzi bowed and said: "I obey, my son has done everything right."

"You take care of things, we don't worry!"

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, and suddenly changed his voice: "Is my family giving money to His Majesty, is there anyone down here who is not happy?"

According to the original rules, the money returned by the tribute merchants to the imperial prison was divided into upper and lower levels. Now Zhou Yi used the house raids to turn all the stolen silver into internal funds.

It's like taking everyone's money to flatter His Majesty!

Xiaoquzi's thoughts changed, and he immediately understood that his godfather had other eyes and ears, and replied: "I dare not hide it from my godfather, some people are indeed stupid and said some unpleasant things."

Zhou Yi tasted the tea and said casually.

"Who does our family want to hear?"

Xiaoquzi felt a chill on her neck, and knew it was not a hallucination, but lingering with true energy.

The godfather is happy to explode the head!

Immediately, his back felt chills from fright, and he knelt down on the ground: "Reporting to godfather, recently Xiao Hengzi, Xiao Chunzi, and Eunuch Sun... have all objected, saying that godfather is His Majesty's dog."


Instead of getting angry, Zhou Yi laughed triumphantly.

"Jie Jie Jie! Our family is His Majesty's dog. If others want to be a dog, there is no chance."

Xiao Quzi was relieved when he heard his godfather's strange smile, and tried to squeeze out a smile: "Godfather is His Majesty's dog, we are godfather's dog, woof woof..."

A few barking dogs put Zhou Yi in a good mood.

"Xiao Quzi, we all know that the prison is short of a supervisor, you go and watch it tomorrow."

"Thank you godfather!"

Xiaoquzi Dongdongdong kowtowed, everyone in the palace said that the godfather was cruel and bloodthirsty, but the reward was very generous.

"Go down."

Zhou Yi waved his hand, there was no need to give too many instructions, Xiao Quzi should know what to do.

If you really can't figure it out or don't dare to sit down, then find a reason to kill him and replace him with an obedient and smart godson!


Half a month later.

The tribute from Cui's dim sum shop spoiled and ate Concubine Yun Gui's stomach, and was suspected of murdering the harem.

The house of a century-old brand was ransacked, and forty-eight members of the family were exiled.

Xiaohengzi, Xiaochunzi, Eunuch Sun and others in the palace received bribes from the Cui family, and either threw them to guard the imperial tomb, or pulled them out to die with sticks, or fell into a well by mistake.

After more than half a year, Eunuch Yi's fierce power once again enveloped the internal servant!


On duty.

Zhou Yi tasted the tribute tea and listened to his newly adopted godson telling jokes.

A few days ago, two of them had just been executed, and immediately another person came under his command, guaranteeing that eighteen cadres would accompany them at any time.

At this time, the voice of Xiaoqu came from outside: "Godfather, the stolen money has been checked."

"Come in."

Zhou Yi winked, and a dozen or so gangsters backed away one after another, bowing to wait on the side.

Xiao Quzi entered the door and knelt down in front of Zhou Yi, holding the account book in both hands: "Godfather, the Cui family and related criminals were searched, and a total of 500,000 taels of stolen silver was obtained, including some shops and properties."

Zhou Yi flipped through it casually: "A mere dim sum shop has only provided tributes for five years, and it can save millions of property. The money of the court is really easy to earn!"

Xiaoquzi said in a low voice: "Originally it was only 300,000 taels, but Cui Shangshu took 200,000 taels and sent a message to your godfather in private."

Zhou Yi closed the account book: "What do you say?"

Xiao Quzi said: "Cui Shangshu said that those unclean tributes should never be sent to the Yichun Palace, lest the nobleman's body be damaged."

"Two hundred thousand taels, Master Cui is really willing!"

Zhou Yi searched Cui's dim sum shop, and the two were not related, but Cui Shangshu knew **** chickens to make an example to monkeys, and offered real money.

"According to what Master Cui said, select the best tribute and send it to Yichun Palace."

"Godfather, is this thing over?"

Xiao Quzi has already figured out the nature of her godfather, and it can be said that she must take revenge. Once there is a festival, even if she waits ten or eight years, she will have revenge.

"Our family can't take the money and do nothing!"

Zhou Yi raised his head and looked in the direction of Yichun Palace, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a strange smile.

"Don't force some things, but it will kill you..."

Read The Duke's Passion