MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 318 Recall the capital

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Qingling Mountain.

King Kong Temple.

The leader of Buddhism, the Holy Land of Martial Arts.

Many chivalrous stories in the rivers and lakes all started from here.


The bells in the temple rang for a long time, and the incense was in full swing.

Zhike monks stood in two rows on the mountain path, and the abbot, Master Fangzheng, and the heads of the various courtyards bowed and waited at the gate.

As early as a few days ago, King Kong Temple had suspended believers from pilgrimage, and waited quietly for the visit of the Governor of Dongchang.

At noon.

The monks who were investigating ahead hurried up the mountain to report to Master Fangzheng.

"Come on, come on, let alone thirty or forty thousand soldiers, it's so dark that you can't see the end!"


Fang's expression changed slightly, and he turned his head to look at the heads of the precepts and scriptures institutes: "Brother Fang Ming, you must not conflict with Duke Du, and don't let that guy find a reason to go crazy."

"Junior Brother Fangyuan, if Duke Du wants to go to the Sutra Pavilion, there is no need to stop him, just let him recite!"

Jingming is more than eight feet tall, with a full face and a string of fists and **** iron beads hanging around his neck. Hearing this, he couldn't help cursing.

"How can it be called the righteous way to have **** with a dog like this?"

"The one who lives is the right way!"

Fangzheng said: "Junior brother should read more scriptures, practice less martial arts, and get rid of the evil spirit in your heart as soon as possible, otherwise disaster will happen in the future."

Jingming retorted: "It is better for the Sajia family to cause disasters in the future than for senior brother to cause disasters now!"


Fang Yuan said: "Brother, I misunderstood. The presiding officer let Duke Du enter the Sutra Pavilion, not out of fear, but because he wanted to enlighten Duke Du with Buddhist teachings. This is the most benevolent and wonderful method."

Fangzheng was slightly taken aback, nodded repeatedly and said.

"That's what the poor monk thinks!"

While talking.

The ground rumbled and shook, and a black line appeared in the sky, and when you got closer, you recognized overlapping figures.

The "Zhou" banner is waving in the wind, and there is no need to shout any slogans or say any threats, and there will be a boundless sea of ​​people approaching, and a sense of terror and oppression will blow over your face.

The army formation stopped at the foot of Qingling Mountain, the cavalry patrolled around, and the infantry set up camp.

Seeing this situation, Fangzheng hurriedly said, "I'll go down the mountain to meet Duke Du."

Even Jingming, whose temper was bursting, dared not talk nonsense anymore, and he was brave in front of the army, like a mantis holding a chariot.

The monks performed lightness kung fu and quickly walked down the mountain.

Just approaching the camp, hundreds of cavalry rushed over, and the leader of the young general sternly asked.

"The military camp is important, anyone who approaches it will be cut off!"

Fangzheng clasped his hands together: "General, the poor monk is the abbot of the Jingang Temple, and he has an agreement with Duke Du, please inform me."

"It turned out to be Master Fangzheng."

The young general had heard about Fangzheng's name, so he ordered his soldiers to surround the monks, and went back to the camp to report in person, and came out after a while to speak.

"The Dugong has an order to allow Master Fangzheng to visit, and the rest are waiting outside!"

All the monks showed sullen expressions, they are famous in Jianghu, they are always treated first-class wherever they go, they have never been thrown outside to wait.

"Please benefactor, please lead the way."

Fangzheng winked, no matter what grievances he suffers today, he will grit his teeth and swallow it for the sake of the stability of the world.

As the young general entered the barracks, he saw the auxiliary soldiers who were setting up the camp and the soldiers who were practicing the formation, and he couldn't help but curl up a little, without the air of a "monk".

In the middle of the barracks, there is a black tent.

Dongchang Fanzi, who was on duty at the gate, saw Fangzheng smiling smugly behind him, seeming to be provocative.

Before joining Dongchang, they were scum and murderers in the world. They were unlucky to meet Fang Zheng, and they didn't even have a chance to escape.

"Report to Duke Du, Master Fangzheng has brought it."

"Come in."

Zhou Yi waved his hand casually, and opened the tent door with Dragon Capture Kungfu.

The inadvertent action made Fangzheng feel awed, and he opened the door with true energy after two or three feet. No wonder there are rumors in the world that the governor of the East Factory

Infuriating as deep as the sea. "Poor monk Fangzheng, pay homage to Duke Du!"

"According to the law of the country, without official position and fame, you must kowtow when you see our family."

Zhou Yi said: "Does Master Fangzheng abide by the laws of the country?"

"The poor monk obeys the law."

Fangzheng changed his voice and said: "However, the poor monk has already passed through the Buddhist gate. He doesn't care about the secular world. He only worships the Buddha and doesn't kneel down to the officials. The Taizu once offered incense in the Jingang Temple, and the monks in the temple never knelt down!"

"How can our family compare with Taizu? It's just a joke with the master."

Zhou Yi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he said with a smile: "Master, please sit down."

"Thank you, Duchess."

Fang Zheng sat down cross-legged, clasped his hands together and said, "The name of the Vajra Temple comes from the indestructible power of Vajra. There are insights from the practice of the sages of the past in the temple. The poor monk, please read it."

"There is no rush on this matter."

Zhou Yi said: "Our family is ordered by His Majesty to investigate the entrenched sects of Jianghu sects who wantonly occupy the land without paying taxes. What do you think of this matter?"

"Grand Du, monks only worship Buddha and chant sutras after they become monks, and they don't do childbirth, so they don't need to pay taxes."

Fangzheng changed his voice, and said: "Those Jianghu sects other than Buddhist sects operate **** agencies and other industries, they are quite wealthy, and they should pay taxes according to the law!"

Zhou Yi understood that this was Fang Zheng's condition.

The two religions of Buddhism and Taoism support the investigation of farmland and will also help in the investigation of Jianghu sects, but they must guarantee their own tax-free privileges.

"Master, good plan! This way, isn't it using the hand of the court to clear up dissidents?"

"This is the way to get the best of both worlds."

Fangzheng said: "It has never been said that monks pay taxes in the world. If the imperial court imposes a tax, hundreds of millions of believers will definitely support Buddhism and oppose the measurement of land and even the new policy!"

"Hmph! What's the use of ordinary people's opposition?"

Zhou Yi said in a cold voice: "Master, don't try to take the people's opinion seriously, our family will only find it ridiculous. When the time comes to arrest hundreds of violent people, the rest will be scattered."

Fangzheng remained silent, thinking about how to persuade him.

The masters of Buddhism and Taoism have met in private after the destruction of Tianjianmen.

After several discussions, a plan was made to abandon the other Jianghu sects in order to guarantee the privileges of Buddhism and Taoism. For a long time, no sect in the Jianghu could compete with the two sects.

"Our family fled the famine and almost died of starvation. Fortunately, we got porridge from the temple to survive."

Zhou Yi said slowly: "Since then, our family has a good impression of Buddhism. We burn incense in temples and worship Buddha in temples. Therefore, what the master said is not impossible to discuss!"

The influence of Buddhism and Taoism is far beyond that of ordinary sects.

There are tens of millions of Buddhist and Taoist believers in Daqing, and it is really urgent, and a large-scale civil disorder was secretly instigated, and it is difficult to say that Zhouyi can handle it safely.

Fangzheng hurriedly said, "Duke, please clarify."

Zhou Yi asked: "Our family asks the master, how many sects are there in this Jianghu?"

Fangzheng made some calculations: "Thousands."

Zhou Yi asked again: "How many of them are inherited from the innate?"

"Less than twenty."

Fangzheng said: "Grand Du is looking for innate dharma, there is a complete inheritance in the temple, you can recite it as you like, there is no privacy!"

Zhou Yi shook his head slightly and continued to ask.

"Everyone is familiar with innate qi, how many of them are the most yang and the most powerful?"

"There are less than five at the moment."

Fangzheng said: "Perhaps there is an inheritance from the sages left behind, which was obtained by a lucky descendant. The poor monk doesn't know about such things."

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, that person was definitely not fighting alone, otherwise there would be no big conspiracy.

"What if you are good at driving ghosts?"

Fangzheng frowned slightly, and replied after a while: "There is only one sect of this kind, the Sanyang Sect, its skills are extremely rigid and Yang, and its methods are sinister and weird."

Zhou Yi said, "Why hasn't our family heard of this name before?"

"Before Taizu established the empire, he fought and killed the false dragon, and the false dragon was the branch of the Sanyang sect.

hold. "

Fangzheng narrated: "After the Pseudo-Dragon was defeated, the Taizu ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, ordered a strict investigation of the Sanyang Sect, beheaded all the members of the Sect, and almost wiped out this evil heretic."

Zhou Yi was surprised and said: "Why is it close? The Taizu can clean up the world, but he can't do anything about it!"

"The Sanyang Sect has an extraordinary heritage and is one of the branches of the White Lotus Sect."

Fangzheng said: "The Great Ancestor may be able to destroy the Sanyang Sect, but he can't help the White Lotus Sect. This is a giant in the evil way, and its inheritance is second only to Buddhism!"

Zhou Yi frowned, how could he not understand what Fang Zheng said.

The White Lotus Sect can't compare with Buddhism and Taoism, even Taizu couldn't do anything about it, how can Dongchang, a mere man, take Buddhism and Taoism?

At the same time, it is almost certain that 90% of the person in the harem is a remnant of the Sanyang Sect, or a traitor of the White Lotus Sect. Even His Majesty may know about this, and chose to join forces in order to survive.

"What our family told the master, don't mention it to anyone, otherwise the family will be destroyed!"

Zhou Yi said: "Let's talk about taxation, our family will play it with His Majesty, Buddhism calls on believers to support the new policy, and part of the land tax should be reduced or exempted."

Fangzheng bowed and said, "Thank you Dugong."

Zhou Yi reminded: "There will be another person in the court to play, limiting the amount of tax-free land for monks, which is generally burdensome with the gentry, and the master needs to support it!

"Buddhism is up and down, and there is no one who is loyal to the country."

Fang beamed with joy, giving the tax-free amount was tantamount to recognizing the status of a monk from the court and the law, even if he lost some acres because of it.

Zhou Yi picked up his teacup and said.

"In three days, our family will visit the mountain and debate scriptures with the master in the temple."

"The poor monk is always waiting."

Fangzheng got up to say goodbye, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly asked: "May I ask you, Duke Du, where is the temple that gave you porridge back then? You are both Buddhist disciples, and the poor monk should take good care of you!"

"Dingshan, Lotus Temple!"

A joke flashed in Zhou Yi's eyes. Instead of giving out porridge, the Lotus Temple ordered the monks to drive the refugees away.

At that time, I was young, and I walked a few steps slower, and I was severely beaten by a few sticks.

Originally, he wanted to lead the army to destroy the Lotus Temple, but now that Fangzheng and Jianghu Zhengdao are taking action, they just stand aside and watch the excitement.


Three days later.

Zhou Yi led troops to climb the mountain, and soldiers were everywhere inside and outside King Kong Temple.

Even if you communicate with Fangzheng, you still need to beware of siege and traps.

After staying in the Sutra Pavilion of King Kong Temple for less than half a month, I met the Changchun Temple Lord who took the initiative to visit, so the Governor of Dongchang and the two religions of Buddhism and Taoism reached an agreement in the Daxiong Hall.

At this time, it is hard to tell who is good and who is evil!

at the same time.

Zeng Shilang of the Ministry of Household Affairs wrote that the two religions of Buddhism and Taoism occupy a huge amount of land, and a large number of people are attached to it every year.

It should be constrained by the law of tax exemption for gentry, so as not to affect the taxation of the court!

Emperor Zhengtong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and repeatedly praised Minister Zeng for not being afraid of Buddhism and Taoism, and daring to speak and do things like this.

Zeng Zhiyuan, who has been an official in Beijing for less than a year, has become a celebrity in His Majesty's eyes.


Orthodox five years.


Palace of Qinzheng.

Emperor Zhengtong read the secret play of the supervisory department, and his face showed joy.

"Twelve water villages in the Tuojiang River, disrespecting the imperial government's decree, resisting the payment of fishing tax, all of them have been wiped out, and the gold and silver obtained are 670,000 taels..."

"Xiao Yizi's work is very much in line with my wishes!"

Emperor Zhengtong signed a letter together, and since the middle of the year, the supervisory department has been annihilating Jianghu sects everywhere.

There are tens of thousands of troops sweeping away in the open, and Buddhism and Taoism are supporting in the dark. Any sect that dares to resist the tax will be breached in a short time, and the family will be wiped out.

After the twelve sects were wiped out, the rest did not dare to have any objections, and obediently paid taxes according to the law.

Now Zhouyi began to encircle and suppress water bandits and bandits from all over the country. Although the gains were not as good as Jianghu sects, they also solved local worries, and there were hundreds of thousands of taels of silver in their internal funds.

Emperor Zhengtong was almost reluctant to call Zhou Yi back to Beijing


Eunuch Yuan watched with jealousy, ransacking the family every day, how much money Eunuch Yi got, touched the silver ticket on his cuff, and suppressed the idea of ​​making a small report.

"It's almost time, I still have things to do."

Emperor Zhengtong ordered: "Pass the decree and order Xiao Yizi to return to Beijing as soon as possible!"

"Follow the order."

Just as Eunuch Yuan exited the hall, Eunuch Wei immediately manifested himself.

"Your Majesty, our family is keeping a close eye on Eunuch Yi in secret. This is an official who has had contact with him."

"Mr. Hardworking."

Emperor Zhengtong read the list and kept his names in his heart. These people would never even think about becoming officials in Beijing: "They have both civil and military skills, and they are all from famous families. Xiao Yizi has a lot of thoughts."

Eunuch Wei asked suspiciously, "Since your Majesty knows about this, why do you want to condone it?"

"Who in this world has no other thoughts?"

Emperor Zhengtong put the list aside: "Even the people next to my pillow are like this, how can UU Reading criticize an outsider, as long as I can do things well, I will reward you!

Eunuch Wei reminded: "Your Majesty has become more and more dependent on Eunuch Yi, and this time he has led 30,000 troops abroad, which has never happened before."

"What I want to do is also unprecedented in the kingdom!"

Emperor Zhengtong said quietly: "What's more, the servants lead the army, but they feel more at ease, and the military power can be relieved with a single edict. If you change the general of the country, I would rather ignore the Jianghu sect!"

Eunuch Wei said, "Your Majesty is still worried about the north?"

"News came from Zhen Fusi. He built a big city on the grassland, which is almost the same as the capital's regulations. How can I not be worried?"

Emperor Zhengtong sighed: "Internal and external troubles, heavy pressure, sometimes I think, why not abandon the reform..."

Eunuch Wei bowed his head to serve him. He could have stayed out of the royal family and court battles, but he chatted with the orthodox emperor several times, and gradually changed from a monarch and minister to a good friend.

"Since your majesty has great ambitions, you must endure what ordinary people cannot bear!"

"That's right, sir."

Emperor Zhengtong collected his thoughts and gently stroked the white hair on his forehead: "Time is fleeting, I must not slack off in the slightest. If there are any disturbances in the court, I will clarify them one by one and eradicate them one by one!"

"Those who want to bring peace to the world, first sweep a house!"

"Now that the field investigation is coming to an end, before I implement the new policy, I should clean up my house first..."

Eunuch Wei said: "Your Majesty, why recall Eunuch Yi at this time, put him outside, and it is safer to recall him after the palace affairs."

Emperor Zhengtong turned his head to look in the direction of Kunning Palace, shook his head slightly and said.

"Don't worry, Xiao Yizi is smart and won't team up with her!"

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