MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 312 Poisoned

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"Report to Dad, the Tang family was destroyed by foreign troops!"

Zhou Ping'an recalled the scene of the family's disintegration, the screams of the clansmen were still in his ears, and hatred appeared on his face.

"The former emperor subdivided the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom into the Zhenbei King, but the territory is full of foreign people, and there are also defeated Sirius soldiers fleeing. Even the Zhenbei Kings do not want to live there."

"In order to establish a foundation, King Zhenbei drove the people of Daqing to move to the grassland."

"In the beginning, they used the name of dividing the land to lure the refugees to carry them on their backs, but the speed was too slow and the number was too small, so they joined hands with local officials to buy and sell people."

"The local officials sold the village to King Zhenbei, and the other party would send soldiers to force the people to the grassland. According to the steward of the Tang caravan, the people of Daqing mixed with other races, and large-scale fights often occurred!"

Following Zhou Pingan's narration, Zhou Yi's complexion became more serious.

The Supervision Department has heard a little about the migration of the King of Zhenbei from Daqing, and the court also turned a blind eye to it, since the number is limited anyway.

What's more, they think that moving the refugees out of Daqing will naturally mean peace and prosperity!

It never occurred to the king of Zhenbei that he would be so mad that he would send troops to plunder him. His actions were no different from those of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom back then. Local officials were either afraid of the power of Zhenbei King, or greedy for money to buy people, so they dared to hide it from the court.

"There is no word on such a big event in Beijing?"

Zhou Yi's thoughts turned suddenly, the north is afraid that it has completely fallen, the king of Zhenbei covers the sky with one hand, even if the martial arts are at the top of the world, if he falls into the siege of the army, he will not escape his life!

When it comes to the danger of life, Zhou Yi would rather give up the authority of Duke Dugong than take risks.

"Ping An, the Tang family has a great reputation in Yangchang Mansion, what does it have to do with King Zhenbei's plundering of people?"

"To tell you the truth, the Tang family also traded people with King Zhenbei, bought refugees and slaves from various prefectures in Daqing, and transported the people of Daqing to the grasslands through caravans in exchange for cattle and sheep fur."

Zhou Pingan talked about this matter without any remorse or pity.

The laws of Daqing only protect the people of good nationality, and the people of low nationality can be traded at will. They only need to pay a tax in the yamen, and people become goods that can be transported and bought at will.

"The king of Zhenbei threatened the Tang family with this matter, and moved his family northward, using the Tang family's thousand-year reputation in Yangchang Mansion to attract more people and even gentry to move to the grassland."

"The patriarch refused, saying that the Tang family was loyal to Daqing and would never betray their ancestors."

"Afterwards, the foreign army sneaked into the city of Yangchang and exterminated the Tang family. The boy hid in the chimney for three days and three nights, and did not come out until the searchers from the yamen left."

Zhou Pingan said: "The Tang family is not an exception. The King of Zhenbei gathered the remnants of the foreign tribes under his command. Any family, village or town that does not follow the order will be slaughtered in a blink of an eye!"

Zhou Yi's eyes were cold, and he glanced at the Zhou family members who were pale with fright.

"Pretend you haven't heard about this matter. Don't tell anyone. If it really spreads, there is no need for our family to pursue it. King Zhenbei will send someone to exterminate the clan!"

Everyone nodded repeatedly, they dared not tell anyone such a sensational thing.

"Ping An, our family cannot promise to help you take revenge."

Zhou Yi said: "Your Majesty, in one day, our family will be the deadly enemy of King Zhenbei. You have to work a hundred times harder. There are countless old members of the Tang family for thousands of years, so you must also keep in touch."

"Thank you Daddy!"

Zhou Ping'an's purpose was to take advantage of the situation, and he had to do it himself for revenge.

"Don't talk about these spoilers, let's start the banquet!"

Zhou Yi got up and poured wine for Zhou's father himself, which immediately made the other party smile, and the fear brought by King Zhenbei was swept away.

Let's finish the banquet.

Zhou Yi used the excuse of being drunk and did not return to the Supervisory Department, but stayed in the Zhou Mansion.

The house has been prepared for a long time, it is located in the most central position, and there are servants to clean it all year round. The interior decoration and use are the top of the country.

Those merchants who are interested in entering the tribute list will choose thousands of high-quality goods and send them to Zhou Yi for enjoyment, and then it will be His Majesty's turn.

Half asleep and half awake.

Night fell.

A black shadow jumped and shuttled around Zhou Mansion.

night clothes into the dark

, Coupled with the exquisite and extraordinary lightness kung fu, the guard on duty didn't find anything unusual.

After a while.

The black shadow came to the door of the main house, opened a hole with saliva, and looked into the house with one eye.

Even the sound of breathing came out, and Zhou Yi was already asleep.

True Qi penetrated into the edge of the window, pulled the latch inside, and slipped into it along the gap of the window, crawling on the ground like a boneless black snake.

Hei Ying came to the window, confirmed that it was the governor of Dongchang who was sleeping soundly, and waved out more than a dozen poisonous needles.

The sharp blades slipped out of the sleeves and slashed towards Zhou Yi's neck.

When the first poisonous needle entered his body, Zhou Yi suddenly woke up, and the majestic sea of ​​true energy came out through his body, condensing into a nearly solid circular air shield, and resisting all the other poisonous needles.

The two knives slashed on the air mask, and it vibrated slightly, not even breaking a gap.


The black shadow uttered in shock, he had never heard of such genuine energy in the world, it was so terrifying.

Immediately, he performed lightness kung fu, and his body retreated and escaped outwards.

"Our family wants to see, where did the thief come from, and I will teach you to kill all the nine clans!"

Zhou Yi performed the Dragon Capturing Kungfu, dragged the black shadow back, and waved off the black cloth mask, revealing a handsome face with sword eyebrows and starry eyes.

"Jie Jie Jie, you are actually a little boy!"

"A stray dog, everyone gets it and kills it."

Hei Ying yelled and cursed, knowing that the Supervision Division's dungeon was terrifying, and he was about to bite the poisonous sack and kill himself while speaking.

"Want to die? It's not such a good thing!"

Zhou Yi flicked his fingers repeatedly, and his true energy hit Soi Ying's acupuncture points.

From the moment the shadow entered the house to the present, the rabbit took a few breaths, and Fanzi rushed into the house when he heard the movement, and saw the assassin standing stiffly in place. "Duke, you are so humble!"

Seeing this, the fans knelt down on the ground, kowtowing and pleading guilty.

"Return to the Supervision Department."

Zhou Yi stood up and just took two steps when his legs gave way and he fell to the ground.


Gan'er Xiaoyinzi hurriedly stepped forward to help, seeing Zhou Yi's face turned purple, and a strange fragrance came from his shoulders.

"What a poisonous needle!"

Zhou Yi circulated his true qi to protect his heart, took out the token from his cuff, and ordered: "Go to the palace and report quickly, and invite Imperial Physician Liu to come and treat our family, and give Lin Fu one night to find out the origin of this person."


Knowing the urgency of the situation, Xiao Yinzi took the token and performed lightness kung fu, and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.

Another fan went to Yong'an Square. At this time, the Imperial Hospital was on duty, so he went directly to Liu Taiyi's house to invite someone to come over.

At this time.

Everyone in the Zhou family who heard the movement came to the main house door. After the report, Zhou's father, Zhou mother and adoptive son Zhou Ping'an came in to visit.

Zhou Yi sat cross-legged on the bed to exercise his kung fu to resist the poison, and the bruise on his face not only did not disappear, but the color became deeper and deeper.

Zhou's father was worried, and he didn't know what to say.

The rise and fall of the Zhou family depended entirely on Zhou Yi. If they were really poisoned and died, they would suffer countless reprisals within a few days.

At that time, not to mention taking concubines, it would be difficult to survive!

Zhou's mother burst into tears: "Second boy, what's wrong with you?"

"Mother need not worry."

Zhou Yi's voice was weak and low: "It's just that the little thieves have tricked me. When the doctor Liu comes, I can take a few medicines and it will be cured."

"That's good, that's good."

Father Zhou was a little relieved, even though Zhou Yi looked bad, he kept comforting himself in his heart.

Zhou Ping'an, who was waiting on the side, frowned tightly, then quickly loosened his brows, and then showed a panic and worried look.

"You go out first."

Zhou Yi waved his hand and ordered everyone to wait outside: "Stay safe, our family has something to tell you."

There were only father and son left in the room. Zhou Yi looked at Zhou Ping'an for a long time, and said in admiration, "As expected of a child raised by a big family, our family underestimated him after all."

The last trace of worry in Zhou Pingan's heart disappeared immediately, and he bowed and said.

"Father praises it, the Tang family is very infighting, the child sees a lot on weekdays, so he can figure out a thing or two."

"Not bad! "Our family didn't understand anything when we entered the palace, and we gradually understood the truth through listening, watching and pondering more, but we also lost our heart."

Zhou Yi sighed and said, "The gain and loss among them is only known by oneself!"

Zhou Pingan was puzzled and said, "Daddy's way of doing this is hard to hide from His Majesty."

"Our family doesn't need to hide it, but come up with a plausible reason. Your Majesty doesn't want our family to go to the north, but to be honest and stable for a while."

"The body is very poisonous, just rest and heal!"

Zhou Yi said: "Remember, everything in this world is a mutual compromise, even if Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven!"

"Children are taught."

Zhou Pingan bowed to thank him: "Father, will you report the upheaval in northern Xinjiang to the imperial court?"

Zhou Yi pondered for a long time, then shook his head slightly.

"After a while, His Majesty is concentrating on reforming taxes. If there are drastic changes in northern Xinjiang, those officials who are unwilling to reform taxes will definitely use this to force His Majesty to back down."

This is just a superficial reason. In fact, King Zhenbei's separatism and rebellion are good things in the eyes of Zhou Yi.

Only when the place is in chaos, the orthodox emperor will pay more attention to the Supervision Department, so as to continue to expand his power until he can control the change of imperial power.

Of course, it is also possible to play off the game, and the King of Zhenbei succeeded in changing the dynasty in rebellion.

That didn't do any harm to the Book of Changes. Taking advantage of the chaos in the palace and sweeping the inheritance of classics, he ran to the deep mountains and old forests to avoid disaster, and he was able to make waves again a hundred and eighty years later.

Zhou Ping'an wondered, "In order not to change the tax, the ministers allowed King Zhenbei to cause chaos. Isn't it a small loss?"

"Ji Jie Jie..."

Zhou Yi laughed strangely, and said with a sneer: "Manchu civil and military officials are full of short-sighted people, or they don't care who is the emperor, they only care about how much food grows in their own fields!"

If Zhou Ping'an realizes something, according to what his father said, officials are not loyal to His Majesty, but to their interests.

The Emperor Zhengtong gave a lot of benefits, so the whole world will be named Zhao, on the contrary, the king of Zhenbei gave a lot of benefits, so the world can change his surname to Zhang.

Anyway, the emperor of flowing water, the iron-clad officials of the court!

Zhou Yi then asked about matters in northern Xinjiang, such as people's livelihood and climate. The records in the book were too brief, far less clear than the local people.

About half an hour.

There were hurried footsteps outside the door, and Fanzi in black came in with a white-haired old man on his back.

The old man is none other than Imperial Physician Liu. He has no rank or rank in the imperial hospital, but he is recognized as the most skilled in medicine.

"Meet the Duchess."

Imperial Physician Liu had treated Zhou Yi's wounds, so he was somewhat friendly, and stepped forward to check the wound on his shoulder.

"This smell is the other shore flower. It is rumored that it comes from a foreign Buddhist country. It is extremely poisonous. If you touch it, you will die. Fortunately, the duke has strong true energy and sealed the poison in his arm. Otherwise, the old man would be powerless."

After identifying the source of the poison, Imperial Physician Liu wrote a prescription and ordered Fanzi to quickly grab the medicine and brew it.

He stepped forward to take Zhou Yi's pulse again, and immediately felt a strong and strong pulse, which was not like a person suffering from severe poison at all.

Doctor Liu frowned slightly, met Zhou Yi's deep eyes, coughed and said.

"Duke, there are several other strange poisons mixed in the other shore flower, which cannot be easily cured by the lower officials, and need to be rested and healed slowly."

"Our family knows."

Zhou Yi said with a smile: "Physician Liu comes from Jianghu, and has long been known as a medical fairy, but he was squeezed out by those stupid people in the Imperial Hospital. Our family has long been unable to see it!"

Imperial Physician Liu looked happy, with the governor of Dongchang as his backer, the position of court judge was at his fingertips.

At that time, Imperial Physician Liu was known as a master doctor and had a great reputation in the Jianghu. However, being an official is not comfortable in the Jianghu. He found an opportunity to reveal the emperor's list to check the pulse of the former emperor, and then he entered the Imperial Hospital as an official.

The post of Imperial Physician is a hereditary system, the father dies and the son succeeds, and the brother ends up with the younger brother. It belongs to the iron rice bowl that can be passed on.

Because of this, Tai Hospital is particularly exclusive.

Doctor Liu, an outsider, even if he has excellent medical skills, after more than ten years

Also failed to get promoted.

After all, any promotion is an exercise of power, and has nothing to do with performance or ability. For example, every time Physician Liu sees a doctor, the court will send several imperial physicians to jointly consult.

The nobleman recovered from his illness, and the credit fell to his colleagues.

while talking.

There were footsteps outside again, Xiao Yinzi was leading the way, followed by Eunuch Yuan, the chief inspector and admiral.

Xiao Yinzi said: "Godfather, Your Majesty is worried about your health and ordered Eunuch Yuan to visit you personally."

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, understanding the hidden meaning of these words, His Majesty does not believe that a great master who can compete with the innate can be poisoned so easily.

"Hard work, Eunuch Yuan."

"Our family is also doing business for His Majesty~ Eunuch Yuan put his palm on Zhou Yi's shoulder, and probed his true energy along the meridians, and clearly felt that the evil energy was fighting with Zhou Yi's own true energy.

"It's so strange and highly poisonous. It seems that the method comes from the south. Can Eunuch Yi offend people from the south?"

"Our family's enemies are all over the counties and towns in Daqing!"

Zhou Yi said: "The assassin has already been escorted to the dungeon, and will be interrogated by the Supervision Department. Why don't Eunuch Yuan wait a little longer before going back to report to His Majesty?

"That's great."

Eunuch Yuan nodded slightly and sat on a chair beside him.

There was an outsider in the room, so it was inconvenient to talk, and everyone waited quietly for a reply from the supervisory department.

time flies.

The outside of the window changed from black to white until noon.

Lin Fu entered the door with a stack of confessions, bowed in salute, and reported.

"Duke, the assassin has confessed. He is from the Tianjian sect of Jianghu sect, and he is a disciple of the sect master!"

"Heavenly Sword Gate?"

Zhou Yi asked suspiciously: "Our family's enemies all come from officials, or those aristocratic families have never had any enmity with Jianghu sects, but which guy hires murderers?"

"The assassin seemed to be stubborn, but in fact he became a soft-footed shrimp after a few rounds of torture. The humble official also thought that there was someone behind the scenes, so he endured a lot of torture to delay until this hour."

Lin Fu reported: "After torture, it was confirmed that no one hired the murderer, but the assassin heard the rumors about the duke and claimed to be a righteous knight in the world, so he took the initiative to assassinate."

"Walking chivalry and fighting for justice, eliminating harm for the people?"

Zhou Yi was dumbfounded when he heard this, and then anger surged up again, and he said sharply.

"Our family has always ransacked the family and exterminated the family. I never thought that someone would come to the door. Tianjianmen... Jie Jie Jie, daring to use the word Tian as a name is really a crime of disrespect."

"Put to death!"

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