MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 311 Dugong Yizi

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"Don't be polite, you are our brother!"

Zhou Yi is very kind to him, as if he really regards Zhou Xiong as his elder brother.

In fact, parents, brothers and relatives are nothing in the eyes of Zhou Yi, and the godsons killed a few of them with their own hands.

Now to get close to the clansmen, it is also used.

After all, His Majesty would not dare to use a lonely family without parents and children. Such courtiers with no weakness are also the most unscrupulous and difficult to handle.

So you can not care about the family, but you have to pretend to care!

"That's great."

Zhou Xiong nodded repeatedly, his nervous mind relaxed a lot.

It has only been one year since he was in charge of the prison, and the Supervision Department has sent in dozens of officials, some from the capital city and some from other places. The same thing is that they have all been tortured, and none of them can recognize people.

Hearing the prisoner tell about the cruelty of the governor of Dongchang, even though he is his own brother, Zhou Xiong still has lingering fears in his heart.

"My lord, I have one more thing to report to you."

Zhou Yi circulated the internal energy and penetrated into Ji Yue's body, leaving a dark hand on his chest, which would explode tomorrow, and his internal organs would be shattered to death.

Don't be lenient when dealing with the enemy, kill when you can, so as not to let him turn the corner.

"Go ahead."

"A few days ago, a lot of refugees came to the capital. Our family opened a porridge shed for relief. My father saw a child among them, who was smart and clever, so he went to the yamen to register his household registration and changed his surname to Zhou."

Zhou Xiong raised his eyes to look at Zhou Yi, saw that he was smiling, and continued talking just now.

"Father put this child under the name of an adult as his son, and he will inherit the incense in the future. If the adult agrees, please choose a name."

"Name it?"

Zhou Yi pondered for a moment and said: "Let's call it Ping'an. I don't want glory and wealth, I just want to be safe."

Surprise flashed in Zhou Xiong's eyes, and he bowed quickly.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to enter the genealogy for my nephew."

"Go, our family is going around in this prison."

Zhou Yi waved his hands and ordered Zhou Xiong to retreat, and walked alone in the sky prison, but he no longer felt the inexplicable sense of familiarity, but instead learned a few new techniques of torture while communicating with the jailer.

"Go back and try the effect on the dungeon prisoners!"

Orthodoxy for four years.


The first confrontation between the two factories ended with a complete victory for the East Factory.

Commander Ji Yue ransacked the family and exterminated the family, affecting thousands of local households, hundreds of households and dozens of people. It can be said that since the founding of Daqing, it was the first time that officials of the Zhenfu Division were punished on a large scale. Lu Wei, who was a co-prefect at the time, made great contributions in reporting and was promoted to commander.

The new official took office three fires, and Lu Wei's first fire went to Dongchang, where six eunuchs in charge were arrested in a row.

The governor of the East Factory was furious, and he scolded Lu Wei as a perfidious villain, and brought hundreds of black-clothed men to attack the Zhen Fusi aggressively.

Pass the palace gate.

Eunuch Yuan has been waiting for a long time, and said with a smile: "Duke Du, stay a while, Your Majesty will tell you."

"Long live my emperor..."

Zhou Yi quickly knelt down and shouted long live three times.

Eunuch Yuan said: "Your Majesty heard that there are many refugees coming from the north, and the local officials have not reported the disaster situation. The Zhen Fu Division is empty, so I will leave this matter to the Governor to investigate."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, our family will investigate clearly."

Zhou Yi kowtowed to receive the decree, took out a stack of silver notes from his cuff, and stuffed them into Eunuch Yuan's hands: "How is Your Majesty feeling these days?"

"Very good."

Eunuch Yuan said: "Yesterday, His Majesty also praised Commander Lu for his loyalty and reliable work!"

Zhou Yi cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Eunuch Yuan."

The Zhenfu Division was hit hard, and Lu Wei was ordered in the face of danger. It was difficult to compete with the East Factory in a short time, so His Majesty took the initiative to dismiss Zhouyi and give the West Factory time to recover.

Of course, it is also important to investigate the refugees from the north.

Eunuch Yuan glanced left and right, and said in a low voice: "There are some things that the Dugong should understand. If the two factories are here, they will both be there, and if they are dead, they will both be dead!"

"Greetings, Eunuch Yuan!"

Zhou Yi took a fan in black, went back to the Supervision Department, and summoned Eunuch Lin, who was in charge of the subpoena.

"What disaster happened in the north, that there are so many refugees?"

"Reporting to my lord, the father-in-law of the three prefectures in Northern Xinjiang, the pigeons sent back at the beginning of the month said that there is nothing serious."

Eunuch Lin bowed and said, "Our family has doubts in our hearts. A few days ago, we sent a fan to investigate. It has been more than ten days, and no news has come back."

"Ji Jie Jie..."

Zhou Yi heard that instead of being angry, he let out a series of strange smiles: "Okay, okay, the supervisory department has only been established for a year, and the local father-in-law has been bought by others. It's really amazing!"

Gan'er, who was waiting on the left and right, and the officials who obeyed orders, fell to their knees with a plop.

Zhou Yi turned his head to look at a cadre: "Let's ask you, who in the north has such a great ability to bribe a servant who has no roots and no descendants?"

The godfather said anxiously, "Godfather, my son doesn't know."

"I don't know, or dare not?"

Zhou Yi waved his hands over Qian'er, grabbed his neck, and said coldly: "Last night, a man with a northern accent went to your house in the middle of the capital. Our family has missed eight generations of your ancestors, and no relatives have gone to the north to seek a living. "

Gan'er didn't dare to hide anything, and screamed.

"Godfather, please forgive me, my son was confused for a moment and took money from King Zhenbei..."

"Receiving money is nothing, our family collects more, but you have to know that some people's money can't be touched!"

When Zhou Yi spoke, the strength in his hands gradually increased, and as the last words fell, there was a crackling sound of his neck bone shattering.

The head lost its support and limply pulled to the chest.

Throwing Qian'er to the corner with a wave of his hand, his own fanzi was in charge of collecting households. Zhou Yi glanced at all the Qian'er and officials coldly, and taught him a lesson: "Whoever dares to collect money from the north in the future will not die so easily!"

Everyone kowtowed again and again, not daring to have any opinions.

Gan'er, who just died, was very happy in Zhou Yi on weekdays. He never wanted to kill him without mercy. What's even more frightening was that he couldn't hide who he met at home from the Duke.

"Assemble the men and horses, and head north in three days."

Zhou Yi said with a gloomy expression: "Our family wants to see, what method was used to wipe out the supervisory department in the north!"

Zhou Yi didn't care about refugees, natural disasters, etc. He almost starved to death back then, and no one came to help him.


Everyone in the Supervision Department agreed in unison, and then dispersed to mobilize the elite.

Daqing Kyoto.

east city.


The people who live there are all nobles from the dynasty, and every inch of land is expensive, and if a brick falls down, at least it is an uncle.

Zhou Mansion is located in the southeast of Chongrenfang, occupying more than ten acres of land. Inside, there are all kinds of pavilions, towers, pavilions, rockeries and lakes. It can be said that every step and every step is beautiful.

This house was originally Xingguo's mansion. During the previous dynasty, he was suspected of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country, and the whole family was exiled to mine in northern Xinjiang.

The orthodox emperor thought of the merits of the Zhouyi, and bestowed the Xingguo Duke Mansion on the Zhou family as a token of his favor.

Today, a "Zhou Mansion" plaque can be hung at the door, and the position of the Supervision Department is recognized by the court, and it is a foreign minister, not an internal eunuch.

at dusk.

A series of people came to the Zhou Mansion, and took over the duties of guarding the courtyard, and were on duty at the gate and corridor.

Eight porters carried the official sedan chair to the door, and Xiao Yinzi bowed and opened the curtain.

"Godfather, you're home."

Zhou Yi closed the "National Records of the Dynasty", and since he took over the case of investigating the northern border, he borrowed the history books about northern Xinjiang from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and began to check it from the previous dynasty.

Before Daqing was the Zhou Dynasty, which had been destroyed for more than three hundred years.

The two dynasties fought repeatedly with the alien races in northern Xinjiang. At the beginning of the founding of the country, there were more victories than defeats, and then there were victories and defeats for each other. After that, they were allowed to be invaded by alien races.

"The former emperor may be obsessed with cultivating immortality and longevity, but destroying the wolf king's golden tent can be called the master of ZTE!"

Zhou Yi got off the sedan chair, saw his parents and elder brother waiting at the door, stepped forward a few steps and bowed to salute.

"I met my father, my mother!"

"Duke, please come inside."

Seeing Zhou Yi's old appearance, Zhou's father felt a little pity in his heart.

After the Zhou family prospered, in order to be arty, Zhou's father hired many gentlemen to teach him how to read and write.

Knowing that the Zhou family's prosperity today is entirely based on Zhou Yi's sacrifice, facing the court's conspiracy and tricks alone, and bearing tremendous pressure, it is so prematurely aging.

"Second boy, I personally made a banquet for you for my mother."

Zhou's mother became fatter and fatter, and her voice was as loud and rough as before, as if she was afraid that others would not know that Zhou Yi was her own son.

Zhou Yi smiled and said, "Mother is worrying."

Mother Zhou glanced proudly at the dozen or so young women when she heard the praise.

Let you be proud of yourself on weekdays and use your looks to seduce the master, but now that you have met the head of the Zhou family, none of you are even qualified to speak, and obediently wait on the side.

Zhou Yi saw the changes in everyone's expressions.

Zhou's father is lustful, Zhou's mother is delicious, and his brother has become a fan of officials...

The rest of the Zhou family's relatives within five servings had at least been assigned the position of yamen subaltern, so they could eat the imperial food in a sudden change, and no longer have to work hard to farm.

According to the investigation by Fanzi of the Supervision Department, these relatives have their own hobbies, and none of them are angry.

When the poor become rich, very few people can stick to their hearts!

Zhou Yi originally had the idea of ​​dragging the clansmen, seeing this situation, he just raised him as a pig, and showed it to His Majesty, and he would not miss it at all when he really ransacked the family.

While speaking, I came to the main hall, and there were about twenty children kneeling at the door, kowtowing together.

Let Zhou Yi take a look at the children of the right age in the Zhou family. If anyone really catches his eye, even his parents can be prosperous and rich.

Zhou Yi scanned them one by one, and his eyes fell on a six or seven-year-old child.

The other children were terrified, but this one had calm eyes and an orderly demeanor, unlike the ones that could be raised by a small family.

"Which house is this from?"

"Duke, this is your child."

Zhou's father was very pale, and there were more than twenty children mixed together, but he only picked this one, which showed that he had a good vision: "He is Zhou Ping'an, I will wait for you to come back, kowtow to recognize my father."

"Interesting, interesting!"

Zhou Yi said, "Come here and let our family take a look."

Hearing the sound, Zhou Pingan came over, bowed and saluted, "Meet the Dugong."

Zhou Yi held Zhou Ping'an's shoulders, and probed the muscles, bones and meridians in his body with zhenqi. It was indeed tougher than ordinary people, and there was a weak but pure zhenqi in his dantian.

"Such roots must have been cultivated from the mother's womb. This secret method is only available in non-family sects. What is your origin?"

"Report to the Governor."

Zhou Pingan said: "I am the heir of the Tang family in the Xuanfu. My original name is Tang Yun. Now the Tang family was destroyed by a foreign race. I escaped with my life and wandered to the capital."

Zhou Yi asked again: "Why did you come to Zhou Mansion?"

Zhou's father next to him said suspiciously: "Grand Du, it's not that he wants to come, I took the initiative to take him in."

Zhou Pingan bowed and said: "Master Zhou, please forgive me. I heard that the governor is famous, and I deliberately tried to show your intelligence to you. I wanted to be a servant and entrust my life to you.

"I never thought that I would fall into the eyes of the master and be adopted under the name of the duke."

"You kid..."

Zhou's father stared wide-eyed. The nearly fifty-year-old man had let a seven-year-old child trick him. Wouldn't it be a big joke to spread the word.

"When our family was your age, we could only live in mud!"

Zhou Yi sighed in admiration, the heirs of aristocratic families have been cultivated since childhood, they have cultivated their muscles, bones and meridians physically, and they have read and lectured spiritually, how ordinary people can compete with them.

Probably only when the world changes, can a few people from poor backgrounds climb to the top from among the bones!

"Come in and talk with me."

"Thank you, Duchess."

Zhou Ping'an showed joy on his face. If the originally planned 50-year revenge could be helped by the powerful Governor of Dongchang, or

May the wish come true soon.

Main hall.

The table has been prepared, and the main seat is reserved for Zhou Yi.

"The kingdom governs the world with filial piety, and His Majesty practiced it personally, chanting scriptures and praying for the late emperor every day."

Zhou Yi put Zhou's father on the throne and said: "Our family follows your majesty as an example, father please take the seat!"

No matter how much he doesn't care about the family in his heart, on the surface Zhou Yi has done nothing wrong. When he gets home, he puts away the prestige of the governor of the East Factory and becomes a seemingly obedient and filial son.

The spies of the Zhenfu Division are everywhere, maybe the servants in the mansion, or the guards at the gate, can't hide their words and deeds from His Majesty's eyes and ears.

Besides, if the Zhou family has been prosperous and Zhou Yi has been filial for decades, who can say it is false.

"Peace, sit next to our house.

Zhou Yi asked: "Our family entered the palace at the age of ten, and it has been twelve years since then. We are short of a descendant to inherit the incense. Would you like to enter our family's and send our family to the grave in the future?"

"Baby greets Daddy."

Zhou Pingan knelt down without hesitation, kowtowed three times and bowed nine times, took the tea brought by the servant, and handed it to Zhou Yi respectfully.

"Ji Jie Jie!"

Zhou Yi drank the tea and asked: "My child is of noble birth, but our family is just a mud leg, do you feel wronged?"

Zhou Pingan thought for a moment and said: "When the Tang family was exterminated, the child still had arrogance, but the journey from Xuanfu to the capital, the wind, frost, rain, snow, hunger and cold, has worn down his temper!"

"Well said."

Zhou Yi seemed to be referring to it and said: "Whether the rich are suddenly poor, or the poor are suddenly rich, you have to sharpen your temper, otherwise it will be difficult to make a fortune."

Zhou's father understood it, but he didn't plan to change it. He will take a concubine in a few days.

I gave all the gift money, can I still get it back?

Ever since Zhou's mother saw Zhou Yi, she has not stopped laughing. She lives so simply that she can't hear her voice. Anyway, she must be devoted to Er Wazi!

Only Zhou Xiong was restless, since he also became the head of the Supervision Department, he walked erratically.

Dare to take the money that I dare not take, dare to settle the case that I dare not settle, wear the official robe of the supervisory department, see the third rank of the official, and the six servants have to give up three points when they see it.

Zhou Yi gave a lesson, but he didn't continue to pay attention.

The Zhou family and many relatives, Zhou Xiong, the highest official, is only at the sixth rank, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't turn the sky around.

"Ping An, our family will go to the north in the future. Tell me how the Tang family exterminated the family?"

The Xuanfu Tang family is unusual, dating back to the founding years of the previous dynasty. It is said that its ancestor was the minister of the humerus of the Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it has been passed down for thousands of years. The thousand-year-old family was destroyed in one fell swoop, and the news didn't even come back to the capital. It's really shocking!

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