MTL - I Accidentally Picked Up the Villain By Mistake After Wearing the Book-Chapter 101

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These birds fly with jet black fur and dark red pupils.

Ning Yueyue held Tianming in her hand, and just as she was about to swing a sword, Rong Xiao held her hand.

Rong Xiao drew a formation barrier with his hand and mind, and the barrier was a transparent barrier. He pushed forward, and the barrier was in front of him. Countless birds slammed violently outside the enchantment, but were never able to get in.

Rong Xiao pulled Ning Yueyue, and the two went to the hole where the black cloak entered.

I saw thousands of rice and miscellaneous grains piled up inside. In front of him is obviously a huge warehouse built by the bird demon clan to store food.

It was very quiet at the moment.

However, when I use my spiritual sense to probe, I can still hear a slight breathing sound.

The man was hiding behind some unknown rice paddy piled up on the hillside.

He said lightly, "Come out, we won't hurt you."

There was no sound for a long time, and the man did not come out. Rong Xiao slowly approached with his sword in his hand, while Ning Yueyue stood behind him, watching the scene in front of her vigilantly. She faintly felt that this place Somewhat quirky.

"Cough," followed by the soft sound of a man coughing.

When Rong Xiao dodged, the man in the black cloak took the opportunity to attack Ning Yueyue!

He was extremely fast, as fast as a bolt of lightning.

In an instant, he came to Ning Yueyue, Ning Yueyue reacted quickly, holding the Tianming sword and swung a cold sword. Unexpectedly, the figure of the black cloak man was faster, and he disappeared in front of him with a flicker of the figure. In the blink of an eye, he flashed behind Ning Yueyue again.

He seems to know that he can't beat Rong Xiao and Ning Yueyue, but he is better than the wind and unpredictable. Ning Yueyue took a step back, raised the Tianming sword to block, while Rong Xiao was quick-witted, grabbed Ning Yueyue's hand, and took her in his arms. At the same time, the microwave on the man in the black cloak vibrated, and the breeze seemed to be mixed with the sandy feeling of wind and snow, and rushed towards Rong Xiao and Ning Yueyue, who both raised their swords to block.

However, the strange thing is that even the sword intent of Tianming and Tianxie can't drive back this evil wind. It was only when the wind blew near, that it was discovered that it was actually dozens of tiny silver needles shining with a clear light.

Silver needles are not afraid of sword intent!

Rong Xiao's face changed slightly, seeing the silver needle stabbing towards the two, he came to the front in an instant. There was no way to retreat, Rong Xiao tightly protected Ning Yueyue in his arms, pressed his back against each other, and at the same time stored his spiritual power on his sword and swung it away!

of the wrist.

Rong Xiao sensed that something was wrong, but the wind was like a needle, piercing into the wrist, making people feel powerless in an instant. Rong Xiao fell in midair with Ning Yueyue in his arms.

The spiritual energy in the body is scurrying, and the originally broken spiritual veins seem to be burned by fire, and there is a sharp pain!

Rong Xiao frowned slightly and his face changed slightly.

Although Ning Yueyue was protected by Rong Xiao in her arms, she also knew the strangeness of this silver needle. Ning Yueyue stretched out her hand to support Rong Xiao's arm, and asked in a hurried voice, "How are you?"

Ning Yueyue noticed that Rong Xiao's face was extremely ugly, and she thought that the silver needle was not a good thing. She clenched the Tianming sword with her five fingers, and her water eyes reflected an icy light towards the person in front of her. Looking coldly, his voice was filled with endless chill, "What is this?! Why did you hurt him?!"

The dark brown eyes fell on the Tianming sword clenched in Ning Yueyue's hands, her voice was hoarse, and she said four words slowly.

"—The Sword of the Demon God."

The atmosphere was stagnant for a moment, Ning Yueyue clenched the Tianming sword in her hand.

She only knew that Tianming was made of extremely yin and mysterious iron, and the blood was slaughtered.

The devil, isn't it the Nine Que? The Sword of the Demon God is the Heavenly Evil Sword of Jiuque.

Why is this man in black looking at her Heavenly Underworld sword and saying it is the sword of the devil?

Rong Xiao was severely injured by this blow, and his lips turned white. He stood behind Ning Yueyue and said solemnly, "Yueyue, don't be fooled by him."

The man in black seemed to laugh, and quickly drew a spell with his fingers, pointing to the Heavenly Underworld Sword. Under the spell, the Tianming Sword, which was originally entwined with spiritual energy and demonic energy, trembled, and after half a sound, the aura was quickly covered by demonic energy.

The demonic energy is overwhelming, like black mist, like tide-

Go to Ning Yueyue's sea of ​​knowledge.

The Heavenly Underworld Sword screamed violently, the sword intent surrounded Ning Yueyue, and the sword spirit bound to the sword seemed to wake up in a deep sleep.

The sword body turned into thousands of crimson rays of light, rushing straight towards Ning Yueyue.

The dazzling starry sky is lining, under the galaxy, on the high platform.

A delicate woman was tied to the Qinglong column.

The picture is hazy, as if separated by a layer of veil and several layers of mist.

You can only see that the woman is bound to the Azure Dragon Pillar, she is wearing a white fairy dress. With her head down, dried blood was condensed on her head, scattered messily, covering her face.

She seems to have lost consciousness, and her whole body is firmly imprisoned by chains.

At this moment, she was covered with blood all over her body. And at her feet, there was a formation full of yin energy.

She didn't know how long she had been tied up, but every once in a while, she heard a light "tick".

The blood of the woman flows into the winding formation from under the wet skirt, and the formation nourished by the blood exudes a jet-black light.

On the opposite side of her, stood a group of people, one of them was wearing a black mask, the eyes under the mask were sinister and vicious, and a cold and clear female voice could be heard from a distance.

"—as long as you kill her tonight with the full moon, it will be over."

Who is this woman?

Ning Yueyue tried her best to see the picture in her mind, she tightly closed her eyes and held the Tianming Sword.

But suddenly I heard Rong Xiao's voice, "Yueyue! Quickly take back the consciousness!"

Ning Yueyue's palm trembled slightly, but she couldn't let go.

She wanted to open her eyes, but her eyelids were still heavy. She was trapped in past memories and could not wake up.

The screen is reversed.

"Have you heard? The big devil in the Xiuxian world is dead!"

"The Kunlun faction took the lead, Yunhuo Palace and the Jasper faction were many major factions, and a hundred schools of Xuanmen encircled the demon king on the Zhongya. Everyone worked together to finally cut the demon king under the sword and throw it into the bell. In the cliff stove…”

"Nice work! The great devil is mad! With one sword, he can sweep over more than a hundred disciples of the immortals! If we don't kill them as soon as possible, wouldn't the entire Six Realms be turned upside down!"

Rong Xiao looked at Ning Yueyue's appearance and somewhat understood.

The person in front of him used the forbidden technique of heaven and earth—spiritual peeping technique.

This technique can be traced back to the past, and can even see past lives!

Rong Xiao stood behind Ning Yueyue, trying hard to separate Ning Yueyue and Tianming, but found that the Tianxie sword could not split the technique bound to the Tianming sword!

I can only see the bright light of the Tianming sword, and it interacts with Ning Yueyue.

A purple streamer poured out from the sword, wrapping Ning Yueyue inside, and she was already isolated from the outside world.

Rong Xiao's black eyes looked at the man in black coldly, with a deep emotion in his eyes, "Who are you?"

He vaguely guessed that the identity of the person in front of him was not simple.

The man in black's voice was hoarse and extremely unpleasant, he said slowly: "Don't care who I am."

At this time, Ning Yueyue's fingers on the sword turned pale, and her face became extremely ugly.

The black eyelashes tremble and the purple light shines brightly.

The man in black looked at Ning Yueyue and said a meaningful sentence, "You just need to know—"

"She is a devil, even if she repeats it countless times, it will not change her ending."

Rong Xiao's heart skipped a beat, his narrow eyes narrowed slightly.

The Heavenly Evil Sword came out and swept across the man's brows, the man in black could hold the Heavenly Evil Sword, raised his eyes to look at Rong Xiao, "You are now completely broken, and you still want to make A crossbow with a strong bow?" The man in black coughed lightly, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but he still recklessly used his spiritual power to control the peeping technique!

Rong Xiao was shocked when he saw this.

This is a mysterious and mysterious person in front of him.

In exchange for her own spiritual power, it was the breath of the devil who wanted to awaken Ning Yueyue!

At this moment, the hidden gold seal on Ning Yueyue's bright and clean forehead shone slightly with golden light.

Memories are chaotic and come to me.

"Rong Xiao!"

Ning Yueyue held the sword and closed her eyes, trembling all over.

I heard a familiar voice in the picture, a scream of despair.

The girl in the white robe stood on the cliff and cried bitterly, "The person you like isn't Lu Xueling?"

The golden seal on her forehead flickered, and the originally clear water eyes instantly turned into a deep purple light.

"So! You've been lying to me!"

In the demon world, above the main hall.

"The bird demon can't stand it anymore, it is said that the whole clan will come out tonight." A demon general in armor knelt on the ground, clasped his fists in both hands and said angrily: "They did something wrong themselves, But you still blame His Highness for punishment, Your Highness, Prince, you are too indulgent to them, so let them be like this!"

The man sitting on the high seat was dressed in a golden robe, and his black hair was held in a white jade hairpin. He was handsome and had an extraordinary bearing. At this moment, he was lying lazily on the chair, with a pair of peach blossom eyes slightly hooked, and he repeated thoughtfully: "The bird demon desire and the demon world are cut off?"

He had a smile at the corner of his mouth, but there was no smile in his eyes, "It's interesting, but put that aside."

Speaking, the man seemed to remember something and raised his eyebrows, "Gumin, I heard that after Zhuya returned to the demon world, he didn't go to the demon torture platform, but met Xiaoyu privately? "

Xiao Yu is the second highness of the demon world and the half-brother of the prince of the demon world.

I coveted the crown prince all the year round.

Gu Min nodded and said, "I wonder if Your Highness has ever heard of the Heavenly Evil Sword."

The man put his fingers on the table and nodded.

"Zhuya wanted to take this sword in the Realm of Ten Thousand Demons, but was seriously injured by two Immortal Sect disciples. It was the people of the Second Highness who saved him." Having said this, Gu Min Dun After a pause, he continued: "The two immortal disciples seem to have a grudge against Zhu Ya, and they chased Zhu Ya into the demon world."

"Those two entered the demon world?" The man clasped the hand of the table case and raised his head. Those gleaming peach blossom eyes showed a solemn look and asked, "Where's the person?"

Gu Min didn't dare to look up, he didn't dare to tell the man in front of him.

The two disciples of immortality mixed into the demon world in a grand manner, and he only learned the news after the two disciples of immortality disappeared in the demon city of the demon world.

When he sent someone to search, he found that someone seemed to have hidden their whereabouts.

Gu Min scratched his head, "I didn't find it..."

The man frowned and waved: "You send people to search in the demon world secretly, and you must bring them to this monarch unscathed."

Gu Min led the order to retreat, but the man seemed to remember something, stood up and said, "Forget it, I'll go in person."

The man walked outside the hall, and at this moment, a demon soldier rushed up.

"It's not good, Your Highness!"

A demon soldier outside the door shouted: "All the birds have fled the demon clan, and I hope His Highness will go to preside over the overall situation!"

On the other side, with the raging memory, the golden seal on Ning Yueyue's forehead completely emerged.

The peeping technique almost exhausted the whole body of the black cloak, and his flesh shrank/shrinked at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The dark brown eyes also became cloudy, and wrinkles covered the whole face.

"You exhausted your spiritual breath to help her restore the breath of the devil, what exactly do you want to do?"

The spiritual power between the fingers of the man in black was getting weaker and weaker. He looked at Ning Yueyue and said lightly: "If you want her to know about her past life, there is no escape."

Rong Xiao looked at the black cloak deeply.

She asked in a deep voice, "So, what is her destiny?"

"Since ancient times, the breath of the devil..."

The words were interrupted, and only the sound of weapons colliding could be heard.

With the sound of "Zheng", the sound of arrows sounded! Countless arrow feathers fell from the sky in an instant!

When Rong Xiao dodged, he ran straight towards Ning Yueyue, but found that those arrow feathers fell on the purple light beside Ning Yueyue and were split by a powerful magic bullet ! He breathed a sigh of relief, looked sideways, and saw a golden arrow feather stabbing straight towards the man in black! The man in black could dodge obviously, but he stood there, letting that arrow pierce his chest!

Rong Xiao endured the pain, held Tianxie in front of him, pulled the man in black back, and avoided the countless arrow feathers that followed. The man in black seemed a little surprised that Rong Xiao would save him, those cloudy eyes fixed on Rong Xiao, "Why save me?"

Rong Xiao waved his sword to block the arrow feathers flying towards him, and said coldly: "I want to know what her destiny is? Why do you have to fight with your life to wake up the memory of her previous life? ?"

At this moment, an arrow feather glowing red flames stabbed straight towards Rong Xiao, accompanied by the second arrow, the third arrow... The arrow feather fell on the ground and flew up Half-height flames! Rong Xiao knew when he saw the red fire—the one who shot was Candle Tooth!

Rong Xiao's spiritual veins are damaged, and at this moment, he can barely use the spiritual power of the Heavenly Evil Sword to resist the sword of red fire in front of him, but he knows that if this goes on, the spiritual power of the Heavenly Evil Sword will decline. , he will die of spiritual exhaustion.

"Blessings! It is the so-called food of the king, loyalty to the king. You are a person from the demon world. His Majesty the demon king has treated you generously for many years, but you actually helped the people in the immortal world to steal my demon world. Supreme Treasure Demon Heavenly Clan!"

The door opened, and a group of demon soldiers in black armor stood behind the door, and the leader was Candle Fang.

At this moment, Candle Fang stared at the man in black in the cloak beside Rong Xiao.

Obviously, he is the wishbone in Candle Fang's mouth.

Rong Xiao did not show any surprise when he heard that the man in black was Zhugu. Before, Rong Xiao had vaguely guessed that the man in black in front of him was Zhu Gu, and this guess was confirmed when he heard Zhu Gu talk about fate.

He has heard rumors long ago that there is a person in the demon world who is good at Qimen medicine, and fortunately divination of the world.

This person is Zhugu.

Zhu Gu sneered, "Zhuya, what are you? You dare to ask Yaotian Clan!"

Candle Fang's eyes narrowed slightly, and at this moment, his eyes like a poisonous snake fell on Ning Yueyue, who was bound by the spirit peeping technique in mid-air. When he remembered that this woman cut off his tail, the killing intent in his heart raged! He didn't care about Zhu Gu's words, instead, he pulled a bow and an arrow, and the arrow feathers shot straight at Ning Yueyue with flames!

However, the arrow feather carrying the red fire, before it approached Ning Yueyue, was violently bounced off by the purple light surrounding her, and turned towards Candle Ya! Candle Ya dodged away, seeing that his scarlet fire was useless to Ning Yueyue.

He turned towards Rong Xiao and said coldly, "I'll kill you first!"

After all, he transformed into a demon body, the demon tail swept away, and the fire was overwhelming!

Rong Xiao just wanted to raise his sword when he heard Zhu Gu's old voice say, "Don't shoot."

Speaking, Zhu Gu behind him took out something from his chest and threw it into the air.

Like a transparent door, it can easily resist the crimson fire of Candle Teeth in an instant!

"Demon Heaven Clan!" Zhu Ya snorted coldly, "It's really in your hands!"

The Yaotian Clan is the treasure of the demon world. It is said that it stands in the two secret doors of the realm of ten thousand demons. Ordinary people cannot dial/out, so there are very few people who see the appearance of the Yaotian Clan. .

Rong Xiao raised his eyes and looked over, but was stunned, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The famous Yaotian clan in front of him was actually two seemingly ordinary iron rods.

The only thing that shows the unusualness of these iron rods is that the two iron rods are engraved with mysterious ancient Sanskrit characters, with inscriptions such as 'Zhutian' and 'God and Demon'. Obviously, it is a punishment tool in ancient times.

What made Rong Xiao look dazed was not the origin of this iron rod, but the former owner of this instrument.

In the fantasy world, the man was sturdy and knelt on top of the hall.

"Master, have you ever thought that once you go down this road, your former great achievements and illustrious military exploits will all be destroyed in front of others, and your name will no longer be seen in the future?"

"How powerful is the breath of the devil, you gave her all the original **** of immortality in your body, and how long can you hold her magic energy into your body? It's really worth it. ?"

"Master, have you really made up your mind?"

"In this case, I shall obey your orders and protect her well for you."

A burst of anger in front of him interrupted Rong Xiao's daze.

"Blessings! You can actually use the Yaotian Clan for your use! You are so courageous!" Zhuya, who had been unable to attack for a long time, gritted his teeth in anger.

Rong Xiao completely understood at this time.

The reason why Yaotian Clan can be easily taken out by Zhugu and can be easily used by him.

Because, this demon clan is originally a blessing.

Thousands of years ago, this nunchaku did not call the name 'Yao Tian Clan', it called 'Monster Lock'.

It is a personal magic weapon of a fairy general in the fairyland.

And this immortal general, his name is Xianting.

He is the first general under the throne of the Nine Towers of the Demon God.

"Puchi", Zhu Gu in front of him, no, he should be told to relax and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Under the forbidden technique he was in, the purple light on Ning Yueyue became more and more intense, and the aura on Xian Ting became weaker and weaker.

Rong Xiao frowned at Xianting, and said solemnly: "Why do you do this?"

Since Zhugu is a leisurely court, he should protect Ning Yueyue, who was reincarnated by Fan Yin, according to the order of the Nine Que a thousand years ago.

Instead of trying to awaken the breath of the devil in her.

Because once the breath of the devil is awakened, the six realms will surely shake!

Xianting looked at Rong Xiao, "Because... destiny."

Fate is inevitable.

Since there is no escape, it is better to plan ahead before fate comes.

At this time, the Tianming Sword in front of Ning Yueyue shook, and the purple light spread out inch by inch in the air.

"This is the... magic sword?!" Zhu Ya understood in an instant, looked at the spell that bound Zhu Gu and Ning Yueyue in front of him, and exclaimed: "She... she is... Zhugu, what are you trying to do?! Don’t stop now!”

The flower-shaped gold seal on Ning Yueyue's forehead shines brightly on her eyebrows.

She closed her eyes, her black eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she was about to wake up from a deep sleep.

At this moment, Xian Ting finally let go, and the aura of his body dissipated little by little.

The black eyes stared at Rong Xiao for a long time, and there seemed to be a smile in the cloudy eyes. Rong Xiao knew that he would soon be wiped out. There was always a look of sadness in his always indifferent eyes.

He heard Xian Ting stubbornly say: "Nine, Nine the **** of war, war, he...he is not..."

After Xianting said the last two words, the body slowly dissipated with the aura, turned into broken starlight, and flew into the sky.

Rong Xiao understood the last sentence of Xian Ting.

He said, Jiuque is the **** of war, he is not the **** of devil.

Rong Xiao only felt bitter in his heart, the God of War period belonging to Jiuque had already been submerged in the torrent of thousands of years of history, but Xianting, a subordinate of Jiuque, still had obsessions in his heart.

The splendid **** of war who reigned over the six realms of the Nine Que, was perhaps the eternal hero in Xian Ting's heart, and he was loyal to the Nine Que to the death.

As Xian Ting's soul dissipated, the light of the Yaotian Clan who lost his master's breath suddenly dimmed.

Rong Xiao suddenly felt that the silver needles pierced into the body seemed to have penetrated into the spiritual veins and quickly became active in the body! Even the whole body was instantly pierced by this silver needle, and the pain was piercing to the bone!

At the same time, the light of the Yaotian Clan was completely extinguished, and Zhuya took a group of demon soldiers to attack!

The crimson fire like a swimming dragon spewed out of Zhuya's mouth, rushing towards Rong Xiao! Seeing the flames engulf Rong Xiao in an instant. Suddenly I saw a purple light pouring down, and there was a loud "bang", the Tianming sword was inserted into the ground, and the boulders swelled!

Ning Yueyue flew down, in the red flames, hugged Rong Xiao's waist tightly, and took him away from the flames.

The blue silk and dresses of the two were entangled in the air.

Ning Yueyue looked at Rong Xiao's handsome and cold eyebrows, and unexpectedly gave birth to a sense of vicissitudes.

"Rong Xiao." Ning Yueyue's black eyes were already dyed with purple light at this moment, but the familiar starlight was still shining in the purple eyes. She looked up at Rong Xiao and said word by word, "When the matter is over, are you willing to become a Taoist partner with me?"


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: donut, 1 Chen Shu;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: a large pear11 bottle

10 bottles of Braised Pork Rice and Fried Egg;

Read The Duke's Passion