MTL - I Accidentally Picked Up the Villain By Mistake After Wearing the Book-Chapter 100

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The two were undoubtedly Rong Xiao and Ning Yueyue in disguise.

I saw Ning Yueyue hooked her lips, and the corners of her mouth showed an open smile, she turned her head and stretched out her long fingers to hook Rong Xiao's chin, her eyes staring at Rong Xiao's face, her eyes An inch swept across his face, and said ambiguously: "Don't hide the generals, he is a handsome man I brought from the world of Xiu Xian for cultivation."

The fox demon likes to harvest yang and replenish yin to increase his cultivation. The most common targets are mortals, of course, there are also many immortal disciples who are hooked.

In the past, it was not without fox demons that brought mortal men into the demon world.

But it was the first time that I brought a disciple of cultivating into the demon world.

Several demon generals looked at each other and seemed startled by Ning Yueyue's bold words.

One of them said: "This is the demon world, how can you bring immortal disciples into it, even if you are cultivating, you can't."

Ning Yueyue said, "How can a mortal man enter?"

The demon general gave Ning Yueyue a "Are you stupid?" expression to Ning Yueyue, "Mortal men are no threat to my demon clan."

Ning Yueyue didn't expect people in the demon world to be so vigilant!

Xu is because there have been constant disputes between the cultivation world and the demon world in the past two years, so the people in the demon world are also very wary of people from the cultivation world entering the demon world.

After some thought, Ning Yueyue changed her strategy instantly.

The corner of her originally smiling mouth twitched, and she blinked to reveal a very sad look.

"The big brothers of the demon generals don't know anything." Ning Yueyue lowered her eyebrows and said with a sad expression: "It is because he is a disciple of a cultivator that I want to bring him into the demon world."

Ning Yueyue had a tearful expression on her face, and her voice was sad, "I was in love with him, and I also promised Feijun not to marry. When I met him, it was... "

The story of a thousand words Ning Yueyue made up is omitted here.

"But he is a disciple of immortal cultivation. Immortal cultivation world can't allow us to fall in love! After thinking about it, I had to bring him into the demon world and pray for the protection of the demon world." Ning Yueyue finished the story , symbolically wiped the corners of his eyes without tears with his sleeve robe.

Sobbed twice and continued: "Because I know! We have generals here in the demon world, and even if the **** in the Xiuxian world knew that I was in the demon world, they would definitely not dare to chase after me! Because I know that people in the immortal world are afraid of the appearance of the demon generals, and when they hear the eighteen generals of the demon world, they are scared to shit!"

Xu Shi Ning Yueyue spoke passionately, and the few demon generals were happy both physically and mentally.


"People from the world of immortals, haha."

"They're just a bunch of ants."

"A group of virtuous gentlemen!"

"As long as you dare to come to the demon world, I will blow their heads!"

Ning Yueyue:? ? ?

Don't you think my love story is very touching?

Why did you scold the world of immortals?

Ning Yueyue looked at Rong Xiao worriedly, and whispered in his ear, "Be patient, don't draw your sword."

Watching Ning Yueyue talking nonsense seriously, Rong Xiao smiled faintly and said in a low voice, "I remember what you said."

Ning Yueyue who didn't react for a while: "Huh?"

Several demon generals saw the charming scene of Ning Yueyue and Rong Xiao talking and biting their ears, and then looked at Rong Xiao's deep eyes. I also felt that what Ning Yueyue said did not seem to be a lie.

Just because the two demon generals were seriously injured, they had to choose two other big demons from the demon clan.

And one of the big demons is a fox clan.

As members of the same clan, the fox demon and demon general looked at Rong Xiao at this moment, and could very well understand why Ning Yueyue brought people into the demon world.

The fox demon family always likes beautiful things. Rong Xiao looks better than the fox people. Does the fox demon like it? And he is a disciple of the Immortal Cultivation Realm. If he is brought by his side, it is indeed beneficial to the Fox Demon's cultivation base.

Then the fox demon will raise the corners of his mouth, show a charming smile, look at Ning Yueyue lazily and say: "In this case, you can take him in, but only in me Clan domain activities, understand?"

Ning Yueyue was overjoyed and said with a smile, "Of course, thank you so much for this beautiful sister."

The fox demon general laughed, his eyes glittering across Rong Xiao's face.

Wait for Ning Yueyue and Rong Xiao to fly into the demon world.

Suddenly, a demon general came to his senses and said, "No, she said that the two of them are in love with each other, so why are you tying that kid's hand?"

Fox Yaoyao sneered, revealing a meaningful smile.

"This is fun, how can you understand?"

? ? ?

Hearing this, the remaining dozen or so demons will shake their pupils.

You fox people really know how to play...

After entering the demon world, Ning Yueyue quickly untied the rope tied to Rong Xiao's hand.

Then stuffed a demon bead from the square magic box into Rong Xiao's hand. The demonic energy of this demon bead can overwhelm the aura of Rong Xiao, and the demonic energy in the world of ten thousand demons is at its peak. Even if the people in the demon world found out something suspicious and wanted to hunt down her and Rong Xiao, if she and Rong Xiao didn't fight, they would be in a crowd of monsters, and it would be difficult to find a trace.

The demon world is full of black mist all the year round, and the demon clan is huge, and most of them live in groups.

In just a short while, I felt that there was nowhere around the little monster hurriedly passing through.

Ning Yueyue was obviously not used to this kind of darkness, she tried her best to open her eyes, but what came into her eyes was still a dark scene. Only with the wind blowing, she could feel that at this moment, dozens of monsters had already run past her.

Rong Xiao stood beside Ning Yueyue and looked up, after a while, he said solemnly: "There is a lot of noise ahead, and a team of demon soldiers has just left, it seems that something has happened. ."

Ning Yueyue said: "Let's go and see."

The two walked forward.

Crossing a long arch bridge, the view opens up.

The black fog will linger on the sky of the demon world, but I can finally see the scene in front of me.

However, compared to the market in Chenxifu, of course, the demon market in the demon world is even more dazzling. At a glance, there is no end in sight.

What surprised Ning Yueyue was that there was a stone tablet every tens of meters on both sides of the street, and the stone tablet was engraved with complicated and mysterious runes.

And above the towering and sharp stone tablet, the lantern hangs high on the top. A little dim orange light shone from the black paper lanterns, which could reflect the entire demon city, making the whole demon city feel mysterious and hazy.

At this moment, the whispering voices of the monsters entered the ears of Ning Yueyue and Rong Xiao.

"It's so sad, you didn't see that death!"

"Who did the bird race offend? They didn't hesitate to do this!"

"I heard a demon waiter beside the demon king say that the bird demons who wanted to rob the demon heaven clan were all banned by someone, so they became like that."

"I heard that it was done by people from the Immortal Cultivation Realm. They are so hateful! They even broke into our Demon Realm. What do they want to do?"

Hearing this, Ning Yueyue and Rong Xiao looked at each other.

Guess something.

The demons gathered around and chatted.

"But the murderer will be caught soon. You should all recognize that beautiful bird with a broken mouth and fear of death, right? It is said that the moment he was killed , reported the letter to the people of the same clan!"

"I heard about this too, she is a woman from the world of immortals!"

Suddenly I heard a demon sneer, "You guys are really naive, do you think it's really the hands of people in the world of cultivating the immortals?"

The demons were stunned, turned their heads, and saw a monkey demon sitting on the eaves with its feet raised, holding a peach in its fluffy hands, chewing and spitting out the skin, and said slowly. : "Before, His Royal Highness was a demon queen, and he was not in the demon world all the year round. He repeatedly asked His Majesty the demon king to remove his prince. Now that His Royal Highness has returned, some people can't help but want to make a move. First, suppress the bird clan..."

"Zhao Ye, dead monkey! What madness are you doing!"

The people in front of them are so reckless about talking about the demon king's family affairs. The demons were afraid of being implicated, and they all had expressions of fear on their faces. They didn't even have time to say gossip, and they all fled, lest they be killed.

The monsters that originally surrounded the street disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

At least a few miles away, not a single demon was seen.

The monkey demon was not surprised, and sneered again. Turning his head to look, he saw Ning Yueyue and Rong Xiao standing not far away. Immediately showed a surprised look, but no one listened, and there was no desire to speak, so he turned and left.

Ning Yueyue took a step forward and said, "Dare to ask this monkey brother, is His Royal Highness the prince in the demon world now?"

Monkey Demon paused, raised his eyelids and glanced lazily at Ning Yueyue, "Why are you asking this? Do you know His Royal Highness?"

Ning Yueyue thought to herself, of course she knows your Royal Highness.

But she just raised the corner of her mouth and smiled and said, "I don't know, I just admired His Highness's name for a long time and wanted to meet."

The monkey demon smelled the enchanting aura of Ning Yueyue from afar, and seeing her bright and beautiful appearance, she was expected to be a fox demon who could not open her eyes, and hit the demon clan with her fascinating idea On the prince. He curled the corners of his mouth, showing a meaningful smile, "Since the prince has returned to his position, His Majesty the Demon King will hold a grand ceremony to announce to the demon world soon, and you will be able to see the prince's demeanor."

Ning Yueyue pretended to show a happy smile, so the monkey demon waved her hand, took a bite of the peach, and disappeared in a flash.

Seeing the monkey demon leave, Ning Yueyue breathed a sigh of relief.

"You know the prince of the demon clan?" Rong Xiao took a look at Ning Yueyue's subtle expression, seeing the smile on the corner of her mouth at this moment, a hint of imperceptible depth flashed in her black eyes mood.

"Ah, so it is." Ning Yueyue looked a little unnatural, and she was wondering whether to tell Rong Xiao the identity of the prince of the demon clan. But on second thought, I was afraid that Rong Xiao would think too much.

Rong Xiao looked as usual, nodded, and continued: "It is rumored that this prince of the demon clan is powerful, brave and resourceful, and is not only favored by the demon clan, but also very popular with women."

Ning Yueyue nodded like garlic, "It's true."

Rong Xiao stopped, stared at Ning Yueyue with black eyes, his voice was low, and some unknown emotions surged, "How long have you known him?"

Half of Ning Yueyue's face was hidden in the darkness, and the dim yellow light above her head reflected on her side face, blurring her soft and beautiful outline. Seeing Rong Xiao stop, she didn't know why, so she also stopped. He replied unconsciously, "I don't know how long I've known each other, so..."

Rong Xiao stood in the shadow of light and stared at her with dark eyes. His pupils are like the sea under the moonlight, shining like stars, but with an invisible darkness, when he looks directly at people, he seems to be drowning people in his eyes.

Ning Yueyue's eyelids twitched, her breathing stagnant, and she saw Rong Xiao step forward, leaning over to look at her, her voice low and dull, "Just what?"

Although the two hugged each other several times, for some reason, every time Rong Xiao got close, Ning Yueyue became nervous and incoherent.

"Actually...not familiar with each other." Ning Yueyue touched her earlobe, stared at the corner of Rong Xiao's clothes, and said softly with a blushing face.

The corner of Rong Xiao's mouth unknowingly brought a slight smile, "Really? Are you really unfamiliar with him?"

Although Ning Yueyue was a little strange, why did Rong Xiao persevere in asking her relationship with the prince of the demon clan, but he nodded solemnly and said, "Really! I don't know each other at all."

Ning Yueyue saw Rong Xiao chuckle lightly, reached out and rubbed Ning Yueyue's hair, smiled and said, "Let's go then."

"En?" Ning Yueyue hadn't recovered from the atmosphere just now, "Where are you going?"

Rong Xiao held the flying charm in one hand and said, "I found the Blessing Bone."

When Rong Xiao and Ning Yueyue broke into the demon world.

The City Lord's Mansion was also in chaos. Seeing Yu entered the City Lord's Mansion with Tan Mian in a coma, Shen Ai was furious, making Guan Qiuqiu not dare to approach. Immediately, Shen Ai hugged the unconscious Tan Mian into the warm pavilion and set up a barrier to isolate the outside world.

After a while, Tan Mian, who was in a coma, woke up. She glanced at Shen Ai who was sitting next to her, saw his gloomy face, and raised her eyebrows.

Shen Ai pursed her lips, looked up at Tan Mian, and said, "I don't understand, why do you work so hard to act such a scene."

You were rescued from the underworld." She raised her eyes, her innocent eyebrows seemed to have a hint of evil spirit, and said indifferently: "Are you using such a sentence to prevaricate me?"

Shen Ai's voice was cold, "You want to kill Ning Yueyue, the day she came to Chenxi Mansion, I could have killed her, but you stopped me. That day in the Conjuring Pavilion, Ru Ruo You can also kill her by rushing out the paper man army."

But Tan Mian did everything possible to stop him, which made Shen Ai very confused.

Obviously she hates it, why didn't she kill her, she didn't do it, so Shen Ai did it herself.

Tan Mian remembered that Shen Ai had sent paper figurines to assassinate Ning Yueyue several times, so she became angry.

He nearly ruined her good! Still so ignorant.

"Stupid!" Tan Mian threw the teacup on Shen Ai's face, the hot tea poured down his face, and his pale jade-white skin was instantly reddened. However, Shen Ai seemed to be unaware of the pain, without blinking, she stubbornly looked at Tan Mian in front of her.

She had a ferocious expression on her extremely bright face, which looked particularly terrifying.

"Soul, bring the soul!"

Shen Ai remained calm, not surprised, took out a Qiankun bag from his arms and handed it to Tan Mian.

There are hundreds of ghosts in the Qiankun bag, all of which were found that day to find the soul of Tan Mian.

Tan Mian's body was limp, leaning on the soft slump. The cracks on the face have already healed.


Tan Mian stared at the wound on her shoulder with a ruthless look in her eyes, "Tianmingjian! I didn't expect that after a thousand years, Tianmingjian still recognizes her as the master." I don't know what to think, she laughed abruptly, and looked at Shen Ai with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth, "Do you think that to take revenge on a person is to kill her?"

Shen Ai's face was scalded with water, and it was still red before, but in a moment, the red color faded cleanly, but there were countless wrinkles on her face. He pursed his lips and did not speak. It was obvious that the killing intent in his eyes had revealed everything.

Tan Mian let out a long sigh, "You haven't been a human for too long, but you don't understand. Rather than killing her, it is the greatest punishment to let her live rather than die."

Shen Ai was silent, listening to Tan Mian repeating day after day, "I will take back what belongs to me, and this time, I will never lose to her again. You—"

Tan Mian pointed at Shen Ai with an indifferent voice, "Don't call Ziyi to assassinate her again, if I find out, you should know the consequences!"

Shen Ai nodded, a haze flashed in her dark eyes, and she disappeared in a flash.

"Did they go to the demon world?" Tan Mian asked.

Shen Ai remembered what Guan Qiuqiu said, and echoed: "They should go to the demon world to find Zhugu."

“Looking for Zhugu? Who is Zhugu?”

Tan Mian held her chin and thought for a while, "I remembered, is it those old turtles who only know some strange medical skills?"

Zhugu is mysterious, wrapped in a black cloak all the year round, and has a very high demon power. He has been in and out of Chenxi Mansion all the year round, but his whereabouts are a mystery. Although Shen Ai had met him several times, he had never explored Zhu Gu's realities and had no time to care about his identity, so at this moment, when Tan Mian asked, Shen Ai was silent for the first time.

Tan Mian spoke, her slender pale fingers involuntarily covering the sword wound on her shoulder.

Under the sword of Tianming, her soul trembled. Although she had been treated just now, it still brought great discomfort to this body. Even the mood is much worse.

Tan Mian recalled the past.


Shen Ai nodded and turned away.

She quietly stood in front of a two-foot-tall bronze mirror, stretched out her hand to peel off her clothes, and her dress fell to the ground, revealing her slender and graceful body.

Only on the shoulders, there is a black hole at the moment.

It was injured by Tianming Sword.

Like broken ceramics, cracked slightly and never recovered.

"Ning Yueyue!" The beauty in the bronze mirror instantly turned into a terrifying face, she slashed at the bronze mirror with five claws, and said fiercely: "You wait, I will absolutely I won't let you go easily!"

The bronze mirror was shattered and torn apart, and the crystal glass fragments covered the ground.

Rong Xiao set a spell on him when he tracked Zhugu.

The talisman was guiding Rong Xiao and Ning Yueyue to go.

The spell led them into a swamp, then stopped at a cave.

The cave is a huge arched shape, lined with lush green vines, and looks extraordinarily vibrant.


It was eerily quiet.

"It's not right." Rong Xiao frowned slightly.

He and Ning Yueyue stopped outside the cave and saw the light of the spell in front of him fade away and disappear in front of him little by little.

Looking up, the cave is deep and winding like a stream, and you can't see the end at a glance.

Ning Yueyue naturally noticed something was wrong.

Dead silence.

This made Rong Xiao and Ning Yueyue feel unusual.

Along the way, Rong Xiao and Ning Yueyue passed several such caves.

From time to time, I hear the whispers of some monsters inside.

This is the first time I have encountered such a quiet cave.

Ning Yueyue said, "Could it be that Zhu Gu deliberately led us here?"

If Zhu Gu discovers the spell that Rong Xiao set on him, it is not impossible to lead them to come. Just, lead them to this cave.

What's in there?

"Go in and have a look." Rong Xiao glanced at the cave in front of him again, and said solemnly, "You follow me."

Immediately, Rong Xiao reached out and handed the back of his robe to Ning Yueyue, "Hold it."

After saying that, he turned and walked forward.

However, she was stretched out and pulled for a while, Rong Xiao turned his head and saw that the corners of Ning Yueyue's eyes were curled up, with a bright smile on her face.

There was a hint of slyness in her eyes, "It's alright now, I'm holding on." Her tone was full of coquettish hatred that she didn't even know.

Rong Xiao nodded, and when he came back to his senses, the corners of his mouth already evoked a smile.

The four walls of the cave are lit with lights. The lights are made of shark oil and will not go out for thousands of years.

Ning Yueyue held Rong Xiao's robe, and the two walked forward side by side.

Suddenly, Ning Yueyue stopped and looked forward, "Did you hear anything?"

"Yes." Rong Xiao also listened.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, blowing Rong Xiao and Ning Yueyue's dresses and hair frantically dancing in the air.

Rong Xiao frowned slightly and said, "A lot of birds are flying in one direction."

At this moment, a black shadow flashed across the front, Rong Xiao and Ning Yueyue attacked at the same time, Tianming and Tianxie attacked that person!

However, it is surprising that the shadow escaped the attack of these two swords with lightning speed.

A hoarse male voice said: "Stop fighting! Come with me!"

Ning Yueyue was stunned and saw a man in a black cloak standing in front of her.

He was wearing a cloak, covering his face, only revealing his dark brown eyes, staring at Ning Yueyue.

He said again: "I don't want to die! Come with me!"

After saying this, he dodged into a hole on the right.

At the same time, the dense black birds are attacking Rong Xiao and Ning Yueyue at a high speed!


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution

A large pear5 bottle;

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