MTL - How To Wear a Goddess Statue-Chapter 194 Memories (3)

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Luodus is of course guilty.

Because she found out that her feelings for Eleuil have changed since some time.

This kind of change started small and silent, and when it was discovered, it was deeply rooted in the heart, so that Luo Das did not know how to deal with this mood.

In the strange and ancient times, the first thing Luodas saw was Eleuil, and it was Eleuil who led her to gradually integrate into everything in ancient Solan, which was completely different from the past. new direction.

Friends, guides, insiders…

Whatever you say, Eleuil was destined to play the most special role in her career from the very beginning.

However, such "speciality" has a different meaning in getting along with her. When Luo Das first noticed it, she almost thought that something was wrong with her. Luiel struggled for a long time between the budding feelings, trying to suppress those thoughts in his mind.

The red lips that inadvertently stop at the eyes, the silhouette and grace of the bow and arrow fingers, the casualness of the cold beauty in private conversations, and all the other sides that are unknown.

They beat the precarious willpower of Luodus over and over again, trying to break into the heart. This is a long tug of war. The final result can be imagined. Defend and lose.

After compromising with herself, Luodus carefully concealed her intentions and did not let Eleuil find out. Although many people in the city-state of Solan believed that City Lord Eleuil liked women, such rumors were baseless, at least Luodus never saw any similar signs.

The two are friends and allies in cooperation, maintaining a delicate balance. If she rashly expresses her unexplainable love, how will Eleuil react? Luo Das had to worry about this, she chose not to say anything.

So, Luo Das is now a secret lover who is occasionally guilty.

Guilt can happen in some cases, such as at present, Eleuil expresses concern out of the friendship between the two, but she is secretly happy for the concern of the other party.

Should be ashamed.

Lotus thought.

Successfully guided a small area of ​​rain, but the sequelae was more than ten days of lethargy. After that, Luodus had no strength for a long time, and his physical strength was probably only a little higher than that of being able to take care of himself.

And when this feeling was relieved, Luo Das tried to use stronger water control ability, but failed, and still could only condense a basketball-sized water mass and make ice hockey hockey **** Such a little thing.

Perhaps it was just an accidental over-performance, maybe other conditions were required, such as a strong desire to achieve the goal?

Lotus is unknown, as subsequent attempts have failed.

The effect of this rain was immediate. The city that was abandoned by other large city-states and also by many people in its own city witnessed miracles and surrendered with sincerity.

The goddess of the river who gave rain has become their new god. The influence of the Solan myth has further expanded. Luodus had never thought of it before.

In addition to this, there is another change.

Although Luo Das doesn't know if this change is his own illusion.

In the afternoon of this day, Luo Das was sitting by the pond. At first glance, he was feeding the fish, but he was actually practicing to control the water flow in the pond.

There was an indistinct sense of being observed in his heart, Luo Das stopped practicing, turned his head suddenly, his eyes were clear, and he looked in the direction from which his sight came.

There is nothing there.

The sense of being watched also seems to disappear.

Luodus stared at the other side for a moment before withdrawing his gaze.

Since the news of the rain miracle spread among the city-states, Luodus occasionally felt the faint sight from the surrounding, only occasionally.

In fact, she always felt that someone was looking at her from behind should be a psychological illusion. Luo Das also thought so at first—until a certain time later, when she faced the air in front of her, she felt Things get weird when you still feel a strange sense of observation wherever you look.

But this kind of non-existent sight did not bring corresponding troubles, and over time, Luo Das didn't care much.


One day, the sky was overcast.

Compared with other large city-states at this time, the Solan army led by Eleuil had stricter military discipline, and it was considered the least harm to ordinary civilians. Even so, the locals still mentioned 10,000 Be careful, don't dare to go out at will, for fear of bumping into the soldiers patrolling the city.

Lotus walks alone on the road.

She had just separated from Eleuil, who was heading to the barracks, while Lotus was heading to the local place of worship.

Small city-states like this can leave less traces than ancient Solan, almost nothing, and later generations will divide them as part of Solanchia's history, and in this era , it has just ended.

Lotus just wanted to take a look.

Before the establishment of the ancient Solan, there was no grand temple building, the place of worship was only a small square with an altar in the center, surrounded by short stone pillars.

In front of the altar, a figure in a white robe stood quietly with her back to Luodus. Judging from her figure, it was a woman.

Local priest?

Before Solan's army captured this city, it was occupied by another large city-state - Nibet, and the priests should have been slaughtered by them like other local nobles.

Lotus took a step forward with a strange heart.

The man in white robe seemed to hear the movement and turned around. Her hair was very light, her eyes were as dark blue as night, and the corners of her mouth were smiling, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Luodus was always cautious in the face of this kind of person he had never seen and where he came from. He didn't continue to move forward, and asked plainly, "Who are you?"

"Me? My name is Aslu." The white-robed man paused, "A bard."

Asi Lu's face turned pale, she raised her hand to support her eyebrows, as if she was suffering from a headache, and then put down her hand after a while, with a thoughtful and novel look Look at Lotus.

"They are right, you are a human who can use divine power."

Luodus was shocked, and then he raised his eyes, but saw that the front of the altar was empty.

The white-robed man who called himself Aslu has disappeared.

Who is this man?

What does a human who can use divine power mean?

This incident can be called supernatural, Luo Das was a little surprised, but there are a lot of doubts and guesses when he recovers.

She didn't plan to tell Eleuil about this at first, not only because of the strangeness, but also because of some kind of tacit understanding between the two.

Until now, Eleuil has never raised any questions about the identity of Luodus's so-called "giant fish spirit" - including the ability to control the flow of water - the origin and ability are both tacit understanding Avoid topics.

However, Ashlu appeared a few times after that.

Asilu is committed to making Luodus change camps, but she doesn't say which side she wants to switch to, but only pushes her to abandon the city-state of Solan.

These words were ignored by Luo Dasquan.

Luodus thought it was the opponent's ability, just like she could control the water, but she soon discovered that it was more than that.

The evaluation of "elusive" is very suitable for Aslu, because she is a god.

People can become gods. She tried to recruit Luodus several times, just to make Luodus a **** of the same camp as her.

Lotus: "…"

For a while, she didn't know whether she wanted to be surprised that there really exists a **** in the world, or she should sigh that Aslu is really good at talking about herself.

It is reasonable to say that the gods should be extremely dangerous, and the Luodus who can only be iced with water can be easily dealt with.

Fortunately, Asru can't seem to do anything to humans.

It’s right to think about it, if the gods can kill and kill humans at will, the current chaos in the city-states will double again, or the war will be subsided directly-because no one can escape the influence of the battle of the gods.

After learning about this, Luo Das didn't pay any attention to Aslu, and just kept on guard.

Asilu probably saw that Luodus was unmoved, and he rarely appeared later.

In the next three years, the conquest and annexation between the city-states became more and more intense, until all the small city-states disappeared, and the large-scale city-states fought endlessly.

Solan's territory gradually expanded.

The time when Soranchia was established by historians is getting closer and closer. In the territory belonging to Solancia in later generations, there are only three city-states - or countries.

Shoran, who ruled the army by Eleuil.

The Nibbett who once had the upper hand and is now waning.

Gabera, who shrank in the south and did not take part in the battle.

Finally, the main forces of Soran and Nibet will fight next to the Sittings Mountains. This will inevitably be a crucial battle, and its outcome may be enough to determine the final victory.

At this time, Luo Das had almost forgotten the existence of Aslu, until the day before the war, Aslu appeared again.

Asilu sighed: "You don't need to ask me to know, you won't agree, right?"

Luodus: "...I take the liberty to ask, what makes you so persistent?"

She had asked this question before, but only this time, Aslu answered.

"Your soul. It's different from other people and gods, like it's not something of this [world]." Ashlu said, "I really hope you become the goddess of Nibbett , can also maintain this special."

This sentence made Luodus ponder for a long time, and finally did not think of the meaning.

Solancia's river goddess, can she still be Nibet? baffling.

At this moment, Eleuil opened the curtain: "Who are you talking to?"

Luodus frowned slightly when she saw her complexion: "How long have you not rested?"

The two looked at each other.

Lotus: "Rest now."

Eleuil: "Okay."

Eleuil expressed that she did not want to go back to her camp, Luo Das hesitated for a moment, and with a mentality of being both vaguely satisfied and self-blaming for this kind of satisfaction, let the woman who was in a hurry The mayor has a good night's sleep here.

Luodus himself was planning to go out.

"If anything happens, you can tell me anytime," Eleuil said.

Lotus paused: "Okay."

And again: "You too."

Eliuer raised her eyes, looking from the bottom up, this micro-movement was particularly confusing. She was thinking about something, and she never let go of Luodus's clothes. Said: "I will later."


"After the battle with Nibet."

It is estimated that there are some things that follow the war... Luo Dasi understands, nods: "I know."

Eleuil let go of the corner of her clothes, closed her eyes and said, "You don't know."

Luodus was stunned for a moment, then looked at Eleuil, already asleep.

She really needs a good rest for the upcoming battle.

The day of the war is coming.

On that day, Soran and Nibet's soldiers faced off on the battlefield. The color of the armor was black and red, like two distinct torrents.

Luodus will not go to the battlefield. After all, as the human body of the new goddess of the river, if she fights like ordinary soldiers, it will appear very ungodly.

Therefore, Luodus stood at a slightly higher place in the back, watching the battle situation, and released a few water ice pellets at the right time.

This battle, not to mention the chance of winning, is also a 100% surefire.

Not to mention Eleuil.

Here she is, as if she has completed one of ten, telling everyone that Solan will be the final winner.

Capturing the thief first and capturing the king is applicable at any time, and the opposite side obviously thinks the same way. Luotas paid attention to the danger from the Nibet army, but did not pay special attention to his own army formation.

Neither did Eleuil.

In the blink of an eye, the long knife of the betrayal penetrated the commander's left chest from behind, the snow-white sharp blade pierced, and the blood-red tip was pulled out, so fast that it didn't even think, even betrayal The author himself did not seem to have thought of it.

He shook his hands, and the long knife he just drew fell to the ground.

Time seems to freeze at this moment.

There was a buzzing sound in Luodus' ear, and he couldn't hear anything.

The two armies have already begun to fight, and it cannot be stopped. Other personal soldiers killed the betrayers with swords, and brought Eleuil back to the rear against the torrent of soldiers.

They looked at Luodus eagerly and pleadingly, as if hoping that she could bring the dying lord back.

Korodos is not a god, and even if she is, she cannot control life and death.

Luodus half-kneeled beside Eleuil, trying to control the blood to flow back to that body to continue to function, but to no avail, instead she stained her blood on his body.

Eleuil half-opened her eyes and said softly, "...Luodus."

"Don't talk!" Luo Das's eyes were covered with a layer of mist, gritted his teeth, and controlled the blood to flow back against normal, and more blood poured out the next moment, she muttered. , "Why can't you stop..."

Eleuil continued: "I—"

She opened her lips, as if to spit out the words that represent love or liking in Solan, but in the end she pressed her upper lip and said, "You...let's go back to the Ilu River. ."

These were the last words she said.

Something is going on, Luo Das asked: "I don't know what?"

But no one can answer.

All the memories after that are vague and scattered, like fragments of flashbacks.

Luodus saw himself looking around at a loss, as if he had glimpsed Asilo's figure in a corner of the sky, and it was fleeting.

Asru, Nibet, god, betrayal.

Several words are linked together, Luodus has no idea if that is the truth.

In the memory, she seems to be split into two halves, one half is wrapped in great sadness and anger, and wants to avenge what the **** Nibet has done; The gray shadow who is not connected, repeatedly thinking about what I don't know? What are you trying to say?

The sad and angry half finally merged with the other half, whether sad and angry or blank and empty.

But it can be seen that the Yilu River outside the battlefield suddenly rioted at this moment.

The river rises into the sky, and the transparent water waves cover the sky and cover the sky.

Like death's huge web of water.

The waterfall hangs upside down, the water curtain spreads, the invisible force changes the river course, affects the earth, the torrent of the ground and the torrent of the sky swept towards the Nibet army at the same time.

—This is a man-made disaster!

The last scene in my memory is that Luo Das half hugged Eleuil's body, bowed his head, and closed his eyes quietly.

A small area of ​​rain made her sleepy for ten days and weak for a long time.

The dark red blood stains on it are almost invisible when the hair is black, but it is very eye-catching on the silver hair, with spots.

Two flashes of light sank into the Ilu River, and the waves rolled by.

In a few years, a temple of the goddess of the river will be built here, and the girl who nearly died of thirst in the drought was the first priest.

More than a thousand years later, the branches of the river are still running along the diverted riverbed, and the temple has been repaired several times.

The name of this city is called Katiera.


At the bottom of Gadar Lake, in front of the altar of the Temple of Nothingness, Luodus slowly opened his eyes.

The author has something to say:

Just...the past life in the copy is probably such a past life (although it is not a reincarnation).

Things that are not written because they are memories:

The sense of gaze that came from time to time after the rain came from the gods of various city-states. They all heard that there was a human who could use divine power, so they took time to take a look during the melee.

Aslu is Pearl Luther, her divine power is the most difficult to touch the rules when it comes to influencing human beings, the betrayers have a little dissatisfaction in their hearts, and they amplify their emotions under the influence of the goddess of the soul, so Backstab.

When Eleuil was dying, he was still explaining the follow-up countermeasures in the war on the way back, and then he returned to Luotas and immediately started the Love Brain (Sad version) mode.

The two had a two-way crush in their previous life, yes, Eleuil actually wanted to confess in the end, but because she was about to get cold, she finally chose not to say it.

Because this chapter is relatively long, so it is now Orz

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