MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 187 Finale volume

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The air rushed forward a few steps, trying to get close to Heng, but found that being blocked by the invisible barrier. He raised his hand against the barrier is a blow, however, this with a blow to the river to destroy the power of the earth, but fell on the barrier but there is no trace.

"No need to work harder, you and I are all from chaos. This barrier is the punishment of chaos for me to interfere with the trajectory of the source continent." Heng said, "It is impossible to break."

The air is ignorant, only trying to break the barrier again and again.

It is a terrible thing to be imprisoned forever. He has experienced thousands of years of loneliness, can only face the chaos of empty space, this feeling he experienced. Because of this, he is absolutely unacceptable, and he is always trapped between the squares and can only face the chaos of space.

What's more, when he was able to travel to the mainland, he could see the world born from his hands, and he could expect the birth of Heng in his heart. And now that he is being imprisoned here, there is nothing.

It’s just that no matter how hard the space is struggling, things are a foregone conclusion. After exhausting the last trace of power in the body, he can only give up after all.

"Everything is my fault," whispered.

Hearing this sentence, Heng remembered what he said before.

[Don’t think too much about it, now everything can be removed from him. 】

Heng asked: "Why do you want to seal up the power of silence? I believe that you are not such a stupid person. The cycle of life and death is the eternal decline of everything. You don't know this, the development of the mainland is fast. Not normal."

"I am too arrogant." Empty and sullen, said, "I thought I could control everything."

He suddenly looked up and looked at Heng: "I am reconciled, almost two extremes. But there is a place, we are the same, that is the obsession with you. Since the beginning of the chaos, I am waiting for you. This time is too long and too long, I created the first gods and created the first source of life in the world."

"I watched those lives slowly prospering. However, you still haven't appeared. I know that this is because the development of the mainland is not enough to give birth to the **** of the law of heaven."

I put my hand on the transparent barrier and seemed to want to touch the person trapped inside.

"The development of the mainland is too slow. It is too slow. I don't know how many years to wait until I can see you. I am too anxious, so I will seal up the power of silence. After that, as I expected, In the past ten thousand years, you have been born out of chaos. However, I did not expect the emergence of the release, or that I am too confident that I can suppress him."

"Now, I am self-sufficient." I looked at the source world that was almost collapsed, and looked at the trapped eyes. The eyes were full of distress.

"The origin of the matter is that I am biased towards interpretation." The collapse of the source continent cannot be said to be the responsibility of one person. As the embodiment of the Heavenly Law, Heng believes that he should not have any bias. From heaven to the beginning, he violated the principle.

"No, you are born from chaos, and your heart is not mature. I am eager to invite everything I created to you, and sloppyly bring you directly into the source world. After all, I am too arrogant."

"However, I don't regret it. I can see you. I am very happy. After the formation of the Three Thousand Worlds, the power of Heaven is even worse. One day, you can get out of this chaotic limit."

The ruin of the source continent is now irreparable, and it will not be known how many years it will take to create a new source of the continent. Even if it is born, the three thousand worlds derived from it will require a long time.

Why is it empty? It seems that there is a well-thought-out look. It seems that it will take a long time for Heng to come out of the cage.

Constantly thinking of a possibility, he hurriedly took a few steps forward, but was blocked by the barrier: "Do you want to be chaotic?"

There was a bit of anxious color on his face, and the palm of his hand was stuck on the barrier, trying to stop the person in front of him. He and the air are different from other gods. They are detached from all things, and they will never die, but they will not enter the cycle. Once the empty choice is chaotic, can it be returned again, it is an unknown number.

"In addition to this law, there is no other way to save the collapse of the mainland. This matter is up to me, and it is a matter of course for me to end. The mission of the creation, I have already done it. Stick to this, this Just to see you on the side, at this time the wish is gone, and there is no regret in returning to chaos."

The original incarnation, returning to chaos, turned into the origin of the three thousand world. It is indeed the only way to save the collapse of the mainland, and it has the power of the source. The three thousand worlds will be born in a short time and will flourish.

But, but what? Heng Zhang opened his mouth, but did not know what to say.

The air went a few steps in the direction of the source world, and then turned back: "A Heng, in your eyes, I can be different from all things in this world?"

Constantly looking at the empty, the brain remembered another soul in this body, even if it is completely different from the air, but it is undeniable that they are the same person. "If there is no difference, how can I get trapped in this barrier?"

"You can get this sentence, even if it is chaotic, I have no regrets. Fortunately, you have not had time to fall in love with me. This million years of loneliness, I do not want you to experience it once again, when you feel bored At that time, sleep will help you through this time."

Empty back, put your hand on the barrier, as opposed to the constant palm. The empty divine power, which is transmitted from the palm of the hand, is the divine power that allows Heng to fall asleep.

"Love? What is that?" Constant asked.

Empty but did not return, just looking at him intently.

After a while, the air smiled gently, and the eyes were full of satisfaction: "You don't need to know now. I am really happy to see you."

After a smile, he went to the source world and never looked back.

Empty gods, return to the source. The collapse of the source world has stopped.

Looking at the gods that disappeared into the chaos, I gently stroked my chest and felt that the place called the heart seemed strange. It’s just that he didn’t understand it, and he didn’t have time to understand what it was.

After that, Heng did not choose to sleep. He stayed between the squares, watching the source world recover, watching the new world come one after another, watching the ancient gods in the Shaolin Taiyin Guangze and Yan, and gradually returned to their place. It’s just that person, but it hasn’t returned.

Constantly watching the evolution of the three thousand worlds, I finally know, what is heaven and earth. He only needs to be a bystander. All the things in the beginning are due to his special interpretation of the release and the void. In the end, it will lead to the cost of being chaotic, and you can't make mistakes anymore.

Until this day.

Constant stood up, because the heart suddenly felt.

I saw a whirlpool in the ashes of the eyes. Then, an object emerged from it. The constant hand stretched forward, and a group of soft and warm things fell into the hands.

It is a baby.

When the child started, Heng knew his identity.

The avatar of origin, the **** of creation and annihilation.

As for the gods born in chaos, why is it like this, and the relationship between them and the constant can not be related. When I was on the source continent, I saw the human beings who were born shortly in the human tribe. Unlike the gods, when human beings were born, they were all such small and pure.

The way life is the first, the purest, without any obsession.

This is why the empty position is in this form, because Heng believes that as the incarnation of the source, the gods who control the power of creation and silence should not have obsessiveness. The catastrophe that almost caused the annihilation of the source world is proof.

Constantly coveted to focus on the children in the arms, in this body, there is only one complete soul, this is the real incarnation.

"Freeing the air."

Source world. Above the nine heavens.

Lieutenant and Taiyin sit and drink.

"Guang Ze has been robbed?" Taiyin asked.

Recently, the fluent mood is not very good. The temperature above the source world has risen a lot. If it is not stopped in time, it will lead to several years of drought.

"Yes." Shaohao said, "The next one, it should be me. After I went, these many things will bother you."

Taiyin grinned and said: "How come you suddenly feel so polite."

For thousands of years, they have become accustomed to the fall and return of the gods. This is the law of heaven, and they cannot be detached from it.

"I always feel that something big will happen recently." Shaohao said.

"Actually, I also have this feeling."

The younger look is dignified. He and Taiyin are the first gods created by the Father. It can be said that they are the closest to chaos except the Father and the other. If they feel that something is happening at the same time, the three thousand worlds are afraid of real changes.

The second lieutenant did not come up with an idea, and felt that there was a mysterious force surging in the air. This is the power of chaos!

He and the Taiyin were all changed their faces, stood up and looked at the place where the power of chaos came. After a while, a crack was opened in the air, and the chaotic gas of chaos emerged from it.

An indifferent voice without any emotional ups and downs: "The incarnation of the source, the **** of creation and sorrow, the release of the empty space."

This voice, the Shaolin once heard, is the voice of the **** of the law of heaven.

"Father God!" Taiyin did not think too much, and walked a few steps forward with joy. After the Father came to chaos, they have been looking forward to his return, but they have not been able to do so.

Today, the Father is finally back.

One thing fell out of the crack and fell into the arms of the Taiyin. She looked down and was on the spot.

"This is, the Father?"

The Taiyin and the Shaolin face each other.