MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 186 Finale volume

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After the aquarium was destroyed, the loss of faith in the people's Guangze, the rapid decline of divine power, combined with the existence of the **** of death.

Guangze became the first fallen god.

On that day, in the face of the Shaolin and the Taiyin, Guangze’s body collapsed and turned into a light spot containing the power of this powerful water.

The Taiyin subconsciously reached out to catch the light spots that had not disappeared, but those who did not have physical energy, how could they stay in her palm.


The relationship between Taiyin and Guangze is the same. The two people have a good personal relationship. Seeing Guangze disappeared in front of his own eyes. Taiyin stayed in the same place for a long while, and his heart turned a thousand times, and thousands of flavors poured into his heart.

"Taiyin, he will come back. A long time ago, the Father God once said that the yin and yang reincarnation is the way of all things, even if it is God, it can't jump off."

Compared with Guangze, the relationship between Shaohao and blazing is closer. The strange thing is that unlike the Guangze and the blazing fires, the Shaolin and the Taiyin are the opposite of each other, but the two are among the most closely related.

"Does the Father start to build a reincarnation?" Taiyin asked.

Except for the Father, the **** who claims to be with the heavens and the earth is not eternal. The eternal God is only their Father.

"I feel that the **** of the law of heaven should appear." The younger brother remembered the mighty **** standing on the side of the Father and the power of the law in his eyes.

Although the Father did not reveal to them the things related to chaos, but they are less than yin, they are the source of the Father. They can also be sensitive to things in chaos.

"Also, Guangze and the blazing thing, the Father did not ask a question." Taiyin from the Shaolin, heard of the **** named Heng.

The **** of the law of heaven is born, and the Father will naturally not intervene in the things above this continent. Everything runs, and its own rules are in control.

Taiyin looked at the place where Guang Ze was standing, and the intention of his heart disappeared. One day, Guangze would return to his place.

The gods above the nine heavens experienced the shock of the first god, and the humans above the mainland have undergone great changes.

The aquarium annihilated the clan, and their biggest enemy, the firefighter, did not drop any good results. Vulcan was imprisoned in the endless abyss, the fire family lost their gods and blessed, and they also sinned many small tribes in the war. Today's flaming ancestors are no longer glory, and eventually faded down under the union of many small tribes.

During this time, I did not do anything to cause turmoil, but concentrated on traveling around the source continent.

Heng began to feel that something was wrong.

After God's fall, he should return to chaos and enter the reincarnation of the source continent, and then after a thousand years, he will re-grow the water god.

In the fall of the water god, Heng only felt that the operation of this source continent was finally on the right track. But nowadays, he found that Guangze completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

Water God is the **** that was born after taking its own blood as its source and combining it with the water elements of the mainland. It has existed on the source continent for thousands of years, and his power has not returned to the mainland, where is where to go.

In the heart of the heart, there is some doubt about the person who has been with him. The divine power of the **** of water is not something that ordinary gods can digest.

On this day, Heng Yan opened his eyes and there was no one in the house. He just fell asleep just now, and this situation is too abnormal. In order to interfere with the source continent, Heng has almost sealed all his power. However, after all, he is the **** born in chaos. Even if he seals his power, he will not sleep.

The brows of the eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and the hands were lifted. The air cracked a hole and one fell from the ground.

The man, or God, was suddenly taken out of the void and looked at Lu Heng with a panic.

"Dream God." Heng said that when he saw the other person's first sight, he knew that this was another new birth. Since the return of the power of silence, there are more and more gods on the mainland, "Why are you letting me fall asleep?"

"A Heng, I ordered him to do this." The familiar voice came from outside the house.

When he stepped forward, he waved his hand, and the dream **** bowed with respect and respect, and then the figure disappeared into the night.

"Why?" Seeing the dream of leaving, Heng did not stop. The power of the dream alone is not enough to make him fall asleep, and the messenger is indeed released.

"It's natural to go out and do something." The look of the release is calm.

I walked over and explained my eyebrows, trying to read everything that happened. The release of the face with connivance does not mean anything.

Endless abyss.

The blaze was confined to the abyss by the chains of the gods and the Taiyin. At the time when the Father created the world, he separated the chaotic continent. The aura of heaven and earth rises to the nine heavens, which is where the gods live, and in the endless abyss, the silence is the turmoil of all things.

Even if it is a god, it is not a pleasant thing in this turbid place. What's more, it is also isolated from its own people.

After the blaze was smashed into the endless abyss by the Shaolin and the Taiyin, I thought that I had rushed to the sky to extinguish the aquarium, and my heart could not help but give birth to some annoyance.

"Inflammatory." A figure appeared in the endless abyss.

"Father God!" The sinister sees the moment of the Father, and the meaning of anger is heavier.

"You can resent the ensigns and the Taiyin to drive you into this endless abyss."

"I am too reckless..." The flaming words were not finished, but there seemed to be unsatisfactory in the eyes of the Father.

"I don't want to intervene on the things above this continent, but after all, I still can't bear to let you be in the drums." The expression of a tampering into the blazing brain.

In this fictional fact, the sorrowful and unsuccessful witch has revealed its true colors. After seeing the man killing, he turned to disappear on the battlefield. When he appeared on the nine heavens, he faded his cloak, revealing a glowing and familiar face.

"Taiyin..." The blaze is in extreme anger, and the eyes are almost protruding. "Father, why should she do this!"

The explanation did not directly answer, but said: "Guang Ze has fallen, he did not return to heaven and earth, and some people absorbed his power."

I heard the news of Guangze’s fall, and the fire was stunned. what? Guangze, the Guangze who fought for him for thousands of years has fallen. Chimney wants to laugh, but finds that his face is already stiff. He even feels that there is a cold liquid on his face.

"Father God, Guangze him, will he still come back?" Suddenly, the blazing sorrow came back, with the meaning of this pleading.

The explanation just shook his head and then disappeared into the endless abyss.

"Taiyin..." In the blazing eyes, there was a sigh of hatred, and even the chains on his body had disappeared, and they were not noticed.

After reading all of this, Heng Brow is crumpled: "Release, provoke the hatred of Vulcan and Taiyin, what do you want to do? I thought you just wanted to gain the strength to compete with the air. Now it seems that this is not the case."

"A Heng, what do you say about our existence?"

"Since the world of three thousand, the creation of the world, I am in charge of all things, your Lord is dead. This is for the birth of three thousand worlds."

Hearing the constant answer, the explanation is to evoke the lips: "This is the source of the mainland, there is a need for existence, and there is a need for him to exist. In this chaos, I only need you and me."

"I finally understand why the air wants to suppress you. What you ask for is actually the silence of everything."

"No, you are wrong. I once said, don't think too much about the air. Everything you can do now can't be separated from him." Released and came forward, gently holding on to Heng.

"Hey, let me go out when I finish these things."

This is the last sentence that the other party said when he was released from prison in the nine heavens. There is almost no fear of his interpretation. His understanding of this source continent is far greater than that of constant, and the power of imprisonment is just above the limit that the source world can bear. If you want to break the cage, you can only use the power beyond the scope, and the source continent that cannot bear it will collapse.

As a avatar of the law, it is absolutely impossible to do this kind of thing.

After that, Heng was completely in the eyes of Jiuzhongtian.

The blaze that escaped from the endless abyss is almost insane. He killed the yin at no cost, and then was savagely slashed under the knife. When the Shaolin killed the blaze, the power of the gods was out of control, and the Guangze was overcast, causing a drought for a hundred years. Wanmu is exhausted, and the wooden gods are falling. In the end, under the blame, choose to disperse the power and return to heaven and earth.

The creation of the empty hands, the gods from the source have fallen.

The power of life and death on the mainland is once again out of balance. This time, the upper hand is the power of death and silence. The source continent is caught in a collapse and chaos.

Heng knows that the root of the matter lies in him. After the air brought him to the mainland, he replaced the empty and stayed with him. In any case, the position in your heart is different. Although Heng has never been shown, but after all, as his interpretation, his heart is biased.

This led to the complete fall of the air in the fight against the release, the more powerful the release, and eventually led to the situation out of control.

The chaos of the mainland today cannot continue.

Heng finally made up his mind, his slender fingers slid gently over the prisoner of captivity that imprisoned himself, and the huge cage was turned into a light disappearance. Nowadays, the mainland has collapsed, and even if it uses constant power beyond its own, it only accelerates the collapse.

When you wake up, there is room for recovery.

At the moment when the cage disappears, there is an induction. His mouth twitched with a satirical smile: "Is it still empty?"

Only from the emptiness of the void, I feel the power of endless silence that comes out of self-release.

"Interpretation, you have completely lifted your restrictions!"

"If you violate the principle, you will not hesitate to accept the punishment of chaos, but also help to suppress me." The release of obstinacy is completely irrational.

Constantly knowing the purpose of interpretation, once the source continent collapses, the other party can gain endless power from it, and can suppress the air and not even turn it over. And the silence and death, this is the duty of interpretation, even if the entire source of the mainland is destroyed, he will not be punished by chaos.

Can not let him continue, Heng appeared on the side of the release, grabbed the other's hand, directly use the power of God, and took him out of the mainland.

In the chaos. The two stood up in the air.

"Empty, I haven't seen you for a long time."

At the moment when the law of constant violation of the law was imposed, the air again gained the upper hand and suppressed the release into the depths of consciousness.

At the moment of returning to chaos, there is an invisible barrier around the constant. No matter what, it is a barrier that cannot be broken. When he violated the principle and intervened in the source continent, he was punished by chaos. He will be imprisoned in this cage forever, and he will not be able to enter the world of three thousand.

Read The Duke's Passion