MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 150 The prince of the interstellar

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Zhao Jingjia sat on the ground and watched the figure disappear. She took a few deep breaths and finally stood up and stood up. She is not a savage person. She dared to wander around in the middle of the night because she was confident in her own force.

After all, she can enter the Guozi School with the freshman's score first, and awaken her return to the ancestral gene chain. She will not be worse in martial arts. It’s just that Zhao Jingjia is still a girl who doesn’t have much social experience. When she was in the Suzaku Galaxy, she was protected too well by her family. But I don't know, there is a drug in the black market that specifically deals with the awakening of the gene chain.

When she felt that something was wrong, it was already late, and the medicine went deep into the lungs. Even the form of returning to the ancestors could not be changed, and only had to be slaughtered.

Fortunately, there was someone who saved.

After Xia Mingming returned to the dormitory, it was natural to report everything that happened on the road to Lu Heng.

Lu Heng’s tail swayed gently behind him, and he said: “I didn’t expect you to save the hero from the hero? There is a long march.”

"Save the United States?" Xia Liangming smiled, and couldn't help but want to pinch the tail that tickles him, but was flexibly avoided. "First, I just remove the obstacles that hinder me from going, why come? Save the people; secondly, the person in the corner, but also the voice, I know that it is a woman, how come beauty."

"You didn't see the looks?" Lu Heng always felt that this matter would not be too simple. After all, Xia Mingming is one of the key plot characters in this book.

Lu Heng soon knew the identity of the person saved by Xia Mingming.

At that time, the situation was like this. Lu Heng and Zhao Jingjia met unexpectedly in the college. Zhao Jingjia, who had not put Lu Heng in his eyes twice before, was a surprise in his eyes. Although her expression is still soft and dignified, the intense emotions on her body are such that Lu Heng feels clear through such a long distance.

What happened to Zhao Jingjia? Isn’t it that my deaf child has to look down on her nose? Lu Heng is still wondering, but Zhao Jingjia has already ushered in.

"Shi Zi." She nodded to Lu Heng, but did not wait for Lu Heng to answer, the line of sight has been turned away: "Hello, I did not expect you to be a student of Guozi?"

Xia Liangming’s gaze turned to Lu Heng, and Lu Heng nodded slightly to him. This answer: “I am a companion to Aheng’s young master, not a student of Guozi’s studies. Excuse me, have we seen?”

Zhao Jingjia’s smile on his face was a stiff one: “Last night, you saved me.”

"It’s not a good idea to raise your hand." Xia Liangming smiled and then returned to Lu Heng.

Things are not that simple.

At this time, it was the turn of the little assistant to appear. This special commissioning mechanism is actually very interesting. As long as Lu Heng discovers the key clues, the little assistant can unlock some of the story in the book.

[Little assistant, keyword Xia Liangming, Zhao Jingjia, unlock relevant information. 】

[According to the unlocking conditions, the original book plot related information is as follows: Xia Lingheng promised a marriage with Zhao Jingjia, but Zhao Jingjia and Xia Liangming have a good relationship, Xia Liangming and Xia Lingheng, and finally broke. 】

[Can't you, is it really so bloody, adultery and adultery hooked up to commit a crime and murder a real fiance? Then I am not Wu Dalang. 】

[...] The little helper is speechless.

Lu Heng has made a nap for his unreasonable brain hole. This matter should not be so simple, and the factors that open the release are not discussed. However, judging from the young age of Xia Mingming, he has always been a kind of defense and malice against human beings. In the original world line, Zhao Jingjia, what was done to make this mind almost closed, Xia Mingming opened the atrium.

This must be the key to Xia Lingheng's break with Xia Mingming or Xia Lingheng's death.

The most popular post on the Guozi Learning Forum recently, the title is like this.

#国子学新晋女神和第一纨绔 together#

The first floor is a real hammer, a variety of high-definition sneak shots. There is Zhao Jingjia who is in the elite class and waits for the prince of the prince to have a meal at the same table in the restaurant.

What is most unacceptable to the goddess supporters is that from the picture, it seems that the goddess is still active.

Some extreme advocates even spoke: "I thought it was a goddess of high heights. I didn't expect it to be a BIAo who was loyal to power."

This message was instantly smashed a lot.

"Well, although the family life of the goddess Zhao is not in the glory of the Prince, but in the dynasty is also one of the best, and it is necessary to be greedy for power."

“Some people think that if the goddess does not enter the family, she will be able to turn herself. I will not sneak in my looks.”

"But the goddess Zhao is chasing the second ancestor, and it seems like she has been lowered."

"Maybe the goddess is an association of color control?"

This message is regarded by many people as a slogan. Because of the glory of the Prince of the Prince, in addition to the family, only the appearance can be taken.

The forum was full of wind and water, and the impact on several parties was not great. Lu Heng’s reputation is there, there is no one who dares not to know how to blame him, and Zhao Jingjia, neither brushing the people around the forum nor paying attention to it.

In fact, the rumors on the forum actually say that some things are true.

During this time, it is indeed Zhao Jingjia who actively created various opportunities to meet with the prince of the glory. However, her purpose is not the dude, but the Xia Mingming behind him.

Unfortunately, after working hard for so long, she found nothing but her name and identity.

Unlike the soft and beautiful looks, Zhao Jingjia is actually a persistent and resilient person, and she also appreciates the strong. On that day, the moon came in the dark, and the summer she saved her, she satisfied her illusions about her partner. Strong and calm, imposing manners, dealing with the few dregs, even the clothes corner is not messy.

After Guozi learned to meet Xia Liangming, she became more and more indulged. Zhao Jingjia can't imagine that there is such a perfect man in this world, whether it is looks or strength.

However, how can such a powerful man be willing to become the exclusive servant of the second generation?

Zhao Jingjia sat in the garden and thought about the things that were just.

"Sorry, Master Aheng is waiting for me."

Finally, Zhao Jingjia met Xia Liangming alone. This time he walked alone in the promenade, not behind the wicked Prince of the Prince.

Zhao Jingjia greeted her with a brow, and the other party responded to her gently and politely. Just did not talk a few words, Xia Mingming looked at the time, and then I am sorry to say goodbye.

"Xia Lingheng. He De He can..." Zhao Jingjia's fingers scratched the skirt.

"Do you want to know what summer is?"

Zhao Jingjia looked up and a handsome boy came out from the corner.

"You are?" asked Zhao Jingjia. Of course, she knows who this person is, Xia Lingqi, the younger brother of Rong Shiwangzi. It’s just that the two have never had any intersections. What does this person want to do here?

"Xia Lingying, it is the younger brother of Xia Lingheng." Xia Lingxiao smiled. "Can you let me sit down?"


"Miss Jing Jia, I will not say anything nonsense, I believe you do not want to listen. Are you willing to cooperate with me." Xia Ling began to see the mountain.

"Cooperation?" asked Zhao Jingjia.

"Yes. What you want is Xia Mingming. What I want is that Xia Mingming left Xia Lingheng."

Although Xia Lingqi said that the language is unknown, Zhao Jingjia fully understood what he meant. The intrigue in the family of Gaomen, the good scorpion wants to pull down the brother who is not in the position of the child, but naturally it is necessary to cut off the wings around him.

After all, there is a powerful person in the summer who protects the prince of the glory, no one can move him a hair.

Zhao Jingjia’s smile, Xia Lingqi’s straightforward mutual use, made her completely believe in this young man. After all, there are motives for profit, and if he suddenly emerges, he will help himself without asking for anything, but it will be more suspicious.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Jingjia nodded and agreed to this temporary partnership.

"Xia Mingming was taken from the Scrap Star by Xia Lingheng. He is a person without identity. Without a person, he is not allowed to enter the Central Star, so he has only one way to go, that is, Xia Lingheng. The exclusive servant. But Miss Jing Jia read the poetry book, and must know another way to obtain identity." Xia Lingyi said in a few words, Xia Mingming's situation is said to be involuntarily.

This Zhao Jingjia naturally knows: "Awakening to the ancestral gene chain."

"Awakening to the ancestral gene chain can gain both identity and the right to get rid of the master servant contract. A powerful man like Xia Mingming can't be willing to be a servant. Unfortunately, he is an adult, but he can't wake up. Gene chain." Xia Lingyi spread his hand. "If someone can help him wake up, I believe he will definitely look at that person."

"You know the secret of Zhao." Zhao Jingjia frowned.

"I am also the son of Rong Prince after all, knowing that it is a royal meditation, it is not strange."

"You let me think about it." After that, Zhao Jingjia and Xia Lingqi exchanged the communication number and left the garden.

The woman who fell in love is really stupid. Just such a woman, actually became the white moonlight of the male **** in the original work, but it is luck. Xia Lingqi hooked his lips and looked at the back of Zhao Jingjia.

As Xia Lingqi, who knows the plot, naturally knows how the Zhao family's spiritual abilities trigger a second awakening. Pour the blood of the heart into the heart, and drink it will trigger a second awakening.

In the book, Zhao Jingjia couldn't bear to see his own sweetheart being beaten by others, quietly pouring the blood of the infusion of the power to let Xia Liangming drink. I don't want Xia Mingming's returning gene chain to be extremely special. When awakening, it leads to uncontrollable desires. At that time, Zhao Jingjia happened to be by his side. Xia Mingming finally failed to meet the instinct of the body and was entangled with it for a night.

This first woman, no matter what, after all, has left a shadow in the heart of Xia Mingming, and then the latter thing happened. This relationship eventually fermented, making Zhao Jingjia a white moonlight that could never be erased in the summer.

Although Zhao Jingjia said that she should consider it, she actually made up her mind when she stepped out of the garden. If she has not met Xia Mingming, she may be so helpless to marry Rong Ziwang Shizi. But now, she wants to fight for herself.

Rong Prince Wang Zizi, likes Chinese ancient wine. He is picky about his mouth and only visits a thousand-year-old wine shop in the capital. Every time there is a new wine in the store, Xia Mingming will taste it in the past. If you feel that it is in line with the taste of the world, you will buy it and bring it back.

This is the opportunity of Zhao Jingjia.

Xia Liang Ming looked at the porcelain cup in his hand, was about to drink the glass of wine, the cup was put to the lips, his hand stopped.

The store's look is also a bit stiff, afraid that this guest found something unusual. I also blame myself, I was blinded by the big money, and made such unreliable things. If it was discovered by the guests, it was not to be demolished. However, the little girl said that this is not a poison. .

Zhao Jingjia, who was hiding in the back, was even more nervous, and his hands were unconsciously stirred up together.

Fortunately, the person holding the glass of wine, just stopped for such an instant, and drank the wine.

"This new wine is too hot, Master A Heng will not like it. Next time I have a new wine, contact me." Xia Liangming put down the porcelain cup and turned and went out.

The store wiped a cold sweat on the forehead, thinking that this wine is of course spicy, and it is not hot to cover the smell.

Zhao Jingjia followed Xia Mingming's body and suddenly saw Xia Mingming fell to the ground.

She rushed up and squatted down to support Xia Ming, but found that his face showed a painful color. This is only a matter of letting go, it seems to be very effective, it should be that the awakening has begun.

But what should I do now? Zhao Jingjia has some hard work to help Xia Mingming, and I want to find an inn to let him spend a few days of awakening.

"Miss Jing Jia, let me give you this kind of rough work."

Zhao Jingjia looked up and saw Xia Lingqi walked over. The two men joined forces to send Xia Liangming to the inn, and Xia Lingqi found another head and deceived Zhao Jingjia back to the college.

It was not long before Zhao Jingjia left. The summer on the bed was clear, and his eyes opened with a scarlet color. Xia Lingqi was so happy that he was about to say something, but he only felt that the wind was blowing in front of him, and the bed was empty.

Xia Liangming opened the door and went in.

His mind was sober, and there was something added to the glass, and Xia Mingming knew it. But the instinct in the body told him that it was a good thing, so he chose to drink it.

Lu Hengyu read the book on the soft collapse. When Xia Mingming walked in and did not look up, he asked: "How about this new wine?"

However, he did not get an answer. Lu Heng looked up angrily, but saw Xia Mingming staring at him before he collapsed.

"You, what is your taste." Lu Heng suddenly felt that there was a burning sensation in his body that made him unable to resist.

Xia Mingming is not without awakening, but the gene chain is too strong. The awakening is not as complete as ordinary people, but in stages. But he possesses certain qualities of the awakening creature, including self-healing ability, but also some special abilities.

From the inheritance memory in the gene, he already knows what happens when the second stage awakens. He will secrete an extremely enticing smell, which is the courtship smell. As long as the other party is interested in himself, he cannot resist this smell.

Xia Mingming is tempting his Aheng, his patience has long reached the limit. However, this proud and precious cat, he did not dare to make anything that might be irreparable. So, I have this boat. Xia Liangming got the answer and made him happy.

"You are far away from me!" Lu Heng felt that his waist was softened uncontrollable. Although his mind was still awake, his body began to undergo a change that he did not understand. At his tip, even two silver-gray ears emerged uncontrollably.

"Master A Heng." Xia Mingming came over, "Can I touch you?"

Lu Hengkou was out of control and fangs. He slammed his hand in the summer and said: "No!"

"You have to control yourself. Now this state is enough." Xia Mingming's hand slid down the back, gently holding the furry object.

Until now, Lu Heng discovered that his tail was uncontrollably in addition to his ears. He only knows that the root of the tail is so sensitive.

After being held by Xia Mingming, Lu Heng’s reason has already flown to the clouds, and the rest is only instinct.

At the peak of the peak, Lu Heng touched the skin on the back of Xia Mingming's back. It was like giving birth to scales, but he was involved in a more crazy vortex and could not think about it without waiting for his careful consideration.

When Lu Heng woke up, he found that he was a bare chest, and he just fainted.

Feeling the movement of the person on his body, Xia Liangming raised his hand and pinched the tail root of Lu Heng. Lu Heng's entire tail exploded, and he slammed into the neck of the other side.

"Don't touch there!"

"Master A Heng, you just liked it."

Xia Mingming did not care about the sharp teeth on the neck side, raising his hand and pinching the silver-gray furry ears on the head of Lu Heng.

The hateful instinct, Lu Heng's waist immediately softened.

The next day, after Lu Heng woke up, he found that his sight was wrong. It was probably too tired yesterday and changed back to cat shape. He didn't care, he just lazily stretched out.

But I don't know, the whole city is sensational.

Above the imperial city, there is a huge silver-gray tabby cat image. The residents of the Imperial City have been watching it for a long time, and no one knows what this image is all about. However, no one can remove the eyes from this furry bud.

Experts who studied the gene chain in the Hanlin Academy recognized it. Spiritual abilities, this is the second stage of spiritual abilities, figurative!

It is really strange that someone can achieve the second stage of the spiritual abilities, but the awakening of the ancestral gene chain of this spiritual system. Why is a fluffy soft tabby cat? This is something that has never been seen before in the record.

The awakening of this spiritual system should be that it is not long before the promotion, and that it is impossible to control one's own abilities, which will lead to the realization of figuration. The size of the figurative body is related to the mental strength of the awakened. This floats above the imperial city, like a hill-sized phantom, enough to illustrate the power of this abilities.

The institutes began the shift observation mode. The animalization represents the development direction of human physical quality. However, the development direction of the brain domain has not been conclusive. In the near future, there have even been signs of heavy martial arts. After all, the combat power after the animalization is stronger than any high-tech hot weapon.

This mysterious power is a breakthrough in the development of the brain!

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